Victor street surgery patient survey: 2013-2014

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We would appreciate if you could complete this survey to help us identify issues we can improve on. The aim of this survey is to measure the overall satisfaction of the general services offered. The survey will end by the middle of February 2014 so if you could return your questionnaire to Reception by then we will then compile the results for publication by mid-March 2014. Thank you. Please place a Cross (X) to the response which you think is appropriate:



About the Surgery and appointments

Not Applicable




Very Good


1. Ease of contacting the Surgery

2. Satisfaction with the way your appointment booking was made with the Surgery at the Reception Desk in person

3. Awareness of the phone messages presented when you phone the surgery Poor = No/Not Aware. Excellent = Yes/Aware

4. Awareness of the Online Website Services and the Automated phone systems which are available 24/7 to make a routine appointment (Poor = No/Not Aware and Excellent = Yes/Aware)

5. Satisfaction in using the automated phone system when making an appointment (Option 1 on the telephone messages)

6. Satisfaction in using the Surgery's Online system for booking a routine appointment, ordering a repeat prescription or changing personal details

7. Awareness that by calling the Surgery on 0844 you are only charged the local rate by using landline and that Mobile phone providers may charge you more. Poor = No/Not Aware and Excellent = Yes/Aware

8. Potential of seeing a doctor or nurse of your choice

9. Ability to provide information on services available at the Surgery

10. Awareness of the opportunity of booking an appointment to speak to a doctor/nurse on the telephone when necessary. Poor = No/Not Aware. Excellent = Yes/ Aware

11. Ability to make an appointment at the surgery which is convenient to you

12. Length of time waiting in the Surgery for your appointment (Poor = waited too long)

13. Overall satisfaction in obtaining an appointment with the Surgery

About the doctor/nurse

14. The doctor(s)/nurse(s) ability to really listen to me

15. The clarity of information and the assurance given to me by the doctor(s)/nurse(s)

16. Confidence in the doctor(s)/nurse(s) ability



About the doctor/nurse continued

Not Applicable




Very Good


17. The opportunity given to me by the doctor(s)/nurse(s) to express my concerns or fears

18. The comfort and cleanliness of the consultation/treatment room

19. Overall service given by the doctor(s)/nurse(s)


20. The opportunity for making compliments or complaints about the Surgery

21. Overall rating of the service received from the Surgery

22. Please indicate how you would normally contact the surgery (Please mark in the box in order of priority: 1, 2, 3….)

Land line Phone



In person

Other (Post)

23. For Patients Under 25. How would you like the Surgery to contact you? Also any suggestions or ideas that could improve the service to your age group. Use box below if necessary

24. Would you like to see a “one stop” medical services providing minor injuries, ultra sound, clinics to support asthma, diabetes, general medical care currently provided by GPs/Nurses and available 24/7 (Note: this may mean much larger surgeries but still have the opportunity to see your doctor). Please enter Yes or No, or any comments

General Comments (Please include any additional comments you wish to make - please do not comment about individuals - thank you)

The following questions provide us with information about the range of people responding to this survey. No one at the Surgery will be able to identify your personal responses.



Length of time attending this Surgery

25 and Under


Less than 5 years



5-10 years


More than 10 years


Thank you. Please hand this questionnaire in at Reception/Email to: before the middle of February 2014.
Please note that this Survey was put together by your Patient Reference Group who are there to help provide an important link between the Surgery and you as our patients.

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