Benefits and drawbacks of Microservices architecture when compared with multiple Monolithic application
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Final PPT Microservices (2) The benefits and drawbacks of a microservices architecture when compared with multiple monolithic applications Table of Content Monolithic architecture. Examples of monolithic applications. Case study example of Monolithic application. Microservices architecture. Benefits and drawbacks of Microservices applications compared to Monolithic applications. Benefits and challenges of Microservices. Comparison of Monolithic Vs Microservices and Conclusion. Monolithic Architecture Monolithic architecture is the standard way of developing applications with all components like UI , BAL and DAL, are part of single application. For example, an online shop application can have many components like user-authentication, product-catalog , shopping-cart, payment etc. Examples of Monolithic Applications Microsoft Word (MS-Word) MS-DOS (Microsoft disk operating system) Instagram Facebook All these applications works on monolithic architecture. CRMS (Customer Relationship Management System) was my last project in my previous organization. CRM was designed and developed on the principles of monolithic architecture. It was designed and developed for Fitness, Slimming & Beauty company (Horizon Fitness LLc, Oman). It contains many modules like User , Members, Products, Locations, Memberships , Services, Notifications etc. All these components we wrote in a single codebase, MVC designed format , and has one dependency Challenges faced: Scaling the app, updating new product rules and promotions , Rebuilt and redeployment, server downtime. Microservices Architecture Microservices are small , independent, and loosely coupled services. Each service is a separate codebase, which can be managed by a small development team. Services can be deployed independently. A team can update an existing service without rebuilding and redeploying the entire application. Services communicate with each other by using well-defined APIs. Internal implementation of services are hidden from other services. Supports polyglot programming. For eg., services don’t need to share the same technology stack , libraries, or frameworks. Management/Orchestration API Gateways Share with your friends:
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