C. V. Géraldine Mossière Mossière Géraldine

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C.V. Géraldine Mossière

Mossière Géraldine

3535 Papineau apt.1015

Montreal, QC, H2K 4J9




- 9 refereed articles (+ 2 submitted)

- 2 book chapters (+1 submitted)

- 2 working papers

- 2 conference proceedings submitted

- 5 book reviews

- 9 co-organized workshops and 36 papers in international conferences


- Lecturer, Dept of Anthropology, Université de Montréal

- Lecturer, Faculté de théologie et d'études religieuses, Université de Sherbrooke

-Lecturer, ethnographic fieldwork schools, Dept of Anthropology, Université de Montréal

- Co-teacher with Prof. Meintel, Dept of Anthropology, Université de Montréal

- FQRSC Postdoctoral project, Jan 2010 – April 2011, Department of Classics & Religious Studies at the University of Ottawa "Religion, spirituality and experience: Rethinking contemporary religiosities"

- SSHRC and FQRSC Doctoral project, Sept 2004 – Nov 2009, Dept of Anthropology, Université de Montréal, Western Women Converts to Islam in France and in Quebec: New perspectives on gender and religious practice.

- Master’s Project (2005 SSHRC-funded), Sept. 2002 – ongoing, Dept of Anthropology, Université de Montréal, African Pentecostal congregations: ritual, ethic, transnational, and social dimensions.

- Coordinator of a SSHRC project conducted by the GRDU (director Prof. Deirdre Meintel), May 2007 – May 2010, Pluralisme et ressources symboliques: les nouveaux groupes religieux au Québec.


Post-Doctoral fellowship, Department of Classics and Religious Studies 2010-201

University of Ottawa, directed by Professor Peter Beyer

Title: Religion, spiritualité, expérience: repenser les religiosités contemporaines
Ph. D. in Anthropology 2004-2010

Université de Montréal, directed by Professor Deirdre Meintel

Title: Western Women Converts to Islam in France and in Quebec: New perspectives on gender and religious practice

Research Internship, Centre d’Études Interdisciplinaires des Faits Religieux (CEIFR) Jan-Mar 2007

Centre affiliated to École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris

Master’s in Anthropology 2004

Université de Montréal, directed by Professor Deirdre Meintel

Title: Ritual Expressivity: Body and Discourse in an Immigrant Pentecostal Congregation

in Montreal
Undergraduate Certificate in Anthropology, Université de Montréal, 2002

Scholarships and Distinctions


FQRSC Postdoctoral Award, Quebec Fund for Research on Society and Culture 2010-2011
Doctoral Award for short-term fieldwork, Centre de Coopération Interuniversitaire 2007

Franco-Québecoise, CCIFQ

FQRSC Doctoral Award, Quebec Fund for Research on Society and Culture 2008-2009
SSHRC Doctoral Award, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada 2006-2008

Graduate Scholarship, SSHRC Project ″Pluralism and Symbolic Resources: New since 2006

Religious Groups in Quebec″ (2006-2009), directed by Professor D. Meintel

Graduate Scholarship, SSHRC Project ″Social and Ritual Practices: Muslim Immigrants since 2006

in Montreal″ (2004-2007), directed by Professor S. Fortin, co-researchers M.N. LeBlanc

and J. Le Gall
Excellence scholarship, J. A. De Sève Fund, Québec 2006
Excellence scholarship, Marie-Anne-Lavallée Fund, CHSLD-CLSC Nord de l’Île, Québec 2004-2005

Admission scholarship 2004 - 2007

Ph. D. Program, Anthropology Department, Université de Montréal

Thesis Writing Scholarship 2004

Centre d’Études Ethniques des Universités Montréalaises (CEETUM), Québec

SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship, Social Sciences and Humanities Research 2003-2004


Admission Scholarship 2002-2004

Master’s Program, Anthropology Department, Université de Montréal

Ph. D. in Anthropology with Honours, Université de Montréal 2010
Fichter Research Grant from the Association for the Sociology of Religion

For Ph. D. thesis project: ″The Conversion of Western Women to Islam and the

Production of Gender Identity : A comparison between France and Canada″. 2007

Excellence Prize from the Canadian Association for Sociology and Religion in the French 2005

Language (ACSALF)

For Master’s Thesis: Ritual Expressivity: Body and Discourse in an Immigrant Pentecostal Congregation in Montreal.

Undergraduate Certificate in Anthropology with Honours, Université de Montréal 2002
Research Interests

Anthropology of Religion, Conversion and Religious Mobility

Anthropology of Contemporary Societies, New ethics and moralities

Pentecostalism and Christianity

Islam and Muslim populations

Religion and Immigration, Globalization, Modernity

Anthropology of Kinship, Anthropology of Gender

Teaching Experience

Lecturer, Dept of Anthropology, Université de Montréal 2011

  • Mondialisation, société et culture

Lecturer, Summer school, Faculté de théologie et d’études religieuses, Université de Sherbrooke 2010

  • Sectes et extrémismes religieux : aspects dogmatiques

Lecturer with Prof. Meintel, Interdisciplinary Ethnographic Field School for Graduate Students, Anthropology Department, Université de Montréal 2007-2011

  • Training in ethnographic methods

  • Coaching students for fieldwork with religious groups

Co-teacher with Prof. Meintel, Graduate course on Religion and Modernity,

Anthropology Department, Université de Montréal2004-2008

  • ″Islam et Globalization″

  • ″Mouvements de réveil et pratiques syncrétiques - églises évangéliques et


  • ″Immigration et religion″

  • ″Conversion et reconversion″

Co-teacher with Prof. Meintel, Undergraduate course on Religion and Modernity, Dept. of Anthropology, Université de Montréal 2004-2008

  • ″Islam et Globalisation″

  • ″Mouvements de réveil et pratiques syncrétiques - églises évangéliques et


  • ″Immigration et religion″

  • ″Conversion et reconversion″

Teaching assistant, Anthropology Department, Université de Montréal 2004-2005

  • Course ″Identity, Culture and Globalization″, Prof. D. Meintel

  • Course ″The Arab-Muslim World″, Prof. M. Verdon

Invited Lecturer:

Colloque ″S’ouvrir à l’autre pour mieux vivre ensemble″ for secondary school teachers,

Faculté de théologie, Université de Sherbrooke 2008

  • Presentation on Protestantisms

  • Presentation on Islam

Groupe de recherche Diversité Urbaine, CEETUM, Université de Montréal

  • ″Pluralisme culturel et religieux″ with K. Park, in post-graduate 2007

seminar : ″Migration, ethnicité et diversité urbaine″, directed by Prof. J. Renaud.
École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris

  • ″Un pentecôtisme congolais à Montréal: religion et ethnicité″, 2007

in post-graduate seminar ″Anthropologie des religions transnationales:

Afrique, Asie, Amérique, directed by Prof. André Mary.
Anthropology Department, Université de Montréal

  • ″Immigration et religion″, in Bachelor class: ″Anthropologie: sociétés since 2004

contemporaines″, directed by Prof. D. Meintel.

  • ″Les origines du conflit israélo-arabe″, in Bachelor’s class: 2003-2008

Arab-Muslim World, directed by Prof. M. Verdon.
Research Experience

Research Project Coordinator since 2006

Groupe de Recherche Diversité Urbaine (GRDU), Université de Montréal

  • Research project: ″Pluralism and symbolic resources: new religious

groups in Quebec″ (SSHRC 2006-2009), directed by Prof. Deirdre Meintel.
Coordinator for the CEETUM’s 8th Conference for student and graduate students 2006

Centre d’Études Ethniques des Universités Montréalaises (CEETUM), Montreal

Research Assistant since 2003

Research Group Urban Diversity (GRDU), Université de Montréal

  • Research project: ″Social and ritual practices: Muslim migrants in Montreal

(SSHRC 2004-2007), directed by Prof. Sylvie Fortin.

  • Research project: ″Spiritualist Trajectories in Montreal″ (SSHRC 2004-2005),

directed by Prof. D. Meintel.

in Montreal (FQRSC 2003-2006), directed by Prof. D. Meintel.
Research Assistant 2004-2005

CLSC Côte-des-Neiges, Montreal

  • Research project: ″Implicit Sociology for Immigrant Populations: social and

health services ″, directed by Prof. J. Rhéaume.
Research Assistant 2002-2005

Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS)

  • Research project: ″Legal Adjustments to the new Realities of International Adoption ″,

directed by Prof. F.-R. Ouellette.
Research Assistant 2003

Ethnic Relations Chair, Centre d’Études Ethniques des Universités Montréalaises

  • Research project: ″Specificities and Adaptation of Schooling System to Native

Populations ″, directed by Prof. M. McAndrew.

Research Contributions

Submitted contributions:

Mossière, G.; (submitted). « Devenir musulmane pour discipliner le corps et transformer l'esprit : l'herméneutique du soi comme voie de guérison », Ethnologies, numéro spécial Religion et guérison sous la direction de Meintel, Deirdre et Mossière, Géraldine

Mossière, G.; (submitted). « When the end justifies the means... Development, Prosperity and Morality in NGOS affiliated with rebirth churches in Kinshasa, DRC », Africa
Refereed contributions:

Mossière, G.; LeBlanc, M.-N. (in press). « Pentecôtismes et religiosités contemporaines: une lecture par le charisme », La Rivista Folklorica.

Mossière, G. (in press). « Religion in Quebec and Otherness at Home: New Wine in an Old Bottle?  », Quebec Studies.

Mossière, G. (2010). « Passer et retravailler la frontière. Des converties à l’islam en France et au Québec : jeux et enjeux de médiation et de différenciation », numéro spécial « Les Passeurs de Frontières », Sociologie et Sociétés, vol. 42, no 1, p. 245-270.

Mossière, G. (2008b). ″Une congrégation pentecôtiste congolaise à Montréal: un christianisme du sud bouture québécoise″, Archives des Sciences Sociales des Religions, 143.

Mossière, G. (2008a). ″Reconnue par l'autre, respectée chez soi: la construction d'un discours politique critique et alternatif par des femmes converties à l'Islam en France et au Québec ″, Revue Diversité Urbaine, 8 (2).

Mossière, G. (2007c). ″Sharing in Ritual Effervescence: Emotions and Empathy in Fieldwork″, Anthropology Matters Journal, vol. 9, no 1.


Mossière, G. (2007b). ″Emotional Dimensions of Conversion: An African Evangelical Congregation in Montreal″,  Anthropologica, vol. 49, no 1, p.113-124.

Beaucage, P.; Meintel, D.; with the collaboration of Mossière, G. (2007a). ″Introduction: Dimensions sociales et politiques de la conversion religieuse″,  Anthropologica, vol. 49, no 1, p. 3-10.

Mossière, G. (2006). ″’Former un citoyen utile au Québec et qui reçoit de ce pays’. Le rôle d’une communauté religieuse montréalaise dans la trajectoire migratoire de ses membres″, Les Cahiers du GRES/Diversité Urbaine, vol. 6, no. 1, p.45-61.


Ouellette, Françoise-Romaine and G. Mossière (2004). ″La circulation des informations sur les origines des adoptés internationaux″, in Carl Lacharité et Gilles Pronovost (éd.), Comprendre la famille. Actes du 7e symposium québécois de recherche sur la famille, Sainte-Foy: Presses de l’Université du Québec, p. 153-172.

Submitted Book Chapters:

Meintel, D. et Mossière, G. et Meintel, D. (submitted) Going through the back door: Studying migrants via religion, dans Where is the field? Exploring migration studies through the lenses of fieldwork, edité par Snellamn, H. et Hrivi, L., Studia Fennica Ethnologica.

Mossière, G. (submitted) Experience, Subjectivity and Performance: An Anthropological Approach to Pentecostal Rituals based on the body, dans Understanding Religious Ritual: Theoretical Approaches and Innovations, edité par Hoffman, John.
Refereed Book Chapters:

Mossière, G. (in press) Chercher un avenir et trouver « la face de Dieu » : expériences de l'anomie et fragmentations des liens sociaux à Kinshasa, dans L'Afrique d'une génération à l'autre, edité par LeBlanc, Marie-Nathalie & Muriel Gomez-Perez, Karthala.

Mossière, G. et Meintel, D. (2010) Tradition and Transition: Immigrant religious communities in urban contexts (Québec), dans Religion in the Practice of Daily Life, edité par Hecht, Richard D. et Vincent F. Biondo, Greenwood & Praeger.

Mossière, G. (2010) Mobility and Belonging among Transnational Congolese Pentecostal Congregations: modernity and the emergence of socioeconomic differences, dans Religion Crossing Boundaries: Transnational Dynamics in African and the New African Diasporic Religions, edité par Adogame, Afe & James V. Spickard, Religion and Social Order series, Leiden, E.J. Brill, Publisher.

Refereed conference proceedings:

Mossière G., (submitted). « Ancrage local et réseautage transnational : Ethnographie des stratégies de développement d'une église pentecôtiste montréalaise en RDC », Actes du colloque Les relations entre le Canada, le Québec et l’Afrique depuis 1960. Bilan et perspectives, Montréal, mai 2010.

Mossière G., (submitted). « Le Québec ou l'idéal communautaire : les discours d'émigration de Françaises converties à l'islam », Actes du colloque du congrès national des sociétés historiques et scientifiques, Québec, 2-7 juin 2008.
Working paper:

Mossière, G. (2010). Une Communauté Évangélique Congolaise À Montréal. Penser au global, vivre le local. Working Paper, Research Group Urban Diversity, Montréal, Série Diversité Urbaine.

Mossière, G. (2007d). La Conversion Religieuse : Approches Épistémologiques et Polysémie d’un Concept. Working Paper, Research Group Urban Diversity, Montréal, https://depot.erudit.org/id/000936dd.
Book Reviews:

Mossière, G. (2009). ″Revue GLOBE, vol. 10, nº2, 2007, La religion au Québec - regards croisés sur une intrigue moderne (numéro double 10.2/11.1)″, Archives des Sciences Sociales des Religions, 148.

Mossière, G. (2009). Lived Religion. Faith and Practice in Everyday Life, McGuire, Meredith, Oxford University Press, 2008″, Archives des Sciences Sociales des Religions, 148.

Mossière, G. (2008). ″Le corps et le sacré en Orient musulman, Mayeur-Jaouen, Catherine, et Bernard, Heyberger, 2006, Aix-en-Provence: Edisud diff.″, Archives des Sciences Sociales des Religions, 144.

Mossière, G. (2008). ″An Enchanted Modern: Gender and Public Piety in Shi'i Lebanon, Lara Deeb, 2006, Princeton University″, Archives des Sciences Sociales des Religions, 141.

Mossière, G. (2007). ″Musulmans de France et d’Europe, Rémy Leveau, Khadija Mohsen-Finan (dir.), Paris, CNRS, 2005″, Population, vol. 3.

Oral communications:

Mossière, G. (2011). « Interpreting Conversion Narratives( France, Quebec): A question of the sociopolitical environment or a personal spiritual path ? », European University Institute, Robert Schuman Center for Advanced Studies, Mediterranean Program, Florence (Italy), March 17-20, 2011.

Mossière, G. (2010). « Knowledge, Charisma and Communications: New Charismatic Technologies ? », Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA), Montréal, juin.

Mossière, G. (2010). « D’hier à demain... Comment les femmes qui se convertissent à l’islam nous informent sur l’évolution du paysage religieux québécois ? », 78è congrès annuel de l’Association canadienne francophone pour le savoir, Montréal, 12-14 mai.

Mossière, G. (2010). « Stratégies palliatives des « églises de réveil » à la démission de l’état dans la société civile congolaise », Conférence annuelle de l’Association Canadienne des Études Africaines, Ottawa, 5-8 mai.

Mossière, G. (2010). « Ancrage local et réseautage transnational, les stratégies de coopération Afrique - Québec d’une église congolaise montréalaise », Colloque les relations entre le Canada et l’Afrique depuis 1960, Université de Montréal, Montréal, 6 mai.

Mossière, G. (2010). « Back and forth, or international everywhere? Strategies of expansion and the Pentecostal remapping of the globe », Programme GloPent, VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 19-20 février.

Meintel, D. and Mossière, G. (2009). ″Religion-based perspectives on Immigration and Integration in Quebec″, American Anthropological Association, Philadelphia, December 2–6.

Mossière, G. (2009). ″Western Education, Muslim Ethics: Converts to Islam in French and Quebecois Settings″, American Academy of Religion, Montréal, Nov 7 –10.

Mossière, G. (2009). ″Recognizing Local Diversity and Working for Pentecostal Universalism in a Congolese Congregation″, American Academy of Religion, Montréal, Nov 7 –10.

Mossière, G. and Meintel, D. (2009). ″Social Ties and Religious Belief in Immigrant Religious Groups: A Quebec Study″, Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Denver, Oct 22–25.

Mossière, G. (2009). ″Author Meets Critics: Blood and Fire: Godly Love in a Pentecostal Emerging Church, by Margaret Poloma and Ralph Hood (NYU Press), 2008 ″, Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Denver, Oct 22–25.

Mossière, G. (2009). ″New Muslim Actors in Secularized Societies: Women converts, a comparison France – Quebec″, International Society for the Sociology of Religion, Santiago de Compostella, July 27-31.

Mossière, G. (2009). ″"Sick of praying to God for this and that, we need to act!": Money, Development and Morals in NGO's Affiliated with Rebirth Churches in Kinshasa, DRC″, European Conference on African Studies, Germany, June 4 – 7.

Mossière, G. (2008). ″Religiosity in Congolese Pentecostal Groups: Emerging socioeconomic categories within modernity″, International Sociological Association Forum, Barcelona, Spain, Sept. 5 – 8.

Mossière, G. (2008). ″Critiques of Catholicism in the Narratives of Québécois Converts to Islam ″, International Sociological Association Forum, Barcelona, Spain, Sept. 5 – 8.

Mossière, G. (2008). ″Quebec’s Catholicism through the Convert’s Eyes: why Islam is so much more attractive″, Association for the Sociology of Religion, Boston, July 31 – August 2.

Mossière, G. (2008). ″La conversion de femmes à l’Islam en France et au Québec: de l’inscription d’un phénomène dans son contexte″, Congrès national des sociétés historiques et scientifiques, Québec, June 2-7.

Mossière, G. (2008). ″Religious Diversity and Ethnic Diversity: Identity Dialectics among Muslims in Montreal ″, 2008 Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA), Ottawa, May 8-10.

Mossière, G. (2008). ″Diversité religieuse et diversité ethnique: discussion d'une dialectique parmi des Musulmans au Québec″, 10ième colloque du CEETUM pour étudiants et jeunes diplômés, March 20-21.

Mossière, G. (2007). ″Women Converts to Islam and the Production of Gender Identity in France and in Quebec″, American Anthropological Association, Washington, Nov. 28th – Dec. 3rd.

Mossière, G. (2007). ″Change of Religion, Changing Representations of Self and Society: Different paradigms of conversion″, 2007 Association for the Sociology of Religion, New York City, Aug. 9-13.

Mossière, G. (2007). ″Ritual Experience in a Pentecostal Congregation: How emotions shape new processes of subjectivation″, International Society for the Sociology of Religion, Leipzig, July 23-27.

Mossière, G. (2007). ″Bodily Practices and Gender Identity: the conversion of Quebecois women to Islam and Pentecostalism″, 2007 International Society for the Sociology of Religion, Leipzig, July 23-27.

Mossière, G. (2007). ″Transnational Dimensions of Multi-ethnic Religious Communities in Montreal″, 2007 Canadian Anthropology Society & American Ethnological Society’s Conference (CASCA & AES), Toronto, May 8-12.

Mossière, G. (2006). ″Individual Trajectories and Community Religious Affiliation: How religious congregations frame the immigrant believing subject in a Pentecostal congregation″, 11th International Metropolis Conference, Lisbonne, Portugal, October 2-6.

Mossière, G. (2006). ″″Towards forming useful Quebec citizens who also receive from the country !″ The role of a religious community in the migratory trajectory of its members″, 11th International Metropolis Conference, Lisbonne, Portugal, October 2-6.

Mossière, G. (2006). ″Quebecois’ Identity And The New Religious Diversity : New Wine In Old Bottles ?″, 2006 Association for the Sociology of Religion, Montreal, August 9-12.

Mossière, G. (2006). ″Rapports de Genre et Redistribution des Rôles Familiaux chez des Couples d’Immigrants Musulmans à Montréal″, 2006 Canadian Anthropology Society’s Conference (CASCA), Concordia University, Montreal, May 9-14.

Mossière, G. (2006). ″Parcours migratoire individuel et affiliation religieuse communautaire: le rôle de la pratique et du dogme religieux dans l’articulation du sujet croyant à une congrégation pentecôtiste montréalaise″, 7th CEETUM’s Conference for Students and Graduate Students, March 29-30.

Mossière, G. (2006). ″Ritual Techniques and Conversion Trajectories: How modern religions attract converts″, Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference of the Department of Religion of Concordia University, Concordia University, Montreal, February 26-28.

Mossière, G. and M.-J. Blain (2005). ″Global-Local Dynamics and Anthropological Fieldwork Among Muslims in Montreal″, Canadian Ethnic Studies Association, 18th Biennial Conference, Ottawa, October 14.

Mossière, G. (2005). Le rôle des communautés religieuses dans la trajectoire migratoire de leurs membres: le cas d’une communauté évangélique à Montréal, 2005 Canadian Anthropology Society’s Conference (CASCA), May, Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan, Merida, Yucatan, México, May 3.

Mossière, G. (2005). Faire de l’anthropologie “at home”: un numéro d’équilibriste entre observation et adhésion, CEETUM’s 7th Conference for Students and Graduate Students, February.

Mossière, G. (2004). Emotional Dimensions of Conversion: An African Evangelical Congregation in Montréal, 2004 Canadian Anthropology Society’s Conference (CASCA), May 5-8.

Mossière, G. (2004). Le rôle d’une communauté religieuse d’immigrants dans la trajectoire de ses membres à Montréal, CEETUM’s 6th Conference for Students and Graduate Students, February 22-23.

Mossière, G. (2003). Laboratoire d'appropriation sur L'adoption internationale et ses nouvelles réalités, Symposium québécois de recherche sur la famille, Trois Rivières, Quebec, October 15-18.

Panel and Conference Organization:

Program committee member for the annual conference of the Canadian Anthropological Association, Montreal, June 1-3 2010.

Meintel, D. and Mossière, G. (2009). ″Religious Approaches to Ethnic and Religious Pluralism in Quebec″, American Academy of Religion, Montréal, Nov 7 –10.

Mossière, G. and Leblanc, M.-N. (2009). ″New Ways of Being Muslim: Women and Religious Experience in a Cross-Cultural Perspective″, American Academy of Religion, Montréal, Nov 7 –10.

Mossière, G. and Le Gall, J. (2009). ″Diversity of Muslim Religiosities and a New Variety of Actors″, International Society for the Sociology of Religion, Santiago de Compostella, July 31-27.

Meintel, D. and Mossière, G. (2008). ″After Secularization: The New Religious Diversity in Quebec, Association for the Sociology of Religion, Boston, July 31 - August 2.

Meintel, D.; Mossière, G. & Normandin, A. (2008). Four panel symposium ″Intersecting Religious and Ethnic diversities: Beyond the secular city, Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA), Ottawa, May 8-10.

Mossière, G. and Betbeder, Anne-Laure (2008). Double panel ″Diversité ethnique au Québec: quand la religion s’en mêle... Études de cas auprès de groupes religieux composés d’immigrants″, 10ième colloque du CEETUM pour étudiants et jeunes diplômés, March 20-21.

Mossière, G. and Le Pape, L. (2007). ″Conversion and Social Identity Change″, 2007 Association for the Sociology of Religion, New York City, August 10-12.

Mossière, G. and Meintel, D. (2007). ″Urban Diversity: Religious Dimensions″, 2007 Canadian Anthropology Society & American Ethnological Society’s Conference (CASCA & AES), Toronto, May 8-12.

Mossière, G. (2006). ″Religion and Migration: Promoting new religious practices, reorganizing social identities ″, 11th International Metropolis Conference, Lisbonne, Portugal, October 2-6.

Additional information

Language Proficiency: French / English / Spanish / elementary German

  • American Academy of Religion, AAR

  • Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, SSSR

  • American Anthropological Association, AAA

  • Canadian Anthropology Society, CASCA

  • Association for the Sociology of Religion, ASR

  • International Society for the Sociology of Religion, SISR

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