Baruch College Strategic Plan 2005-2010

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To: The Baruch College Community
From: Kathleen Waldron, President
Date: March 24, 2005
Re: Baruch College Strategic Plan 2005-2010

With the successful completion of the AACSB reaccreditation in February 2005 and significant progress underway on the five-year Middles States report due in June 1, 2005, it is time to begin a College strategic planning process that will set the vision for the next five years and beyond. It is my hope that the process we set in place will be inclusive, participatory, and widely discussed by all members of the College community so that the strategic plan document, when finalized, will be embraced by faculty, students, staff and alumni. The Strategic Plan must encompass our mission, our vision for the future, and be a realistic document that will align the resources of the College to the goals we wish to accomplish.

Baruch College has a mixed history of college-wide strategic planning as a collaborative effort tied to long-term resource allocation. In 1997, the five year 1998-2003 Plan was developed by several key administrators and is still of great relevance today. However, it was not widely understood, endorsed, or evaluated during the period covered. Another effort took place in 2003 which included eight task forces. The work submitted by seven of the eight task forces is useful, with recommendations on student aid, academic scheduling, productivity, tuition and fees, achieving senior college funding parity, entrepreneurial activities and Baruch’s impact on the economy of New York City and State. The 2003 effort, however, did not result in a plan and the process ended. At this time, Baruch College operates under the 1998-2003 Plan supplemented by the CUNY Master Plan 2004-2008. Consult and Also consult the annual CUNY Management Process for annual CUNY goals. See Appendix.

Despite the lack of comprehensive strategic planning, over the past ten years the College has moved in very specific directions to transform itself into a dynamic institution of higher education with new faculty, better students, robust academic programs, an increasing endowment, and engaged alumni. Much of the success of the College is due to the consistency of its mission over decades, the dedication of its faculty to that mission and the generosity of its alumni who enabled the College to strengthen its business program with the declared goal of becoming one of the top business schools in the country.

The need to develop a cohesive long-term College-wide plan that emanates from an inclusive and transparent process is identified by many constituents as the next step in moving the College forward. In fall 2004, the College’s leadership team concluded a SWOT (strengths/weaknesses/opportunities/threats) analysis of the institution and cited strategic planning as a priority. This conclusion echoes the concern expressed in the 2000 Middle States Report and repeatedly expressed by the faculty, staff and alumni. The next stage of planning will benefit from this sense of urgency and the previous work already completed. In addition, strategic plans exist for the School of Public Affairs, the Zicklin School of Business, the Library, the Office of Advancement, some academic departments and other units on campus. These can form a basis for our next strategic planning steps although some plans were developed without overall coordination and endorsement at the College level.

The consistency of its mission is a primary strength of Baruch College Throughout previous reviews, the primary mission was reaffirmed each time it was evaluated. Adopted by the faculty in the 1990s, the mission statement is:

Baruch College has a dual emphasis on undergraduate and graduate education. Baruch is distinguished in undergraduate education by a focus on professional educational degree programs integrated with the arts and sciences and by admissions standards which enroll students with the demonstrated ability and motivation to work diligently toward their academic goals. Baruch’s graduate programs are designed in accordance with national standards for selective, nationally ranked graduate education. Baruch is noteworthy for its commitment to teaching and to research, for its emphasis on communication skills, for its support for lifelong learning, and for its alertness to opportunities to match the College’s activities with the needs of its constituencies.

Specifically, Baruch emphasizes its commitment to a professional education in the business and public affairs disciplines and the necessity of a broad base in the arts and sciences to sustain that commitment. Emphasis is placed on the importance of graduate programs, which account for an increasing proportion of College enrollments, as well as on the faculty research that will sustain and attract students to those programs. Baruch envisions continuing efforts to ensure excellence in its extant programs while projecting expansion in graduate education and faculty research to extend excellence.
The College’s reputation has been built on the high quality of its professional programs in the business and public affairs disciplines. These programs integrate a career-oriented curriculum with the arts and sciences, which are universally recognized both as a source of academic enrichment and as an integral part of a university-based professional education.
Housing the only Business and Public Affairs schools in the City University, Baruch emphasizes offerings at the baccalaureate, masters, and doctoral levels in business and public affairs disciplines. The baccalaureate programs of these schools blend technical career preparation with the development of the intellect and the cultivation of aesthetic and ethical values. The Arts and Sciences school offers an array of traditional majors in the arts, humanities, natural and social sciences, and also provides a selection of programs that reflect Baruch’s linkage of professional education with the arts and sciences.
Baruch’s supportive alumni credit the College with transforming their professional and personal lives; the College is confident that its programs, which derive from its unique mission, will assume increasing importance in meeting the expectations which the public holds for its educational institutions.
Baruch is a selective institution with a challenging curriculum consistent with its standards for admission, retention, and graduation. Its undergraduate programs, beginning in the freshman year, are designed for students whose background and motivation have prepared them for rigorous college-level work. Baruch’s graduate programs are designed in accordance with national standards for selective, nationally ranked graduate education.
Baruch’s faculty is expected to balance their contributions to teaching and research. Appropriate performance in teaching includes not only the effective delivery of the curriculum, but an assessment of the curriculum measured against national standards and attention to the student-faculty relationships essential for a good teaching and learning environment. The expectations for research include the creation and dissemination of knowledge through leading scholarly publications, creative work in the fine and performing arts, participation in scholarly conferences, and involvement in the formulation of public practice and policy. The scholarly role of faculty also supports Baruch’s emphasis on doctoral and master’s programs suitable for maintaining a desirable proportion of graduate students in the total student body.
Baruch remains dedicated to its historical role as a catalyst for social, cultural, and financial mobility of a diverse student body, reflective of the demographic patterns of New York City. As a public urban college committed to the educational needs of New York City, Baruch strives to use this diversity to build an educational imperative that recognizes the increasingly multicultural nature of human enterprises. The rich variety of its community is a positive influence on the achievement of the College’s goals.
Baruch’s emphasis on business and public policy is a significant force for community and economic development. In addition to the relationship of its degree programs to the workforce, courses in continuing studies and a variety of workshops and seminars provide opportunities for community members who want to advance their career opportunities. The College also serves as an important source of consultation for businesses, non-profit organizations, and governmental entities, and it retains close connections with its alumni, who are an increasing source of support and advocacy for Baruch’s objectives.

The strategic plan is guided by our expectation that Baruch College will achieve national prominence as an institution of business and professional education while dedicated to The City University of New York’s goals of excellence and access. Baruch College will continue to be one of the most diverse educational institutions in the country with a commitment to global understanding. Over the next five years, we will build a unique model for professional higher education that insures a transformation in the lives of our students and contributes to the well being of our city, our community and the world.

To realize our vision, the strategic plan will include five major goals for the College.

  1. Baruch College will become a nationally ranked urban public college.

  1. Baruch College will offer outstanding academic programs taught by a distinguished faculty with selected programs nationally recognized for excellence.

  1. Baruch College will enhance the quality of the college experience for all its students.

  1. Baruch College will increase its visibility and recognition in New York City and beyond.

  1. Baruch College will increase its endowment, resources and alumni support.

The vision, as expressed in these five goals, will provide the foundation for the Strategic Plan 2005-2010 which will guide the College over the next five years. Specifically, the goals will include:

GOAL ONE: Baruch College will become a nationally ranked urban public college.

  • We will select recognized measures of success that encompass the entire College.

  • We will maintain high admissions standards.

  • We will graduate students at rates that exceed national norms.

  • We will implement learning outcomes assessment to improve academic quality.

  • We will achieve superior post-graduate outcomes.

GOAL TWO: Baruch College will offer outstanding academic programs taught by a distinguished faculty with selected programs nationally recognized for excellence.

  • Teaching excellence will be valued and assessed through multiple measures, including student evaluations of faculty and courses, peer reviews and teaching portfolios.

  • Faculty scholarship will be valued, supported and measured by standards developed by faculty and professional organizations.

  • Faculty will gain prominence in their field and be recognized as experts

through citations of their publications, appearances at public and professional forums, and be sought by opinion makers for their views.

  • Faculty will review, evaluate and offer curricula that are integrated, address student needs, and incorporate current scholarship.

  • Student learning will be the focus of assessment and planning.

GOAL THREE: Baruch College will enhance the quality of the college experience for all its students.

  • We will engage all members of the Baruch community to add value to the student experience.

  • We will develop, implement and assess models of excellence in critical student services to support our student population.

  • We will improve our ratings in the National Survey of Student Engagement.

  • We will improve our ratings in national surveys such as the EBI Student Undergraduate and Graduate Satisfaction Surveys.

GOAL FOUR: Baruch College will increase its visibility and recognition in New York City and beyond.

  • We will be a leading forum for national and regional public policy debates on issues related to business and civic leadership.

  • We will partner with corporations, not for profit organizations and government entities to make New York City a better place to live.

  • We will be a college of choice for international students studying in the United States.

GOAL FIVE: Baruch College will increase its endowment, resources and alumni support.

  • Our endowment will grow substantially in the next five years.

  • The percent of our alumni contributing to the College will be among the top of urban, public institutions.

  • The College will seek additional resources to support its activities.

  • The College will actively manage itself to enhance revenue and control costs.

A strategic plan for Baruch College must include priorities set by The City University of New York as stated in the University’s Master Plan 2004-2008. It must also take into account the performance goals established by the Chancellor for each college in The City University of New York system. It must respond to its various constituencies – students, faculty, staff, alumni, the community and the public which expect a publicly funded institution to educate people for a productive and meaningful life in the twenty-first century.
The process of strategic planning should be inclusive, deliberative and engage as wide an audience as possible while underway. It is proposed that the Campus undertake its 2005-2010 planning beginning in spring 2005 concurrent with its Middle States report. A Strategic Planning Council will be created and have ultimate responsibility for creating the strategic plan. An outside consultant and the necessary support staff will be hired to guide the process and write the final document. A retreat over the summer of 2005 with the Strategic Planning Council will take place to review progress and make recommendations.
Task forces around each goal and some of the subparts will be formed from various campus constituencies and begin their deliberations in 2005 to issue preliminary position papers by early fall 2005 to the Council. Based upon these position papers and other input, a first draft of the plan will be created and circulated widely to the Baruch College community in November. It will be available on the web and a site will be created for online discussion of the draft. The community will include students, faculty, staff, alumni, and CUNY administrators. Several town hall meetings will take place. Comments will be solicited and, where appropriate, incorporated into the final document. The final plan will then be issued to the Baruch College community. Annually, the College will produce a Strategic Action Plan and review results against the Strategic Plan 2005-2010.


Task Force One – A Nationally Ranked Institution – to be created.

Task Force Two –The Academic Programs – The Joint Committee on Research and the Joint Committee on Curriculum and Articulation, permanent College Committees. The membership already exists. See Appendix.
Task Force Three – The newly created Student Life Committee, a permanent College Committee. The membership and the charge to the Committee already exist. See Appendix.
Task Force Four – The College Visibility Task Force – to be created.
Task Force Five – The newly created Finance Committee and the Productivity Committee, two permanent College Committees. The membership and the charges to the Committees already exist. See Appendix.
Task Force Six – The newly created Facilities Committee, a permanent College Committee. The membership and the charge to the Committee already exist. See Appendix.
Task Force Seven – The newly created Human Resources Committee, a permanent College Committee. The membership and the charge to the Committee already exist. See Appendix.

Implementation of any strategic plan is the responsibility of all members of the Campus community but especially of the leaders of the Campus. Ultimately, the President and the Campus leadership are responsible for implementation of the Plan. It will be their responsibility to measure outcomes of the strategic plan recommendations and to report annually to the Campus community on the progress of the College.
Many individuals already are hard at work and I thank them for their efforts. Others will be called upon to contribute a great deal of work in the coming months and I thank them in advance of their efforts. I look forward to working with all of you to plan the future of Baruch College.


Strategic Planning Council

Kathleen Waldron – President, Chair

Stan Altman, Dean of the School of Public Affairs

Paula Berggren, Professor of English

Myrna Chase, Dean of the Weissman School of Arts and Sciences

David Dannenbring, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

John Dugan, Dean of Faculty & Staff Relations, Counsel to the President:

John Elliott, Vice President and Dean of the Zicklin School of Business

David Gallagher, Vice President for College Advancement

Robert Specter, Vice President for Administration and Finance

Mary Gorman, Executive Director to the President

Samuel Johnson, Vice President for Student Development and Dean of Students

Terrence Martell, Chair of the Faculty Senate

Al Puryear, Professor of Management

Lynne Weikart, Professor of Public Affairs

Larry Zicklin, Chairman, Baruch College Fund

Undergraduate Student, TBD

Graduate Student, TBD

Baruch College Committee Members- as of March 17, 2005

Finance Advisory Committee:

Toby Winer, Assistant Vice President for Planning and Budget, co-chair

Robert Myers, faculty, Communication Studies, co-chair
Anthony Battle, Undergraduate Student

Rob Ducoffe, Zicklin School, Associate Dean, Graduate Academic Affairs

Mary Finnen, Finance and Administration, Assistant Vice President for Finance

Andreas Grein, faculty, Marketing

Warren Gordon, faculty, Mathematics

Sanders Korenman, faculty, Public Affairs

Erika Meyers, Graduate Student

Sahar Sadeghian, Undergraduate Student

Lynne Weikart, faculty, Public Affairs

Ben Rohdin, Weissman, Dean’s Office, Director of Administrative and Financial Services

Facilities Committee:

David Birdsell, faculty, Public Affairs, Executive Director of Academic Programs,co-chair

Frank Antonucci, Director of Administrative Services, Campus Facilities and Operations, co-chair
Carl Aylman, Student Life, Associate Dean of Student Life

Al Croker, faculty, Statistics/CIS, Faculty Senate

Chrystal Gayle, Undergraduate Student

Emil Gernert, faculty, Natural Science

Keely Ifill, Undergraduate Student

Brian Kell, College Advancement, Executive Director of Government and Community Relations

Bill McClellan, faculty, English

Izhar Sharon, Graduate Student

Eugene Sherman, faculty, Economics/Finance, Faculty Senate

Barbara Sirois, Coordinator of Services for Students with Disabilities

Frank Werber,BCTC, Assistant Director of Baruch Computing and Technology Center
Student Affairs Committee:

Phyllis Zadra, Zicklin School, Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs, co-chair

Glenn Albright, faculty, Psychology, co-chair
Keston Barrow, Undergraduate Student

Wayne Finke, faculty, Modern Languages, Faculty Senate

Robert Freedman, faculty, Dean’s Office, Zicklin School, Faculty Senate

Diane Gibson, faculty, Public Affairs

Shahzad Hashmi, Graduate Student

Gary Hentzi, Weissman School, Associate Dean

Anthony Hernandez, Undergraduate Student

Carl Kirschner, Student Development, Director, Student Support Services

Trudy Milburn, faculty, Communication Studies, Faculty Senate

Penny Terry, Associate Director of Undergraduate Admissions

Sharon Ricks, Director, Academic Advisement and Orientation Center

Productivity Committee:

Bill Ferns, faculty, Statistics/CIS, Faculty Senate, co-chair

Arthur Downing, Library, Assistant Vice President for Information Technology co-chair
Sandra Nieves, Finance and Administration, Office Assistant

Christine Cruz, Undergraduate Student

John McGarraghy, faculty, Public Affairs

Sandra Mullings, faculty, Law

David Potash, Academic Affairs, Associate Provost, Teaching/Learning Environment

Jim Russell, BCTC, Director of Instructional Technology

Nazia Sadaphal, Undergraduate Student

Jorge Sanchez, Budget Office, Budget Analyst

Ashok Vora, faculty, Economics/Finance, Faculty Senate

Cynthia Whittaker, faculty, History, Faculty Senate

Kirsten Wredstrom, Graduate Student

Human Resources Committee:

Sharon Chambliss-Alvarez, Director of Human Resources, co-chair

Valerie Watnick, faculty, Law, Faculty Senate, co-chair

Diane DiMartino, faculty, Law, Faculty Senate

Harold Goldstein, faculty, Psychology

Pat Imbimbo, Director of Career Development

Ana Kouziridze, Undergraduate Student

Allan Kraut, faculty, Management

Karen Lyness, faculty, Psychology

David McLawrence, Graduate Student

Kelly Moody, College Advancement, Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations

Brian Philip, Undergraduate Student

Niamah Smith, College Advancement, Director of CIS

Ryan Allen Smith, faculty, Public Affairs


Finance Advisory Committee

Baruch College Fall 2004

The Finance Advisory Committee will guide Baruch College’s leaders in the development of resource allocation, fiscal policy and budgetary decision-making for the College. The Committee shall make fiscal policy and budget allocation recommendations aligned with the College’s mission and strategic plan.

The Committee is charged with:

  • Understanding Baruch’s revenues and expenditures in every source of funding available to the College.

  • Developing operating and capital budget policies that promote effective use of resources while minimizing costs to the College.

  • Recommending resource allocations to align with strategic program priorities.

  • Evaluating and recommending new revenue enhancement strategies.

  • Recommending strategies for development and stewardship of purpose-specific reserves.

The Finance Advisory Committee will report to the President’s Cabinet, and is established as a standing, permanent committee. The Committee shall report to the Cabinet on its activities and recommendations at least twice each year.

Charge Adopted by the Cabinet 09/15/04

Facilities Committee

Baruch College Fall 2004
The Facilities Committee will guide Baruch College’s leaders in planning and decision making related to the physical campus.
The Committee is charged with:

  • Be responsible for developing an ongoing Master Facilities Plan that ensures that the long-term physical development of the campus proceeds in accordance with and furtherance of the College’s academic and instructional goals.

  • Ensure that relevant faculty and administrators are genuinely consulted in a timely manner on the design of new and modified facilities which their departments will use.

  • Ensure that new and modified facilities are constructed according to relevant health and safety-related building codes.

  • Explore methods of securing alternative funding sources for real estate and construction.

  • Develop short-term priorities for improving space utilization, the quality of academic space, and the quality of student space.

The Facilities Committee reports to the President’s Cabinet, and is established as a standing, permanent committee. The Committee shall report to the Cabinet on its activities and recommendations at least once each year.

Charge Adopted by the Cabinet 09/15/04

Human Resources Committee

Baruch College fall 2004
The Human Resources Committee will guide Baruch College’s leaders in policy planning and decision-making related to non-instructional employees. The Committee is charged with:

  • Developing recommendations for increasing and improving college-wide personnel development and succession planning efforts

  • Reviewing and recommending policies and practices related to the annual performance evaluation process for non-teaching instructional staff.

  • Developing recommendations for recognizing superior performance for college personnel.

  • Developing recommendations regarding keeping contact with retired faculty and staff.

  • Serving as an advisory board for the Human Resources function.

The Human Resources Committee reports to the President’s Cabinet, and is established as a standing, permanent committee. The Committee shall report to the Cabinet on its activities and recommendations at least once each year.

Charge Adopted by the Cabinet 11/17/04

Student Affairs Committee

Baruch College fall 2004
The Student Affairs Committee will guide Baruch College’s leaders on matters related to student service, satisfaction, and engagement on campus. The Committee is charged to:

  • Monitor the “student experience” and offer recommendations for improvement of programs and services for students

  • Establish project priorities and develop measurable outcomes.

  • Seek ways to improve customer service performance in all areas of the College, but in particular those with high-volume student transactional business, including, but not limited to, admissions, financial aid, registrar and the bursar.

  • Seek improved models of service delivery in key educational non-curricular areas, including, but not limited to, academic advising, career development and counseling.

  • Seek to enhance the number of students and the quality of the experience of students engaged in extra-curricular activities including student government, clubs and athletics.

The Student Affairs Committee is advisory to the President’s Cabinet, and will report to the Cabinet on its activities and recommendations at least twice each year. The Student Affairs Committee will be a permanent standing committee.

Charge Adopted by the Cabinet 09/15/04

Productivity Committee

Baruch College fall 2004
The Productivity Committee will advise Baruch College’s leaders on strategic goals and operational priorities with respect to increasing productivity in both academic and administrative settings. The Committee is charged to:

  • Benchmark productivity of different operating units on campus

  • Recommend new or improved technological services that will enhance productivity of various units.

  • Prioritize projects that will improve the student experience

  • Develop a continuous service improvement environment on campus through recommendation of specific initiatives

  • Recommend productivity gains that will realign College funding from administrative to academic units

The Productivity Committee is advisory to the President’s Cabinet, and will report to the Cabinet on its activities and recommendations at least once each year. It is established as a permanent standing committee.

Charge Adopted by the Cabinet 09/15/04

Joint Curriculum and Articulation Committee

This committee shall consider curriculum and matters of articulation that are college-wide in nature. It shall make recommendations to the Faculties of the several Schools as may be appropriate. Ten voting members: 2 faculty from each school, 3 undergraduate students, 1 graduate student. The Provost or designee, Registrar or designee, Chief Librarian or designee, and School Deans or designees serve ex officio with voice but without vote.

David Potash, Associate Provost, Chair

Nancy Aries, faculty, SPA

Jerry Bornstein, faculty, Library

John Choonoo, Director of Institutional Research

Seth Lipner, faculty, Law

Tansen Sen, faculty, History

Phyllis Bagley, Registrar

Mark Spergel, Coordinator of Freshman Year Programs

Dean or designee of the School of Public Affairs

Dean or Associate Dean of the Weismann School

Dean or Associate Dean of the Zicklin School of Business

Provost or Associate Provost

Joint Committee on Research

This Committee is charged with supporting Faculty research. It shall serve as advisory to the Grants Officer and other administrative officers of the College; it will articulate Faculty concerns regarding College-wide policy on research. It shall consist of members of Faculty rank or status selected by the Faculties of the College in the following manner: a) two members elected by the School faculty in those Schools with more than 150 full time-equivalent-faculty members; b) one member elected by the School Faculty in those Schools with fewer than 150 full-time-equivalent faculty members; c) two members at-large elected by the General Faculty; and, d) ex officio, the Grants Officer of the College.

Carroll Seron, faculty SPA, Chairperson

Alan Evelyn, Grants Officer

Ramona Heck, faculty, Management

David Rosenberg, faculty Law

Eva Chou, faculty, English

Tansen Sen, faculty, History

Turan Bali, faculty, Economics & Finance

Ajay Das, faculty, Management

CUNY University Performance Goals and Targets

2005-2006 Academic Year



2005-2006 University Targets

Raise Academic

  1. Promote CUNY flagship programs

and strengthen premier campus

programs while ensuring that every

college offers a sound general

education program.

  • Summary of key hires in flagship/premier areas

  • Recognition/validation from external sources

  • Research award and faculty publication summary

  • Documented efforts to move flagship/premier

college programs to the next level

  • Implementation of approved CUE plan; appointment of senior administrator to oversee CUE; integration of WAC into Gen Ed and all academic disciplines

  • Outstanding faculty will be recruited to flagship/premier programs.

  • CUNY’s most prominent programs will draw greater recognition.

  • Faculty research awards/scholarship will increase from 2004-2005 levels.

  • New resources will be shifted into flagship/premier programs.

  • All colleges will implement their approved Coordinated Undergraduate Education (CUE) plan and improve integration of Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) throughout Gen Ed and all academic disciplines.

  1. Use program reviews and assessment

outcome efforts to enhance and

update programs, pedagogy and use

of technology to improve instruction.

  • Academic program review and follow-up reports filed by the colleges

  • Accreditations, licensures, certifications

  • Evidence of progress on college outcomes plan

  • Student experience survey; college investments to enhance technology; # Blackboard courses offered

  • Show & pass rates on CUNY proficiency exam

  • Colleges will conduct external program reviews and implement resulting action plans, and review and update non-credit courses and programs.

  • More CUNY professional programs will be certified/accredited.

  • All colleges will show progress in implementing learning outcomes plans.

  • Use of technology to enhance instruction and student access to computer technology will increase.

  • Show & pass rates on the proficiency exam will rise CUNY-wide.

  1. Increase instruction by full-time


  • Change in full-time teaching faculty 7/1/04-6/30/05

  • % of instructional hours taught by FT faculty

  • Evidence of efforts to diversify faculty & staff

  • Instruction by full-time faculty will increase incrementally, commensurate with financial ability.

  • Efforts to recruit under-represented groups to the faculty and staff will be made.

Student Success

  1. Increase retention and graduation rates

  • Fall to fall retention rates.

  • Six-year AA, AS, BA, BS graduation rates;

four-year MA, MS & certificate graduation rates

  • Retention rates will increase by an average of 2 percentage points.

  • Graduation rates will rise by an average of 2 percentage points in baccalaureate/masters programs and 1 point in associate programs.

5. Improve post-graduate outcomes

  • Pass rates on licensure/certification exams

  • VTEA job placement rates

  • All teacher education, nursing and accounting programs will improve performance on certification/licensing exams; pass rates on the new content specialty exam for teachers will average 90%.

  • VTEA job placement rates will continue at high levels or rise.

6. Improve college readiness

  • Senior colleges: % of USIP students who pass skills tests or enter Prelude; % of SEEK students who pass skills tests in one year; % of ESL students who pass skills test in two.

  • Associate colleges: Enrollment in USIP as % of need; % of USIP students who progress a level; pass rates on skills tests following remediation.

  • # of College Now course/workshop participants;

course completion and pass rates; retention of students when they enter CUNY; implementation of College Now strategic plan

  • Colleges will draw upon degree and non-degree resources to improve performance on skills tests. Senior colleges will improve the % of USIP students who pass basic skills tests or enter Prelude, and improve the % of SEEK/ESL students who pass skills tests in the allowed time.

  • Associate colleges will increase the % of non-exempt freshmen in immersion, the % of immersion students who progress a level, and pass rates on skills tests at the end of remediation/ESL sequences.

  • Colleges will meet College Now enrollment targets and 75 % of participants will complete courses/workshops with an A, B or C or P. C.N. alumni at CUNY will be retained at a higher rate than non-alumni, and all C.N. programs will implement their strategic plans.

7. Improve quality of student support


  • Student experience survey results on satisfaction with academic and student support services

  • Student satisfaction with academic support services and student services will rise at all colleges.

Enhance Financial




8. Meet enrollment goals and facilitate

movement of eligible students from

associate to baccalaureate programs

  • Enrollment in degree and non-degree programs; SATs/CAAs

  • Demonstrated progress in implementing Degree Works, evaluating courses for TIPPS, establishing/ implementing articulation agreements, and completing transfer evaluations in one semester.

  • Evidence that CUNY-wide teacher education articulation agreement is being honored

  • Colleges will meet targets for degree credit and adult and continuing ed enrollment; mean SATs/CAAs of baccalaureate entrants will rise.

  • All colleges will show progress toward completing TIPPS equivalencies, establishing/implementing intra-CUNY articulation agreements, implementing Degree Works by Dec. 31, 2006, and speeding evaluation of transfer transcripts.

  • All colleges will implement the CUNY AA/AS to BA/BS articulation program in teacher education.

9. Increase revenues from external


  • Alumni/corporate fundraising (CAE-VSE report)

  • Contract and grant awards (RF Report)

  • Indirect cost recovery as ratio of overall grant/contract activity

  • Adult and Continuing Education revenues

  • Alumni-corporate fundraising will increase 10% CUNY-wide.

  • Contract/grant awards will rise 10% CUNY-wide.

  • Indirect cost recovery ratios will improve CUNY-wide.

  • Each college will meet agreed upon revenue targets for adult and continuing education.

  1. Improve productivity, service to students, and environmental health and safety.

  • Productivity targets

  • Surveys of student and faculty satisfaction with administrative services

  • Percent of budget spent on administrative services

  • Evidence of a financial plan and balanced budget

  • Percentage of instruction delivered on Fridays, nights and weekends

  • Evidence of a dedicated environmental officer

  • Evidence of a tracking system designed to ensure continuous environmental health/safety compliance

  • Each college will achieve its productivity savings target and apply those funds to student instruction-related activities.

  • Student satisfaction with administrative services will rise or remain constant at all CUNY colleges.

  • Every college will lower or hold constant the percentage of its tax-levy budget spent on administrative services.

  • All colleges will have & implement financial plans with balanced budgets.

  • The % of instruction delivered on Fridays, nights and weekends will rise CUNY-wide, to better serve students and make fuller use of facilities.

  • All colleges will have a dedicated environmental health & safety officer.

  • All colleges will establish an environmental health and safety tracking system to ensure continuous compliance.

End of Appendix


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