Commission for hydrology

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World Meteorological Organization


Fifteenth Session
Rome, Italy, 7 to 13 December 2016

CHy-15/Doc. 2

Submitted by:






Request CHy-15 to review, revise and adopt the draft text for inclusion in the general summary.


The Table of Contents is available only electronically as a Document Map*.

Draft text to be included in the general summary


2.1 Report by the president of the Commission

2.1.1 The Commission noted the report of the president of the Commission for Hydrology, Mr Harry Lins (USA) included in the Annex 1, and commended him on the progress achieved by the Commission during the past intersessional period. The Commission discussed the future directions proposed by the president and … thanked him for his leadership and dedication to the success of the Commission.

2.2 Reports by the Advisory Working Group members

2.2.1 The Commission noted the reports of the Advisory Working Group (AWG) members (see CHy-15/INF. 2.2 Annex 2) and expressed appreciation for the contribution that they had made to the coordination and delivery of the activities of the Commission with the assistance of OPACHEs during the past intersessional period. The following AWG members (or their representative) presented their reports:

(a) Vice-president of CHy - Zhiyu Liu (China);

(b) Water, Climate and Risk Management - Jan Danhelka (Czech Republic);

(c) Data Operations and Management - Tony Boston (Australia);

(d) Invited expert responsible for WHOS development - Silvano Pecora (Italy);

(e) Hydrological Forecasting and Prediction - Yuri Simonov (Russian Federation), Johnson M. Maina (Kenya);

(f) Water Resources Assessment - Sung Kim (Republic of Korea); Antonio Cardoso Neto (Brazil);

(g) Quality Management Framework - Hydrology - J.F. Cantin (Canada).

2.3 Report of the Secretary-General

2.3.1 The Commission noted the report of the Secretary-General on the activities undertaken in the framework of the HWRP, included in CHy-15/INF. 2.3Annex 3, and recognized the progress achieved by the joint efforts of the Commission, through its Advisory Working Group, and the WMO Secretariat during the past intersessional period.

2.4 Regional activities to the HWRP

2.4.1 The Commission noted the report of the activities undertaken through the regional associations in relation to the HWRP included in Annex 4. The Commission was also informed of the process by which the Commission ensured that the needs of the regional associations were incorporated into the work programme of the Commission, discussed in CHy-15/Doc. 7.

2.4.2 The Commission noted the overall benefits that had derived from all regional associations maintaining their working groups related to hydrology and water resources and from the inclusion of the Regional Hydrological Advisors in the Management Groups of regional associations.
Annexes: 41

Annex 1

Report by the president of the Commission


1. The fourteenth intersessional period of the Commission for Hydrology (November 2012 to December 2016) has been unusually eventful, productive, and transformative. It has been a time during which water and the work of CHy have become more recognized as critical elements of the mission of WMO. The Commission’s participation in the priority activities of WMO (e.g., WIGOS/WIS, GFCS, DRR, etc.) has enhanced the reputation of its technical, administrative, and leadership capabilities throughout the Organization. Its active engagement with the regional associations on a broad array of technical support and capacity development issues has made it a model for other Commissions to follow. By almost every measure, the Commission for Hydrology’s ability to support the work and priorities of both the National Hydrological Services and WMO Programmes other than HWRP is stronger and more durable than at any time in recent memory. Significantly, several new opportunities have arisen, unforeseen at CHy-14, that enable dramatically improved capabilities and services for members as we enter the fifteenth intersessional period and beyond. It is from this perspective that I present the following report of CHy’s accomplishments during the fourteenth intersessional period along with an explanation of the factors affecting the activities being proposed for the fifteenth intersessional period.

2. The programme of work adopted by CHy-14 focused on five thematic priorities: Quality Management Framework – Hydrology; Data Operations and Management; Water Resources Assessment; Hydrological Forecasting and Prediction; and Water, Climate and Risk Management. The accomplishments in each of these areas have been significant and, in many cases, have far exceeded what was requested by CHy-14. Details of these accomplishments are documented in other parts of the CHy-15 report and will not be repeated here. There is one point regarding accomplishments that I will make, however, because it does not appear in any of the individual thematic reports. The success that CHy has enjoyed during the fourteenth intersessional period is largely the result of the outstanding technical and personal qualities of its Advisory Working Group members and several closely affiliated experts. These individuals not only met the requirements of their respective terms of reference, but also distinguished themselves with their technical and leadership contributions to numerous WMO task teams and working groups. It has been gratifying for me to hear from other technical commission presidents, as well as from senior managers within the WMO Secretariat, that the quality of input from the CHy AWG members and experts has been instrumental to the success of several critical WMO priorities. Clearly, CHy-14 did an excellent job in vetting and selecting its Advisory Working Group and I thank and congratulate the Commission and each AWG member for their respective efforts and contributions.
3. The remainder of this report will address three topics. Firstly, the CHy response and contributions to WMO’s role and activities on key issues at country to global levels through the decision-making bodies and mechanisms within WMO such as Congress, the Executive Council and the Meetings of Presidents of Technical Commissions. Secondly, it will describe the basis for and thinking behind the Advisory Working Group’s recommendations for CHy’s future direction, work and activities. Finally, it will address emerging challenges that affect global water resources issues and how CHy and WMO should respond to these challenges. Other aspects of the Commission’s work carried out within WMO will be addressed in several of the other reports.

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