Bidding Procedure

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USA Badminton

Bidding Procedure

Organizations interested in bidding for USA Badminton national-level championships must submit a formal bid package to USA Badminton. This package must include:

1. Bid Application

2. Names and address of those individuals responsible for submitting the bid

3. A description of the sponsor

4. A proposal detailing the plan of the sponsor, i.e. room and board requirements, sponsorship ideas, volunteer and community support, etc.

5. A detailed description of the proposed venue

6. Information on headquarters, hotel, airline service, local transportation, attractions and other facts.

7. Email package preferred. If mailing the bid package, 8 copies are required.

The bid package should be submitted to:
USA Badminton National Events

1 Olympic Plaza

Colorado Springs, CO 80909

Attn: Peggy Savosik, Programs & Financial Services

(719) 866-4808, ext. 1


Bid Fees

Organizations that are bidding for national level events will be required to submit the bid fee as part of the bid application and by the application deadline. Incomplete bids (those lacking appropriate information or bid fees) will be notified, and will not be considered. A decision will be made within 30 days after the entry deadline and fees will be returned in full, within 60 days, if the bid is not accepted. If you are interested in bidding and the bid fee is a concern, some resources to consider are: sports commissions, convention and visitor’s bureaus, chamber of commerce, and hotels in the area "assisting with the bid".

National Badminton Tournaments & Approximate Date Held

U.S. Adult Nationals April* $1,500 $ 10,000

U.S. Senior National Championships March* $1,500 $ 10,000

U.S Junior National Championships July* $1,500 $ 15,000

National Collegiate Championships April* N/A No Bid Fee/

Sanction Require

Event Description
U.S. Adult Nationals*: This event is held in April with 80-125 participants. Events include men's and women's singles, men's and women's doubles, mixed doubles with consolation rounds in all events. This event was held in Orange, California at Orange County Badminton Club for four years previous to 2004. In 2004, Shreveport hosted the Adult Nationals and returned to Orange County Badminton Club in 2005, 2006 and 2007.

BID DEADLINE FOR 2009: February 29, 2008

BID DEADLINE FOR 2010: February 27, 2009
U.S. Senior Nationals*: This event is held in March with 150-200 participants. Age divisions begin at age 35, and increase in five-year increments. There is a national rotation on this event and our goal is to build this event to at least 200+ participants. The event has been held in Shreveport, Louisiana, Spokane, Washington, Washington D.C. at Georgetown University, and San Diego at Balboa Park. The Senior Nationals were hosted in Manhattan Beach, California in 2005 and Westborough, Massachusetts in 2006 and were held in Manhattan Beach, California in 2007.

BID DEADLINE FOR 2009: January 31, 2008

BID DEADLINE FOR 2010: January 30, 2009
U.S. Junior Nationals*: This event is held in July with 200+ participants. Events include 9 and under, 11 and under, 13 and under, 15 and under, 17 and under, 19 and under, 22 and under in boy's and girl's singles, boy's and girl's doubles, mixed doubles. The event was held in Orange, California at the Orange County Badminton Club for four years, in Marblehead, Massachusetts in 2004, Spokane, Washington in 2005, and returned to the Orange County Badminton Club in 2006 and 2007.

BID DEADLINE FOR 2009: May 30, 2008

BID DEADLINE FOR 2010: May 29, 2009

National Collegiate Championship*: This event is usually held in March. In 2001 it was held at Albright College in Reading, PA, in 2002 Eastern Illinois University, 2003 at the University of Southern California at San Diego, 2004 at Stanford University at Stanford, California, 2005 LaJolla, California, and in New Haven, Connecticut in 2006 and at UC Berkeley in 2007. (No bid fees are necessary to hold this event but a sanction fee to USAB is necessary to hold this event, however, the sanction fee applies.)

BID DEADLINE FOR 2009: April 30, 2008

BID DEADLINE FOR 2010: April 30, 2009

Criteria for Awarding the Bid:

Community and Volunteer Support (minimum of 20 volunteers needed)

Local Badminton Infrastructure and Support - tournament director must have run a

minimum of 35 badminton tournaments

Overall Plan and Budget

Funding and Sponsorship Plan

Airline and Hotel Costs


Quality of venue - what area is being used and how will the badminton venue be set up

Future Badminton Programs
The USA Badminton Board of Directors has voted to commence the use of rally scoring in all sanctioned tournaments effective January 1, 2007.

USA Badminton

National Event Bid Application

The following application is for the purpose of obtaining important information about possible sites for USA Badminton events. The information received in this packet will be used to evaluate the location on the suitability of hosting a USA Badminton international or national event. USA Badminton will only use this information in order to make these determinations.

* - 2009 USA Badminton event(s) interested in bidding on:
_______ U.S. Adult Nationals _______ U.S. Junior Nationals
_______ U.S. Senior Nationals _______ National Collegiate Championships
* - 2010 USA Badminton event(s) interested in bidding on:
_______ U.S. Adult Nationals _______ National Collegiate Championships
_______ U.S. Senior Nationals ________U.S. Junior Nationals

  • - In bidding on U.S. Adult Nationals, accommodations (i.e. transportation, lodging, and meals) for a minimum of (one (1) Referee and eight (8) Umpires) (two (2) per room) are the responsibility of the bidder.

  • - In bidding on U.S. Senior Nationals, accommodations (i.e. transportation, lodging, and meals) for a minimum of (one (1) Referee and three (3) Umpires) (two (2) per room) are the responsibility of the bidder.

  • - In bidding on U.S. Junior Nationals, accommodations (i.e. transportation, lodging, and meals) for a minimum of (one (1) Referee and ten (10) Umpires) (two (2) per room) are the responsibility of the bidder.

USA Badminton Bid Application

Main Sponsor’s Information
Name of Organization_____________________________________________________


Years the organization has been in existence___________________________________

How will the sponsor support the event (cash contributions, value in kind service and/or products, manpower etc.)?_________________________________________________

Please list the sponsor's experiences with running similar events:





Other Sponsors

Please list possible sponsors who have shown an interest in this event. Also, list sponsor’s preferred form of advertisement at the event (sign, banner, a-board, program ad, etc.)


Contact Name___________________________________________________________

Telephone_________________ Fax__________________ E-mail_________________

Form of Advertising______________________________________________________


Contact Name___________________________________________________________

Telephone_________________ Fax__________________ E-mail_________________

Form of Advertising______________________________________________________


Contact Name___________________________________________________________

Telephone_________________ Fax__________________ E-mail_________________

Form of Advertising______________________________________________________


Contact Name___________________________________________________________

Telephone_________________ Fax__________________ E-mail_________________

Form of Advertising______________________________________________________
Facility Information

Competition Venue Information (please submit exterior and interior photographs in addition to a facility diagram showing floor plans, height, seating, entrances/exits, adjacent rooms and areas etc.)

Name of Facility________________________________________________________

Address of facility____________________________________________

Telephone_________________ Fax______________ E-mail____________________

Square Footage____________________ Type of Floor_________________________

Any other court marking on floor space (Badminton, Basketball, Volleyball, etc.)


Is facility air-conditioned?________________ Can air-conditioner be turned off?______

Type of Lighting_______________________ Direct or Indirect (please circle)

Number of Foot-candles____________________________________________________

Height of Ceiling______________

Adjacent Facilities/Rooms/Specific Areas-check if available/indicate location and size
______ Restrooms-number: ____ men _____ women

______ Private Restrooms/Confidential room: Drug Testing

______ Meeting Rooms-number: ____

______ Locker Rooms - number: ____

______ Trainer/Medical Room Provide Specific Information______________________

______ Concession Area

______ Merchandise sales area

______ Hospitality room/Players' Lounge

______ Media Room/Broadcast Area

______ Parking available for cars/vans

______ Free parking

______ Locked Storage Rooms - number: ____ (for shuttles, equipment, trophies etc.)

______ VIP/Sponsor Room

______ Sponsor Sales/Display Area (See "Sponsorship" for fees)

______ On Court Water/Fluid for athletes (Sponsor Coolers)
Equipment - check if available and indicate type, location and proximity to venue, where appropriate

______ Computer with printer

______ Internet Access Available

______ Copy Machine

______ Typewriter

______ Fax Machine

______ Public Address System

______ Overhead Speakers - number: ____

Furniture - check if available

______ Bleacher accommodations, approximately how many seats_____________

______ Elevated Platforms (for medal ceremonies)

______ Tables and chairs (minimum of 15 tables and 60 chairs)

______ Portable Bulletin Boards
Staging - check if available

______ Pipe and Draping

______ Background Draping 12' high

______ Carpeting

______ Signage area-indicate size and area

Services / Clean-Up Crew / Security

______ Subject to Union Contracts?

If yes, which unions? ______________________________________________________

Hourly rates: Clean-Up Crew __________________ Security _____________________
Volunteers must be allowed to assemble and disassemble badminton courts and set up television cameras. Will this infringe on existing union contracts? ____ Yes ____ No

Accommodations: (please submit hotel brochure information and an area map showing venue location, hotels and nearby restaurants)
Headquarters Hotel Name__________________________________________________


Contact Name___________________________________________________________

Telephone_________________ Fax__________________ E-mail_________________

Hotel Capacity_________ Proposed rate(s)____________________________________

Are rates guaranteed_________ is master billing available (including restaurant)______

Check in/out times__________________Guest parking available Rates______________

Number of Restaurants __________ Types of Menus____________________________

Price Range_____________________ Hours of Operation_________________________

Are hours flexible? ______________ Room Service Hours ______________________

Registration Area ________________ Banner/Display Area In Lobby ______________

Hospitality Room_________________________________________________________

Fitness Center on Property ____Yes ____ No

Whirlpool/Sauna ____ Yes ____ No

Swimming Pool ____ Yes ____ No

Distance from Venue__________________ Distance from Airport_________________

Shuttle Service to/from Venue___________ Shuttle to/from Airport________________

Distance from Nearest Major Retail Center____________________________________

Cultural Activities (Areas of Interest)

Please list activities or sightseeing, which would be of interest during the event:




Display Sales / Official Representatives

Any and all manufacturer / representative of equipment / clothing /stringing display must be approved by USA Badminton.








This application was prepared by:


Address ______________________________________________________________

Telephone Number______________________________________________________

E-mail ___________________________ Fax_________________________

Venue Requirements

Competition Area

A gymnasium/convention center with a seating capacity of up to 2,500 is preferred. It is highly recommended for the proposed venue to have at least 150-foot candles of light on the participation surface. This is the minimum requirement for television broadcast. If portable badminton courts are to be laid out on existing gym surfaces, the surface -wood, synthetics, etc.- must have a degree of "springiness." This cushioning is essential. Unyielding surfaces such as concrete can result in a number of ailments.
Depending on the event, anywhere from eight (8) courts (U.S. Open) to eighteen (18) courts (U.S. Junior Nationals) could be needed. The typical layout for four (4) badminton courts is a total of 120' x 60'. (Full court size = 20' x 44") At least six (6) feet of space is required between courts providing ample space for line judges, umpire & referee chairs, scoreboards, etc. One umpire chair per court is recommended. The facility should have a minimum unobstructed height clearance of thirty (30) feet.
Background light should be eliminated. Any source of lighting behind the ends of the courts, such as a doorway, a window or a light fixture, can interfere with the tracking of a shuttle in flight. Windows should be fitted with dark colored shutters or curtains.
Walls should be dark colored and ideally having a texture surface. This will minimize reflection from the wall or any light.

Media Workroom

Room with workspace for up to six (6) working media and a USA Badminton Media individual. Necessary equipment should include: a telephone with a dedicated line, a fax machine with a dedicated line and a modem line. The room should also have at least one (1) eight-foot table plus twenty (20) chairs and podium for press conferences.

Hospitality Room and Player’s Lounge

Room should be set up with soft drinks, snack foods, sandwiches, etc., for the local organizing committee and USA Badminton sponsors, staff, and media, VIPs etc. The room should be staffed.

Training Room

Players' Only area staffed from one hour before competition until after last match. Available for taping, rubdowns, on site medical care as needed.
Concession Area

A concession area should be close to, but not part of the playing area.

Organizational and Cost Responsibilities

Sponsoring Entity
The sponsor shall be responsible for the following with regard to the venue (some items are negotiable):
1. Venue- space near courts for tournament desk, check in desk, scorer's table, scoreboards, Public Address system, seating, CD/cassette wired into PA. Court, lighting, other needs listed elsewhere in this packet.
2. Technical Supervision- Fund one (1) pre-competition visit for up to two (2) USA Badminton Tournament Committee members. Site surveys are required prior to approval of each bid. A per diem of $30-$60 per day is recommended for umpires and referees. 4-8 umpires are recommended along with a local umpire coordinator. Accommodations should be provided for all referees and umpires. A minimum of 12-24 line judges will be needed.
3. Local Transportation- provides complimentary shuttles from airport to headquarters hotel(s) and from hotel(s) to venue. Shuttles must begin two (2) hours prior to competition each day and run on a regular (hourly) schedule up through two (2) hours after competition each day.
4. Complimentary Tickets- provide USA Badminton with 50 tickets for each session and extra tickets at one-half (1/2) price.
5. Closing Banquet- recommend a closing banquet at rates to be determined and agreed to by USAB. Care should be taken with regard to specific awards, honored guests, list of speakers, etc.
6. Welcome Kit- for athletes and officials including a copy of the souvenir program and gifts/coupons from event sponsors, local Chamber of Commerce, etc. The USA Badminton National Office should be consulted for specific formats of welcoming letters, awards, national advertisers, event schedule, etc.
7. Credentials- must be able to credential people associated with the event. The credential should be laminated and distributed with a device to be worn around the neck.
8. Communications Equipment- provides at least four (4) hand-held radios for match control, tournament director, transportation chair, and first aid to remain in contact.
9. Volunteer Support- expect to need twenty (20) to forty (40) volunteers for the following areas: control desk runners, messengers, registration assistants, hospitality, ticket takers, ushers, players' lounge, first aid, athletic trainers, medical support, etc.
10. Hospitality- have food and beverages in hospitality room and player's lounge, located adjacent to courts.
11. Promotion- coordinate with USA Badminton for local promotion of the event (information distribution, press conferences, etc.).
12. Event Logo- USA Badminton must approve event logos and advertising.
13. Awards- provides awards for the top three finishers in each division. All awards must include the USA Badminton logo and be approved by USA Badminton.
14. Trophies—Need to coordinate shipping (at tournament expense) and display. Insure trophies are packed properly and returned to USA Badminton. Tournament will be billed for any damage to trophies resulting from poor security and/or packing.
(Adult Nationals) Provide Ken Davidson Memorial replica trophy to winner.

(Junior Nationals) Provide Ken Davidson Memorial replica trophy to winner.

(Senior Nationals) Provide Ray Scott Memorial replica trophy to winner.
15. Athlete Registration- provide for athlete registration at the official opening of the tournament.
16. Signage- has printed signs in various locations specifying areas such as: players lounge, medical center, changing rooms, restrooms, registration, transportation/shuttles and help desk. Location signs should be placed strategically throughout the venue, hotel lobby area and pick-up areas.
17. Tickets- provide tickets designed in cooperation with USA Badminton
18. Volunteer Support - expect to need 12-24 volunteers for line judge duties. A coordinator will be necessary to work with the referee on training and assignments to various badminton courts.
Describe any unique facility designs or facility management styles. In the world of competitive badminton there are several surprising necessities that are placed on a venue before competition. For proper visibility of the shuttle, it is recommended that there are at least 150-foot candles of light on the floor. This is also the minimum allowed for television broadcasts. Background light from doors and windows should be eliminated to the extent possible. Curtains or some kind of screening is acceptable. It is difficult to track the shuttlecock through the air, then to fight an outside light source. On the same level, the walls of the facility should have a dark color and have a slightly textured surface that will minimize the reflection from walls and lights. Unfortunately, in the US, most tournaments are held in high school and community gyms, which mostly have a light background.
If the courts are to be placed on a basketball court or other surface, it is best to make sure that the surface has some spring to it. The forgiving surface is needed to reduce the wear and tear on the athletes themselves. Due to the quick turns and stops a basketball floor will do in a pinch, but a rolled out synthetic surface is the best way to go for a professional feel. Finally, the ventilation system plays a huge role in badminton. Any type of air movement disturbs the flight of the shuttle quite a bit. To combat this there are several steps that you could take. First, the air conditioning system could be shut off, but since most badminton is played in California and Florida in the US, this isn’t really a viable option. The second is the explanation from “Guidelines for Indoor Badminton Facilities”:

Because the flight of a badminton shuttle is affected by even the slightest air current, ventilation presents quite a challenge. Air conditioning and forced air ventilation are out of the question while the games are in progress. Louvered wall vents would provide a degree of ventilation but would be insufficient during intense periods of usage, such as a tournament. Thus, the building should be equipped with strategically located blowers and vents, which would quickly circulate fresh air during short breaks in the action. This system, designed by a professional ventilation engineer, would be able to completely replace the air in the hall in 15-20 minutes.”

These are the major concerns for a facility dealing with badminton.
* - In addition, please review sanction package at end of bid booklet for additional requirements and specifics to be provided by bidder.
Responsibilities of USA Badminton

1. USA Badminton will be responsible for seeding and scheduling the draw of each National Tournament. All entry forms shall be forwarded to the National Office at least three weeks prior to the event or an acceptable time period agreed upon by the National Office.

2. USA Badminton will provide athlete and venue liability insurance. The athlete insurance will cover accidents that may occur during the conduct of the event. USA Badminton will also provide a certificate of liability insurance to the venue and other additional insured as approved by the insurance carrier. See attached packet for USA Badminton Sanction forms and request for certificate of insurance.
3. USA Badminton will provide national and local publicity and promotion, to include dissemination of results to media and coordination with sponsors.
4. USA Badminton will oversee all local promotions to avoid conflicts with USA Badminton or United States Olympic Committee sponsors.
5. USA Badminton will arrange and schedule to have the proper number of nationally qualified umpires to work at each session.
6. USA Badminton retains the right to approve all merchandise that displays or

refers to USA Badminton and to approve all vendors who will be making sales at USA Badminton events.

7. USA Badminton retains all broadcasting rights to events. If there is a rights fee paid to USA Badminton, USA Badminton will retain it. The sponsor shall cooperate with broadcasters of events.
8. USA Badminton retains the right to solicit national-level sponsorship for its events and to service those sponsors with complimentary fulfillment of that sponsorship, including advertising in the event program, hanging banners in designated spots at the competition site, etc., and USA Badminton national-level sponsors will be given first opportunity to purchase title of the event in which case the event title will be properly amended to include that sponsor.
9. USA Badminton reserves the right to sell merchandise at events upon such terms and conditions that it deems best.

TYPE OF EVENT: _______________________________________________________________________



Gym, Auditorium or School

CITY________________________________ STATE ­­­­­__________________ ZIP ________
DATE (S) REQUESTED: __________________________________________
ENTRY DEADLINE FOR TOURNAMENT: _________________________________________________
TOURNAMENT SPONSOR: ____________________________ USAB # __________________________
TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR: ____________________________________________________________

First Name Last Name


TELEPHONE ________________________________ FAX ______________________________________

SHUTTLECOCKS: Brand: _________________________ Model: _______________________________


Liability Insurance at $1,000,000 per Occurrence.
Sanctioned Event – Sanction No.____________

1. Name of Event: _______________________________ Date(s): ________________

Location of Event: ______________________________________________________

Name of Gym, Auditorium, Club or School


Street City State Zip

2. Sponsor/Club Name: ____________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________

City: __________________________ State: ________________ Zip: _____________
Contact Person: _________________________________________________________
Daytime Phone: _________________________ Fax #: _________________________
3. Send Certificate To: ____________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________ State: ________________ Zip: ___________
4. Additional Insured? _____ Yes _____ No
If Yes, Venue: _______________________ Sponsor: ____________________________

Include address, contact and phone information

Additional parties can be listed on separate sheet if necessary

Signature of Person Completing Form: ___________________________ Date: ________
Tournament Software Form

Event (Reason): ________________________________________________________________________

Date(s) of the Event: ­­­­­_____________________________________________________________________
Date(s) Requested for the Laptop: ________________________________________________­­­­­__________
Tournament Director/Official: ____________________________________________________________
Shipping Information: ___________________________________________________________________

Last Name First Name E-Mail


Street City State Zip Phone # Fax #

The Tournament Director/Official requesting the tournament software laptop is responsible and financially liable for any damages that may occur while the laptop is in their possession until it is returned to and received by the National Office.
The tournament software laptop must be returned to USA Badminton within 2 weeks of the completion of the tournament. This timeline is very important because USA Badminton must ship the laptop to other tournaments around the nation. A late fee of $100.00 will be imposed should the laptop not be returned within the specified period.
The Tournament Director/Official is responsible for the laptop must reimburse USA Badminton for shipping and insurance expenses. The cost for shipping is $25.00. The laptop must be insured for a minimum of $2,000 when returned.
Having read and understood the contents of this contractual form, I/We agree to adhere to the rules and guidelines as set forth by USA Badminton in this tournament software form.
Application Submitted By: ______________________________ Date: ______________________
Approved by USA Badminton: _______________________________ Date: ______________________


Check or Credit Card

Please make check payable to USA Badminton and return with this form

Credit Card (circle one): Visa MC Discover Amex

Credit Card No: __________________________________________
Expiration Date:__________________________________________
Signature: __________________________________________


Admissions ____________

Program Sales ____________

Concession Sales ____________

Program Advertising ____________

Souvenir Sales ____________

Sponsors (please detail) ____________

Trade Shows ____________

Miscellaneous ____________

TOTAL INCOME ____________


Bid Fee ____________

Venue Rental ____________

Site Visit ____________

Trophy (shipping) ____________

Printing Costs ____________

Brochures ____________

Posters ____________

Tickets ____________

Program ____________

Advertising ____________

Direct Mail ____________

Creative/Logo Development ____________

Welcome Kits ____________

Supplies ____________

Transportation ____________

Medical ____________


TOTAL EXPENSES ____________

The following is to be provided by the bidder:
Facility: Appropriate number & quality of courts

Ceiling height


Background (when necessary, improve with black plastic backdrop, dividers, etc.)


Court number

Scoring devices

Wastebaskets for used shuttles

Clothesbaskets for player's gear at courtside

Chairs for service judges & line judges

Seating for players, umpires, line judges

Seating for spectators (Classics-500, Adult Nationals-1,000, Juniors-1,000

U.S. Open- 2,000)

Locker rooms

Player’s lounge

Meeting room/area for umpire briefings

Meeting room/area for umpire clinic, line judge training

Drug testing location-separated from locker rooms

Hotel/Motel: In close proximity to venue

Area for registration desk evening prior to start of event

Hospitality room
Tournament Chairman: With appropriate experience or provided by USAB at

tournament expense.

Scheduling Committee: With appropriate experience or provided by USAB at tournament

Officials: Umpires to supplement those provided by USAB (4 to 8)

Local umpire coordinator

Per Diem for umpires & referees - $30-$60 per day

Hotel accommodations for referees & umpires

Line judges- (depending on # of courts...usually minimum of 12-24)

Pre-tournament training for new line judges

Line judge t-shirts (No White)

Food & drink for referees, umpires & line judges while on duty

Transportation: For players and officials

To & from airport to hotel/motel

To & from venue

Throughout days of tournament play

Day/Evening before if practice times are available

To & from banquet or planned social events if not held at tournament hotel

Social Events: Banquet/dinner (Discuss Menu with Committee)

Hospitality room

Sightseeing/tours of areas of local interest
Trophies: Awards &/or prize money for main draw winners

Awards &/or prize money for consolation flight winners

Awards for 1st through 5th place for juniors

Shipping to & from event of perpetual trophies (Adults & Seniors)

Display of trophies during the event

Careful packing for return shipping

Awards ceremony & presentation plan

Platforms or other appropriate area for photos

Drug Testing: Area separated from main locker rooms

Toilet facilities

Table & chairs

Escorts (minimum of 3)

Food/Drink: Available at venue for purchase

Complimentary drinks for players (water, sport drinks, etc.)

Complimentary food for players (fruit, power bars, etc.)

Provided for officials while on duty


Operations: Registration desk- at hotel/motel day/evening before start

At venue during first rounds of play

Match Control/tournament desk/referee table

in a position where courts can be observed with PA System

Shuttle Control-purchase & humidify shuttles

Provide warm up shuttles

Dispense shuttles for matches

Court Cleaning-equipment & personnel available to clean courts

during and after play

Draw Boards-draw & times for matches in each event posted for viewing

with results updated as matches progress
Player Packet: Given to each player at registration

Program and/or copy of draw

Transportation information-restaurants, attractions, etc.


Stringer: Available at venue
First Aid: Physician or physical therapist

First aid supplies

Ice & plastic bags
Media: Press releases before, during and after event

Media coverage at event

TV coverage
Sponsorship: Secure sponsors for the event

(Note: USA Badminton has an existing joint marketing agreement with the

USOC. All potential sponsors must be cleared through the USAB office.)


Report: Submitted promptly to USAB office at the conclusion of the event

Tournament report

Match results

Write up


To be provided by USAB:

Entry forms

Seedings & Draw

Transportation for referee & umpires assigned to the event

Ken Davidson Award (Adult and Junior Nationals

Ray Scott Award (Senior Nationals)

Line judge training

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