Council Rock School District
Bucks County, Pennsylvania
Newtown, Pennsylvania
Thursday, December 1, 2005
MINUTES – Reorganizational Meeting
Following a beautiful musical presentation by students from Richboro Middle School Choir Ensemble, the Board of School Directors meeting was brought to order at 7:30 p.m. at The Chancellor Center, 30 N. Chancellor Street, Newtown, PA. This meeting is for the purpose of board reorganization. The following individuals were in attendance:
Board: Mrs. Susan Vicedomini, President
Mr. Jerold Grupp, Vice President
Richard Abramson, Esquire
Dr. Paul Anagnostakos
Mr. Christopher G. Ayoub
Mr. Robert Donnelly
Mr. Alan R. Harvison
Mrs. Bernadette Heenan
Mrs. Patricia C. Vaccaro-Sexton
Mr. Mark J. Klein, Superintendent
Mrs. Charlotte I. Walter, CEOE, Board Secretary
Mr. Robert Riegel, Board Treasurer; Asst. Business Administrator
Mr. Derek Reid, Esquire, Solicitor
Staff: Mr. Robert Winters, Director of School Services
Mr. Robert Schoch, Director of Business Administration
Mr. David M. Bollinger, Director of Human Resources
Mr. Charles Lambert, Director of Special Services
Mr. Thomas Ames, Supervisor of Facilities
Mr. Matthew Frederickson, Supervisor of Information Technology
Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, Secretary Walter called the roll call and reported that all were present.
Superintendent’s Report- Mr. Klein introduced Florence Kawoczka, Director, Financial Development, American Red Cross, Lower Bucks County Chapter who accepted the district’s generous donations for victims from Hurricane Katrina. $180,000.00 was collected from the students and CR community district wide. This was quite the “Humanitarian Award” and Mrs. Kawoczka was humbled by the generosity expressed.
Mr. Klein read the e-mail for Hearts & Soles that was directed to Andrea Mangold. It read “We just received another shipment of shoes for the Breitling Elementary children with personal notes and candy in the shoes – how awesome is that? We will distribute those shoes on Friday and the social worker and nurse will take pictures of the kids. I will email them to you on Monday or Tuesday of next week. Everyone started crying when they opened the boxes of shoes! Y’all (that’s the Southern way of saying “you guys”) have done an OUTSTANDING job with “Hearts and Soles” and have surely touched all our hearts and souls with your generosity!”
/S/ Denise Riemer, LCSW, Social Worker, Homeless Education Program from Mobile County Public Schools.
Mr. Klein introduced Tom Ames – for CR North Award –
Mid-Atlantic Construction announces ‘Best of 2005 Winners.” The magazine honors region’s top construction projects. The annual competition recognizes construction and design excellence in Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, eastern Pennsylvania and the District of Columbia. The jury awarded projects based on entry criteria including achievement of goals set out by the team, overcoming the challenges of the job and exhibiting extraordinary teamwork and innovative execution. The jury could award one “Project of the Year” and multiple “Awards of Merit” in each category. The jury could also opt to not award any projects in a category. An overall “Project of the Year” across all categories was also selected Any juror who may have been affiliated with a project submission abstained from voting on that entry. Council Rock High School-North was named as “K-12 Project of the Year.” Tom was honored at a breakfast award ceremony in Baltimore, MD on November 30th. Tom reported that even though school was in session, we had an extremely cooperative construction team working around the everyday routines of the students. Thanks Tom and your team for a job well done.
During the first full week of November, our district sponsored Council Rock Education Week. During that week, we invited parents to visit our schools to see the quality of the education process that occurs each day. During that week, we welcomed over 4500 visitors. In addition, each school offered workshops on topics such as PSSA testing, technology and reading strategies. I offer my thanks to parents and teachers for their collaboration during this week and over the course of the school year.
As we move forward in reorganization tonight, I offer a sincere welcome to Mr. Donnelly as he assumes his seat on the Board of School Directors. I offer my congratulations to Mrs. Heenan, Dr. Anagnostakos and Mrs. Vicedomini on their reelection to the Board. And, as always, I speak on behalf of our staff in thanking each member of the board for their selfless service to Council Rock.
As you consider changes in leadership this evening, I offer my sincere thanks to Mrs. Vicedomini for her two terms as President of the Board. These past two years have been marked by significant progress and innovation in Council Rock. Her leadership was instrumental in our success.
Thanks also to Mr. Grupp for his leadership as Board Vice President and chair of the Finance Committee and for the leadership demonstrated by our various committee chair people including Mrs. Heenan, Mr. Harvison and Mr. Abramson.
I look forward to working with your newly elected leadership team and a continued strong working relationship with our entire board.
Public Comment
Susan Lieden, representing S.A.G.E reported that Richboro Middle School will host the “Intergenerational Feast” on December 14th at 12:30 p.m. honoring S.A.G.E. members for their service to our school community in the past year. She noted that computer classes will be given to S.A.G.E. members sometime in March. She encouraged new members 55+ years old or older to join the group.
Mrs. Vicedomini and Mr. Grupp were presented with plaques in appreciation for their service as President and Vice President respectively this past year.
Board Approvals
Board Solicitor- Mr. Grupp moved, seconded by Mrs. Heenan, passed unanimously with a voice vote, for the approval to appoint Eastburn & Gray as solicitor for the Board of School Directors for the 2005-06 school year.
School Physicians and Dentists – (Attachment #1) - Mrs. Heenan moved, seconded by Mr. Grupp, passed unanimously with a voice vote, for the approval of the attached list of School Physicians and School Dentists for the 2005-06 school year.
Reorganization Process of the Board of School Directors
It was agreed that Mr. Reid would serve as President Pro-Tem during the organizational process.
Secretary Walter read the certificates of election for the newly elected board members:
Paul Anagnostakos, Region #8 4-year term
Robert Donnelly Region #6 4-year term
Bernadette Heenan Region #3 4-year term
Susan Vicedomini Region #9 4-year term
Roll Call of the Organized Board of School Directors – All were present
Mr. Richard Abramson, Esquire
Dr. Paul Anagnostakos
Mr. Christopher G. Ayoub
Mr. Robert Donnelly
Mr. Jerold Grupp
Mr. Alan R. Harvison
Mrs. Bernadette Heenan
Mrs. Patricia C. Vaccaro-Sexton
Mrs. Susan Vicedomini
Election of a President- Mr. Reid called for nominations for President. Mr. Grupp nominated Mr. Alan Harvison to serve as President of the Board of School Directors. Mrs. Vicedomini seconded the nomination. Hearing no other nominations, the nomination passed unanimously with a roll call vote, for the appointment of Alan R. Harvison to serve as President of the Board of School Directors.
Election of a Vice President- Mr. Reid called for nominations for Vice-President. Mrs. Vicedomini nominated Mr. Jerold Grupp to service as Vice-President of the Board of School Directors. Mr. Abramson seconded the nomination. Hearing no other nominations, the nomination passed unanimously with a roll call vote, for the appointment of Jerold Grupp to serve as Vice-President of the Board of School Directors.
Mr. Harvison thanked the board members for their confidence. He expressed that this board works well together and represents variety throughout the community.
Appointment – Bucks County Intermediate Unit #22 Representative and Alternate – Mrs. Sexton volunteered to be the representative while Mrs. Heenan volunteered to be the alternate.
Appointment – Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Representative and Alternate- Mrs. Heenan & Mr. Harvison volunteered to be the representatives while Mr. Grupp volunteered to be the alternate.
Appointment – Pennsylvania School Boards Association Legislative Chairperson/PSBA Representative- Mrs. Vicedomini volunteered to serve in this capacity.
Appointment – Pennsylvania School Boards Association Employee Relations Contact – Mr.Grupp volunteered to serve in this capacity.
Approval – School Board Charters –(Attachment #2) - Mr. Grupp moved, seconded by Mrs. Heenan, passed unanimously with a voice vote, for the approval of the School Board Charters.
President’s Appointment of Sub-Committee Members:
Policy Committee
Mr. Abramson, Chair
Mr. Harvison
Mrs. Vicedomini
Facilities Committee
Mrs. Heenan, Chair
Dr. Anagnostakos
Mrs. Sexton
Mr. Grupp
Finance Committee
Mr. Ayoub, Chair
Mr. Donnelly
Mrs. Sexton
Mr. Grupp
Academic Standards
Mrs. Vicedomini, Chair
Mr. Harvison
Mrs. Heenan
Citizens Adv. Board
Mr. Ayoub, Chair
Mrs. Vicedomini
Mr. Abramson
Board Comments
Mrs. Vicedomini spoke on the accomplishments of this board. During her two years as Vice-President and two years as President, many major decisions were made. This board worked well collaboratively and she reported how proud she was to serve on this board.
Mr. Abramson thanked Mrs. Vicedomini for her service. When she was appointed to the board, we were in stressful and turbulent times. She hit the ground running and has served us well. Thank you.
Public Comment
Bob Jacoby expressed his appreciation for the work of each board member. You have helped to uphold the reputation of Council Rock.
Marilyn Scarpa thanked the board members for their service on the board. This is truly a “labor of love.” She wished Mr. Harvison good luck as the leader of the board.
Mr. Reid reported there was an executive session held on November 28, 2005 for the purpose of negotiation discussions.
Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:27 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlotte I. Walter, CEOE
Board Secretary
Brd. Minutes 12.1.05 of
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