Committee policy handbook

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South Florida Manufacturers Association GNJ

Machining Apprentice Program Policy Handbook

DOT Code 600.280.022

Program Number; FL 011090024

Revision 2

Effective 3/15/2010
South Florida Manufactures Association GNJ - Machining Apprentice Program
Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee

    1. Communications

All communications and inquiries should be made to the coordinator, located at the committee’s administrative office, at the following address:
South Florida Manufacturers Association GNJ

Machining Apprentice Program

1000 West McNab Rd

Pompano Beach, FL 33069

Phone: (954) 941-3358

Fax: (954) 941-3559

    1. Requests to Appear

Employers and apprentices wishing to address the committee should submit requests to the committee administrator prior to the next schedule committee meeting. The committee encourages such requests to be submitted to the administrative office no later than the 10th day of each month.

    1. Notification to Appear

Apprentices who do not comply with the GNJ or Atlantic Technical Center policies will be cited to appear before the committee. Apprentices who do not comply with a notification will be sent a letter via registered mail citing the apprentice to the following committee meeting for a proposed cancellation of the apprenticeship agreement. Failure to appear at this meeting will result in a cancellation of the agreement, and a letter will be mailed to the apprentice stating the reasons for cancellation and his/ her appeal rights.


    1. Qualifications of an Apprentice

Applicants for apprenticeship shall possess the following minimum qualifications, which are directly job related:

  1. At least 18 years of age.

  2. Physically capable of performing the work of the trade.

  3. Must be a high school graduate, possess a GED or complete the same in order to advance into the second phase/level.

    1. Selection Procedure

  1. Applicants for apprenticeship must apply to the GNJ Committee.

  1. Applicants are screened by the GNJ Committee on the basis of selection criteria approved by the Registration Agency.

  1. Applicants who meet the screening requirements and are accepted by the GNJ Committee as eligible for apprenticeship are then referred to participating employers who are hiring.

  1. If the employer states in writing to the GNJ Committee their intent to hire an eligible applicant referred, that applicant is indentured by the GNJ Committee and hired by the employer.

Veterans and pre-apprentices will receive the same consideration. A list of participating employers shall be kept current by the GNJ Committee.

    1. Probationary Period

Apprentices enrolled under these standards shall be subject to a probationary period during the first 365 days of the apprenticeship. During the probationary period, the Apprenticeship Agreement may be terminated by either party of the agreement upon written notice to the Registration Agency without stated cause. The probationary period must be reasonable in relation to the full apprenticeship term; with full credit for such period toward completion of apprenticeship. 6A-23.004(h) FAC

    1. Continuity

The committee is obligated to provide, as far as practical, continuous employment for all its apprentices. A part of that responsibility is shared by you, the apprentice, by reporting to the program administrator to be placed on the out-of-work list. Apprentices looking for work must report to the administrator once a month for the duration that they are out of work. Apprentices on the out-of-work list will be referred to participating employers requesting an apprentice. Apprentices must work for this committee’s approved participating employers. Any work performed for a non-participating employer result in a proposed cancellation from the program and OJT hours worked for non-approved training agents will not be recognized.

    1. Term of Apprenticeship

The term of apprenticeship shall be 8,000 hours, approximately 48 months, of continuous on the job (OJT) employment (including the probationary period) consistent with training requirements established by industry practice and 576 hours of related training. Hours in related instruction are excluded from those in OJT. Each year, the apprentice must successfully complete a minimum of 2,000 hours in OJT and 144 hours of related training consisting of 72 hours in Web Based Training and 72 hours in Classroom Training.

    1. Work Process Overview

The work process of the apprentice program falls into specific activities and related training. The combination of the on the job training, classroom instruction and web based instruction will total 8,000 hours over a 4 year period, 2,000 hours per year. This is further broken down as follow:
Total Program OJT Requirements, 8,000 hours

Suggested On the Job Training Overview



Total Hours

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Benchwork - Hand Tools, Deburring, Polishing, Fitting, etc.






Saw - Horizontal, Vertical






Drill Press












Milling - Conventional / CNC






Turning - Conventional / CNC






Grinding - Surface, Blanchard, Tool @ Cutter, Cylindrical






Fixturing - Work Holding






Machine Maintenance












Related Instruction Requirements, 576 hours.

    1. Monthly OJT Hours Tracking Form (MHTF)

Each apprentice must submit a complete and accurate MHTF for each month that s/he is registered as an apprentice, whether the apprentice is working or not, to the class room instructor the 1st class following the end of the month recorded. During the summer class break, an Apprentice Committee Member will pickup the MHTF from the apprentice at their work location, or it may be submitted directly to the Committee.
Failure to maintain accurate (which is to include current address and phone number as well as accurate OJT information) and timely MHTFs will result in the apprentice receiving a citation to appear to the next committee meeting. Timely MHTFs are defined as no more than one MHTF received late or missing during a six-month period; January through June, or July through December. MHTFs for the month of December must be received on time in order to progress to the next level.
Improperly reporting hours not worked as hours worked on an MHTF will result in the following action:

      1. First Violation will result in the apprentice being given a Verbal Warning. All incorrect hours deducted.

      1. Second Violation will result in the apprentice receiving a Written Warning and being placed on one-year probation. All incorrect hours will be deducted.

      1. Third Violation will result in termination from the apprenticeship and training program.

    1. Related Training (classroom instruction)

Related Training will be provided through a combination of classroom training and web based training. Classes will be held at Atlantic Technical Center or where directed by the committee. Classes will be held one night a week during fall and spring terms and will provide 72 hours of related training material. Legitimate religious and/or military conflicts will be addressed on an individual basis. Failure to attend related training class, as reported to the committee by the related training instructors, will result in a proposed cancellation. See 6A-23.004(2)(d) FAC
Failure to attend the Related Training as provided through Atlantic Technical Center will not be acceptable due to the limited number of classes per semester. Each apprentice will be allowed only one (1) excused absence per semester/school term and this will need to be made up within two weeks. Any absences beyond the first during a semester will be considered unexcused and result in the following action.

      1. First Violation will result in the apprentice being given a Verbal Warning.

      1. Second Violation may result in the apprentice receiving a Written Warning and up to being placed on a one-year probation.

      1. Third Violation will result in termination from the apprenticeship and training program.

    1. Web Based Training (on-line instruction and simulation)

The web based portion of related training material will provide 72 hours of the 144 hours required annually. Curriculum is established and reviewed annually by the committee and assigned to apprentices depending on their year of study. Participating Employers agree to allow web based home study of related material for those apprentices having access to the internet. For those without internet access, participating employers will provide computer access and allotted time for the apprentice to study at their place of employment during non work hours.
All testing of related material will be conducted in a supervised setting. Atlantic Technical Center will be responsible to administer tests and document results for each apprentice. The committee or program coordinator will have access to custom reports documenting students' performance, including class completions, test results, login times, and much more.

    1. Class Registration and Tuition (Atlantic Technical Center)

Registration for classes, for the Spring and Fall terms, is mandatory. Failure to register will result in a proposed cancellation. Tuition will be paid according to the participating company’s policy. Failure to comply with the participating company’s policy on tuition payment will result in a proposed cancellation.

    1. Class Books

Apprentices will not be required to obtain any specific books for class. Apprentices will however be provided with a list of suggested books for purchase which will enhance their learning experience.

    1. Tools of the Trade

Apprentices will be required to possess at minimum the following tools of the trade within the first 90 days of class. Questions on specifics or additional tool of the trade may be directed towards your instructor.

        • Year 1: Tool Chest, Allen Wrench Sets (English / Metric) Adjustable Wrench, 6” Calipers, 0 – 1” Micrometer, Safety Glasses

        • Year 2: 1” Travel Indicator, Test Indicator, 6” Square

        • Year 3: To Be Determined

        • Year 4: To Be Determined

    1. Advancement in the Program

Apprentice records are reviewed annually for advancement consideration (advancement in the apprenticeship program from the present period of progress to the next period) at the January and committee meeting. Advancements will be based on:

  • timeliness of MHTFs as specified in policy 2.2

  • recommendations from employer and instructor

  • completion of required 72 hours of related classroom training from the last completed calendar year (min hours)

  • completion of 2000 hours of OJT as outlined in policy 2.3

  • completion of Web Based related training, as outlined in policy 2.3

  • Possession of a high school diploma or GED.

      1. Apprentices that have not qualified for advancement because of insufficient on-the-job training/related training (OJT/RT) hours may be allowed to continue OJT/RT training for up to 30 days under a probationary advancement. Upon completing the applicable requirements listed in policy #2.6, the apprentice will be re evaluated for advancement by the committee. Failure to complete the require training hours during this probationary advancement will result in the apprentice failing to advance as listed in policy 2.10.

      1. The MHTFs must be submitted at the first class following the recorded month of training, and must be signed by the apprentice’s supervisor.

      1. The advancement, if granted, will become effective the first day of the following month.

      1. If the apprentice’s advancement is held for cause (as stated above in policy 2.6), the apprentice is in administrative probation for six months and no request for evaluation will be considered until the completion of the probationary status. The next evaluation following administrative probation status will be the next semi-annual evaluation (January/July evaluation).

    1. Program Advancement Schedule

      • Period 1 to 2 … Minimum of 2000 OJT hours and “C” grade 1st year of Related Training Completed and possession of high school diploma or GED.

      • Period 2 to 3 … Minimum of 2000 OJT hours and “C” grade 1st year of Related Training Completed

      • Period 3 to 4 … Minimum of 2000 OJT hours and “C” grade 1st year of Related Training Completed

    1. Completion of the Program

Qualifications for the completion of the apprenticeship program will be: a minimum of 8,000 OJT hours in the work experience categories listed in section 2.6, attendance and completion of all related training classes and terms, and recommendation from the committee and sponsoring employer. See ORS 660.205(1); OAR 918-282-0170

  1. Bench Work 500 hours

  2. Saw – Horizontal, Vertical 500 hours

  3. Drill Press 250 hours

  4. Inspection 750 hours

  5. Milling – Conventional / CNC 2,250 hours

  6. Turning – Conventional / CNC 2,250 hours

  7. Grinding – Surface, Blanchard, Tool @ Cutter, Cylindrical 500 hours

  8. Fixture – Work Holding 750 hours

  9. Machine Maintenance 250 hours

8,000 hours
Upon satisfactory completion of the term of apprenticeship, the committee will request from the Registration Agency, through the Servicing Representative, that a Certificate of Completion be awarded. 6A-23.004(2)(o) FAC

    1. Indirect Supervision

Apprentices engaged in on-the-job training shall be under the direct supervision of a journeyman. The hours of work for apprentices shall be the same as those for journeymen in the occupation covered by these standards and in conformity with State and Federal Laws. In assigning work to apprentices, however, due consideration shall be given to the variety of operations necessary to develop their occupational skills.
Overtime will not interfere with attendance at related instruction classes. 6A-23.004(2)(n) FAC

    1. Failure to Advance

Apprentices not re-rated (advanced in the program) will be held at the current period and given a period of time, not to exceed the next scheduled re-rate, to make the necessary accomplishments to qualify for advancement. Failure to make the required accomplishments may result in being held for a maximum of one year from the original hold in period before proposed cancellation.

    1. Prior Machining Experience

Credit for previous experience or training in the occupation may be allowed, such credit to be stated on the apprenticeship agreement. Apprentices who receive credit for previous experience or training shall be paid, upon entrance, the wage rate of the period to which such credit advances them.
The registration agency recognizes that the program sponsor has authority to establish procedures for granting credit to apprentices for previous work and/or training experience. However, to ensure consistency among program sponsors in awarding credits, the registration agency requires that these procedures include the following basic requirements:
No more than fifty percent of the apprenticeship program duration can be awarded to an apprentice, i.e., number of months credited to an apprentice for prior work and/or training experience, unless the apprentice is transferring from another registered apprenticeship program in a related trade.
All credit granted of more than 1000 hours of on the job training will require an evaluation method which, at a minimum, shall incorporate the following:
Consideration of time worked in the specific occupation, or in a related occupation; and Consideration of wages earned by the incoming apprentice.
Program sponsors must maintain documentation as to how credit was granted to an apprentice for a period of five (5) years. Documentation must be made available to the registration agency upon request.
Individuals who receive credit toward the completion of an apprenticeship program must enter a related instructional program at a level commensurate with the amount of credit awarded. Before an apprentice who was awarded credit for prior work and/or training experience can receive an Apprenticeship Completion Certificate from the State of Florida, he shall be required to demonstrate a mastery of the same instructional material as those apprentices who have completed the entire training program.
All program sponsors who want to award credit to an apprentice for a registered apprenticeship program must develop and include procedures for meeting the standards of that program and have these available for review.
Exceptions to the above policy may be granted when requested by a program sponsor and a determination is made by the registration agency that such exception does not undermine the quality of apprenticeship training and favors the welfare of the apprentice. 6A-23.004(2)(l) FAC

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