Client questionnaire

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This form may take an hour to complete because it is very comprehensive. Completion of this form is required before a service can be scheduled. This form will help significantly reduce the amount of time typically used during a client-paid session to go over introductory information thereby saving the client money and allowing the client-paid sessions to work on more advanced issues. Please be as honest as possible and provide as much information as possible to ensure an accurate and productive assessment. You can skip any question that does not apply to you or a child (if you are a parent or guardian completing the form for a child). All information provided by client in this questionnaire, over the phone, or during any consultations or sessions will be kept strictly confidential.

Section 1 Services
1) Services Requested: Holistic Health Consultation Life/Health/Spiritual Coaching Divine Openings Reiki Energy Healing Divine Physical Healing
2) Reason for requesting this service(s):      
3) Whom may we thank for referring you?      

Section 2 Contact Information
1) First Name:       Middle Name:       Last Name:       Name on Birth Certificate (name given at birth):      
2) Email Address:       Home Address:       City:       State:       Zip:      
3) Home Phone: (     )     -      Cell Phone:      )     -      Work Phone:      )     -     
4) Living Situation: Alone Friends Partner Spouse Parents Children Pets Other:      
5) Occupation:       Full-time Part-time Employer/School:      

Section 3 Physical Health
1) Gender: Male Female Date of Birth: MM/DD/YYYY Age:      
2) Height:       feet       inches Weight:       lbs. Waist:       inches
3) Current Health Conditions:

Health Condition

Treatments Have Tried

Diagnosed by Medical Doctor?















Additional Current Health Conditions:      
4) Health care or wellness provider (e.g., internal medicine doctor, psychologist/therapist) you are currently working with:

Provider Name

Provider Type

Reason for Seeing













Additional Providers:      
5) Prescription and over-the-counter drugs you are currently taking:

Drug Name

Reason for Taking Them







































Additional Drugs:      
6) Supplements (e.g., vitamins, minerals, herbs, enzymes, probiotics, protein powders) you are currently taking:

Supplement Brand & Name

Reason for Taking Them











































Additional Supplements:      
7) Please check all symptoms below that you are currently experiencing or have experienced recently:


High blood pressure Low blood pressure Pain in heart Poor circulation Swelling Stroke/murmur Other:      


Boils Bruises Dryness Itching Varicose veins Skin eruptions Other:      


Backache Broken bones Limited mobility Arthritis Bursitis Weakness Other:      


Chest pain Difficulty breathing Cough Wheezing Tuberculosis Congestion Itchy ears/eyes Asthma Coughing up blood Other:      


Excessive urination Water retention Burning urine Kidney stones Lower back pain Circles under eyes Blood in urine Other:      


Belching/Gas Colitis Constipation Diarrhea Abdominal pain Liver disorders Gallstones Ulcers Digestive troubles Other:      


Ear aches Hay fever Sore throat Canker sores Eye pains Sinus infections Tonsillitis Nosebleeds Failing eyesight Sinus congestion Hearing loss Difficulty breathing Other:      


Fatigue Excessive thirst Difficulty sleeping Night sweats Loss of appetite Irritability Fever Always hungry Cold hands and feet Other:      

Male Reproductive

Burning/discharge Painful testicles Lumps/swelling of testicles Impotence Vasectomy Other:      

Female Reproductive

Heavy bleeding Unusual vaginal discharge Painful intercourse Breast pain Infertility Mood Swings Irregular cycles Blood clots Vaginal itching Vaginal dryness Breast lumps Genital herpes PMS Pre-menopausal Menopause Pelvic pain Anemia Hot flashes Other:      

8) Medical History (major health problems, accidents, injuries, and all surgeries/operations/abortions):























Additional Medical History:      
9) Please list all medication, herbs, food, and environmental factors to which you have a known allergy:      
10) Do you have less than 20/20 vision? Yes No

If answered Yes above, what do you wear? Eye Glasses Contact Lens Other:       Nothing

Reason for wearing them: Nearsighted Farsighted Presbyopia Astigmatism Cataracts Other:      
11) Amalgam Fillings? I have them in my teeth now. I had them in the past, but not now. I never had any.
Root Canals? Yes, I had them done in the past. No, I never had them done.

If answered Yes, how many have you had?      

Please describe any current problems with your teeth and gums:      
12) Vaccinated? At ages 0-6 years At ages 7-18 years At ages 19 to ≥65 years Never been vaccinated

Vaccination Type(s):  Standard childhood vaccines Annual flu shots Other:      

13) Please provide the information requested for each of the foods below you consume:












Energy sports drinks




Carbonated water/juice








Alcoholic beverages




Fruit juice




Dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt)








Seafood (fish, shellfish, etc.)
















Pastries (cookies, cake, etc.)








Soy products




Corn products
























Bell Peppers




Chili Peppers (any kind)












Cooking oil




White sugar




Brown sugar




Diet sweeteners








Maple syrup
















14) What and when do you normally eat and drink for:

Food, Quantity, Quality, Brand/Source

Time Eaten




Morning Snack:






Afternoon Snack:









15) Please list any recurring food cravings (such as salt, starch, sugar, chocolate, etc.) including time of day or month:      

16) Approximately what percentage of your food do you normally eat raw in a day?      %
17) Approximately what percentage of the food you normally eat in a day is organic (free of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, nematicides, genetically modified ingredients)?      %
18) How often do you eat from fast-food restaurants?      

How often do you eat from other types of restaurants?      

Please list the restaurants you like to frequent here:      

If client is a child, does the child eat lunch provided by the school? Yes No

19) What is your nutritional or metabolic type? Please take the free Nutritional Typing test to find out (if you have not done this before) and then record your type here. Veggie Type Mixed Type Protein Type
20) How much water do you typically drink each day?      
Type of the water you typically drink: Tap water Distilled water Activated carbon filtered water Reverse Osmosis filtered water Ionized alkaline water Spring water Other type of water:      
What is the water container or bottle made of that you typically drink from or store the water in (please check all that apply)? Plastic Stainless Steel Aluminum Glass Ceramic/Porcelain Other:      
If you buy your water, what brand do you buy?      
Do you have a whole house water purification system? Yes No Brand:      
Do you have a shower water filter? Yes No Brand:      
21) Please describe your typical bowel movements:







Offensive odor (smelly)?


Float to the top or sink to the bottom?


Type? (see chart and choose a type)


22) Check all the types of pots, pans, cookware, bakeware, rice cookers, crock pots (slow cookers), grills, coffee pots, tea kettles, etc. you use to cook your food. The materials below refer to the part of the cookware that comes in contact with food: Aluminum Iron Glazed ceramic, porcelain enamel, or clay Anodized aluminum Copper Unglazed clay Non-stick coating (Teflon or other) Glass Silicone Stainless steel Plastic Stone Other type:      

Check all the types of dishware, tupperware, cups, utensils, food preparation tools you use to prepare, serve, eat and drink from. The materials below refer to the part that comes in contact with food: Aluminum Plastic Glazed ceramic, porcelain, or clay Stainless steel Glass Lead Crystal Glass Unglazed clay Copper Wood Silicone Silver Stone Other type:      
23) Please indicate the brand/product of the personal care items you use:




Mouth rinse








Soap bar, bath/shower gel


Facial cleanser


Shaving cream


After shave


Hand soap


Body lotion/cream/mineral oil


Facial cream/moisturizer


Lip balm (chapstick)


Talc or baby powder




Bug repellant






Makeup foundation




Eye shadow




Eye liner




Hair spray/gel




Sanitary Napkins


Other personal care items:      
24) Please indicate the brand/product of the household or cleaning items you use:


Laundry detergent


Fabric softener


Laundry bleaching agent


Laundry stain remover


Dishwashing liquid


Dishwasher detergent


Dishwasher rinse aid


Toilet bowl cleaner


Bathroom cleaner




Kitchen cleaner


Silver polish


Glass/mirror cleaner


Wood polisher


Hard floor cleaner


Floor wax


Carpet stain remover


Carpet cleaning


Oven/stove cleaner


Air freshener






Fumigation/pesticide bombs


Flea collar


Herbicide/weed killers




Chlorine/bromine for pool/spa


Other household or cleaning items:      
25) Have you ever lived in a place that was built before 1980? Yes No

If answered Yes, approximately how long did you lived in these places in total?      

26) Do you smoke, chew tobacco, or use nicotine gum/patches? Yes No

If Yes, how much per day?      

Are you frequently around people who smoke? Yes No
27) If you have done a physical detox before, what kind of detox method did you use and when and how long did you do them? (e.g., fasting, herbal cleanse, colonics, enemas, special detox diet)      
28) Do you live or work near: Power Lines Transformers Substations Military/Airport Radar Domes Microwave Towers
Which of the following do you use? Microwave oven Cell phone/smartphone Cordless phone Wireless network (WIFI) Alarm clock Bluetooth headset iPad or other wireless device Laptop computer/netbook Desktop computer Fluorescent lights Full-spectrum lights Electric bed-side clock Telephone/answering machine in bedroom Water bed Metal spring/coil mattress Metal box spring foundation Metal frame bottom/head board Electric blanket Electric razors Hair dryer Electric toothbrush Quart analog wrist watch CRT TV Plasma TV LCD TV LED TV
If you have had any of the following, how often do you get them?


Standard medical/dental x-rays


Digital medical/dental x-rays


CT scan




Radiation cancer therapy


29) Exercise:

Physical Activity

How Long?














Additional physical activity:      
30) How many hours of sleep do you get each day?      

Do you get tired or sleepy during your usual waking hours? Yes No

Are you exposed to any source of light during sleep? Nightlight Street lights Alarm clock T.V. Other:      
31) How often and how long do you typically spend time outdoors?      
32) How often and how long do you typically expose your skin to direct sunlight without any sunscreen?      
33) If you are celibate, how long have you been celibate and what are your reasons for celibacy?      
34) If you are sexually active, how often do you engage in sexual activity with or without a partner?      
Which of the following contraceptives do you use? Oral contraceptives Rhythm-method I.U.D. Diaphragm Condoms Mucous-method Cervical Cap Spermicides Fertility lens None
35) If female, please provide the following pregnancy and menstruation history:

How Many?















First Period




36) Please use this space to add any other information that you think would be helpful in understanding your physical condition:      

Section 4 Mental Well-Being
1) Marital Status: Single (not in a relationship) Single (in a non-committed relationship) Single (in a committed relationship) Divorced Widowed Married (monogamous) Married (polygamous) Married (non-committed)
2) Do you have problems with keeping a relationship commitment (i.e., have had or are currently in an affair)? Yes No
3) Please list the name of each person you have a significant relationship with (e.g., spouse, relationship partner, children, parent, grandparent, sibling, or other significant family, friends, coworkers), including their age, sex (M/F), whether they are living with you (Y/N):





With You



















































Additional people:      
4) Please describe any concerns or issues with any of the people listed above that are bothering you:      
5) Please describe any concerns or issues with other people (or things) not listed above that are bothering you:      
6) Please list all bad/traumatic major life events that had a significant emotional/energetic impact on you (e.g., sexual molestation, rape, divorce, surgery, end of a relationship, loss of job, change of residence, injury, death of a loved one, etc.) and their approximate dates:


Traumatic/Significant Life Event















Additional events:      
7) How were you born? Planned C-Section Emergency C-Section Breech Vacuum Extraction Forceps Induced Labor Episiotomy Cord Around Neck Premature Incubator Baby Water Birth Midwife Assisted Normal with No Complications Fast Delivery Long/Delayed Delivery Other:      

Where were you born? In a Hospital Birthing Center At Home Other:      

8) What have you done for emotional healing and removing mental blocks such as fear, negative thoughts or belief systems? Counseling/psychotherapy Journaling Affirmations Afformations NLP Therapy Dianetics Auditing Prayer Visualization Ho'oponopono Recapitulation EFT Diving In Abraham-Hicks Emotional Guidance Scale Sedona Method Hypnosis The Power Pause Other:      None at all
9) How many hours of television do you typically watch in a week?       What programs do you usually watch?      
10) What kind of movies do you like to watch? Horror Sci-Fi/Fantasy X-Rated Comedy Drama Foreign Documentaries Spiritual/Religious Educational
11) Please check all the statements below that describe you or are true for you:

 I am often not able to express my emotions.

 I express my emotions but often in a destructive way.

 I am often stressed out and feel overwhelmed.

 Even though I'm in a relationship, I often feel lonely.

 I often feel anxious and nervous for no good reason.

 I don't sleep well at night and have a hard time waking up in the morning.

 I often suffer from bad dreams and nightmares.

 There are many things I'd like to change in my life. I just don't have the time or means.

 I have very low energy and often feel exhausted mentally and physically.

 I don't enjoy my work and would rather be doing something else.

 I find my children irritating and hard to relate to.

 I have very few hobbies, interests, passions, dreams, or goals in life.

 I often feel depressed for no reason.

 I feel I have very little control over my life--that my life is not happening the way I want it to.

 I have a hard time letting go of the past.

 I don't look towards the future with much enthusiasm.

 I am not able to concentrate for extended periods of time.

 My outlook is more negative than positive.

 I spend a great deal of time worrying about what people think about me.

12) Please use this space to add any other information that you think would be helpful in understanding your mental/emotional condition:      

Section 5 Spiritual Awareness
1) What is your faith (and denomination, if applicable)? Christian:      Judaism:      Islam:      Buddhism:      Hinduism:      All Faiths/InterFaith:      Agnostic:      Astheist:      Other:     
2) Please indicate the specific technique or method of your spiritual practice and how often you practice it:



How Often

























Silence Vow






Additional spiritual practices:      
3) What is your understanding of God or the nature of existence and reality?      
4) What do you feel is the meaning or purpose of Life, and what is the meaning and purpose or your life?      
5) Beyond your gender, race, profession, title, religion, culture, physical characteristics, and personality, who are you really?      
6) Please describe any experiences you have had that led you to the above understanding (e.g., traumatic events, mystical experiences, near-death experiences, out-of-body, past-life recall, etc.):      
7) Please check all the statements below that describe you or are true for you:

 I tend to see the good in people.

 I have a great sense of humor and love a good joke.

 I receive great joy from my family.

 My outlook on life is positive.

 My job uses all my greatest talent.

 I have plenty of energy to do all the things I want.

 I sleep well at night and feel rested in the morning.

 I can concentrate on the task at hand for as long as it takes.

 I have a strong spiritual trust in God, the Universe, and my Higher Self to support me and provide all that I need.

 I am able to express anger and other negative feelings constructively.

 I practice meditation or other relaxation techniques.

 I feel deep peace and tranquility.

 I have many close friends that I can always count on.

 I accept full responsibility for everything that happens to me in my life because I know that I created this life I am living.

 I trust my intuition because it is almost always accurate.

 I do not harbor any resentment from the past.

 I can feel completely fulfilled even if I'm alone.

 I have many hobbies, interests, passions, dreams, and goals in life.

 How I see myself is more important than how others see me.

 I often go out of my way to help others because I often see myself in others and have compassion for them.
8) Please use this space to add any other information that you think would be helpful in understanding your spiritual condition:      

Section 6 Overall Life Assessment
1) Please rate the following aspects of your life using the scale provided:

1 – Very Bad

2 – Poor

3 – Okay

4 – Good

5 – Excellent

Physical health

Sexual satisfaction

Financial status

Job/work/career satisfaction

Time to play, relax, enjoy hobbies, etc.

Relationship with family

Relationship with friends

Relationship with God (level of spiritual enlightenment)

Contribution to the world (realization of life purpose)

2) Please use this space to add any other information about yourself that you think will be helpful:      

Section 7 Acknowledgement and Acceptance of Terms & Conditions of Service
Please click this Terms & Conditions of Service link to read the Terms & Conditions of Service before checking the checkbox below. Any form submitted that does not have the box below checked will be returned and considered incomplete.
 By checking this box, I acknowledge that I have read and accept the Terms & Conditions of Service and agree to email this completed form as an attachment to The email will serve as my signature of the form verifying that I completed the form to the best of my ability and have accepted its terms and conditions.
If you printed this form and completed the paper copy, please sign, print your name, and the date you signed below:

_____________________________________________________ _______________________________________

Signature Date Signed


Printed Name

Client Questionnaire Page of Last Updated: 1/23/2016

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