Case Notes Schermerhorn/Management 8e Case 1: Apple Computer, Inc.: People and Design Create Apple’s Future

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Case Notes

Schermerhorn/Management 8e

Case 1: Apple Computer, Inc.: People and Design Create Apple’s Future

  1. Apple Computer homepage,

  2. Ibid.

  3. Pixar homepage,

  4. Apple Computer homepage, op. cit.

  5. Tam, Pui-Wing. “Apple Seeks New Image as Producer of ‘Killer Apps,’” Wall Street Journal, January 5, 2001: B1& B4.

  6. “Top 10 Reasons to Switch,” Apple Computer homepage, op. cit.

  7. Apple Computer homepage, op. cit.

  8. Ibid.

Case 2: The Coca-Cola Company: Coke Gets Back to Business

  1. Coca-Cola homepage,

  2. McDonald’s homepage,

  3. Coca-Cola homepage, op. cit.

  4. Ibid.

  5. Ibid.



Case 3: Tom’s of Maine: At Tom’s “Doing Business” Means “Doing Good”

  1. Zinn, Laura, “Tom Chappell: Sweet Success from Unsweetened Toothpaste, “Business Week, September 2, 1991: 52.

  2. Bamford, Janet, “Changing Business as Usual,” Working Women, 18, November, 1993: 106.

  3. Cox, Craig, “Interview: Tom Chappell, Minister of Commerce,” Business Ethics, 8, January 1994: 42.

  4. Quinn, Judy, “Tom’s of Maine,” Incentive, December 1993: A4.

  5. Ibid.

  6. Martin, Mary, “Toothpaste and Theology,” Boston Sunday Globe, October 10, 1993: A4.

  7. Cox, op. cit., p. 42.

  8. Martin, Mary, “A ‘Nuisance’ to Rivals,” Boston Sunday Globe, October 10, 1993: A4.

  9. Cox, op. cit., p. 42.

  10. Ibid.

  11. Martin, op. cit., p. A4.

  12. Quinn, op. cit., p. A4.

  13. E.E.S., “Paying Employees to Work Elsewhere,” Inc., February 1993: 29.

  14. Quinn, op. cit., p A4.

  15. Ibid.

  16. M.E., “Profiles in Marketing: Katie Shisler,” Sales and Marketing Management, March 1993: 12.

  17. Quinn, op. cit., p. A4.

  18. Cox, op. cit., p. 42.

  19. Ibid.

  20. Ibid.

  21. Tom’s of Maine Common Good Report 2001-2002.

  22. Tom’s of Maine homepage,

  23. Ibid.

  24. Meyers, K. W.  “Tom’s of Maine Business Plan Includes People,” Denver Rocky Mountain News, October 5, 2000: 3B.

Case 4: United Parcel Service: UPS Hits the Road with Technology

  1. United Parcel Service 2002 Annual Report, 20.

  2. United Parcel Service homepage,

  3. Kamuf, Rachael. “UPS Upping Employment as well as Technology,” Business First, March 9, 1998.

  4. United Parcel Service homepage, op. cit.

  5. United Parcel Service 2002 Annual Report, 7.

  6. United Parcel Service homepage, op. cit.

  7. United Parcel Service 2002 Annual Report, 13.

  8. Ibid.

  9. United Parcel Service homepage, op. cit.

  10. Walker, Karen. “Brown is Beautiful,” Airline Business, November 97: 46. 

Case 5: Harley-Davidson: Harley Style and Strategy Have Global Reach

  1. Harley-Davidson home page,

  2. Boyd, Malia. “Harley-Davidson Motor Company,” Incentive, September 1993: 26-27.

  3. Shrader et al. “Harley-Davidson, Inc.  1991,” in Fred David, Strategic Management, 4th ed. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1993: 655.

  4. Ibid.

  5. Peak, Martha H. “Harley-Davidson: Going Whole Hog to Provide Stakeholder Satisfaction,” Management Review, 82, June 1993:53

  6. Harley-Davidson home page, op. cit.

  7. Harley-Davidson, 1992 Form 10K: 33

  8. Harley-Davidson home page op. cit.

  9. Peak, op. cit.

  10. Harley-Davidson home page, op. cit.

  11. Kelly, Kevin and Miller Karen. “The Rumble Heard Round the World: Harleys,” Business Week, May 24, 1993: 60.

  12. Ibid.

  13. Harley-Davidson home page, op. cit.

  14. Dallas, Sandra, and Thornton, Emily. “Japan’s Bikers: The Tame Ones,” Business Week, October 20, 1997: 159.

  15. Harley-Davidson home page, op. cit.

Case 6: Domino’s Pizza: Great Ideas Bring Domino’s to Your Door

  1. Domino’s Pizza homepage,

  2. Ibid.

  3. “Tom Monaghan,” The American Dreams Collection,, March 1, 2001.

  4. Ibid.

  5. Domino’s Pizza homepage, op. cit.

  6. “Tom Monaghan,” op cit.

  7. Zuber, Amy. “Tom Monaghan,” Nation’s Restaurant News, September 13, 1999.

  8. “Tom Monaghan,” op. cit.

  9. Domino’s Pizza homepage, op. cit.

  10. Hyde, Justin. “Monaghan to Sell Domino’s Pizza, Retire,” The Detroit News, September 6, 1998.


  12. Ibid.

  13. Domino’s Pizza homepage, op. cit.

Case 7: Kate Spade: Risk Turns Niches into Opportunities

  1. Kate Spade homepage,

  2. Op. cit.

  3. Op. cit.

  4. Op. cit.

  5. Op. cit.

  6. Op cit.

  7. McCauley, L. “Next Stop  The 21st Century,” Fast Company, September 1999, 108+.

Case 8: Wal-Mart: Planning for Superstore Competition

  1. It’s My Wal-Mart: 2003 Annual Report, 1-2.

  2. “Wal-Mart Picks Up the PACE,” Business Week, November 15, 1993: 45.

  3. Ibid.

  4. Zellner, Wendy. “Warehouse Clubs Butt Heads - and Reach for the Ice Pack,” Business Week, April 19, 1993: 68.

  5. Wal-Mart homepage,

  6. 2003 Annual Report, op. cit., 3.

  7. Marsh, Barbara. “Merchants Mobilize to Battle Wal-Mart in a Small Community,” Wall Street Journal, June 5, 1991: A1.

  8. Saporito, Bill. “David Glass Won’t Crack Under Fire,” Fortune, February 8, 1993: 75, 78.

  9. Symonds, William C. “Invasion of the Retail Snatchers, “Business Week, May 9, 1994: 72-73.

  10. 2003 Annual Report, op. cit., 2 and 7.

  11. 2003 Annual Report, op. cit., 5.

  12. Wal-Mart homepage, op. cit.

  13. Wal-Mart homepage, op. cit.

  14. 2003 Annual Report, op. cit., 9.

Case 9: Virgin Group: Reaching for the Sky in a New Economy

  1. Hamel, Gary.  “Bringing Silicon Valley Inside,” Harvard Business Review, September-October 1999, 71 - 84.

  2. Rosenfeld, Jill. “Training to Work,” Fast Company, August 2000, 77+.

  3. “Richard Branson’s Virgin Success: The Incredible Triumph of an Enigmatic Entrepreneur,”

  4. Rosenfeld, op. cit.

  5. “Richard Branson,”,

  6. Hamel, op. cit.

  7. Virgin Group homepage,

  8. Hamel, op. cit.

  9. “The Virgin Story,”

  10. Capell, Kerry. “Virgin Takes E-wing,” Business Week, January 22, 2001, EB30-EB34.

  11. Ibid.

  12. Ibid.

  13. Ibid

  14. “Business Proposals,”

  15. Ibid.

  16. Ibid.

  17. Ibid.

  18. Ibid.

Case 10: Krispy Kreme: Where Growth Is Really Sweet

  1. Prescott, Heidi. “The Wait Is Over: Fan Sets Endurance Record as Krispy Kreme Opens,” South Bend Tribune, October 29, 2003, B7-B8.

  2. Krispy Kreme homepage, corporate fact sheet,

  3. Krispy Kreme homepage, company history,

  4. Ibid.

  5. Fishman, Charles. “The King of Kreme,” Fast Company, October 1999, 262+.

  6. Krispy Kreme homepage, company history, op. cit.

  7. Krispy Kreme 2003 Annual Report, 4.

  8. Fishman, op. cit.

  9. Adler, Carlye. “Would You Pay $2 Million for This Franchise?,” Fortune Small Business, April 30, 2002.

  10. Ibid.

  11. Ibid.

  12. 2003 Annual Report, op. cit., 21.

  13. Adler, op. cit.

  14. Ibid.

  15. 2003 Annual Report, op. cit.

  16. Ibid.

  17. Adler, op. cit.

Case 11: BET Holdings: World-class Entrepreneur Places BET on Future

  1. Zagorin, Adam. “BET’s Too Hot a Property: A Founder Wants to Buy Back His Firm; The Shareholders Want More Money,” Time, October 20, 1997: 80.

  2. Perl, Peter. “His Way,” The Washington Post, December 14, 1997, (Magazine Section): W08.

  3. Ibid.

  4. Ibid.

  5. Ibid.

  6. Ibid.

  7. Ibid.

  8. Zagorin, op. cit.

  9. Ibid.

  10. “Black Entertainment Television,” Hoover’s Company Capsule, Hoover’s Inc.,

  11. Zagorin, op. cit.

  12. Perl, op. cit.

  13. “Bet, Inc.,” BET Website,

  1. “The Facts,” Viacom Website,

  2. “Robert L. Johnson, Founder,” BET Website,

  1. “Viacom Completes Acquisition of BET”, PR Newswire,, January 23, 2001.

  1. King, Carol. “Viacom Acquires BET Holdings,”

Case 12: SAS Institute: Systems Help People Make a Difference

  1. “About Our Company,”

  2. Fishman, Charles. “Sanity Inc.,” Fast Company, January 1999: 84+.

  3. “SAS Marks 6th Straight Year on Fortune List of ‘100 Best Companies to Work For,’”

  4. “Company Work/Life,”

  5. “Keeping Employees Without Breaking the Bank,” The Workforce Stability Institute,

  6. Fishman, op. cit.

  7. Ibid.

  8. “Keeping Employees ,” op. cit.

  9. Fishman, op. cit.

  10. “Investment in the Work environment Helps Retain Staff,”

  11. “Keeping Employees ,” op. cit.

  12. Fishman, op. cit.

  13. “Company ,” op. cit.

  14. “Keeping Employees ,” op. cit.

  15. Fishman, op. cit.

  16. “Investment ,” op. cit.

  17. Fishman, op. cit.

  18. Ibid.

Case 13: Southwest Airlines: How Herb Kelleher Led the Way

  1. Lablich, Kenneth. “Is Herb Kelleher America’s best CEO?” Fortune, May 2, 1994: 45.

  2. Southwest Airlines homepage,

  3. Quick, James Campbell. “Crafting an organizational culture: Herb’s hand at Southwest Airlines,” Organizational Dynamics, Vol. 21, August 92: 47.

  4. Teitelbaum, Richard S. “Where service flies right,” Fortune, August 24, 1992: 115.

  5. Barrett, Colleen. “Pampering customers on a budget,” Working Woman, April 93: 19, 22.

  6. Martin, Justin. “So, you want to work for the best ...” Fortune, January 12, 1998: 77.

  7. Southwest Airlines homepage, op. cit.

  8. “Did we say cheap?” Inc., October 1997: 60.

  9. Southwest Airlines homepage, op. cit.

  10. Southwest Airlines homepage, op. cit.

  11. Teitelbaum, op. cit., 116.

  1. “Colleen’s Corner,” Southwest Airlines homepage, Column written June 27, 2003.

  2. Southwest Airlines homepage, op. cit.

  3. Ibid.

Case 14: NASCAR: Fast Cars, Passion Motivate Top Drivers

  1. Newman,

  2. Harris, Mike. “Baker: Newman the Perfect Protégé,” Associated Press: April 10, 2003.

  3. “Ryan Newman Biography,”

  4. Ibid.

  5., op cit.

  6. Ryan Newman Biography, op. cit.

  7. Harris, op. cit.

  8. Rodman, Dave. “Conversation: Ryan Newman.” Turner Sports Interactive: June 9, 2003,

  9. Ryan Newman Biography, op. cit.

  10. Harris, op. cit.

  11. Rodman, op. cit.

  12. “Newman Looking Forward to Speedweeks Experience,”

  13. Montgomery, Lee. “Conversation: Ryan Newman,” Turner Sports Interactive: February 25, 2003,

  14. Harris, op. cit.

  15. Bresidine, Steve. “Bottomless Tank Gives Newman Win,” Associated Press: October 6, 2003.

  16. Bresidine, Steve. “Critics Don’t Deter Newman: Accusation of Cheating Fuel Driver’s Inner Fire,” Associated Press: October 10, 2003.

  17. Bresidine, Steve. “Bottomless Tank ,” op. cit.

  18. Bresidine, Steve. “Critics ,” op. cit.

Case 15: Steinway & Sons: Craftwork, Tradition, and Time Build Grand Pianos

  1. Cox, M. “Steinway Faces Yamaha Push in Piano Market,” Wall Street Journal, January 19, 1988.

  2. Steinway & Sons homepage,

  3. Cox, op. cit.

  4. “Factory Tour,”

  5. Steinway & Sons homepage, op. cit.

  6. “Steinway Unveils Essex Piano,” Business Wire, January 23, 2001.

Case 16: Callaway Golf: Big Bertha’s Team Hits a Long Ball

  1. “Callaway Golf  About Us,”

  2. “Callaway Golf  History,”

  3. Callaway Golf Company 2002 Annual Report, 8.

  4. “Callaway Golf  History,” op. cit.

  5. Ibid.

  6. “Callaway Golf  About Us,” op. cit.

  7. “Callaway Golf  History,” op. cit.

  8. “Callaway Golf Teams,”

  9. “Callaway Golf  Employment Overview,”

Case 17: The United Nations: Conflict and Negotiation In the Global Community

  1. The United Nations home page, All information was drawn from this source unless indicated otherwise.

  2. “Selected Quotations on the Subject of UN Reform,”

  3. Ibid.

  4. Ibid.

  5. Ibid.

Case 18: The Walt Disney Company: The Art of Brand Building Keeps Disney Center Stage

  1. “Disney,” Hoover’s Handbook of American Business, Austin, Texas: Hoover’s Business Press, 1997.

  2. Ibid.

  3. “Michael Eisner’s Biography,” Academy of Achievement Lobby,

  4. Oneal, Michael. “Disney’s Kingdom,” Business Week, August 14, 1995: 30-34.

  5. Lubove, Seth and La Franco, Robert. “Why Mickey isn’t doing much talking these days,” Forbes, 8-25-97: 45-46.

  6. “Disney,” Value Line Investment Survey, 1998.

  7. Gunther, Marc. “What’s Wrong with This Picture?” Fortune, January 12, 1998: 106-114.

  8. Ibid.

  9. Ibid.

  10. The Walt Disney Company Fact Book 2000: 44.

  11. The Walt Disney Company Fact Book 2002: 7.

  12. Shlachter, Barry and Fuquay, Jim. “Disney Holds Annual Shareholders Meeting in Fort Worth, Texas,” Fort Worth Star-Telegram, March7, 2001. 

  13. Fact Book 2002: op. cit., 7.

  14. Fact Book 2002, op. cit., 19.

  15. Fact Book 2002, op. cit., 26.

  16. Fact Book 2002, op. cit., 38.

  17. The Walt Disney Company Annual Report 2002: 3.

  18. Ibid.

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