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Release Notes

MX-ONE Telephony Server V.4.1

Aastra Telecom Sweden AB
SE-126 37 Hägersten, Sweden

ASE/MXO/TQ/ 0085 / EN


1 Introduction 4

1.1 Installation, MX-ONE V.4.1 4

1.2 Verification 4

1.3 Content 4

1.4 Other 4

2 Prerequisites 5

2.1 Hardware 5

2.2 Software 5

3 Installation and upgrade 5

3.1 Actions 5

4 Re-initiation T1/E1 trunks 6

4.1 Actions 6

4.2 SLES 10 SP3 upgrade 7

4.3 EPN must be removed before upgrade 7

5 Good to know 7

5.1 HTTP/HTTPS Settings Verification for MTS 7

5.2 IPLU in MGU Gateways 7

5.3 Rollback is not supported to V3.2 7

5.4 Access to MTS if authenfication is done by MP 7

5.5 Add MediaGateway using Manager Telephony System 7

5.6 Parameter VARC D8 for TLP60 8

6 New and Changed End User Functions 8

6.1 Remote Programming of Follow-me 8

6.2 Message Waiting 8

7 New Hardware 8

7.1 ASU-E Server Board 8

7.2 New Phones 8

8 New and Changed Functionality 8

8.1 Aastra Mobile Client 2.0 8

8.2 IP DECT Version 3 8

8.3 Network Redundancy by Using Ethernet Bonding 8

8.4 Software Change-Over During Upgrade 9

8.5 DTMF Support in MGU Boards 9

8.6 QSIG over T1 Support in MGU Boards 9

8.7 Call Lists on Digital Phones 9

8.8 Number Presentation for Group Members 9

8.9 Extra Paging Number 9

8.10 External Call Control 9

8.11 CAAPI Export in Manager Provisioning 9

8.12 Forward Switching 9

8.13 Diversion after Deflect 10

9 Software 10

10 Corrections 11


This document describes the release content and limitations of the MX-ONE release 4.1.

1.1Installation, MX-ONE V.4.1

MX-ONE V.4.1 is intended for new customers, existing MX-ONE customers and TSW/MD110 migrating customers.


The MX-ONE V.4.1 Field Trial has been performed in Sweden, UK, Germany, France, Austria, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Croatia, US, Finland and Saudi Arabia. It has included 15 sites in 13 countries.


MX-ONE V.4.1 contains the following:

  • Telephony Server 4.1

  • Manager Telephony Server 4.1

  • Manager Provisioning 4.1

  • Manager Availability 3.1 SP1

  • Messaging Voice Mail 4.2 SP1

  • Messaging Fax Mail 4.2 SP1

  • Aastra Collaboration Link 1.0 SP2

  • PC-Regen 5.1 for MX-ONE

  • IP-DECT R3

  • Updated FW list

  • Updated Application list

  • Updated CPI

For details about news and new functionality, please read the document “News MX-ONE Version 4.1 19/109 21-ASP 113 01 Uen G1.


A CPI library is available in the knowledge database.

Recovery DVDs will be delivered together with the MX-ONE V.4.1release when ordered through the standard ordering process.

A Media Kit for SW only customers is delivered with the MX-ONE V.4.1release when ordered through the standard ordering process, LZY 203187/1


Before the upgrade, please make sure that the system is stable and that you have read the instruction in the CPI library thoroughly.


The current MX-ONE Telephony Server HW is still supported, but system capacities can vary based on the hardware type and some field upgrades may be necessary to existing HW components (e.g. CPU memory, etc.).

For customers wishing to migrate from existing MD110 stackable and Telephony Switch installations, the existing HW is supported, although there are some configuration rules that must be applied based on the chassis type.

The hardware must comply with the R-STATE SURVEY 1317-ASP 113 01 Uen J3 in the CPI documentation.

You will find the list under General, Replacing Hardware and Product List MX-ONE.


SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP3 is required for this release.

Please be aware about procedure for SLES10 upgrades before the upgrade process is started. The SLES 10 SP3 package is available for download at Service Support Plaza, Knowledge Base

An upgrading customer must secure that Java 1.5 is installed before using the ICT tool. Java 1.5 can be extracted from the recovery DVD.

It is strongly recommended to make a safety back-up before upgrade or migration as no automatic roll-back is supported.

3Installation and upgrade


Use PC-Regen 5.1 for MX-ONE to regenerate the data.

  1. Existing MX-ONE V.3.2 and V.4.0 customers can upgrade without uninstall to minimize downtime.

  2. New and MX-ONE V.3.1 and prior customers shall use the recovery DVD.

  3. Migrating MD110 and TSW customers should be considered as a new installation with new HW.

Any reconfiguration of an upgrading or migrating system should be treated as a new installation. PC-Regen only supports data generation to an identical system as the original.

Detailed description for each scenario is available in the CPI library.

4Re-initiation T1/E1 trunks

When upgrading from MX-ONE V.4.0 versions following actions must be performed:

Interface changes have made it necessary to remove and reinitiate all T1 trunks. This applies for TLU77, MGU, and EMG. Also, for the MGU board, as the E1 board identity will change, from 57 (TLU76) to 125 (PRI), when adding the service pack 1 software, all virtual trunk boards must be removed. Then the MGU firmware should be updated. When the MGU FW is updated, the Telephony System should be updated to 4.1. After this, a board scan shall be performed, and a re-initiation of the trunk boards be made.

4.1 Actions

1. Run board_list. Locate the board positions for all assigned trunks with Boardid 57 (E1) and 71 (T1). For example, Boardpos 1A-1-00 is found with Boardid 57.

2. Run syedp:bpos=...; for the found board positions to find the Route and Trunk identities. For example, syedp:bpos=1A-1-00; could show ROU/TRU from 11/001-0001 to 11/001-0015.

3. End the trunk function for all individuals. Use the data from step 2.

Run roeqe:rou=, tru= ; Ex. roeqe:rou=11,tru=1-1&&1-15;

4. Remove all trunk boards on the MGU boards by removing the boards.

Run board_config -remove -bpos

5. Remove all T1trunk boards on the EMG.

Run board_config -remove -bpos

6. Remove all TLU77 boards in the Media Gateway Classic.

Run board_config -remove -bpos

7. For each MGU board, upgrade the firmware.

Run board_sw -gateway -netload -path -host

8. For each MGU board, activate the firmware.

Run board_sw -gateway –activate

9. Make a board scan to detect the hardware.

Run board_config -scan

10. Reinitiate all the trunks. Use the data from step 2.

Run roeqi:rou=, tru= ;

4.2SLES 10 SP3 upgrade

Read the readme file on SLES10 SP3 DVD on how to set up an NFS server.


The MX-ONE Telephony system will be out of order during the SLES SP3 upgrade, no telephony traffic will be possible.

The system will be shutdown before the upgrade when the script is executed.

Update_instruction and script is found in below folder in server node folder:/home/eri_sn_admin/install_sw/prepare_sles_upgrade/

4.3EPN must be removed before upgrade

Extra Paging Numbers must be ended before upgrade to MX-ONE 4.1. Re-Initiate EPN after upgrade.

5Good to know

5.1HTTP/HTTPS Settings Verification for MTS

Service Advice HTTP/HTTPS Settings Verification for MTS (ASE/MXO/TQ/ 0087 / EN ) contains instructions on how to change between HTTP/HTTPS and how to verify the configuration after Installation/upgrading and reconfiguration of the security settings in Manager Telephony System (MTS).

5.2IPLU in MGU Gateways

IPLU cannot co-exist with the MGU. But, as the MGU contains all IPLU functionality, there is no need for IPLU-boards in an MGU Gateway.

5.3Rollback is not supported to V3.2

Although it is possible to execute the upgrading script when upgrading a site from MX-ONE V3.2 to MX-ONE V4.1, roll back is not supported.

5.4Access to MTS if authenfication is done by MP

After upgrade access to MTS is not possible to log on if authentication is done by MP.

Workaround is to start eri_om manually.

5.5Add MediaGateway using Manager Telephony System

MTS configuration wizard could be slow when adding a Mediagateway

5.6Parameter VARC D8 for TLP60

Parameter D8 in VARC for TLP60 could get wrong values when using PC-regen to generate exchange data. For correct values for D8 read CPI documentation.

6New and Changed End User Functions

6.1Remote Programming of Follow-me

Using remote programming of follow-me , the diversion settings of an extension can be programmed remotely, from another phone.

6.2Message Waiting

The message waiting function has been extended with a new procedure, *32#. Using this procedure, users that has a message waiting indication can listen to the message (reply to the message) without having to know the phone number to the messaging center. The indication will be removed when the message is collected.

7New Hardware

7.1ASU-E Server Board

A new server board for MX-ONE Lite and MX-ONE Classic, Aastra Server Unit, Embedded (ASU-E), is available in MX-ONE V.4.1. The board replaces the ESU board.

7.2New Phones

MX-ONE V.4.1 supports the following new Aastra phones:

• Aastra 6730i

• Aastra 6731i

• Aastra 6739i

8New and Changed Functionality

8.1Aastra Mobile Client 2.0

Aastra Mobile Client is upgraded to version 2.0 in MX-ONE V.4.1.

8.2IP DECT Version 3

MX-ONE V.4.1 provides an enhanced IP DECT solution, including, for example, Over-the-Air configuration of handsets and support for multiple master base stations within a system.

8.3Network Redundancy by Using Ethernet Bonding

MX-ONE V.4.1 supports network redundancy for servers by using Ethernet bonding. By using Ethernet bonding, a Telephony Server is connected to two separate switches in a switched network. Provided that the switched network is designed for redundancy, this provides network redundancy to the Telephony Server. Ethernet bonding means that two Ethernet interfaces are aggregated to work together. If one of the interfaces stops functioning, the communication is taken over by the other interface.

8.4Software Change-Over During Upgrade

In MX-ONE V.4.1, a telephony server can be prepared with a new telephony server software version in parallel with an existing, running software version. The new software remains passive until activated. By using the software change-over function, the time during which a telephony server is unavailable due to an upgrade can be shortened compared to previous versions of MX-ONE. If required, a rollback to the previous software version can be performed.

8.5DTMF Support in MGU Boards

MGU boards in MX-ONE V.4.1 support DTMF signalling. This means that media gateways comprising an MGU board are able to handle DTMF signalling without the use of an SPU4 board.

8.6QSIG over T1 Support in MGU Boards

In MX-ONE V.4.1, MGU boards support QSIG over T1 signalling.

8.7Call Lists on Digital Phones

In MX-ONE V.4.1, digital phones can be configured for storing only unanswered calls in the phone’s call list.

8.8Number Presentation for Group Members

When a user that is associated to a group is called, either the user’s or the group’s directory number is returned to the calling part (provided that the calling part has dialed the user’s directory number). Function is controlled by SERV parameter for Internal Group Hunting.

8.9Extra Paging Number

MX-ONE V.4.1 provides enhanced capacity for extra paging numbers. Paging number are directory numbers that are not associated to extensions but to paging receivers only.

8.10External Call Control

As a part of the enhanced CSTA support in MX-ONE V.4.1, MX-ONE V.4.1 provides enhanced support for call distribution using external applications.

8.11CAAPI Export in Manager Provisioning

MX-ONE V.4.1 supports export of Call Accounting API (CAAPI) data using Manager Provisioning.

8.12Forward Switching

By permitting forward switching on a route, incoming calls are, if deflected, routed through the server on where the called extension resides, independently of which server the calls are deflected to (forward switching). This means that the normal procedure of returning calls to the sending server and then re-routing the call to the server on which the deflect-to answering position resides is overridden.19/109 21-ASP 113 01 Uen G1 2010-04-30 12 12 New and Changed Functionality.

8.13Diversion after Deflect

In MX-ONE V.4.1, the allowance of diversion after deflect can be set on route level, implying that the same setting is used for all calls using the route. This can be used, for example, for routes that are connected to systems not providing diversion after deflect data


The Following firmware, Applications and PRI's are available for download in this release:

Recovery DVD LZY203 186/1 R3A

Media kit MX-ONE V.4.1


Firmware and PRI list

Hardware and PRI list

Application and PRI list

CPI library for Telephony Server version V.4.1

NOTE: Because of legal issues and EU/US export restrictions, the recovery DVD's and the IPLF-SEC FW must now be downloaded from a Partner restricted FTP server. Use the login account you have received in a separate mail from Aastra Telecom in order to download the SP files as recovery DVD's, Media kit, TS install, etc. All Partners have access to the Knowledge Base, but it is not all Partners that have got approval to download the files on the FTP server. If you after login can't access the download area for the recovery DVD's and other restricted files, then you are not supposed to have rights to download the files. In order to get your download rights changed you must contact your Aastra Channel Manager.

The recovery DVD can alternatively be ordered from the E-Shop.

Actual Software for the other products:


MX-ONE v4.0 SP0

MX-ONE V.4.0 SP1


MX-ONE / ASP 113 01/1




MX-ONE Telephony System


4.0 SP1


MX-ONE Messaging

4.2 SP1

4.2 SP1

4.2 SP1

MX-ONE Manager Availability

3.1 SP1

3.1 SP1

3.1 SP1

Aastra Collaboration Link

1.0 SP1

1.0 SP2

1.0 SP2









Manager Provisioning


4.0 SP1


PC-Regen for MX-ONE


5.0 SP1


Note: MX-ONE Telephony System includes: Media Gateway, Telephony Server and Manager Telephony System


Solved customer trouble reports are listed at in document Slogan List for MX-ONE Telephony Server V.4.1 (ASE/MXO/TQ/ 0086 / EN) published at Service Support Plaza, Knowledge Base.

© 2010 Aastra Technologies Limited. All rights reserved.

This document contains proprietary information, which is protected by copyright.

No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any

means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any

information storage and retrieval system, or translated into another language,

without prior written consent of Aastra Technologies Limited, Concord, Ontario, Canada.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice.



AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. AASTRA shall not be liable for errors

contained herein nor for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the

furnishing, performance or use of this material.

Aastra Technologies Limited

Concord, Ontario, Canada.

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