Daniel Patrick Loehr

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Daniel Patrick Loehr


The MITRE Corporation

7515 Colshire Drive

McLean, VA 22102




1542 Chatham Colony Court

Reston, VA 20190



Ph.D. Computational Linguistics, Georgetown University, 2004.

Dissertation defended with distinction.

Oral examination passed with distinction.

4.0 GPA.
M.S. Computational Linguistics, Georgetown University, 1997.

4.0 GPA.
B.A. Computer Science, Cornell University, 1984.

Dean's List.
Loehr, D. (2004). Gesture and Intonation. Doctoral Dissertation, Georgetown University.
Journal Articles
Loehr, D. (2007). Aspects of rhythm in gesture and speech. Gesture 7(2).
Loehr, D. (2007). Intonation and Gesture. Manuscript in preparation.
Rohlfing, K., Loehr, D., Duncan, S., Brown, A., Franklin, A., Kimbara, I., et al. (2006). Comparison of multimodal annotation tools: Workshop report. Gesprächsforschung 7.
Loehr, D. & Harper, L. (2003). Commonplace tools for studying commonplace interactions: Practitioners' notes on entry-level video analysis. Visual Communication 2(2).
Damianos, L., Loehr, D., Burke, C., Hansen, S., & Viszmeg, M. (2003). The MSIIA Experiment: Using Speech to Enhance Human Performance on a Cognitive Task. International Journal of Speech Technology 6(2).
Conference Papers
Schmidt, S., Duncan, S, Ehmer, O., Hoyt, J., Kipp, M., Loehr, D., Magnusson, M., Rose, T., Sloetjes, H. (2008). An exchange format for multimodal annotations. Proceedings, Workshop on Multimodal corpora: From Models of Natural Interaction to Systems and Applications, Sixth international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2008.
Duncan, S., Parrill, F., Loehr, D. (2005). Discourse factors in gesture and speech prosody. 2nd Conference of the International Society for Gesture Studies (ISGS), Lyon, France.
Burke, C., Doran, C., Gertner, A., Gregorowicz, A., Harper, L., Korb, J., & Loehr, D. (2003). Dialogue complexity with portability? Research directions for the Information State approach. Proceedings, Research Directions in Dialogue Processing Workshop, HLT-NAACL/NSF Human Language Technology Conference, Edmonton, Canada.
Loehr, D., Damianos, L., Harper, L., Burke, C., Hansen, S., & Viszmeg, M. (2003). Speech Re-Cognition? Investigating Speech as a Cognition-Augmenting Modality. Proceedings, Augmented Cognition and Human-Robot Interaction Track, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-36).
Burke, C., Harper, L., & Loehr, D. (2002). A Flexible Architecture for a Multimodal Robot Control Interface. Proceedings, Intelligent Situation-Aware Media and Presentations (ISAMP) Workshop at the Eighteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI '02), Edmonton, Canada.
Burke, C., Harper, L., & Loehr, D. (2002). A Dialogue Architecture for Multimodal Control of Robots. Proceedings, International CLASS Workshop on Natural, Intelligent and Effective Interaction in Multimodal Dialogue Systems, Copenhagen.
Loehr, D. (2002). Intonation, Gesture, and Discourse Structure. Gesture, The Living Medium: First Congress of the International Society for Gesture Studies, Austin.
Bigbee, A., Loehr, D., & Harper, L. (2002). Multimodal Annotation and Analysis Tools. Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics.
Bigbee, A., Loehr, D., & Harper, L. (2001). Emerging Requirements for Multi-Modal Annotation and Analysis Tools. Proceedings, Eurospeech Special Event: "Existing and Future Corpora Acoustic, Linguistic and Multi-modal Requirements", Aalborg, Denmark.
Loehr, D. (2001). Intonation, Gesture, and Discourse. Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics.
Harper, L., Loehr, D., & Bigbee, A. (2000). Gesture is not just pointing. Proceedings, International Conference on Natural Language Generation, Israel.
Loehr, D. (2000). Swedish Word Accents: What, Where, How. Proceedings, 18th Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics, Lund, Sweden.
Aberdeen, J., Bayer, S., Caskey, S., Damianos, L., Goldschen, A., Hirschman, L., Loehr, D., & Trappe, H. (1999). Implementing Practical Dialogue Systems with the DARPA Communicator Architecture. Proceedings, International Joint Conference in Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) Workshop on Knowledge and Reasoning in Practical Dialogue Systems, Stockholm.
Goldschen, A., & Loehr, D. (1999). The Role of the DARPA Communicator Architecture as a Human Computer Interface for Distributed Simulations. Proceedings, Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO) Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop (SIW), Orlando, Florida.
Reeder, F., & Loehr, D. (1998). Finding the Right Words: An Analysis of Not-Translated Words in Machine Translation. Proceedings, Association for Machine Translation in the Americas Annual Conference, Langhorne, Pennsylvania.
Loehr, D. (1998). Can Simultaneous Interpretation Help Machine Translation? Proceedings, Association for Machine Translation in the Americas Annual Conference, Langhorne, Pennsylvania.
LuperFoy, S., Duff, D., Loehr, D., Harper, L., Miller, K., & Reeder, F. (1998). An Architecture for Dialogue Management, Context Tracking, and Pragmatic Adaptation in Spoken Dialogue Systems. Proceedings, Association for Computational Linguistics Annual Meeting, Montreal.
LuperFoy, S., & Loehr, D. (1997). Run-Time Discourse Processing To Supplement Incomplete ASR. Proceedings, IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, Santa Barbara, California.
Loehr, D. (1997). Hypertext and Deixis. Proceedings, SIGMEDIA (Special Interest Group on Multimedia in Language Processing) Workshop on Referring Phenomena in a Multimedia Context and Their Computational Treatment, Madrid, Spain.
Loehr, D. (1996). An Attempt at Natural Humor from a Natural Language Robot. Proceedings, International Workshop on Computational Humor, Enschede, The Netherlands.
Loehr, D. (1996). An Integration of a Pun Generator with a Natural Language Robot. Proceedings, Colloque Linguistique-Informatique de Montreal.
Technical Reports

Bayer, S., Burke, C., Condon, S., Doran, C., Gertner, A., Gregorowicz, A., Harper, L., Hitzeman, J., Loehr, D., Tepper, P. (2005). Core Dialogue Research Final Report. MITRE Technical Report.

Loehrd, D., Burke, C. (2005). Midiki User’s Manual. MITRE Technical Report.
Doran, C., Gertner, A., Harper, L., & Loehr, D. (2002). The State of Dialogue Research at MITRE, circa Spring 2002. MITRE Technical Report.
Peet, M., Varma, P., & Loehr, D. (1997). Strategies for Effective Human Computer Interaction: The Voice Input-Output Testbed. MITRE Working Note.
Other Publications
Cochran M., Good, J., Loehr, D., Miller, S.A., Stephens, S., Williams, B. & Udoh, I. (2007). Report from TILR (Towards Interoperability of Language Resources) Working Group 1: Tools interoperability and input/output formats. http://tilr.mseag.org/wiki/index.php?title=Working_Group_1
Aberdeen, J., Bayer, S., Caskey, S., Damianos, L., Goldschen, A., Hirschman, L., Loehr, D., & Trappe, H. (1999). DARPA Communicator Program Tackles Conversational Interface Challenges. The Edge, December 1999.
Loehr, D. (1999). An Overview of the DARPA Communicator Program. Poster presented at the SIGdial (Special Interest Group on Dialogue) Annual Meeting in conjunction with the Association for Computational Linguistics Annual Meeting, College Park, Maryland.
Research Grants
Loehr, D., Friedland, L. (2008-2010) Collaborative Research—Dyadic rapport within and across cultures: Multimodal assessment of human-human and human-computer interaction, NSF Human and Social Dynamics, as subcontractor to University of Chicago (Gina-Anne Levow, PI), teaming with University of Southern California’s Institute for Creative Technologies.
Loehr, D., Friedland, L. (2006-2008) Understanding (Arabic) Nonverbal Behavior, MITRE Technology Program.
Doran, C., Loehr, D. (2003-2006) Core Dialogue Research, MITRE Technology Program.
Loehr, D., Harper, L. (2000-2003) Reference Resolution in Multimodal User Interfaces to Map-Based Applications, MITRE Technology Program.
Workshops Organized
Organizer, Behavioral Markup Language Workshop, June 2-3 2008, Bedford MA.
Co-organizer, with Susan Duncan, Katharina Rohlfing, and Travis Rose, of the workshops Annotation Interchange between Multimodal Annotation Tools, and Choosing among tools for annotation & analysis of multimodal language, both at the Third Congress of the International Society for Gesture Studies, June 18-21 2007, Northwestern University, Evanston.
Organizer, Technical Exchange Meeting on Evaluation of Document Exploitation Technologies, March 2006, McLean VA.
Co-organizer, with Susan Duncan and Katharina Rohlfing, of the workshop Comparison of Multimodal Annotation Tools, and the discussion panel How Analysis Shapes Phenomena, both at the Second Congress of the International Society for Gesture Studies, June 15-18 2005, Universite Lyon 2, France.
Co-organizer, with Christy Doran, of the MITRE Dialogue Workshop, October 27-28 2003, Bedford, MA.
Editor / Reviewer / Program Committee / Panelist
Program Committee, Workshop on Multimodal Corpora, at Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, May 2008, Marrakesh, Morocco.
Guest co-editor (with Craig Martell), special issue of The International Journal of Semantic Computing on “Gesture in Multimodal Systems”, 2008.
Reviewer, Journal of Language Resources and Evaluation, special issue on "Multimodal Corpora For Modeling Human Multimodal Behavior", 2007
Member, Working Group on Multimodal Communication, NSF Project on Cyberinfrastructure for Collaborative Research in the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2006-2007
Program Committee, International workshop on multimodal corpora: From multimodal behaviour theories to usable models, May 2006, Genoa, Italy.
Reviewer, Georgetown Working Papers in Linguistics, Spring 2006.
Organizer, Arabic script study group, The MITRE Corporation, 2005-2006.
Panelist, First ACM Hardcopy Document Processing Workshop, November 2004, Washington, DC
Reviewer, Association for Computational Linguistics Student Session, 1999, College Park, MD.
Dissertation Reader
Van Guilder, Linda (2007) Cross-language perception in foreign name transcription, Doctoral Dissertation, Georgetown University.
Invited Talks
Non-verbal communication. George Washington Law School, 1/28/05, Georgetown Law School, 6/25/05, 6/2/06, 6/8/07.
Anvil/Praat for gesture/speech analysis. University of Chicago, 2/25/04.
Multimodal annotation & analysis tools. Georgetown University, 11/18/03, 11/16/04.
Intonation, gesture, and discourse. Georgetown University, 11/13/01.
Careers in computational linguistics. Georgetown University Panel on “What to do with a linguistics major”, 2/26/08.
Multimodal annotation: Capturing more of language than words. Georgetown University Language and Technology Panel, 4/4/08.

Work Experience

2007-present: Adjunct Lecturer, George Mason University Department of Linguistics

I have taught an introductory graduate course in Descriptive Linguistics (Fall 2007).
2006-present: Adjunct Lecturer, Georgetown University Department of Linguistics
I have taught two graduate seminars in “Tone and Intonation” (Spring 2006) and “Gesture and Language” (Spring 2007).
1997-present: Principal Artificial Intelligence Engineer, The MITRE Corporation, McLean VA
I am currently assistant manager of a department of 70 engineers working in various aspects of artificial intelligence. Prior to that, I directed research and development in computational linguistics, and managed a group of twenty computational linguists. I’ve served as PI or co-PI on multiple research projects with budgets totaling several million dollars. I’m currently directing research in technology for annotating and analyzing nonverbal behavior across cultures. My most recent research project investigated multi-modal human-computer dialogue systems, with a focus on intonation, gaze and gesture. I also support numerous government agencies with language technology needs.
1993-1997: Lead Engineer, Hughes Information Technology Systems, Reston VA
I conducted research, development, and implementation of a variety of software, ranging from efficient inexact string searches of large text repositories, to improvements of neural-network optical character recognition.
1991-1993: Director of Training and Support, Edunetics Corporation, Arlington VA
I directed the training and technical support department for an educational software company. I conducted classroom training sessions for high school teachers nationwide.
1990-1991: Software Engineer, Metron Corporation, Reston VA
I developed software for automatic optical pattern recognition.
1990: Instructor, National Learning Center, Washington DC
I taught math to at-risk middle-school DC public school students.
1987-1989: Director of Academic Computing, Proctor Academy, Andover NH
I taught college-level computer science, and managed an academic computer center.
1985-1987: Instructor, Outward Bound, Rockland ME
I led wilderness rehabilitation courses for at-risk youth.
1984-1985: Software Engineer, Auto-trol Corporation, Denver CO
I developed peripheral driver software for a computer-aided-design system manufacturer.

Awards and Fellowships

MITRE Division Award for Impact on State of the Art, 2007

MITRE Department Award for Outstanding Technical Support, 2006

MITRE Program Recognition Award for Government Foreign Language Technology Support, 2005

MITRE Director’s Award for Government Foreign Language Technology Support, 2003
MITRE Advanced Graduate Degree Program, 2000-2004

Competitive graduate fellowship
National Infrastructure Protection Center Award for Foreign Language Technology Support, 2002
MITRE Program Recognition Award for DARPA Communicator (Dialogue System) Program, 2000
MITRE Division Award for Innovation, Collaboration, and Excellence, 1999
Hughes Electronics Fellow, 1995-1997

Competitive graduate fellowship
Hughes Electronics Corporate Superior Performer, 1994

Employee of the year, selected out of 3000 employees after first year with Hughes

Professional Association Memberships

Linguistic Society of America

Association for Computational Linguistics

International Society for Gesture Studies

Foreign Languages

Proficient in Swedish.

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