Chairperson: Belinda McKenzie Web Publisher: Sabine k mcNeill eu law Specialist

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Association of McKenzie Friends
voluntary public interest advocacy

Chairperson: Belinda McKenzie -- Web Publisher: Sabine K McNeill

EU Law Specialist: Deborah Mahmoudieh
Crime Report

Official Collusion & Cover-Up of a Reported Paedophile Cult?

The ‘Whistleblower Kids’ / ‘Hampstead Scandal’


Contents 1

Executive Summary 2

Brief Description of the ‘Hampstead Case’ 3

The Secrecy of UK Family Courts vs Suspicions ‘in good faith’

of EU Directive 2011/92 4

Police Use of the Harassment Act 5

In the Public Interest: the British Public and Internet Community as ‘Legally Competent Authority’ 5

Grounds for suspicion and concern for the children's safety 9

Grounds for guilt and proof of innocence, for children's safety 10

A Fair Trial based on General Assertions? 12

Remove the Children from Care and Return them to their Russian Grandparents 13

Judge Pauffley: Professionally Negligent or Criminally Complicit? 15

Call for Police Action via the British Public and McKenzie Friends as the ‘Legally Competent’ Authority 24

Children's Safety & EU Directive 2011/92 25

Executive Summary

This Crime Report is directed at British Constabularies, after Barnet (North London) Police and the Metropolitan Police failed to comply with EU Directive 2011/92 on combating the sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children and child pornography. In the spirit of the Directive, the British Public and Internet Community have become the ‘legally competent authority’, since the UK authorities have failed two child victims and witnesses who reported their own and the abuse of 18 other ‘special’ children. In the light of the cover-ups of historic abuse, we are urgently seeking ‘Police against Child Abuse’.

The Report uses the ‘Hampstead Scandal’ that had become ‘internet famous’ before Mrs Justice Pauffley’s judgment was published with the headline: Satanic ‘cult’ dismissed by judge. It has come to be the public’s widespread opinion that Mrs Justice Pauffley has become a professionally negligent and/or criminally complicit Suspect for the following reasons:

  1. According to a former Detective Constable of the Metropolitan Police who analysed the Crime Reporting Information System (CRIS) Report, Barnet Police closed the case without “planning, preparation and the consideration of investigative strategies, actions or reviews.”

  2. Barnet Police made use of the Harassment Act to incriminate the mother, her partner and her McKenzie Friend (lay legal advisor) so that they fled UK jurisdiction. But none of the alleged 70+ abusers have been investigated, even though the children had described detailed distinguishing marks of their private parts that are easily verifiable.

  3. Instead, the ethos of secrecy of UK Family Courts was used by Barnet Council and subsequently by the High Court of the Family Division to conceal and cover-up serious crimes and to disadvantage the mother and favour the allegedly abusive father.

  4. The legal team of the Metropolitan Police colluded in the failure to investigate to Professional Standards by submitting their unacceptable ‘Grounds of Resistance’ in response to the mother’s Judicial Review to re-open the case.

  5. High Court Judge Pauffley did not make any effort to dissolve all grounds for suspicion and concern for the safety of all the children involved.

  6. Neither did she affirm appropriate grounds for the guilt of the supposed abuser, namely Mr Abraham Christie, or proof of innocence of any of the alleged 70+ abusers, who were named by the children, independently of each other, and with persuasive consistency across different adults who interviewed them.

  7. Instead, the father, accused of being the leader of a cult involving eight schools and a church, was given more contact than the mother and pronounced innocent while none of his computers were seized or investigated. Thanks to the outrage of the British and internet public, evidence has been provided that the father may be a child pornographer: Video 17 of Hampstead Research, dedicated to finding facts to substantiate the children’s allegations.

Brief Description of the ‘Hampstead Case’

Allegations include ritual abuse, child sexual abuse, making of child pornography, child trafficking, ritual murder and cannibalism via 70+ professionals who include parents of 20 ‘special’ children and also teachers, the head teacher, church clergy, social workers, police, CAFCASS officers and local shopkeepers in and around Hampstead London UK.

Abuse is alleged to centre mostly around Christ Church School and its adjoining church though 7 other schools and other churches are alleged to be involved too, with abuse and murder said to be taking place also in secret rooms/cellars in private Hampstead homes and local shops namely, McDonalds and a coffee shop - also, a local swimming pool and a tennis club are also mentioned.

Mother Ella Draper and her children Q and P reported the above allegations to Barnet Police London early September 2014 after the children had disclosed abuse at the hands of their father Ricky Dearman and multiple others, to mother and her partner Mr Abraham Christie two weeks earlier, while on holiday in Morocco. Since their father had threatened to kill them, were they to ‘talk’, it is evident from their original allegations that a certain degree of force needed to be employed by Mr Christie to persuade the children to disclose and this occurred in the presence of and with permission of their mother.

Medical evidence confirms repeated and long-term sexual abuse of both children and who are noted also as suffering from serious Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

The children were immediately placed under a protection order and removed from their mother's custody.

Several days after the original allegations were recorded, Barnet police paid a visit to Christ Church School and Church searching for certain items alleged to be held there but nothing was found.

By then, the case had been relegated to the Family Courts and after interviews with CAFCASS officers (who are among the alleged abusers), the children retracted their allegations and Barnet police once again interviewed the children who confirmed their retractions.

Unlike the original allegations, the retractions do not match; they are largely inconclusive, especially concerning Q who clearly has much difficulty in stating that no babies at all were killed, as at no point does he accept that NO babies were killed. P starts her police retraction interview with: "What do you want me to say?"

In light of the original, serious allegations, P's opening question in the police retraction interview is most damning and is itself, evidence of possible coercion.

The Family courts subsequently decided to send both children to Foster Carers, with the mother's contact limited to twice monthly and the father's (alleged abuser, baby killer and leader of a paedophile, Satanic Cult) contact increased to weekly.

The Court accepted the evidence of the medical reports, yet no further investigations ensued as to who had sexually abused the children. Barnet Police closed the case with ‘Crime not confirmed’ on 22 September 2014.

Once in care, both children are reported by foster carers to be suffering symptoms of PTSD. Both children retract their retractions while in foster care and reaffirm their original allegations. The mother, Ella Draper is informed of the renewed allegations and acts on the advice of an experienced retired police sergeant.

After months of getting nowhere via regular ‘competent’ authorities at local level, the case was transferred to Mrs Justice Pauffley in the Family Division of the High Court. Mrs Pauffley decided that it should remain closed, that the Judicial Review should not be pursued, while an ‘intervening’ Local Authority suggested that all evidence and tapes to be destroyed. Hence the mother and her McKenzie Friend acting on the combined strength of professional advice and the EU Directive (which supported their Human Rights of Free Speech), decided to alert the public as the only remaining ‘competent’ authority available and capable of demanding action towards investigating this case.

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