Cardiff Bat Group
Grŵp ystlumod Caerdydd
Useful Contacts:
Danielle Cowell (Chair)
Learning Dept.
National Museum Wales
Cathays Park
Cardiff, CF10 3NP
Tel: 02920 573304 / 07812202966
Catalena Angele (Secretary)
Address as Danielle Cowell
Georgina Harper (Treasurer)
Membership Application Form
Aims of the Group
Further the knowledge of bat distribution and activity in the Group’s area.
Promote the conservation of bats and their habitat.
Provide a forum for discussion on bat conservation issues.
Improve public perception of bats.
Consider sustainable options in all its activities.
Area of Coverage
The Group’s work shall be prioritised within the county borough of Cardiff.
Code of Conduct
Any member acting on behalf of the Cardiff Bat Group shall do so in an appropriate manner. Members shall act courteously to members of public at all times and shall be clean and accordingly dressed. Any offensive behaviour including the use of bad language or threatening behaviour will not be tolerated and could result in the termination of membership of the group.
Membership Application Form
Name: ___________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Telephone (day):___________________________________________
Telephone (mobile):_________________________________________
Email: ___________________________________________________
Organisation (if applicable)___________________________________
I am committed to the aims of the group and agree to the group’s code of conduct
Signature: __________________________________Date: ______________
Please indicate your particular interests and experience:
Subscription info; £5.00, £2.50 (Concessions)
Cheques made payable to “Cardiff Bat Group” please!
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