Curriculum Vita

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Curriculum Vita
Deborah L. Tolman
Silberman School of Social Work@Hunter College The Graduate Center CUNY

2130 Third Avenue at 119th Street Doctoral Program in Psychology

New York, NY 10035 365 Fifth Avenue

212 396-7526 New York, NY 10016 212-817-8736

Current Position
Professor of Social Welfare and Psychology, Hunter College School of Social Work and The

Graduate Center, City University of New York, January, 2009-present

Co-Founder, SPARK Movement (Sexualization Protest: Action, Resistance, Knowledge). May,


Harvard University, Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, MA

Ed.D., Human Development and Psychology, June, 1992.

Dissertation: Voicing the body: A psychological study of adolescent girls' sexual desire

Advisor: Carol Gilligan

University of Pennsylvania, Graduate School of Education, Philadelphia, PA

M.S., Human Sexuality Education, August 1986.

Masters' research project: Functions of intimate relationships in different women's lives
Harvard College, Cambridge, MA

A.B., cum laude, History and Literature, June 1983.

Senior honors’ thesis: Women’s sexual awakening in George Eliot’s Middlemarch and Adam Bede

Catalyzing Culture Award, 21 Leaders for the 21st Century, Women’s E-News, New York, NY,

May, 2012

Real Deal Award, Scenarios USA, New York, NY, April, 2012.

Outstanding Contribution to Sexual Science Award, Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality,

Western Region, Los Angeles, CA, April, 2012
Founder’s Award, Champions of Sexual Literacy, National Sexuality Resource Center, San

Francisco, CA, October, 2007.

Task Force on Sexualization of Girls, American Psychological Association, appointed member,

2006-2007 (co-author of Task Force Report).

Distinguished Book Award, Association for Women in Psychology (for Dilemmas of

Desire: Teenage Girls Talk about Sexuality), 2003.

Committee on Women in Psychology Leadership Award, American Psychological Association

(APA), 2002.

Fellow, American Psychological Association; APA, Division 9 (Society for the Psychological

Study of Social Issues); APA, Division 35 (Society for the Psychology of Women)

Award of Appreciation, Teen Voices Magazine/Women Express, Inc., for commitment and

contributions to sustainability of nonprofit for girls, 2003.

Elected Member, International Academy of Sex Research

Louise Kidder Early Career Award, 1997 (APA, Division 9).

FIRST Award, National Institute of Child Health and Development, 1995.

Henry A. Murray Dissertation Award, Radcliffe College, 1991.

Larsen Doctoral Research Fellowship, Harvard Graduate School of Education, 1987-1990.

Harvard College Scholar, 1981-1983.

Under Review

Co-Investigator (with C. Moreau and R. Blum). “The Global Early Adolescent Study,” National

Institute for Child Health and Development, January, 2015-December, 2019, $3,772,687.90.


Principal Investigator, “Girls negotiating sexualization in the UK and the US,” Society for

Research on Adolescence Innovation Small Grant, April, 2013-February, 2014, $4000.
Co-Principal Investigator, “SPARK: Engaging girls in activism,” NoVo Foundation, February,

2013-February, 2016, $120,000.

Co-Principal Investigator, “SPARK: General Support,” Women’s Fund of Colorado/Hunt

Alternatives Fund, January, 2013-February, 2015 ($50,000).

Co-Principal Investigator, “SPARK: Developing the organization,” Embry Family Foundation,

March 2012-March, 2013, ($25,000).

Co-Principal Investigator, “SPARK: From academic report to raising awareness, critical

perspective and activism,” Atlantic Philanthropies, January 1, 2010-June 30, 2011,

($100,000) (via Ms. Foundation for SPARK collaborative)

Co-Principal Investigator, “SPARK:, From academic report to raising awareness, critical

perspectives and activism,” October 1, 2010-March 31, 2011,

Ford Foundation ($150,000) (via Ms. Foundation for SPARK collaborative)

Co-Principal Investigator, “SPARK:, From academic report to raising awareness, critical

perspectives and activism,” October 1, 2010-March 31, 2011,

New York Community Trust ($10,000) (via Ms. Foundation for SPARK collaborative)
Co-Principal Investigator, “SPARK:, From academic report to raising awareness, critical

perspectives and activism,” October 1, 2010-March 31, 2011,

NoVo Foundation ($30,000) (via Ms. Foundation for SPARK collaborative)
Principal Investigator, PSC-CUNY Grant, “Desire in the 21st Century,” June, 2011-December,

2012, ($3500).

Principal Investigator, “Female Adolescent Risk Behavior” (a phenomenological study of

adolescent girls and oral sex),” Office of Population Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services, April 1, 2005-March 31, 2009, ($721,000).

Principal Investigator, “Television Consumption and Adolescent Sexual Activity,” National

Institute of Child Health and Human Development, October, 2000-August, 2007. ($2,457,322).

Principal Investigator, Minority Supplement, July, 2005-June, 2006 (Dr. Rita Melendez),


Principal Investigator, “Beyond Pregnancy and AIDS: Final Development of a New

Conception of Adolescent Sexual Health” The Ford Foundation, February, 2003-

August, 2006. ($750,000)
Principal Investigator, “Beyond Pregnancy and AIDS: Further Development of a New Conception of Female Adolescent Sexual Health,” The Ford Foundation, October, 1999-January, 2003. ($250,000)
Principal Investigator, Adolescent Boys’ Sexuality and Gender Ideology, The Ford Foundation. March, 2001-January, 2003. ($85,000)
Principal Investigator, "Gender Equity and Adolescent Outcomes in a Middle School," The

Spencer Foundation Small Grants Program, October 1998- December 1999. ($35,000)

Principal Investigator, "Beyond Pregnancy and AIDS: Sexual Health for Adolescent Girls," The Ford Foundation, October 1996-September 1999. ($190,000)
Principal Investigator, "Masculinity Ideology, Femininity Ideology and Adolescent Boys' Intimate Relationships," The Ford Foundation, Spring 1997-September 1999 ($50,000).
Principal Investigator, "Femininity Ideology and Risk of Unintended Pregnancy," National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (FIRST Award), February 1995-September 2001. ($360,880).
Principal Investigator, "Femininity Ideology and Risk of Unintended Pregnancy," National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Minority Supplement (Judy Chu), February 1998-April 2001. ($96,306).
Principal Investigator, "Dimensions of Desire--Phase 2," The Spencer Foundation Small Grants Program, May 1995-August 1996 ($12,000).
Principal Investigator, "Dimensions of Desire," The Spencer Foundation Small Grants Program, December, 1993-July, 1994. ($12,000)
Principal Investigator, "Mary Calderone Oral History Project," The Clapp Fund, Schlessinger Library, Radcliffe College, 1988. ($5,000)

City University of New York

Professor of Social Welfare and Psychology, Hunter College School of Social Work and The

Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY, February, 2008-

Visiting Professor, Department of Urban Public Health, Hunter College, New York, NY,

February, 2008-January, 2008

Visiting Scholar, Department of Psychology, Subprogram in Social-Personality, The Graduate

Center, New York, NY, September, 2008-January, 2009


Member, Executive Committee, Doctoral Program in Social Welfare, Silberman School

of Social Work, September, 2012-

Chair, Curriculum Committee, Doctoral Program in Social Welfare, Silberman School of

Social Work, September, 2012-

Member, Faculty Search Committee, Silberman School of Social Work, September, 2009-2013

Panelist, Dealing with Rejection Workshop, Office of Research Administration, Hunter College,

November, 2011.

Member, Silberman School of Social Work, Research/Professional Development Committee,

September, 2011-

Member, Faculty Development Committee (Managing Oppressions in the Classroom and

Beyond), September, 2009-2011

Advisor, Junior Faculty Professional Development to Tenure, February, 2008-

Advisory Board, LGBT Policy Center, Hunter College, September, 2008-

Member, Executive Committee, Social/Personality Subprogram, GC-CUNY, September, 2009-

Member, Admissions Committee, Social/Personality Subprogram, GC-CUNY, September, 2009-


Member, Curriculum Committee, Social/Personality Subprogram, GC-CUNY, September, 2008-

Chair, Faculty Appointment Committee, Social/Personality Subprogram, GC-CUNY,

September, 2008-

Co-Chair, Doctoral Research Grant Review Panel, Psychology Doctoral Program, GC-CUNY,

San Francisco State University

Professor, Department of Sexuality Studies, August, 2003-July, 2008
Founding Director, Center for Research on Gender and Sexuality January, 2004-December, 2007
Director, Adolescent Sexuality Project, Center for Research on Gender and Sexuality,

September, 2003-February, 2009


Member (Appointed by Provost), Search Committee for Dean of the College of Ethnic Studies,

November, 2005-June, 2006.

Member (Appointed by President), University-Wide National Search Committee for Vice

President of Research and Sponsored Programs, November, 2003-April, 2004.

Chair, Retention, Tenure and Promotion Committee, Human Sexuality Studies Program

(HMSX), September, 2003-June, 2008. (Melendez, early tenure granted; Carillo, early tenure granted)

Member, Search Committee for Sexuality and Public Policy Tenure-Track Faculty, September,

2005-April, 2006.

Member, Graduate Studies Committee (HMSX), September, 2003-February, 2008.

Member, Retention, Tenure and Promotion Committee (Dr. Jessica Fields, Sociology),

September, 2004-June, 2007. Tenure granted.

Wellesley College

Associate Director, Center for Research on Women, January, 2001-May, 2003.
Senior Research Scientist and Director, Gender and Sexuality Project, Center for Research on Women, February 1995-May, 2003.
Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Wellesley College, “Sexuality and

Public Policy,”Spring, 2001.

Research Associate, Center for Research on Women, June, 1994-January, 1995.
Visiting Research Scholar, Center for Research on Women, July, 1993-June,1994.

Review Committee, Stone Center and Center for Research on Women Working Papers Series,

September 2001-May, 2003.

Endowment Campaign, Center for Research on Women, November, 2005-April, 2006.

Harvard University

Graduate School of Education

Research Associate, Project on Women's Psychology and Girls' Development, July, 1992-July, 1993.

Assistant Study Director, Project on Women's Psychology and Girls' Development, September 1987-October, 1991.
Instructor, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, MA, "Adolescent

Sexuality," Spring, 1994, 1995, 1996.

Seminar Leader and Thesis Advisor, Committee on Women's Studies, Harvard College, Cambridge, MA, 1989-1993.

Additional Experience

Research Associate, Pickman Consulting Group (public policy consulting), New York, NY

Oral Historian, "Mary Calderone Oral History Project," New York, NY and Cambridge, MA,

Editorial Assistant, SIECUS Report, Sexuality Information and Education Council of the US,

New York, NY 1985-1986.
Research Assistant, The Alan Guttmacher Institute, New York, NY, 1983-1985.

Book, volumes and special sections:

Tolman, D. & Diamond, L., (Eds-in Chief). (2014). The APA Handbook of Sexuality: Person-Based Approaches, Volume 1. APA Press, Washington, D.C.

Tolman, D. & Diamond, L. (Eds-in Chief.). (2014). The APA Handbook of Sexuality: Contextual Approaches, Volume 2. APA Press, Washington, D.C.
Zurbriggen, E., Tolman, D., Ward, M., Roberts, T.A., Collins, B. & Lamb, S. (2007). Task

Force Report on the Sexualization of Girls, Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Tolman, D. (Ed). (2006). Sexuality Research and Social Policy, Guest Editor. “Through a Lens of Embodiment: New Research from the Center for Research on Gender and Sexuality.” 3(4).
Tolman, D. (Ed.). (2005). Feminism and Psychology, Special Section “Theory, research and practice for female adolescent sexuality: Emergent discourses of desire.” 15(1).
Tolman, D. (2002). Dilemmas of desire: Teenage girls talk about sexuality. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. (Paperback published in 2005).
Excerpted in Chronicle of Higher Education; 12/13/2002, Vol. 49 Issue 16, pB4, 2p
Excerpted in D. Newman & J. O’Brien. (2006). Sociology: Exploring the architecture of everyday life, sixth edition. Pine Forge Press (imprint of Sage Publications). Thousand Oaks, CA.
Tolman, D. & Brydon-Miller, M. (Eds.). (2000). From subjects to subjectivities: A handbook of interpretive and participatory action research methods. New York, NY: New York University Press.
Brydon-Miller, M. & Tolman, D. (Eds.). (1998). Journal of Social Issues, Special Issue "Transforming Psychology: Interpretive and Participatory Methods." 53(4).
Gilligan, C., Rogers, A., & Tolman, D. (Eds.). (1991/2014). Women, girls and psychotherapy: Reframing resistance. New York: Haworth Press. (Second edition published in 1996).
Republished (2014) by Routledge Press.
Manuscripts in Preparation

Tolman, D., Bowman, C. & Davis, B. Reproducing gender inequitable relationships in adolescence: The complementary role of masculinity and femininity ideologies.

Tolman, D., Andersen, S. & Belmonte, K. Slut talk: Regulatory discourse in adolescent girls’ fellatio narratives.
Tolman, D., Chmielewski, J. & Bowman, C. The study of sexualization in the US: Mechanisms,

outcomes, and public discourse. In E. Renold and J. Ringrose, (Eds.), Children,

sexuality and sexualization. London: Palgrave Press.

Peer-reviewed journal articles

Edell, D., Brown, L. M., & Tolman, D. (2013). Embodying sexualization: When theory meets practice in intergenerational feminist activism. Feminist Theory,14(3), 275-284.
Roye, C., Tolman, D. & Snowden, F. (2012). Heterosexual Anal Intercourse among Black and Latino Adolescents and Young Adults: A Poorly Understood High-Risk Behavior. Journal of Sex Research, (ahead-of-print), 1-8.
Tolman, D. (2012). Female adolescents, sexual empowerment and desire: A missing discourse of gender inequity. Sex Roles. 66 (3), Online First DOI 10.1007/s11199-012-0122-
Burns, A., Futch, V. & Tolman, D. (2011). “Doing homework”: Academic achievement discourses in adolescent women’s fellatio narratives. Sexuality Research and Social Policy 8(3), 239-251.
Tolman, D. & McClelland, S. (2011). Normative sexuality development in adolescence: A decade in review, 2000-2009. Journal of Research on Adolescence 21(1), 242-255.
Impett, E., Breines, J., Schooler, D., Henson, M. & Tolman, D. (2011). Embodiment feels better: Girls’ body objectification and well-being across adolescence. Psychology of Women Quarterly. 35(1), 46-58
Brotto, L., Heiman, J. & Tolman, D. (2009). Narratives of desire in middle-aged women with and without arousal disorders. Journal of Sex Research, 46(5), 387-98.
Impett, E., Sorsoli, L., Schooler, D. & Tolman, D. (2008). Relationship authenticity and girls’

self esteem across adolescence: A latent growth curve analysis. Developmental Psychology, 44

Schooler, D., Sorsoli, L., Kim, J. & Tolman, D. (2007). Beyond exposure: A person-oriented approach to adolescent media diets. Journal of Research on Adolescence. 19(3), 484-508.
Kim, J., Sorsoli, L., Collins, K., Zylbergold, B., Schooler, D. & Tolman, D. (2007). From sex to sexuality: Exposing the heterosexual script on primetime network television. Journal of Sex Research. 44(2), 158-147.
Tolman, D., Kim, J., Schooler, D. & Sorsoli, L. (2007). Rethinking the association between television viewing and adolescent sexual health: Bringing gender into focus. Journal of Adolescent Health. 40(1), 9-16.
Tolman, D. (2006). Sexuality research at the Center for Research on Gender and Sexuality: Through a lens of embodiment. Sexuality Research and Social Policy. 3(3).
Fields, J. & Tolman, D. (2006). Risky business: Sexuality education and research in U.S. schools. Sexuality Research and Social Policy. 3(3), 63-76.

Impett, E. & Tolman, D. (2006). Late adolescent girls’ sexual experience and sexual satisfaction. Journal of Adolescent Research. 21(6), 628-646.

Tolman, D. (2006). In a different position: Conceptualizing female adolescent sexuality development within compulsory heterosexuality. New Directions in Child and Adolescent Development. (L. Diamond, Ed.). Summer (112), 71-89.
Impett, E., Schooler, D. & Tolman, D. (2006). To be seen and not heard: Femininity ideology and adolescent girls’ sexual health. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 35(2), 131-144.
Tolman, D., Impett, E., Tracy, A. & Michael, A. (2006). Looking good, sounding good: Femininity is bad for girls’ mental health. Psychology of Women Quarterly. 30(1), 85-95
Tolman, D., Hirschman, C. & Impett, E. (2005). There’s more to the story: The place of qualitative research on female adolescent sexuality in policy making. Sexuality Research and Policy Studies (Special issue on Adolescent Sexuality). 2(4), 4-20.
Tolman, D. (2005). Found(ing) discourses of desire: Unfettering female adolescent sexuality. Feminism and Psychology, 15(1), 5-9.
Tolman, D., Madanagu, B., & Osakue, G. (2005). Supporting subjectivity: Girls’ Power Initiative as Gender Practice. Feminism and Psychology, 15(1), 50-53.
Chu, J., Porche, M & Tolman, D. (2005). The Adolescent Masculinity Ideology Scale: Development and validation of a new measure. Men and Masculinities. 8(1), 93-115.
Tolman, D., Spencer, R., Porche, M. & Rosen-Reynoso, M. (2003). Sowing the seeds of violence in heterosexual relationships: Early adolescents narrate compulsory heterosexuality. Journal of Social Issues, 59(1), 159-178.
Tolman, D., Striepe, M. & Harmon, T. (2003). Gender matters: Constructing (a) model(s) of adolescent sexual health. Journal of Sex Research, 40(1), 4-12.
Spencer, R., Porche, M & Tolman, D. (2003). We’ve come a long way...maybe: New challenges for gender equity. Teachers’ College Record 105(9), 1771-1807.
Striepe, M. & Tolman, D. (2002). Mom, Dad, I’m straight: The “coming out” of gender ideologies in adolescent sexual identity development. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology.
Stein, N., Tolman, D., Porche, M. & Spencer, R. (2002). Gender safety: A new concept for schools. Journal of School Violence, 1(2), 35-50.
Tolman, D. (2002). Female adolescent sexuality: An argument for a developmental perspective on the New View on Women’s Sexual Problems. Women and Therapy. 24(1-2), 195-209.
Tolman, D. & Diamond, L. (2001). Desegregating sexuality research: Synthesizing cultural and biological perspectives on gender and desire. Annual Review of Sexuality Research., 12(1), 33-74.
Tolman, D. (2000). Object lessons: Romance, violence and female adolescent sexual desire. Journal of Sex Education and Therapy. 25(1), 70-79.
Reprinted in T.A. Roberts, Ed., (2004). The Lanahan Readings in the Psychology of Women. Baltimore, MD: Lanahan Publishers.
Tolman, D. & Porche, M. (2000). The Adolescent Femininity Ideology Scale: Development and validation of a new measure for girls. Psychology of Women Quarterly. 24(4), 365-376.
Tolman, D. (1999). Femininity as a barrier to positive sexual health for girls. Journal of the American Medical Womens Association. 54(3), 133-138.
Reprinted in J. Ussher, Ed., (2000). International Reader on Women’s Health. London: British Psychological Society.
Reprinted in A. Hunter & C. Forden, Eds., (2002). Readings in the Psychology of Gender: Exploring our Differences and Commonalities. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Tolman, D. & Szalacha, L. (1999). Dimensions of desire: Bridging qualitative and quantitative methods in a study of female adolescent sexuality. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 23(1), 9-41.
Reprinted in M. Crawford & E. Kimmel, (Eds.). (2000). Innovations in Feminist Psychological Resesarch. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Reprinted in S. Hesse-Biber & P. Leavy, (Eds). (2002/2003). Approaches to Qualitative Research: A Reader on Theory and Practice. New York: Oxford University Press.
Tolman, D. & Brydon-Miller, M. (1997). Transforming psychology: Interpretive and participatory methods. Journal of Social Issues, 53(4), 597-604.
Brydon-Miller, M. & Tolman, D. (1997). Engaging the process of transformation. Journal of Social Issues, 53(4), 803-810.
Tolman, D. (1994). Doing desire: Adolescent girls' struggles for/with sexuality. Gender and Society, 8(3), 324-342.
Reprinted in V. Taylor, L. Rupp & N. Whittle, Eds., (2010). Feminist Frontiers IX. New York: McGraw Hill
Reprinted in M. Kimmel & R. Plante, Eds., (2004). Sexualities: Identities, Behaviors and Society. New York: Oxford University Press.
Reprinted in L. Richardson, V. Taylor & N. Whittier, Eds., (2004). Feminist Frontiers VI. New York: McGraw Hill
Reprinted in L. Richardson, V. Taylor & N. Whittier, Eds., (2001). Feminist Frontiers V. New York: McGraw Hill.
Reprinted in M. Baca Zinn, P. Hendagneu-Sotelo & M. Messner, Eds., (2000). Gender through the Prism of Difference. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Tolman, D. (1994). Listening for crises of connection: Some implications of research with adolescent girls for feminist psychotherapy. Women and Therapy, 15(2), 85-100.
Tolman, D. (1991). Adolescent girls, women and sexuality: Discerning dilemmas of desire. Women and Therapy, 11 (3-4), 55-69.
Reprinted in E. Aries, Ed. (2001). Adolescent Behavior: Readings and Interpretations. New York: McGraw Hill.
Orr, M.T., Forrest, J.D., Johnson, J., & Tolman, D. (1985). The provision of sterilization services by private physicians. Family Planning Perspectives, 17 (5), 216-229.

Book chapters

Tolman, D. & Diamond, L. (2014). Sexuality theory: A review, a revision and a recommendation. In D. Tolman, L., Diamond, J. Bauermeister, W. George, J. Pfaus & M. Ward, (Eds). Handbook of Sexuality and Psychology, First Edition. Washington, DC: APA Books.

Tolman, D., Bowman, C. & Fahs, B. (2014). Sexuality and Embodiment. In D. Tolman, L., Diamond, J. Bauermeister, W. George, J. Pfaus & M. Ward, (Eds). Handbook of Sexuality and Psychology, First Edition. Washington, DC: APA Books.
McClelland, S. & Tolman, D. (2014). Adolescent sexuality. In T. Teo, Ed. Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology. New York: Springer.
Tolman, D. (2013). Insisting on “both/and”: Artifacts of excavating moral panics about sexuality. (Afterword). In B. Fahs, M. Dudy & S. Stage, (Eds.). The Moral Panics of Sexuality. New York: Palgrave Press.
Tolman, D., Brown, L. & Bowman, C. (2013) “Hey, media, back off and get off my body!”: SPARK is taking sexy back. In Harper, K., Katsulis, Y., Lopez, V. & Gillis, G.S., (Eds.), Girls’ Sexuality and the Media, New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing,
Tolman, D. (2012). Sexual health. In R. Levesque, Ed. Encyclopedia of Adolescence. New York: Springer.
Tolman, D. (2012). It’s bad for us too: How the sexualization of girls impacts boys, men and women. In E. Zurbriggen & T.A. Roberts, (Eds.), The Sexualization of Girls and Girlhood, Oxford University Press. (84-106).
Tolman, D. (2011). Adolescent girls’ sexuality: The more things change, the more they stay the same. In S. Seidman, N. Fischer & C. Meeks, (Eds.), Introducing the New Sexuality Studies, Second Edition. New York: Routledge.
Tolman, D. & Costa, S. (2010). Adolescent girls’ sexual rights and sexual health: Rough maps for the US from developing countries. In R. Parker & P. Aggelton, (Eds). Handbook of Sexuality, Health & Rights. London: Routledge.
Sorsoli, L. & Tolman, D. L. (2008).  Hearing voices: Listening for multiplicity and movement in interview data. Invited contribution for S. Hesse-Biber and P. Leavy (Eds.), The Handbook of Emergent Methods in Psychological Research. New York: Guilford Press.

Sorsoli, L., Ward, L. M., & Tolman, D. L. (2008).  De(coding) television's representation of sexuality: A feminist approach to content analysis. In D. Kunkel, A. Jordan, J. Manganello, and

M. Fishbein (Eds.), Media messages and public health: A decisions approach
to content analysis
. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Sorsoli, L., Porche, M. & Tolman, D. (2006). He left her for the alien: Girls, sexuality and the media. E. Cole & J. Henderson Daniel, Eds., Women and the Media. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Melendez, R. M. & Tolman, D. (2006). Gender, Vulnerability, and Young People. In P. Mane, P. Aggleton, & A. L. Ball, (Eds.). Sex, drugs and young people. London: Taylor and Francis.
O’Sullivan, L., McCrudden, M. & Tolman, D. (2005). Sexuality. In J. Worell and C. Goodheart, (Eds.). Handbook on Girls’ and Women’s Psychological Health. New York: Oxford University Press.
Tolman, D., Spencer, R., Rosen-Reynoso, M., Harmon, T. & Striepe, M. (2004). Getting close, staying cool: Early adolescent boys’ experiences with romantic relationships. In N. Way & J. Chu, (Eds.). Adolescent boys in context. New York: New York University Press (235-255).
Tolman, D., Striepe, M. & O’Sullivan, L. (2003). Female sexual health: Breaking down the barriers. In J. Henderson Daniel (Ed.). Women’s Health. Boston: Beacon Press.
Tolman, D. (2003). Commentary: Early childhood sexuality studies from the Kinsey Institute. In J. Bancroft, (Ed.). Childhood Sexual Development. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
Tolman, D. & Diamond, L. (2001). Female sexuality and sexual desire. In Worell, J. (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Gender. New York: Academic Press. (peer-reviewed)
Tolman, D. & Brown, L.M. (2001). Adolescent voices, resonating resistance. In R. Unger, (Ed.). Handbook of the Psychology of Women and Gender. New York: Wiley & Sons.
Tolman, D. (2000). Echoes of sexual objectification: Listening for one girl’s erotic voice. In D. Tolman & M. Brydon-Miller, (Eds.). From subjects to subjectivities: A handbook of

interpretive and participatory action research methods. New York, NY: New York University Press.
Tolman, D. (1999). Female adolescent sexuality in relational contexts: Beyond sexual decision making. In N. Johnson, M. Roberts and J. Worell, (Eds.). Beyond appearance: A new look at adolescent girls. Washington, DC: APA Publications. (peer-reviewed)
Higgins, T. & Tolman, D. (1997). Law, cultural media[tion] and sexuality in the lives of adolescent girls. In M. Fineman and M. McCluskey, (Eds.). Feminism, media and the law. New York: Oxford University Press.
Debold, E., Tolman, D. & Brown, L. (1996). Embodying knowledge, knowing desire: Authority and split subjectivities in girls' epistemelogical development. In N. Goldberger et al., (Eds.). Knowledge, difference and Power: Essays in inspired by Women's Ways of Knowing. New York: Basic Books.
Tolman, D. & Higgins, T. (1996). How being a good girl can be bad for girls. In N. Bauer Maglin and D. Perry, (Eds.). Good girls/bad girls: Women, sex, violence and power in the 1990s. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Reprinted in Schrieber, Mary, (Ed). (2001). Women, economic empowerment and

success. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co.
Reprinted in Worcester, Nancy and Whatley, Mariamne. (2004). Women’s Health: Readings on social, economic and political issues. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co.
Tolman, D. (1996). Adolescent girls' sexuality: Debunking the myth of The Urban Girl. In B. Leadbetter and N. Way, (Eds.). Urban girls: Resisting stereotypes, creating identities. New York: New York University Press 255-271.
Tolman, D. (1994). Daring to desire: Culture in the bodies of adolescent girls. In J. Irvine (Ed.). Sexual cultures and the construction of adolescent identities. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 250-284.
Reprinted in Weitz, Rose. (2009). The politics of womens bodies: Sexuality,

appearance and behavior (Third Edition). New York: Oxford University Press.
Reprinted in Weitz, Rose. (2002). The politics of womens bodies: Sexuality, appearance and behavior (Second Edition). New York: Oxford University Press.
Reprinted in R. Satow (Ed.). (2000). Gender and social life. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Tolman, D. & Debold, E. (1993). Conflicts of body and image: Female adolescents, desire and the no-body body. In M. Katzman, P. Fallon and S. Wooley, (Eds.). Feminist treatment and therapy of eating disorders. New York: Guilford Press, 301-317.


Tolman, D. (2012). SPARKing change: Not just one girl at a time, The Huffington Post,
Tolman, D. (2011). Short shrift to current knowledge of orgasm. Letters, Monitor on Psychology: Professional Publication of the American Psychological Association, July/August.
Tolman, D. & Brown, L. (2010), Halloween and the sexualization of girls, The Huffington Post, (Reposted widely)

Tolman, D. (2009). Letters: What Do Women Want?”, The New York Times Sunday Magazine, February 5.
Tolman, D. (2009). “Enhancing the Resiliency of Girls” The Big Five: What’s at Stake for Women and the Nation, National Council for Research on Women,’s-forum-deborah-tolman-on-enhancing-the-resiliency-of-girls
Tolman, D. (2006). “Hooking up: A new way to date?” American Sexuality Magazine online,
Tolman, D. (2004). “Choose or Lose,” Win or Lose? National Sexuality Resource Center,

Tolman, D. (2003). Improving women’s sexual assertiveness: Letter to the Editor. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 35(1), 48.
Tolman, D. (2002). Supporting healthy adolescent sexuality: Why just saying no is not enough. Research and Action Report, Wellesley Centers for Women, Fall/Winter, 26-27.
Tolman, D. (1999). Asking some unasked questions: A response to “The Lost Children of Rockdale County,”

Technical Reports and Monographs

Tolman, D. (2007). Television consumption and adolescent sexuality. Final report submitted to National Institute on Child Health and Development.

Tolman, D. (2006). Beyond pregnancy and AIDS: Final model of sexual health for adolescent girls and boys. Final report submitted to the Ford Foundation.
Tolman, D., Porche, M., Spencer, R. & Rosen-Reynoso, M. (2000). Beyond pregnancy and AIDS: Sexual health for adolescents girls and Femininity ideology, masculinity ideology and adolescent boys’ intimate relationships. Final report submitted to the Ford Foundation.
Gilligan, C., Taylor, J., Tolman, D., Sullivan, A. & Pleasants, P. (1992). The relational worlds of a group of urban adolescent girls considered at-risk. Final report submitted to the Boston Foundation.
Tolman, D. (1990). Discourses on adolescent girls' sexual desire in developmental psychology and feminist scholarship. Cambridge: Harvard Graduate School of Education, Project on the Psychology of Women and the Development of Girls.

Convened Conferences

SPARK Summit: Sexualization Protest: Action, Resistance, Knowledge, Hunter College, New York, NY, October 22, 2010 (with Hardy Girls/Healthy Women, TrueChild, ISIS, Inc. & Women’s Media Center)

Challenging the Sexualization of Girls: A Convening to Plan a Summit, CUNY Graduate Center, New York, May, 2010 (with Hardy Girls/Healthy Women, TrueChild & Women’s Media Center).
Young Women’s Sexual Subjectivity: Researchers Writing Roadmaps. CUNY Graduate Center and Weston, Vermont. October, 2006 (with Michelle Fine, Jessica Fields and Sara McClelland).
Cutting the Edge of Research in Adolescent Sexuality: Considering Normative Development.

San Francisco State University, Tiburon, CA, May, 2004. Funded by the Ford Foundation.


Tolman, D. Expert Panelist, “Sexualization of girls,” The White House Symposium for Research on Girls, Office of Women and Girls, Washington, DC, April, 2014.

Tolman, D. Keynote Speaker, “Slut Talks: Adolescent Girls’ Navigation of Fellatio,” Gender, Sexuality and Health Symposium, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, NY, November, 2013.
Tolman, D. Keynote Speaker, “Adolescent Girls’ Navigating Fellatio: Narratives of Reputational Risk and (a little) Possibility of Pleasure. “ Understanding the Young Sexual Body Seminars (The Desiring Body), Institute of Education, University of London, November, 2013.
Tolman, D. Organizer and Presenter, The Listening Guide: Methodological Innovation in Psychology. Society for Psychological Inquiry in Psychology: Inaugural Conference, CUNY Graduate Center, November, 2013.
Tolman, D. Discussant. Embodiment in Women’s and Girls’ Lives. American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI, August, 2013.
Tolman, D. Chair and Discussant. Sexuality and Social Issues: Current Advances and Directions for the Future, American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI, August, 2013.
Tolman, D. Speaker. “Slut Talk: Adolescent Girls’ Fellatio Narratives.” Johns Hopkins Urban Health Institute, Baltimore, MD, April, 2013.
Tolman, D. Keynote Speaker, “Girls’ negotiation of sexuality in the current social landscape,” International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health, New Orleans, LA, February, 2013.
Tolman, D. Keynote Speaker. “Tiny prostitutes, gyrating tweens and teenage sluts, oh my!"  Navigating the moral panic of the sexualization of girls. Moral Panics on Sexuality Conference, Arizona State University, Glendale, AZ, October, 2011
Tolman, D. Speaker. Avoiding risk avoidance: Understanding adolescent sexuality as positive youth development. Youth-Nex Conference on Positive Youth Development, University of VA, Charlottesville, VA, October, 2011.
Tolman, D. Roundtable on Sexualization of Girls. Ms. Foundation, New York, New York, July, 2011.
Tolman, D. & Brown, L. SPARK: Engaging young people in advocacy to challenge sexualization and promote healthy sexuality. APA Summit on Advocacy for Sexualization, Washington, DC, April, 2011.
Tolman, D. Speaker. The Girl Effect: What Boys Have to Do with It? Symposium at the International Center for Research on Women, Washington, DC, Novemnber, 2010.
Tolman, D. Inaugural Keynote Speaker. Adolescent girls’ sexuality: Developments or Derailments, Gray/Wawro Lectures in Gender, Health and Well-Being, Rice University Center for the Study of Women, Gender and Sexuality, Houston, TX, November, 2010.
Tolman, D. Keynote speaker. Adolescent girls’ sexuality: Lessons from research Symposium on The Social Construction and Representation of Adolescent Girls’ Sexualities. Arizona State University, Tuscon, AZ, April, 2010.
Tolman, D. Panelist. Humanist theory as a touchstone in social science research on adolescent girls. Symposium on The Social Construction and Representation of Adolescent Girls’ Sexualities. Arizona State University, Tuscon, AZ, April, 2010
Tolman, D. Participant. Summit on Sex Education. Miami University, Oxford, OH, May, 2009.
Tolman, D., Burns, A. & Futch, V. Purpose, power and predicaments: Feminist qualitative analysis of girls’ narratives on “blow jobs.” Qualitative Methods and Social Critique, CUNY, May, 2009.

Tolman, D. Pleasure and late adolescent women’s sexuality: A mixed methods study. Invited colloquium, Teacher’s College, New York, NY, May, 2008.

Tolman, D. Hooking up: The more things change, the more they stay the same. Consortium on Contemporary Families Convention, Chicago, IL, April, 2008.

Tolman, D. “You just have to um hit the spot:” Pleasure and late adolescent women’s sexuality. Sociology Department Graduate Colloquium, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, April, 2008.

Tolman, D. Sexual pleasure among late adolescent women: Using mixed methods. Social/Personality Psychology Colloquium, CUNY Graduate Center, April, 2008.

Tolman, D. Keynote Presenter. Report on APA Task Force on Sexualization of Girls. Girls’ Initiative, Women’s Foundation of California, San Francisco, CA, November, 2007.

Tolman, D. Discussant. Fundamental issues in assessing media effects on health-related outcomes. International Communications Association, San Francisco, CA, May, 2007.

Tolman, D. Keynote speaker and Consultant. William T. Grant Foundation Scholars Annual Conference. Snowbird, Utah, June, 2007.

Tolman, D. Plenary speaker. Solidly edgy:  Innovating sexuality research questions and methods. The Future of Sexuality Research: Methodological to Social Policy Innovations (University Consortium of Sexuality Research Training Inaugural Conference). The Kinsey Institute, Bloomington, IN April, 2007

Tolman, D. Sexualization, compulsory heterosexuality and gendered violence. Youth, Gender and Violence Exploring the Connections Symposium, Ms. Foundation for Women, New York, NY, May, 2007.

Tolman, D. Abstinence-only and Gender: Exposing the Connection (panel). National Council for Support of Sexuality Education (NCSSE), Washington, DC, May, 2007.
Tolman, D. Gender complementarity: A new perspective for sexuality research. Grand Rounds, HIV Center, Columbia University, New York, NY, April, 2007.
Tolman, D. Not Only Abstinence:  Not-so-hidden gender curricula in several widely-used A-O programs." Human Rights, Cultural and Scientific Aspects of Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage Policies and Programs: The View from the Academy. Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, NY, January, 2007.
Tolman, D. Female adolescents’ sexual subjectivity: Encouraging sexual well being. Grand Rounds, Cleveland Hospital, Cleveland, OH, December, 2006.
Tolman, D. Discussant. Young women’s sexuality and public health. American Public Health Association, Boston, MA November, 2006.
Tolman, D. Participant. Only Abstinence: Implications of abstinence only sex education for adolescent girls. Human Rights Project, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA, September, 2006.
Tolman, D. Discussant. Health disparities: Youth at risk. Roots of the Future: The Human Rights of Children, Third Annual Human Rights Summit, San Francisco State University, May, 2006.
Tolman, D. Discussant. A multi-dimensional examination of adolescent sexual experiences and sexual behaviors. Society for Research on Adolescence, March, 2006.
Tolman, D. Including female adolescent sexual pleasure in a public health perspective. Grand Rounds, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, February, 2006.
Tolman, D. Pleasure as a dynamic in female adolescent sexual experience. Listening Circles, Population Council, February, 2006.
Tolman, D. Boys want sex, girls want relationships: NOT. Eastern Region SSSS, Atlanta, GA, November, 2005.
Tolman, D. Compulsory heterosexuality (remix): A new theoretical framework for psychosocial research. University of Michigan Department of Psychology Luncheon Seminar, Ann Arbor, MI, September, 2005.
Tolman, D. Whose Dilemmas of Desire?: Talking with Adolescent Girls about Sexuality. Massachusetts Alliance on Teen Pregnancy, Cambridge, MA, May, 2005.
Tolman, D. The “A” Word: Notes from the Underground of Adolescent Sexuality, Western Region Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS), San Francisco, CA, May, 2005.
Tolman, D. Keynote, Planned Parenthood Shasta/Diablo, Concord, CA, May, 2005.
Tolman, D. Whose desire is it anyway? Adolescent girls, boys and sexuality. Association for Women in Psychology, March, 2004.
Tolman, D. Panelist. Compulsory heterosexuality and adolescent sexuality. Planned Parenthood Federation of America, New York, NY, February, 2004.
Tolman, D. Participant. What constitutes evidence in sexuality research? Ford Foundation Roundtable, New York, NY, February, 2004.
Tolman, D. Report on research on female adolescent sexuality. Board of Trustees, Ford Foundation, New York, NY, September, 2003.
Tolman, D. Discussant. Of dollars and sense: Getting funded for research on women. American Psychological Association, Chicago, August, 2002.
Tolman, D. Discussant, Adolescent sexualities. The New Female Sexual Dysfunction: Promises, Prescriptions and Profits. San Francisco, CA, March, 2002.
Tolman, D. Compulsory heterosexuality, gender and adolescent sexuality: Preliminary empirical findings. Bay Area Sexuality Research Seminar, San Francisco, CA, March, 2002.
Tolman, D. Female adolescent sexuality: Empirical findings from a feminist perspective. Human Sexuality Studies, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA, March, 2002.
Tolman, D. Thoughts on a developmental approach to women’s sexuality: A feminist perspective. Grand Rounds, New York Psychiatric Institute, Center for HIV Prevention, Columbia University, New York, NY, February, 2002.
Tolman, D. Getting beyond “it just happened:” A developmental perspective on female sexuality. American Psychological Association Division 35 Mid-Winter Conference, Austin, TX, January, 2002.
Tolman, D. Interruptions in the ongoing conversation: A story about research on adolescent sexuality. Human Sexuality Studies, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA, December, 2001.
Tolman, D. Discussant, Empowering children for life initiative, Jean Baker Miller Training Institute Research Network, Stone Center, Wellesley, MA, June, 2001.
Tolman, D. Discussant, Workshop on childhood sexual development. Kinsey Institute on Sex Research, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN., May, 2001.
Tolman, D. Presenter, Workshop for research on media influences on adolescent sexuality. National Institute for Child Health and Development, Bethesda, MD, December, 2000.
Tolman, D. Dilemma of desire: Listening to adolescent girls narratives. HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies. New York Psychiatric Institute, New York, NY, October, 2000.
Tolman, D. Participant, The future of sexuality research: A roundtable discussion. Social Science Research Council, New York, NY, June, 2000.
Tolman, D. & Brydon-Miller, M. Interpretive and Participatory Action Research: Real life experiences. CUNY Conference on Qualitative Methods, New York, NY, March, 2000.
Tolman, D. Sexuality in women's lives: Through the lens of adolescence. Harvard Medical School, Annual Conference on Women, Boston, MA, May, 1999.
Tolman, D. Adolescent girls' sexual health. Planned Parenthood of New York City Conference on Adolescent Sexual Health: New Data and Implications for Services and Programs. New York, NY, October, 1998.
Tolman, D. Beyond pregnancy and AIDS: Sexual health for adolescent girls and boys. Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Adolescent Health and Sexuality: A National Conference, Tuscon, AZ, October, 1998.
Tolman, D. & Porche, M. The Femininity Ideology Scale: A new instrument for gender research. Luncheon Colloquium Series, Center for Research on Women, Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA, March, 1997.
Tolman, D. Discussant, Cultural contexts of adolescent girls' lives. International Society for the Study of Social Behavior, Quebec, Canada, August, 1996.
Tolman, D. Debunking "The Urban Girl: " Alternative constructions of adolescent girls' sexuality. Luncheon Colloquium Series, Center for Research on Women, Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA, November, 1994.
Tolman, D. Keynote address. Shifting authorities: A story about developmental psychology, adolescent girls and female sexuality. The Fielding Institute, Banff, Canada, October, 1994.
Tolman, D. Unraveling adolescent girls' experiences of sexual desire: Qualitative and quantitative approaches. Symposia in Social and Personality Psychology, CUNY Graduate Center, October, 1994.
Tolman, D. Discussant, Danger, denial and desire: Women as sexual subjects and objects, The American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, CA, August, 1994.
Tolman, D. Doing desire: Adolescent girls' experiences of sexual desire. Luncheon Colloquium Series, Center for Research on Women, Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA, November, 1993.
Tolman, D. Discerning dilemmas of desire: Discovering a new question through

qualitative analysis. Guest lecture, "Research Methods in Community Health, " Tufts University, Medford, MA, April, 1993.
Ward, J. & Tolman, D. It ain't necessarily so: Alternative conceptions of female adolescent sexuality and childbearing. Paper presented at National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Center for Population Research Workshop, "Negotiating the Paths to Parenthood,” Bethesda, MD, February, 1993.
Tolman, D. Hearing silence and making interruption: Developmental psychology, desire and the voices of adolescent girls. Guest lecture, Psychology of Adolescence, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, MA, October, 1992.
Tolman, D. Listening for/to an erotic voice in adolescent girls' narratives of sexual desire. Presentation to the Henry A. Murray Research Center, Cambridge, MA, September, 1992
Taylor, J. & Tolman, D. Relational contours of race and racism: Voices in research relationships between white women and adolescent girls of color. Paper presented at The Jean Piaget Society, Montreal, Canada, May, 1992 (in absentia).
Tolman, D. & Debold, E. Living as an image: A problem of body in female adolescence. Paper presented at New Perspectives on Adolescent Development Conference, Harvard Graduate School of Education, December, 1991.
Tolman, D. Research on adolescent girls' sexual desire: Psychological inquiry as political process. Developmental Luncheon Series, Harvard Graduate School of Education, November,1991.
Chairperson, Panel on Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenting, Society for Research on Child Development, Seattle, WA, April, 1991.

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