Patients Comment
Victor Street Comment
Victor Street Action
I brought my daughter to see a Locum who was excellent, the best ever
Thank you
Always an issue booking appointments even if not an emergency and want to book for a few days’ time, have to phone on day rather than book in advance
Appointments are an issue but we are faced with growing demand against reduced resources. We have introduced technology to try and help: auto phone system and online service which we intend to improve upon. Patients also have to take some responsibility by attending appointments. About 8% of patients fail to attend their appointment without notice
Our number one none clinical challenge. We strive to improve with better technology but the bottom line is demand exceeding supply.
Cannot get an appointment with Dr X unless you’re ill three weeks in advance!
The appointment issue as above
As above
The automated phone system is quite irritating and confusing for the elderly…. Speaking to a human is much better
We have tried to keep the message as clear as possible with this in mind. There is an option to speak to human staff
Will review with supplier
An 0844 number is too expensive for mobile phone calls especially I you have to wait a long time to get through
The 0844 number is charged at the local rate unless you use a mobile phone in which service providers may charge you more (just like notices given on TV!). Use online or the automated system, or ask you GP during your appointment with them to book you another appointment if required.
Very happy with the nursing services and service. Thank you
Thank you
Reception is terrible. The reception act as guard dogs to the services available……
Noted and look at training of staff.
Training. Training carried out on 12 March 2014
Receptionist friendly and helpful
Thank you
There is no designated wheel chair space in the waiting areas
Space is at a premium but will look at what we can do which is limited
0844…… Free phone calls all day would be beneficial
The phones have to be paid for as we are not funded by the NHS to provide the phone system.
Very happy with the services provided
Thank you
Six minutes on auto appointment system to be told my doctor of choice was on holiday
The issue is that the phone system is not sophisticated enough to make the difference between patient and their own doctor’s availability.
Will discuss with provider
I work full time and trying to get an appointment that is not an emergency is ridiculous!
We have extended hours available at 7:30 AM and 6-8 PM. If we have to have more extended hours (24/7) that would simply reduce doctor coverage
A review to re-balance the hours to meet patient appointment demands may be required?
Overall the reception/nurse/doctors are helpful and information and advice given in a friendly way
Thank you
Not impressed with Dr Y…….. nurses are very good
Parking for disabled not existent – why?
We only have 5 parking bays
I overheard receptionist staff discussing a patient….
This is not acceptable and we regularly remind our staff of patient confidentiality. Patients who hear staff should raise the concern there and then!
Training action
I have been dependant on the Surgery a lot in the last few months and I have had excellent and sympathetic service from all the staff