Curriculum Vitae D. Evan Mercer

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Curriculum Vitae
D. Evan Mercer

1904 Umstead Road

Durham, NC 27712

(919)-765-9432 (home) (919)-549-4095 (work) (home)…… (work)

PhD, Natural Resource Economics

Duke University, Durham, NC. 1991.

MS, Forest Ecology

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. 1984.

BS, Biology & BS, Zoology (Highest Honors, Phi Beta Kappa)

University of Texas at Austin. 1980.

Organization of Tropical Studies: Tropical Ecology. Universidad de Costa Rica, San Jose. 1982.
Marine Biological Laboratory: Marine Ecology. Wood's Hole, Massachusetts. 1979.
Stanford University, Stanford, CA. 1974-75.

1992-present. Research Economist. Southern Research Station. U.S.D.A. Forest Service. Research Triangle Park, NC. Conduct research on tropical and domestic forest resource economic and policy problems.
1994-present. Adjunct Professor of Resource Economics. Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina.
1994-present. Adjunct Professor of Forest Economics. College of Forest Resources, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina.
1991-1992. Research Scientist. Center for Resource and Environmental Policy Research, Duke University. Conducted research studies to estimate the benefits accruable to tropical forest preservation in Madagascar.
1990-91. Economist. Center for Economics Research, Research Triangle Institute, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. Performed economic analyses of natural resource and environmental policy problems.

1983-1986. Research Intern. Environment and Policy Institute, East-West Center, Honolulu. Conducted research on natural resource policy and management in the Asia-Pacific region.

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1990. The World Bank. Policy, Planning, and Research Department. Analyzed fuelwood policies and programs for the World Bank Forestry Policy Review for the 1990's. (N. Sharma).
1990. International Resources Group, Ltd. Washington, D.C. Developed methods for valuing the forest resources and costs of deforestation in Malawi. (P. Cough).
1988-89. The World Bank. Industry and Energy Department. Developed methodology for analyzing interfuel substitution policies for urban areas in developing countries. (D. Barnes).
1989. Winrock International. Wrote a chapter on the economics of agroforestry for the Winrock book series on social forestry for less developed countries. (W. Bentley).
Ctrl. America 2008 USFS Int. Programs: CAFTA-DR cocoa project

Lesotho 2007 Evaluation of Wetland Restoration Project (MCC)

Mexico 1994-98 Agroforestry research project (ICRAF, USDA)

Jamaica 1995-98 Ecotourism research project (USDA)

Honduras 1995 Forest inventory development project (USDA)

Philippines 1993-95 Agroforestry research project (USAID)

Guatemala 1993 Agroforestry research project (USAID)

Madagascar 1991 Ecotourism research project (World Bank)

Costa Rica 1988 Ecotourism research project (Duke University)

Indonesia 1984 Agroforestry education (independent)

Costa Rica 1982 Tropical ecology education (Organization of Tropical Studies)
2004. Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment. ENV271. Economic Analysis of Resource and Environmental Policies. Topics include benefit-cost analysis, intergenerational equity, externalities, public goods, and property rights.
1998. Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment. Guest lectures for graduate level Forest Economics class.
1996. North Carolina State University College of Forestry Seminar: “International Forestry: Global Thinking vs Local Budgets.”
1995. North Carolina Central University Seminar: “International Forestry”
1992. North Carolina State University. Forestry 110. Taught section on "Non-market Valuation"
1991. North Carolina State University/Duke University, Conservation and Sustainable Development II. "Applying Nonmarket Valuation Techniques to Evaluate Biodiversity Preservation in Madagascar."
1990. Duke University, Institute of Public Policy Sciences, Professionals in International Development Program. “Disincentives for Agroforestry Development”.
1989. N.C. State University, Department of Soil Sciences. “Economics of Agroforestry” for Agroforestry course.

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1986-89. Duke University. Graduate Teaching Assistant. Taught theory and methods of benefit-cost analysis for graduate level course in resource economics.
1982. University of Michigan. Graduate Teaching Assistant. Taught field course entitled Woody Plants I: Biology, ecology, and identification of woody plants.
1992-present Duke University: served on 2 PhD & 15 Masters’ committees
1994-present North Carolina State University: served on 6 PhD and 4 MS committees
1996-1997 North Carolina A & T State University: served on 2 MA committees
2002 Bharathidasan University, India: served on 1 Phd committee.

Lead. Revenues from Environmental Services Indicator. National Report on Sustainable Forests for the USA. 2008.

Southern Group of State Foresters. Services, Utilization and Marketing Task Force. 2007-
Associate Editor for Socio-economics. Agroforestry Systems. 1994-2008.
Consulting Editor, Agroforestry Systems. 2008-present.
Board of Examiners. Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu, India. 2002.
Advisory Council. Center for Subtropical Agroforestry. University of Florida. Gainesville, FL. 2001-2004.

Deputy Coordinator for Socio-economics. Research Group 1.15.04 (Agroforestry). International Union of Forest Research Organizations. Vienna. 2001-present.

Team Leader, Socio-economics. Mid-Atantic Integrated Assessment. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Forest Service. 1997-2001.
Team Leader, Economics. Interagency Fire Research Project on the Ecological and Economic Consequences of the 1998 Florida Wildfires. US Geological Survey, US Forest Service. 1998-99.

U.S./Mexico Agroforestry Joint Working Group, MOU/LOI Agreement for Cooperative Forestry Research between the Governments of the United States and Mexico. 1994.

USFS Representative. North Carolina State Rural Development Council. 1992-93

Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

International Society of Tropical Foresters

Association for Temperate Agroforestry

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USFS Southern Research Station Director's Natural Resource Stewardship Award, 2008

USDA Forest Service Merit Award for Leadership of Florida Fire Research Project, 2000

USDA Forest Service Merit Award for Leadership of Jamaica Ecotourism Project, 1999

Sustained Superior Performance, USDA Forest Service, 1993, 1995-97 (program ended 1997)

J.C. Trent Memorial Foundation Research Grant, 1990

Hunter-Grubb Foundation Fellowship, 1989-90

Shell International Studies Fellowship (awarded), 1988-89

Tinker Foundation Field Research Grant (Costa Rica), 1988

Graduate Fellowship, Duke University, 1985-87

University Fellowship, University of Michigan, 1981-82

Tropical Biology Fellowship, University of Michigan, 1982

XI SIGMA PI, University of Michigan, 1982

Graduated with Highest Honors, University of Texas, 1980

PHI BETA KAPPA, University of Texas, 1980

PHI KAPPA PHI, University of Texas, 1979

PHI ETA SIGMA, University of Texas, 1973

Stakeholders’ Meeting for Valuation of Forest Ecosystem Services in the South. Raleigh, NC. Feb 24-25, 2014. I co-chaired the meeting and made a presentation providing an overview of ecosystem services.
AAEA Annual Meeting. Spatial interactions in wildfire risk management decisions. (with G. Busby Minneapolis, MN, July 27-29, 2014 (Busby presented)
International Society of Forest Resource Economics (ISFRE). The Value of Versatile Alley Cropping., Saint Louis, MO. (with G. Frey). March 17-18, 2014.(presentation by Frey)
Southern Forest Economic Workers Annual Meeting. 2012. “Private Forest Landowner GHG Mitigation in the Southeast: Where is the Carbon” (with Galik, Murray). Charlotte, NC; March 20- 21
Partnerships for Forestry and Water Quality Meeting. “Economic benefits of

maintaining forest cover for water production.” South Carolina Rural Water Association, USFS Southern Region and Southern Research Station. Greenville, SC. March 29, 2012. (Invited).

2013 National Climate Assessment Technical Workshop on Rural Communities. “Climate Change and Rural Communities: Socio-economic Impacts”. USDA National Climate Change Program. Charleston, SC. Feb. 13-14, 2012. (Invited).
16th Biennial Southern Silviculture Research Conference. “Comparative Economics of Carbon Sequestration”. 16th Biennial Southern Silviculture Research Conference. (with Lal and Alavalapati Charleston, SC. Feb 15-17, 2011. (Invited).
Southern Economics Association. “Local regulation: determinants of land use ordinances in Florida” (with Sills, Mercer, Haines, Cubbage). Washington, DC. November 2011. Presentation by Sills.
Southern Group of State Foresters, Forest Management Chiefs 2011 Fall Meeting. “Federal Perspectives on Payments for Ecosystem Services.” Huntsville, Alabama December 6 , 2011. (invited)

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UNECE- Payments for Ecosystem Services Workshop, “Payments for Forest Based Ecosystem Services in the US”. UNECE- Payments for Ecosystem Services Workshop, 4-6 July 2011. United Nations, Geneva. (Invited).
16th Biennial Southern Silviculture Research Conference. “Comparative Economics of Carbon Sequestration”. 16th Biennial Southern Silviculture Research Conference. (with Lal and Alavalapati) Charleston, SC. Feb 15-17, 2011. (Invited).
Southern Forest Economic Workers Annual Meeting. “Competitiveness of Carbon Offset Projects on NIPF Lands”. (with Lal and Alavalapati). Pinehurst, NC. March 16-17, 2010. (M)
South Carolina Chapter of Consulting Foresters. Spring Technical Meeting. “How prescribed fire, wildfire prevention education, and arson forecasting can reduce the costs and losses from wildfire”. (with Prestemon). Columbia, SC. April 15, 2010. (Invited)
Carbon Sequestration in Longleaf Pine Ecosystems: Current Status of Knowledge and Information Needs. “Comparative Economics of Carbon Sequestration.” Center for Longleaf Pine Ecosystems. Auburn University. Feb 16-17, 2010. (Invited).
International Union of Forest Research Organizations. Small-Scale Forestry Symposium. “Payments for Forest Based Ecosystem Services in the US.” Morgantown, WV. June 7-11, 2009. (Mercer, Cooley and Hamilton). (M)
Southern Forest Economic Workers Annual Meeting. “Payments for Ecosystem Services to US Landowners.” (with Cooley and Hamilton). Chapel Hill, NC. March 11, 2009. (M)
Southern Forest Economic Workers Annual Meeting. “Prospects for Alternative Production Forestry and Agroforestry Systems in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley.” (with Frey, Cubbage, and Abt). Chapel Hill, NC. March 11, 2009.
ACES: A Conference on Ecosystem Services. “Measuring Ecosystem Services within the

Context of the Montreal Process Criteria and Indicators for Forest Sustainability.” US Forest Service and other organizations. Naples, FL. December 8-11, 2008. (M)

2008 Environmental Evaluator’s Networking Forum. "Applying Program Evaluation Methods to Natural Resource Policy: Are Current Wildfire Mitigation Programs Effective?" (with Butry, Pattanayak and Sills). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency & The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. Washington, DC. June 12-13, 2008.
Roundtable on Sustainable Forests. Tackling Technical Challenges: A National Workshop. Invited Presentation. “Workshop on Indicator 6.1.c: Revenues from Forest Based Environmental Services.” Manhattan, KS. May 12, 2008. (M)
Southern Forest Economic Workers Annual Meeting. “What is the Potential for Markets for Ecosystem Services for Enhancing Water Quality through Improved Forest Land Management in the South? (with Hamilton). Savannah, GA. March 10, 2008. (M)
Roundtable on Sustainable Forests. Tackling Technical Challenges: A National Workshop. Invited Presentation. “Revenues from Forest Based Environmental Services.” Baltimore, MD. Dec. 11, 2007. (M)

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University of Central Florida. Invited Presentation Dept of Economics. “Evaluating alternative prescribed burning policies to reduce net economic damages from wildfire.” (with Prestemon, Butry, Pye). October 2006. (M)
North Carolina State University. Guest Lecture. Forest Economics Class. “Non-Market Valuation” October 2006, November 2007.
AEA Annual Meetings. “Applying Program Evaluation Methods to Natural Resource Policy: Are Wildfire Suppression Expenditures Worth it?” (with Butry, Pattanayak and Sills). Boston, MA. Jan. 6-8, 2006.
Symposium on Climate, Forest Growth, Fire, and Air Quality Interactions. University of North Carolina. “Production Function Analysis of Human Factors Influencing Wildfire Risk in the WUI.” Mercer, E. and J. Prestemon. Sept. 7, 2006.
Symposium on Climate, Forest Growth, Fire, and Air Quality Interactions. University of North Carolina. “Fire Forecasts in Florida”. J. Prestemon and E. Mercer. Sept. 7, 2006.
Southern Forest Economic Workers Annual Meeting. Incentives for biodiversity conservation and private forest landowner participation.. (with Matta and Alavalapati). Baton Rouge, Louisiana. April 18-20, 2005.

The Economics of Forest Disturbances Workshop. “Economics of Fuel Treatments for Optimizing Wildfire Management”.. Asheville, NC. (with Prestemon, and Haight). September 14-15, 2004. (M)

The Economics of Forest Disturbances Workshop . “Collective Action and Cooperation for Wildfire Risk Reduction Theory and Empirical Evidence.” (with Steelman) Asheville, NC. September 14-15, 2004. (M)
US Interagency Fire Program Analysis Architecture Symposium. “Estimating Optimal Rates of Prescribed Burning to Reduce Economic Impacts of Wildfire.” National Interagency Fire Center. Boise, Idaho. July 20-22, 2004.

1st World Congress of Agroforestry. “Analyzing Agroforestry Adoption with Attribute-based Choice Experiments.” (with A. Snook). Orlando, Florida. June 27-July 2, 2004. (M)

1st World Congress of Agroforestry. Session Organizer and Moderator. “Agroforestry Adoption I (Temperate)” and “Agroforestry Adoption II (Tropical).” Orlando Florida. June 27-July 2, 2004.
2nd Symposium on Fire Economics, Planning and Policy: A Global View. “Wildfire production functions and economically optimal interventions: modeling methods and technical advances” (with Prestemon, J.P., T.P. Holmes, J.M. Pye, and D.T. Butry. USDA Forest Service and Universidad de Cordóba. Cordóba, Spain. April 19-22, 2004.

Wildland-Urban Interface Forum on Economics and Policy. “Comparing Models of Wildfire Risk Analysis in the Wildland-Urban Interface” (with Prestemon). Institute of Food and Agricultural

Sciences, University of Florida & Southern Center for Wildland-Urban Interface, USDA Forest Service. St. Augustine, FL. March 14, 2004. (M)

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All Scientists Meeting. “Landowner Preferences for Wetland Restoration Programs” (with Kramer, Eisen-Hecht, and Liese). Poster. USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station. Atlanta, GA. March 2-4, 2004. (M).
2nd International Wildland Fire Ecology and Fire Management Congress. “Optimizing Prescribed Burning Policies to Minimize the Economic Impacts of Wildfire in Florida” (with Prestemon, Butry and Pye). Orlando, Florida. November 16-20, 2003. (M)
Southern Forest Economics Workers Annual Meeting. 2003. “Optimizing Fuels Management for Wildfire Risk Reduction in Florida.” (with Prestemon et al.). New Orleans, LA. March 2003. (M)

Workshop on Stream, Floodplain, and Wetland Restoration. “Landowner Preferences for Wetland Restoration Programs in North Carolina.” Association of State Wetlands Managers. Bear Mountain, NY. Novemer 12-14, 2002. Invited Presentation. (M)

Fire Science and Fire Management in Southern Forests. Moderator for Session B: Smoke, Air Quality, and Management. U.S. Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Sarasota, Florida. Nov. 5-6 2002. Invited presentation. (M)

Fire Science and Fire Management in Southern Forests. “A Landscape Scale Analysis of Prescribed Burning to Reduce the Risk of Catastrophic Wildfire.” US Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Sarasota, Florida. Nov. 5-6 2002. Invited presentation. (M)

Society of American Foresters 2002 Convention. “Understanding Broad Scale Wildfire Risks in a Human-Dominated Landscape.” (with Prestemon et al.). Fire Economics and Policy Session. Winston-Salem, NC. October 2002. Invited presentation. (M)
International Social Science Research Meeting. “Economic analysis of wildfire.” (with Pretemon et al.) June 4-6, 2002, University of Indiana, Bloomington. June 2002. (M)
Second World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists. “The Influence of Program Design Attributes on Wetland Restoration Choices" (with Kramer et al.). Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE) and the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE). Monterrey, CA. June 24-27, 2002.

Southern Forest Economics Workers Annual Meeting. 2002. “Wetland Restoration Choice Behavior of Landowners: The Influence of Program Design Attributes” (with Kramer et al.). Virginia Beach, VA. March 2002.

Human Dimensions of Natural Resources in the Western U.S. “The Impact of wildfire on local economies in the West. (with Prestemon and Abt) Grand Targhee Resort, Alta, WY. Oct. 2001

Tall Timbers 22nd Fire Ecology Conference. “Analyzing Fire Regimes in Florida using size-frequency distributions.” (with Holmes et al.). Canadian Forest Service Northern Forestry Center. Alberta, Ontario. October 15-18, 2001.

American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. “Economically optimal wildfire intervention regimes.” (with Prestemon et al.). Chicago, Illinois. August 5-8, 2001.

Southern Forest Economics Workshop 2001. “Why Do Farmers Adopt Agroforestry? A Simple Meta-Analysis”. (with S. Pattanayak). Atlanta, GA. March 27-28, 2001 (M)
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Fire Conference 2000: The First National Congress on Fire Ecology, Prevention, and Management. "A Cost and Production Function Approach to Modeling the 1998 Catastrophic Wildfires in Florida." (with Butry et al.) San Diego, CA, November 2000.

Symposium on Systems Analysis in Forest Resources. “Broad scale wildfire area dynamics.” (with Prestemon et al.). September 27-October 1, 2000, Aspen, CO.

Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers 2000 Meeting. “A Stated and Revealed Preference Analysis of Adoption of Tree Planting by Farmers in the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, Campeche, Mexico.” (with A. Snook.). University of Texas, Austin, Texas. Jan. 6-8, 2000. (M)

1999 Forest Fragmentation Conference: Balancing the Landscape-Retaining Forests in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. “The Timber Economy of the Mid-Atlantic”. Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay and the Chesapeake Bay Program. Annapolis, MD. 9/17/99. (Invited Paper) (M)

Mid-Atlantic Integrated Assessment Working Conference. “Assessing the Impacts of Forests on Human Welfare” (with PB Aruna).. USEPA, Baltimore. 11/30-12/2, 1998. (Invited Paper). (M)
Workshop on Ecotourism in the Blue and John Crow Mountains. “Economic Demand for Eco-Tourism Development” (with Thompson and Flemming). Jamaican National Resources Conservation Authority and NC A&T State University. Kingston, Jamaica. Dec 11, 1998. (M)
Workshop on Ecotourism in the Blue and John Crow Mountains. “Planning for Eco-tourism in Communities.” (with Thompson and Alston). Jamaican National Resources Conservation Authority and NC A&T State University. Kingston, Jamaica. Dec 11, 1998.
Southern Forest Economics Workshop 1999. Farmers’ Willingness to Invest in Agroforestry in Campeche, Mexico: Does Human Capital Matter? (with Casey), Biloxi, MS. April 1999.
9th U.S./Mexico Border States Conference on Recreation Parks and Wildlife. University of Arizona. “Valuing Tourism in the Sierra Tarahumara (Copper Canyon Region) of Chihuahua, Mexico: A Comparison Between Domestic and Foreign Tourists.” (with Bruenig). 1998.
1998 MAIA Working Conference. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. “Assessing the Impacts of Forests on Human Welfare: Preliminary Results from the MAIA Forest Socioeconomic Assessment.” (with Aruna). Baltimore, MD. December 1998. (M)

Southern Forest Economics Workshop 1998. “What do Farmers Really Want? Using Conjoint Analysis to Value Alternative Agroforestry Systems in Calakmul, Campeche, Mexico.” (with Casey and Snook). March 25-27, 1998. Williamsburg, VA.

Southern Forest Economics Workshop 1998. “The Timber Economy in the Mid-Atlantic Region.” (with Aruna). March 25-27, 1998. Williamsburg, VA. (M)

Regional Planning Meeting for Latin America. “Applying Conjoint Analysis to Agroforestry Land-use Decision-making.” International Center for Research in Agroforestry. Chetumal, Quintana Roo, Mexico. June 1997. Invited Paper. (M)

Seminar on Ecotourism in the Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park. “Social Impact Analysis of the BMJCM” (with Thompson). Jamaica Natural Resources Conservation Authority and Environmental Foundation of Jamaica. Kingston, Jamaica. July 1997.

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Seminar on Ecotourism in the Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park. “Jamaican demand for recreation in the BMJCM” (with Thompson and Flemming). Jamaica Natural Resources Conservation Authority and Environmental Foundation of Jamaica. Kingston, Jamaica. July 1997.

Seminar on Ecotourism in the Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park. “International Demand for Ecotourism in the BMJCM” (with Thompson and Flemming). Jamaica Natural Resources Conservation Authority and Environmental Foundation of Jamaica. Kingston, Jamaica. July 1997. (M)

American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. “Valuing Soil Conservation Benefits of Agroforestry.” (with Pattanayak). Toronto. July 27-30, 1997.
Association of Research Directors’ Eleventh Biennial Research Symposium. “Effective Community Development: involving local residents in planning ecotourism in selected mountain communities of Jamaica. (with Thompson and Alston). San Antonio. October 1997.
American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting, “Silvopastures: A Sustainable Forest Land Use Management System in Temperate Zones”. (with Clason et al.), Indianapolis, IN. Nov 4-7, 1996. (Invited Paper).
American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting, “Socio-economic Research in Agroforestry: Progress, Prospects, Priorities.”(with Miller). Indianapolis. Nov 4-7, 1996. (Invited Paper). (M)

Southern Forest Economics Workshop 1996. “The Status of Agroforestry in the South (with Zinkhan).” Knoxville, Tennessee. (M)

W-133 Annual Meeting 1996. “Conceptual Issues in Using Conjoint Analysis to Evaluate Ecotourism Demand--A Case Study from Bahia Brazil.” (with Holmes, Zinkhan, and Alger).
Southern Forest Economics Workshop 1995. “Using Conjoint Analysis to Evaluate Ecotourism Opportunities in the Atlantic Coastal Forests of Brazil.” (with T. Holmes, et al.). New Orleans.

61st Annual Conference of the Association of Social and Behavioral Scientists. “Ecotourism as a Rural Economic Development Strategy: Focus on Jamaica.” (with Thompson and Armster). March 20-23 1996.

Forestry and the Environment Conference: Economic Perspectives II. “Valuing Tropical Rain Forest Protection Using the Contingent Valuation Method.” (with Kramer and Sharma). Banff, Alberta, Canada. October 1994.
Agroforestry and Sustainable Systems Symposium. USDA Forest Service, Agroforestry Center, and Soil Conservation Service. “Measuring the Socio-economic Impacts of Agroforestry Projects in the Philippines.” (with Vega, Francisco, and Maille). Fort Collins, Colorado. 1994. (M)
Forest Fragmentation Round Table Series. “Socio-economic analysis of forest resources for the Mid-Atlantic Integrated Assessment.” Society of American Foresters and USDA Forest Service. Bethesda, MD. January 1997. Invited Paper. (M)

World Congress on Tourism for the Environment. “The Potential Economic Benefits of Ecotourism in the Área de Proteção Ambiental de Guaraqueçaba, Brazil.” (with Wagner, Marques, Müller, and Cubbage). San Juan, Puerto Rico. 1994. (M)

World Congress on Tourism for the Environment. “The Domestic Demand for Ecotourism in the Atlantic Coastal Rain Forest of Paraná, Brazil.” (with E. Sills, T.P. Holmes). San Juan, Puerto Rico. 1994. (M)
World Congress on Tourism for the Environment. “Analysis of the Potential for Ecotourism in the Atlantic Coastal Forest of Brazil: Methods and Progress.” (with F. Cubbage et al. ). San Juan, Puerto Rico. 1994. (M)
Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Contributed Paper Session of Allied Social Sciences Annual Meetings. "Risk Sharing in Tropical Forest Concession Contracts". January 1994. (M)
International Forestry Operations Seminar. USAID and US Forest Service, Washington, D.C. "Socio-Economic Impacts of Agroforestry Projects in Leyte, Philippines" Nov 19, 1993. (M)

Southeastern Recreation Research Conference. "Ecotourism Valuation and Protected Area Management in Less Developed Countries: A Madagascar Case Study". UNICOI State Park, Georgia. February 1993. (Invited Paper). (M)

International Association for the Study of Common Property. "Tropical Forest Management and Conservation: Compensating Resource Owners and Users" (with Kramer and Sharma). Third Annual Common Property Conference. Washington, D.C. September 1992. (M)
Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. "An International Nature Tourism Travel Cost Model: Estimating the Recreational Use Value of a Proposed National Park in Madagascar". (with Kramer). ASSA Annual Meetings. New Orleans. 1992. (M)
Second World Bank/Duke Environmental Valuation Workshop. “Valuation of Impacts of Conservation and Development Projects: A Case Study in Madagascar.” (with R. Kramer). Durham, North Carolina. 1992. (M)

International Union for the Conservation of Nature. “Valuing and Protecting Tropical Forests: A Case Study of Madagascar”. (with Kramer et al.). World Parks Congress, Caracas, February 1992.

Duke University, Participated in planning and organizing and editing conference proceedings for Conference on Land Use Models and Their Use in Policy Analysis. Spring 1988.

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Galik, C.S., B.C. Murray, and D.E. Mercer. 2013. Where is the carbon? Carbon sequestration potential from private forestland in the Southern United States. Journal of Forestry. 111(1): 17-25.
Frey, G., E. Mercer, F. Cubbage, and R. Abt . 2013. A real options model to assess the role of flexibility in forestry and agroforestry adoption and disadoption in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Agricultural Economics 44:73-91.
Susaeta, A., P. Lal, J. Alavalapati, and E. Mercer. 2012. Economics of intercropping loblolly pine and switchgrass for bioenergy markets in the southeastern United States. Agroforestry Systems. 86( 2): 287-298.

Haynes, J., F. Cubbage, E. Mercer, and E. Sills. 2012. The Search for Value and Meaning in the Cocoa Supply Chain. Sustainability 4(7), 1466-1487.

Salem, M. and E. Mercer. 2012. The economic value of mangroves: a meta-analysis. Sustainability 4: 359-383.
Susaeta, A., P. Lal, J. Alavalapati, E. Mercer. 2011. Random preferences towards bioenergy environmental externalities: a case study of woody biomass based electricity in the Southern United States. Energy Economics 33(6): 1111-1118.
Lal, P, J. Alavalapati, and E. Mercer. 2011. Socio-Economic Impacts of Climate Change on Rural United States. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. 16:819–844

Schlichting, K. and E. Mercer. 2011. Blowing in the Wind: Evaluating Wind Energy Projects on the National Forests. Journal of Forestry 109(3): 157-166.

Skog, K.E., Alexander, S., Cordell, K., Emery, M., Howard, J.L., LaPlante, S., Mercer, E. 2010. Evaluating the sustainability of socio-economic benefi ts from forests for the United States using the Montreal criterion 6 indicators. The International Forestry Review Vol.12(5): 93.
Frey, G., E. Mercer, F. Cubbage, and R. Abt. 2010. Economic Potential of Agroforestry and Forestry in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley with Incentive Programs and Carbon Payments. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry 34(4):176-185.
Susaeta, A., J. Alavalapati, P. Lal, J. Matta, and E. Mercer. 2010. Assessing Public Preferences for Forest Biomass Based Energy in the Southern United States. Environmental Management 45:697–710.
Matta, J., J. Alavalapati and E. Mercer. 2008. Incentives for Biodiversity Conservation Beyond the Best Management Practices: Are Forestland Owners Interested? Land Economics 85:132-143.
Mercer, D.E., J.P. Prestemon, D.T. Butry, and J.M. Pye. 2007. Evaluating alternative prescribed burning policies to reduce net economic damages from wildfire. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 89(1): 63-77.
Mercer, E. 2007. Can Agroforestry Work in the South? Compass (March 2007): 6-8.
Mercer, E. and J. Prestemon. 2005. Comparing production function models for wildfire risk analysis in the Wildland Urban Interface. Forest Policy and Economics 7:782-795.

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JOURNALS (continued)
Mercer, D.E., J. Haggar, A. Snook, M. Sosa. 2005. Agroforestry Adoption in the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, Campeche, Mexico. Small Scale Forest Economics, Management and Policy 4(2):163-184.
Conrad, R., M. Gillis, and D.E. Mercer. 2005. Tropical Forest Harvesting and Taxation: A dynamic model of harvesting behavior under selective extractive systems. Environment and Development Economics 10:689-709.
Matta, J., J. Alavalapati, J. Kerr, and E. Mercer. 2005. Agency Perspectives on Transition to Participatory Forest Management: A Case Study from Tamil Nadu, India. Society and Natural Resources 18:859-870.
Mercer, D.E. 2004. Adoption of Agroforestry Innovations in the Tropics: A Review. Agroforestry Systems 61(1): 311-328.
Donoghue, E.M., F.W. Cubbage, and D.E. Mercer. 2003. Contract NGO’s in Community-based Forest Management in the Philippines. Journal of Sustainable Forestry 17(4):47-73.
Pattanayak, S.K., D.E. Mercer, E.O. Sills, J. Yang, and K. Cassingham. 2003. Taking Stock of Agroforestry Adoption Studies. Agroforestry Systems 57:173-186.
Prestemon, J.P., J.M. Pye, D.T. Butry, T.P. Holmes, D.E. Mercer. 2002. Understanding Broad Scale Wildfire Risks in a Human-Dominated Landscape. Forest Science 48(4):685-693.
Pattanayak, S. and D.E. Mercer. 2002. Indexing Soil Conservation: Farmer Perceptions of Agroforestry Benefits. Journal of Sustainable Forestry 15(2):63-85.
Butry, D., D.E. Mercer, J.P. Prestemon, J.M. Pye and T.P. Holmes. 2001. What is the Price of Catastrophic Wildfire? Journal of Forestry 99(11):9-17.
Mercer, E. and P.B. Aruna. 2000. Assessing the Impacts of Forests on Human Welfare in the Mid-Atlantic Region. Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 63(1): 43-63.
Pattanayak, S. and D.E. Mercer. 1998. Valuing Soil Conservation Benefits of Agroforestry: Contour Hedgerows in the Eastern Visayas, Philippines. Agricultural Economics 18(1998):31-46
Holmes, T., C. Zinkhan, K. Alger, and E. Mercer. 1998. The Effect of Response Time on Conjoint Analysis: Estimates of Rain Forest Protection Values. Journal of Forest Economics 4(1): 7-28.
Mercer, E. and R. Miller. 1998. Socio-economic Research in Agroforestry: Progress, Prospects, Priorities. Agroforestry Systems 38:177-193.
Pattanayak, S. and D.E. Mercer. 1997. Valuing Soil Conservation Benefits of Agroforestry. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 79(5):1714.
Kramer, R.A. and D.E. Mercer. 1997. Valuing a Global Environmental Good: U.S. Residents’ Willingness to Pay to Protect Tropical Rain Forests. Land Economics 73(2): 196-210.
Zinkhan, F.C. and D.E. Mercer. 1997. An Assessment of Agroforestry Systems in Southern USA. Agroforestry Systems 35(3): 303-321.
Zinkhan, F.C., T.P. Holmes, and D.E. Mercer. 1997. Conjoint Analysis: a preference -based approach for the accounting of multiple benefits in southern forest management. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry 21(4):1-7.

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Mercer, E. 1996. Costs, Benefits, and Farmer Adoption of Agroforestry: Project Experience in Central America and the Caribbean. Book Review. Agroforestry Systems 34:224-227.

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Alavalapati, J.R.R. and D.E. Mercer (editors). 2004. Valuing Agroforestry Systems: Methods and Applications. Kluwer Academic Press: Dordrecht. 314 pages.
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Mercer, D.E. and W. Zipperer. 2012 . Fire in the Wildland-Urban Interface. In: Laband, D., G. Lockaby, and W. Zipperer (eds), Urban-Rural Interfaces: Linking People and Nature. American Society of Agronomy. Madison, WI. Pp. 287-303.

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Mercer, D.E., R. Haight, J. Prestemon. 2008. Analyzing Trade-offs between Fuels Management, Suppression, and Damages from Wildfire. In: Holmes, T., Abt, K. and J. Prestemon (eds.), The Economics of Forest Disturbances. Springer. 247-272.
Prestemon, J.P., D.E. Mercer, and J.M. Pye. 2008. Natural Disturbance Production Functions. Chapter 3 In: In: Holmes, T., Abt, K. and J. Prestemon (eds.), The Economics of Forest Disturbances. Springer. Pp: 35-58.
Kramer, R.K. and D.E. Mercer. 2007. Valuing a Global Environmental Good: US Resident’s Willingness to Pay to Protect Tropical Rain Forests. In: Carson, R.T. (ed.). The Stated Preference Approach to Environmental Valuation Volume III: Applications: Benefit-Cost Analysis and Natural Resource Damage Assessment. Ashgate Publlishing. Hampshire, United Kingdom.Pp . 275-290.
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Mercer, D.E. 2005. Policies for Encouraging Forest Restoration. In: J. Stanturf and P. Madsen (editors). Restoration of Boreal and Temperate Forests. CRC Press: Boca Raton. Pp. 97-109.
Mercer, D.E. and A. Snook. 2004. Analyzing Ex-Ante Agroforestry Adoption Decisions with Attribute-based Choice Experiments. In: Alavalapati, J.R.R. and D.E. Mercer (eds). Valuing Agroforestry Systems: Methods and Applications. Kluwer Academic Press: Dordrecht. pp. 237-256.
Mercer, D.E. and J.R.R. Alavalapati 2004. Summary and Future Directions. In: Alavalapati, J.R.R. and D.E. Mercer (eds). Valuing Agroforestry Systems: Methods and Applications. Kluwer Academic Press: Dordrecht. pp. 303-31.
Alavalapati, J.R.R., D.E. Mercer and J. R. Montambault. 2004. Agroforestry Systems and Valuation Methodologies: An Overview. In: Alavalapati, J.R.R. and D.E. Mercer (eds). Valuing Agroforestry Systems: Methods and Applications. Kluwer Academic Press: Dordrecht. pp. 1-8.
Mercer, D.E. 2004. Adoption of Agroforestry Innovations in the Tropics: A Review. In: Nair, P.K., M.R. Rao, and L.E. Buck (editors) New Vistas in Agroforestry: A Compendium for the 1st World Congress of Agroforestry 2004. Kluwer: Dordrecht. pp. 311-328.
Mercer, D.E. and S. Pattanayak. 2003. Agroforestry adoption by small holders. In: E. Sills and K. Abt (eds), Forests in a Market Economy. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 283-300.
Kramer, R., E. Mercer and N. Sharma. 1996. Valuing Tropical Rain Forest Protection Using the Contingent Valuation Method. In: W. Adamowicz, P.C. Boxall, M.K. Luckert, W.E. Philipps, and W.A. White (eds), Forestry, Economics and the Environment. Oxon, United Kingdom: CAB International. Pp: 181-194.

Kramer, R., M. Munasinghe, N. Sharma, E. Mercer, and P. Shayamsundar. 1994. Valuing a Protected Tropical Forest: A Case Study in Madagascar. In: M. Munasinghe and J. McNeely (eds.), Protected Area Economics and Policy: Linking Conservation and Development. World Bank and IUCN: Washington, D.C. Pages 191-202.

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Mercer, D.E. and J. Soussan. 1992. Fuelwood Problems and Solutions: Policy Options. In: N. Sharma and R. Rowe (eds), Managing the World's Forests: Looking for Balance Between Conservation and Development. Kendall/Hunt Publishing: Falls Church, VA. pp. 177-214.
Mercer, D.E with W.F. Hyde. 1992. Economics of Agroforestry. In: W. Burch and K. Parker (eds), Social Science Applications in Asian Agroforestry. Winrock International/South Asia Books. pp. 111-144
Kirchofer, J. and E. Mercer. 1986. Putting Social and Community Forestry in Perspective in the Asia-Pacific Region. In: S. Fujisaka, P. Sajise, and R. del Castillo (editors), Man, Agriculture and Tropical Forests: Change and Development in the Philippine Uplands. Winrock International. Bangkok, Thailand. pp. 323-336.
Frey, G. E., D. E. Mercer, F. W. Cubbage, and R. C. Abt. 2009. A real options method for estimating the adoption potential of forestry and agroforestry systems on private lands in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley, USA. In: Proceedings, XIII World Forestry Congress, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 18-23 October 2009.
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Mercer, E. and T. Hamilton. 2008. What is the potential for markets for ecosystem services for enhancing water quality through improved forest management in the South? In: Siry, J., B. Izlar, P. Bettinger, T. Harris, T. Tye, S. Baldwin, and K. Merry. Forest land ownership in the South: Implications for management, production, and conservation. Proceedings of the Southern Forest Economics Workers Annual Meeting: March 9-11, 2008. Savannah, GA.
Trettin, C.C., L. Labovitch, S. Lerotholi, E. Mercer. 2008. The peatlands of Lesotho: An important ecological and socioeconomic resource. Pg. 88-91, In: C. Farrel and J. Feehan (eds.) After Wise Use ? the Future of Peatlands Vol. 1, Proceedings 13th Intl. Peat Congress, 8-13 June, 2008 Tullamore, Ireland. Intl. Peat Society, Jyväskylä, Finland

Mercer, D.E. and T. Steelman. 2005. Collective Action to Reduce Risk of Catastrophic Wildfire in the WUI: Theory and Empirical Evidence. In: Labland, D.N. (ed.), Proceedings Emerging Issues Along Urban/Rural Interfaces: Linking Science and Society. Center for Forest Sustainability, National Science Foundation, USDA Forest Service. March 13-16, 2005. Atlanta, GA. P. 338 (abstract).

Holmes, T., J. Prestemon, J. Pye, D. Butry, D. Mercer and K. Abt. 2004. Using size-frequency distributions to analyze fire regimes in Florida. In: R.T. Engstrom, K.E.M. Galley, and W.J. de Groot, (eds), Proceedings of 22nd Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference: Fire in Temperate, Boreal, and Montane Ecosystems. Tall Timbers Research Station. Tallahassee, FL.
Mercer, D.E. and A. Snook. 2004. Analyzing Agroforestry Adoption with Attribute-based Choice Experiments. Book of Abstracts. 1st World Congress of Agroforestry. Orlando, Florida. June 27-July2, 2004. p. 71.
Pattanayak, S.K, E.O. Sills, and D.E. Mercer. 2004. Regression Analysis of Binary Adoption Data: Is the Devil in the Method?. Book of Abstracts. 1st World Congress of Agroforestry. Orlando, FL. p. 80.
Pattanayak, S.K, E.O. Sills, and D.E. Mercer. 2004. Taking Stock of Agroforestry Adoption Studies. Book of Abstracts. 1st World Congress of Agroforestry. Orlando, Florida. June 27-July2, 2004. p. 81.
Mercer, E., J. Prestemon, D. Butry, J. Pye, T. Holmes, and K. Abt. 2003. Optimizing Fuels Management for Wildfire Risk Reduction in Florida. In: Moffat, S.O. (editor), Proceedings of the 2003 Southern Forest Economics Workers Annual Meeting. March 17-18, 2003. New Orleans, LA. p. 373.

Kramer, R., J.I. Eisen-Hecht, C. Liese, and D.E. Mercer. 2002. Wetland Restoration Choice Behavior of Landowners: The Influence of Program Attributes. In: Amacher, G.S. and J. Sullivan (eds.) Proceedings of 2002 Southern Forest Economics Workshop. Mar. 17-19, 2002. Virginia Tech University. pp 316-317.

Pattanayak, S., E. Mercer, E. Sills, and K. Cassingham. 2001. Adopting Agroforestry. In: Proceedings of the 2001 Southern Forest Economics Workshop. Atlanta, GA

Casey, J., E. Mercer, and A. Snook. 2000. Agroforesty Adoption: Keynes’ “Animal Spirits” are Alive and Well in the Yucatan. In: Proceedings of 1999 Southern Forest Economics Workshop. Biloxi, MI.

Aruna, P.B. and E. Mercer. 1999. The Timber Economy of the Mid-Atlantic Region: Some Preliminary results from the Mid-Atlantic Integrated Assessment. In: Proceedings of the 1998 Southern Forest Economics Workshop. Williamsburg, VA. pages 172-179.
Casey, J., E. Mercer, and A. Snook. 1999. Evaluating Farmer Preferences for Agroforestry Systems: Survey Instrument Design. In: Proceedings of the 1998 Southern Forest Economics Workshop. Williamsburg, VA. pages 153-158.
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Breunig, L, and E. Mercer. 1998. Valuing Tourism in the Sierra Tarahumara of Chihuahua, Mexico: a comparison of domestic and foreign tourists. In: Cross Border Waters: Treasures for the 21st Century. Ninth US/Mexico Border States Conference on Recreation, Parks and Wildlife. Tucson, AZ. RMRS-P-5. Rocky Mt. Research Station, US Forest Service. Pages 15-29.

Zinkhan, F.C., D.E. Mercer, and B. Stansell 1997. Assessing the Market and Non-market Benefits of

Southern Agroforestry. In: Kluender, R.A. (ed.), Proceedings of 1997 Southern Forest Economics Workers Conference. Little Rock, AR.
Zinkhan, C. and E. Mercer. 1997. The Status of Agroforestry in the South. Proceedings of 26th Annual Southern Forest Economics Workers Conference. Knoxville, Tennessee.

T. Holmes, C. Zinkhan, K. Alger, and E. Mercer. 1996. Conceptual Issues in Using Conjoint Analysis to Evaluate Ecotourism Demand--A Case Study from Bahia Brazil. In: W-133 Benefits and Costs Transfer in Natural Resource Planning. Western Regional Research Publication 9th Interim Report. pp 447-462.

Mercer, E., B. Vega, H. Francisco, and R. Maille. 1995. Measuring the socio-economic impacts of agroforestry projects in the Philippines. In: Agroforestry and Sustainable Systems: Symposium Proceedings. General Technical Report RM-GTR-26, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mt. Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, Colorado. Pages 43-44.
Mercer, E. and R. Conrad. 1993. Risk-Sharing in Tropical Forest Concession Contracts. In: Proceedings of 1993 Annual Southern Forest Economics Workshop. Duke University.
Mercer, D.E. 1984. Deforestation in the Humid Tropics. In: Sourcebook on Social Forestry. FAO/EWC Workshop on the Social and Economic Aspects of Community Forestry in the Asia-Pacific Region. 26 Sept.- 3 Oct. 1984. Bangkok, Thailand.
Mercer, D.E. 1984. Conceptual Framework for Agroforestry. In: Sourcebook on Social Forestry. FAO/EWC Workshop on the Social and Economic Aspects of Community Forestry in the Asia-Pacific Region. 26 Sept. - 3 Oct. 1984. Bangkok, Thailand.


Mercer E. and Murthy A.  2012. Market Benefits. Chapter 15 in Stolte K.W.; Conkling B.L.; Fulton S.; Bradley M.P. (eds.). State of Mid-Atlantic Region Forests in 2000. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-162. Asheville, North Carolina: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station. ( Pages 83-104.

Mercer, D.E and A. Murthy. 2012. Appendix C: Socio-Economic Analyses. in Stolte K.W.; Conkling B.L.; Fulton S.; Bradley M.P. (eds.). State of Mid-Atlantic Region Forests in 2000. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-162. Asheville, North Carolina: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station. ( Pages 186-187.
Fulton S.; Mercer E.; and Bradley M.P. 2012. Forests and People in the Mid-Atlantic Region. Chapter 1 in Stolte K.W.; Conkling B.L.; Fulton S.; Bradley M.P. (eds.). State of Mid-Atlantic Region Forests in 2000. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-162. Asheville, North Carolina: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station. ( Pages 3-6.
Fulton S.; Mercer E.; and Stolte K.W. 2012. Urbanization, Fragmentation, and Land Use Change. Chapter 11 in Stolte K.W.; Conkling B.L.; Fulton S.; Bradley M.P. (eds.). State of Mid-Atlantic Region Forests in 2000. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-162. Asheville, North Carolina: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station. ( Pages 49-58.
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Stolte K.W.; Fulton S.; and Mercer E. 2012. The MAIA Region and Report. Chapter 2 in Stolte K.W.; Conkling B.L.; Fulton S.; Bradley M.P. (eds.). State of Mid-Atlantic Region Forests in 2000. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-162. Asheville, North Carolina: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station. Pages 7-16. (

Fulton S.; Steinman J.; Mercer E.; and Stolte K.W. 2012. Forest and other Land Uses. Chapter 4 in Stolte K.W.; Conkling B.L.; Fulton S.; Bradley M.P. (eds.). State of Mid-Atlantic Region Forests in 2000. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-162. Asheville, North Carolina: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station. ( Pages 21-24
Mercer, E. 2011. Indicator 6.27 Revenues from Forest Based Environmental Services. In: National Report on Sustainable Forests—2010. USDA Forest Service.
Mercer, E., P. Lal, and J. Alavalapati. 2011. Competitiveness of Carbon Offset Projects on NIPF lands in the United States. In: R. Alig, editor. Effects of Climate Change and Policies on Natural Resources and Communities: A Compendium of Briefing Papers . Gen. Tech. Rep.PNW-GTR-837. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. Pages 119-167
Lal, P, J. Alavalapati, and E. Mercer. 2011. Socio-economic impacts of climate change on rural communities in the United States. In: R. Alig, editor. Effects of Climate Change and Policies on Natural Resources and Communities: A Compendium of Briefing Papers . Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-837. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. Pages 73-118.
Mercer, D.E., D. Cooley, and K. Hamilton. 2010. Taking Stock: Payments for Forest Ecosystem Services in the United States. Ecosystem Marketplace and USDA Forest Service. Washington, DC. 49 pages.
Widmann, R. R Abt, T Brown, J Chamberlain, K Cordell, C. Flather, D Gormanson; T Johnson, D. May, E Mercer, P. Miles, K. Moser, M. Nelson, C. Oswalt, J Prestemon, R Piva; W. Smith, JWiedenbeck. 2010. Appalachian Forest Assessment. White Paper. USDA Forest Service Washington Office.
González-Cabán, A., R.W. Haynes, S. McCaffrey, E. Mercer, A. Watson, Tech. Editors. 2007. Fire Social Science Research–Selected Highlights. General Technical Report PNW-GTR-736. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Research Station. 72 pp.
Mercer, E. and G. Jones. 2007. Optimal Fire and Fuels Management. In: Fire Social Science Research–Selected Highlights. General Technical Report PNW-GTR-736. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Research Station. 41-46.
Notman, E., L.Langner, T. Crow, E. Mercer, T. Calizon, T. Haines, J. Greene, T. Brown, J. Bergstrom, J. Loomis, J. Hayes, J Call. 2006. State of Knowledge: Ecosystem Services from Forests. White Paper. Washington Office. US Forest Service, Dept. of Agriculture. Washington, DC.
Prestemon, J.P., D.E. Mercer, J.M. Pye, D.T. Butry, T.P. Holmes, and K.L. Abt. 2001. Economically optimal wildfire intervention regimes. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association, August 5-8, 2001, Chicago, Illinois. 18 pages. Available on the Internet, .
Mercer, D.E., J.M. Pye, J.P. Prestemon, D.T. Butry, and T.P. Holmes. 2000. Economic Effects of Catastrophic Wildfires: Assessing the effectiveness of fuel reduction programs for reducing the economic impacts of catastrophic forest fire events. Final Report. Topic 8 of the Research Grant “Economic and Ecological Consequences of the 1998 Florida Wildfires”. fire sciences/.

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Mercer, E., A. Thompson, and G. Flemming. 1999. Economic Demand for Ecotourism Development. In: Ecotourism in the Blue and John Crow Mountain National Park of Jamaica. Research Technical Bulletin Series T-141. Agricultural Research Program. North Carolina A&T State University. pp 53-93.
Thompson, A., E. Mercer, and A. Alston. 1999. Planning for Ecotourism in Communities Near the B&JCM National Park. In: Ecotourism in the Blue and John Crow Mountain National Park of Jamaica, West Indies. Research Technical Bulletin Series T-141. Agricultural Research Program. North Carolina A&T State University. pp 34-52.

Zinkhan, C. and D.E. Mercer. 1997. South. In: M.L. Merwin (ed). The Status, Opportunities and Needs for Agroforestry in the United States: A National Report. Association for Temperate Agroforestry. Lexington, KY. pp 20-22.

Holmes T., C. Zinkhan, K. Alger, and E. Mercer. 1996. Conjoint Analysis of Nature Tourism Values in Bahia, Brazil. 1996. FPEI Working Paper No. 57. Southeastern Center for Forest Economics Research. Research Triangle Park, NC.
Pattanayak, S. and E. Mercer. 1996. Valuing the Soil Conservation Benefits of Agroforestry. FPEI Working Paper # 59. Southeastern Center for Forest Economics Research. Research Triangle Park, NC
Mercer, E., R. Kramer and N. Sharma. 1995. Impacts on Tourism. In: R. Kramer, N. Sharma, and M. Munasinghe (eds): Valuing Tropical Forests: Methodology and Case Study of Madagascar. World Bank Environment Paper 13. Washington, D.C. Pages 33-40.
Kramer, R., E. Mercer, and N. Sharma. 1995. Existence Values. In: R. Kramer, N. Sharma, and M. Munasinghe (eds): Valuing Tropical Forests: Methodology and Case Study of Madagascar. World Bank Environment Paper 13. Washington, D.C. Pages 52-57.
Kramer, R., P. Shayamsundar, E. Mercer, and M. Munasinghe. 1995. Overview. In: R. Kramer, N. Sharma, and M. Munasinghe (eds): Valuing Tropical Forests: Methodology and Case Study of Madagascar. World Bank Environment Paper 13. Washington, D.C. Pages 21-25
Mercer, D.E., F.C. Zinkhan, and T. Holmes. 1995. Assessing forests for their ecotourism potential: a case study of the Atlantic coastal rain forests in Southeastern Brazil. SCFER Working Paper No. 77. Southeastern Center for Forest Economics Research. Research Triangle Park, NC. 19 pages.
Zinkhan, F.C., T.P. Holmes, and D.E. Mercer. 1994. Conjoint Analysis: a pragmatic approach for accounting for multiple benefits in southern forest management. SCFER Working Paper No. 76. Southeastern Center for Forest Economics Research. Research Triangle Park, NC. 16 pages.
Mercer, E. 1993. A Framework for Analyzing the Socio-economic Impacts of Agroforestry Projects. FPEI Working Paper Number 52. Southeastern Center for Forest Economics Research. RTP, NC.
Mercer, E., R. Kramer, and N. Sharma. 1993. Estimating the Nature Tourism Benefits of Establishing the Mantadia National Park in Madagascar. Center for Resource and Environmental Policy Research Working Paper. Duke University. Durham, NC.
Hyde, W.F. and D.E. Mercer. 1990. Valuing Fuelwood in Urban Areas for Urban Energy Policy Analysis. Industry and Energy Department. World Bank. Washington, D.C.
Mercer, D.E. and R.W. Dunford. 1990. A Review of Federal Guidelines for Measuring Nonuse Values. Center for Economics Research. Research Triangle Institute. Research Triangle Park, N.C.

Mercer, E. 1990. Methodology for Valuation of Malawi's Forest Resource. International Resources Group, Ltd. and the World Bank. Washington, D.C.

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Mercer, D.E., T. Bingham, and C. Chapman. 1990. Economic Impact Analysis of Regulatory Options for Amendments to Asbestos NESHAP. Prepared for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Research Triangle Institute, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.
Mercer, D.E. 1985. Integrating Nature, Man, Forestry and Agriculture: A Conceptual Framework for

Agroforestry in the Humid Tropics. Working Paper, Environment and Policy Institute, East-West Center. Honolulu.

Mercer, D.E. 1985. Guidelines for Planning Agroforestry Development Projects. Working Paper, Environment and Policy Institute, East-West Center. Honolulu.
Hamilton, L.S., M. Bonell, and D.E. Mercer (eds). 1984. Country Papers on the Status of Watershed Forest Influence Research in Asia and the Pacific. Working Paper, Environment and Policy Institute, East-West Center. Honolulu.

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