Department of Intramural-Recreational Sports 2014-15 Annual Report

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Department of Intramural-Recreational Sports

2014-15 Annual Report

Table of Contents

  1. Executive Summary

  1. Collaborations

  1. 2015-16 Strategic Initiatives

  1. Intramural Staff

  1. Academic Unit Support

  1. Staff Professional Development

  1. Activities That Support Diversity

  1. Informal Sports

  1. Health Science Campus Fitness Center

  1. Intramural Sports

  1. Marketing and Promotions

  1. Assessment

  1. Technology

  1. Safety

  1. Fitness

  1. Sports Club Federation

  1. Special Events / Programs

  1. Activity Evaluations

  1. Facility Usage Statistics

  1. List of Facility User Groups

  1. Intramural Sports Statistics

  1. All Campus Points Totals

  1. Intramural Champions

  1. 2015-2016 Intramural Schedule

2014-2015 Annual Report

Edited by: Dale Ramsay
Prepared by: David Rice
Contributors: John Smith

David Hatfield

Debby Woodall

David Rice

Justin Peterson

Department of Intramural and Recreational Sports


Dale Ramsay Director

Janice Day Student Affairs Business Center Liaison

Karen Zody Administrative Assistant

David Hatfield Assistant Director- Facilities

John Smith Assistant Director- Marketing, Technology, Safety

Debby Woodall Assistant Director- HSC Facility and Fitness

David Rice Coordinator of Sports Clubs and Facilities

Justin Peterson Coordinator of Intramural Sports

Frank Nuxoll Facility Supervisor- Student Recreation Center

Greg Johnson Facility Supervisor- Student Recreation Center

Tim Lynch Facility Supervisor- HSC Fitness Center

Justin Lucas Facility Supervisor- HSC Fitness Center

Tad Porter Departmental Assistant- Intramurals

Joe Gamsky Departmental Assistant- Fitness

Chelsea Case Departmental Assistant- Fitness

Ryan Ramsay Departmental Assistant- Facilities

Addina Tritle Departmental Assistant- HSC Fitness Center

Alex Claywell Undergraduate Assistant- Intramurals

Chelsea Cook Undergraduate Assistant- Intramurals

Annie Fugate Undergraduate Assistant- Intramurals

Luke Guhy Undergraduate Assistant- Intramurals

Ryan Long Undergraduate Assistant- Intramurals

Christian Rick Undergraduate Assistant- Intramurals

Mary Elise Schlich Undergraduate Assistant- Intramurals

Shannon Sloss Undergraduate Assistant- Intramurals

Samantha Taylor Undergraduate Assistant- Intramurals

Christine Exeter Undergraduate Assistant- Facilities

Stephen Russ Undergraduate Assistant- Facilities

  1. Executive Summary

2014-15 was an exciting year for the Department of Intramural-Recreational Sports as it was the first full year that the Student Recreation Center was open. The SRC has enabled us to serve students in ways that we could not do previously. From expanded fitness classes to record-setting numbers in Intramural Sports to hosting a wide range of campus groups in our meeting rooms, the SRC has changed the out-of- classroom experience at the University of Louisville.

2014-15 was an incredible year with many successes to highlight. The Student Recreation Center received an Outstanding Facility Award from the National Intramural Recreational Sports Association. The NIRSA Outstanding Facility Award recognizes state-of-the-art collegiate recreational facilities of NIRSA member institutions. In November, we hosted our colleagues at the Kentucky Intramural Recreational Sports Association Workshop at the SRC. With over 100 attendees, it was the largest workshop attendance in KIRSA history.
The usage of the SRC and the total program was remarkable. Between the SRC and the HSC Fitness Center there were 554,882 visits. The total number of unique student users was 15,549 between the two facilities, which represents over 70% of the student population. We had Institutional Research (IR) do an analysis of our first year usage. Of the students that averaged using the SRC at least once per week, 58% had over a 3.0 GPA. This supports our contention that student who use the SRC at a higher rate will do better academically.
Like all departments in Student Affairs, we benefitted from the leadership of Dr. Michael Mardis, who was the Acting Vice President for Student Affairs in 2014-15. Dr. Mardis served the demanding and challenging role of Acting Vice President for Student Affairs while still serving as Dean of Students. We are extremely appreciative of his support of Intramural-Recreational Sports and happy for his Acting VPSA appointment. We hope he will be appointed to that role permanently.
2014-15 was an incredible year. It was a transitional year from having to work on the details of opening the SRC and actually opening in the middle of the semester, to being able to focus entirely on being able to program this tremendous facility. We are now able to serve students through our various program areas (Intramurals, Fitness, Sports Clubs, etc.) in ways that we were previously unable due to facility limitations. Now, with the SRC, the possibilities are endless.

  1. Collaborations

One of the primary strengths of our program is the volume and quality of collaborations that Intramural-Recreational Sports has with different departments across campus. These collaborations serve to enhance the department’s ability to effectively serve our various constituency groups. The following is a summary of our numerous collaborations:

Athletics - We work closely with Athletics in cooperatively sharing the use of each other’s facilities. Our students benefit from getting to compete in outstanding venues such as Cardinal Arena (Basketball Championships), Bass/Rudd Tennis Center (Tennis Tournaments), Wright Natatorium (Swim Meet), and the Trager Stadium (Track Meet). Participating in these venues enhance the experience of participating in Intramurals for our students.
U-Fit Program – Intramural-Recreational Sports is collaborating with Health Promotions in allowing them to use the Fitness Lab in the SRC for their U-Fit program. Health Promotions trains students on how to train other students. This is a very popular program and a good collaboration for us to be involved in.
Financial Aid Office - Our department works closely with Charlie Schnell in the Financial Aid Office to recruit College Work Study students to work in the Intramural Department. Our department is the most popular place for CWS students to work on campus. By developing this relationship with Financial Aid, it assists us tremendously with our student wage budget by having a large number of CWS students.
International Center - Intramural-Recreational Sports works with the International Center and offers two “International Nights” in the SAC, one in the Fall and one in the Spring. The purpose of these programs is to expose International students to IM-Rec Sports. Many of the participants are part of our Badminton Club, which has a high percentage of International students.
University Archives- This year we collaborated with University Archives to convert our Intramural Champions Board to digital form. They converted over 7,000 champions pictures to preserve over 50 years of Intramural history. These pictures were then loaded into a touchscreen television and prominently displayed in the front lobby of the SRC.
Orientation - We are very involved in Orientation. We have a table at the information fair and are part of the presentation on campus involvement. After several attempts, we now have the correct situation within the Orientation program where we are able to reach out to a high volume of students. We believe it is important to have a strong presence at Orientation to expose the incoming freshmen to our program.
Marching Band - With the development of the “Extreme Home Makeover” project of renovating the Intramural Field, we were thrust into collaboration with UofL’s Marching Band. We worked well with them in scheduling and field maintenance. We have made it very clear to them that they are a full financial partner in the expense of maintaining the Intramural Field. They were extremely cooperative and while it is not our ideal situation, we are making the best of it.
Learfield Sports (Formerly Nelligan)- Our arrangement with Learfield continues to be a financially successful one for our department. In this time of financial stress, Learfield has done an excellent job in providing our department with additional revenue that we need to operate our program. Our partnership is unique in that we continue to be the only recreational sports program in the country with an agreement with a sports marketing firm. We look forward to the future with the opening of the SRC and the new marketing opportunities that will develop.
University Emergency Medicine - We have a partnership with University Emergency Medicine to enable us to have Automatic External Defibrillators in our facilities. Dr. Price wrote our prescriptions on our AED protocols. This relationship is important because of the necessity for our staff to be able to respond to a cardiac emergency.
Service Solutions- One of the components of our successful operation is the work done in cleaning and maintaining the SRC facility. Service Solutions (SSC) is the cleaning company that we secured to maintain the SRC. They have done an excellent job in this area. Having a facility that is clean adds to the positive experience our students enjoy.
Bursar, Registrar, and Card Office- With the opening of the SRC and the advent of the Student Recreation Fee, we have developed a strong relationship with the Bursar, Registrar, and Card Offices. There are many intricacies related to student enrollment and the assessing of the recreation fee. All three of these offices have been extremely helpful in resolving issues.
Summer Athletic Camp- With the closing of the SAC, the Women’s Volleyball, Women’s Basketball, and the Cheer camps all transitioned to the Student Recreation Center. We look forward to continuing to host all of these groups in the SRC.
Welcome Week- Last year on the Wednesday of Welcome Week we hosted two events- the first, Playfair, was held on the SRC Turf Field. The second was held in the SRC at the conclusion of Playfair. It was called “Hit the SRC” where the incoming freshmen familiarized themselves with the SRC. SAB also set up a lounge on the SRC Plaza serving a variety of mocktails. Also, Dale Ramsay and Debby Woodall continue to lead a walking tour of campus athletic facilities on Friday of Welcome Week.
American Red Cross- The SRC has become an extremely important venue for the American Red Cross as they conducted five Blood Drives here last year. We are pleased to collaborate with the American Red Cross and assist them with this vital community service.
Student Affairs Collaborations
Housing Move-In Day We assist with Housing Move-In Day in August.
Field Days Our department participated in Welcome Week

programs for the Dean of Students Office.

Student Athletic Tickets Dale Ramsay assists SGA with the Student Athletic ticket registration process. He and Justin Peterson

chaperoned the student trip to the Russell Athletic Bowl in Orlando.

First Aid Classes John Smith teaches First Aid Classes to both the

Intramural Sports and Student Involvement staff as well as other university employees.

Speech / Literature

Distribution Policy Dale Ramsay, under the auspices of the Dean of Students Office, works with off-campus groups to ensure they are in compliance with the University’s Speech/Literature Distribution Policy.
Welcome Tents Dale Ramsay, David Rice, and Justin Peterson assist with the setup of the Dean of Students Welcome Tents for the first two days of classes. We scheduled the staffing of the tents and kept them supplied with water, apples, and information. This was extremely successful, as the students appreciated the fact there were people available to assist them during the hectic time at the beginning of the academic year.
Physical Plant We have an excellent relationship with the various trades in the Physical Plant. We have spent a great deal of time cultivating these relationships. We receive excellent service from the Physical Plant. In an effort to show our appreciation to them we work closely with them on our extremely popular Faculty/Staff Golf Outing. Many Physical Plant employees participate in the tournament. They assist us in obtaining sponsorships for the event as well.

  1. 2015-16 Strategic Initiatives

  1. Continue to stabilize the financing of the Student Recreation Center

  1. Increase the use of the Student Recreation Center by partnering with other Student Affairs and University departments, as well as Recognized Student Organizations

  1. Expand the number of Sports Clubs taking advantage of available scholarship opportunities through the Department of Admissions, resulting in the recruitment of a higher level of student

  1. Over the next three years, produce a series of 20-30 minute workout videos available online to better serve our Distance Education community

  1. Increase international student involvement by intentionally engaging various international student organizations

  1. Intramural Sports Staff

The Department of Intramural Sports has 11 full-time employees and 5 Departmental Assistants. During 2014-15 we also employed 174 student employees who served as facility workers, fitness instructors, event assistants, student supervisors, and sports officials. The strength of our Department continues to be the dedication and loyalty of the staff. The full-time staff has in excess of 200+ years of service to UofL in the Intramural Sports Department.

We suffered a tragic loss of one of our employees this year. Rusty Michalski passed away last fall. Rusty was the evening facility manager at our HSC Fitness Center. In addition, Rusty was employed by Intramural-Recreational Sports while he was a student at UofL. His passing was a tremendous loss to our department and especially to the students at the HSC campus. In his memory, we have named an award for Rusty that is presented each year at the Intramural Awards luncheon.
We welcomed three new staff members this year. Justin Lucas is serving as the evening facility manager at the HSC facility. We were also able to create and hire two new Departmental Assistant positions. Addina Tritle is the new DA at the HSC facility and Chelsea Case is the new DA for Fitness.
We continue to have a close working relationship with the Department of Financial Aid to ensure we are able to get an ample number of Federal College Work Study students to fill our need for hourly student employees.

  1. Academic Unit Support

We have an excellent relationship with the Health and Sports Studies Department. HSS uses the SRC for many of their activity classes during the fall and spring semesters. These classes benefit our program in that they help drive traffic to our facility and expose them to our program. HSS is also using our classrooms to teach three classes. It is good that their students are in the SRC. We also provide valuable internship opportunities for the HSS students. Dale Ramsay is also an HSS faculty member, teaching classes in Recreational Sports Management and Sports Officiating. Many academic student groups as well as several academic departments are utilizing the meeting rooms in the SRC.

We also provide our facilities for many academic units who wish to have recreational programs.

  1. Staff Professional Development

Dale Ramsay Taught two classes for HSS (Rec. Sports Management and Sports


High school and college basketball official

Served as Clinician for KBOA Basketball Officiating Camp

Attended NIRSA Conference and KIRSA State Conference

Attended ACC Director’s Conference

Presented at the KIRSA Conference

John Smith Taught First Aid/ CPR Classes

American Heart Association Instructor

Staff Senate

Conducted clinics for Kentucky High School Athletic Association

Assigning Secretary for High School Volleyball and Softball in Jefferson County

Served on Advisory Board for Louisville Area Red Cross Chapter

Attended KIRSA Conference

Attended NIRSA Conference

Presented at the KIRSA Conference
Justin Peterson Assigned officials for St. Xavier High School Intramural Sports

Attended KBOA Workshop

Attended KIRSA Conference

Presented at the KIRSA Conference

Debby Woodall Attended NIRSA Conference

Attended KIRSA Conference

Hosted NETA Personal Training Certification Workshop

ACE Personal Training Certification

David Rice Student Awards Committee

Coordinated Logistics for the KIRSA Workshop

Attended KIRSA Conference

David Hatfield Attended NIRSA Conference

Attended KIRSA Conference

  1. Activities That Support Diversity

One of the strengths of our program is its diversity of participants. Our motto of “A Sport For Everyone and Everyone In A Sport” promotes inclusiveness in all aspects of our program.

In Intramurals, there are a high percentage of African-American students who participate in Flag Football and Basketball. The student group Porter Scholars was again very active in the Intramural Sports program this year. Our student staff is extremely diverse in both gender and ethnicity. The majority of our Intramural Sports supervisors and officials were African-American students.
Our program is also popular with International students. We host International Nights in both Fall and Spring semesters in the SRC. The majority of the members of our Badminton Club are International students. A large number of International students also participate in our Soccer Leagues.
It is obvious that all segments of our program are popular with the rich and diverse student population of UofL. It is also apparent that these students view our facilities as a place where they feel comfortable participating in our various programs.

  1. Informal Sports

The Intramural-Recreational Sports program completed its first full year in the Student Recreation Center in 2014-15. In recent years we also previously managed Humana Gym, Crawford Gym, the SAC Recreational Center, and the Cardinal Corner Game Room. We no longer manage these facilities.

Our focus is now on the Student Recreation Center and the HSC Fitness Center. With a new software program we are now able to more accurately track our facility usage. During 2014-15 there were 15,549 unique students who used one of our two facilities. This represents more than 70% of UofL’s student population. This makes a tremendous statement about the popularity of our program. The following numbers indicate the total number of visits to our two facilities in 2014-15:
Student Recreation Center 512,595

HSC Fitness Center 42,287


This number of visits is a 21% increase over the 2013-14 totals. Again, these numbers reflect the interest our students have in the Intramural-Recreational Sports program.

Student Recreation Center

The University of Louisville Student Recreational Center is a NIRSA Outstanding Facility Award winner, an Education Finalist Award winner, a LEED Certified Gold facility and a leader in terms of student involvement on campus. The first full year of usage in the SRC has gone extremely well. With over 500,000 participants we have doubled our usage compared to our time in the SAC. To say this has made for a very busy year would be a massive understatement. Our dedicated staff was had the facility open on every snow day and weather cancellation that happened throughout the year. Even when the rest of the University was closed we were here offering the students an option of something to do on those inclimate weather days.

Here are the usage statistics for all areas of the SRC:
Main Weight Room 158,602

Sport Club Room 7,560

1st Floor Gym 94,706

MAC Court 23,513

Group Fitness Rooms 37,110

Golf Simulator 2,021

Running Track 7,481

Racquetball Courts 9,560

Mezzanine Fitness Area 62,436

3rd Floor Gym 76,793

Turf Field 23,336

Classrooms 7,124

Qdoba Gaming Area 2,353

Main Strength and Fitness Area
For our first full year of statistics we saw total usage of almost 160,000 users in the main weight room of the SRC. While we would always want more users, this number is an incredible total! In this one area alone we have seen over 60% of the total users that we saw for an entire year in the SAC. Without a doubt there are a lot of students developing some excellent fitness habits and lifestyle changes due to the SRC. The breakdown of males to females in the main weight room is about 62% male to 38% female. Currently the Main Weight Room has 86 cardio machines and 51 weight machines, a Lifefitness Synergy piece, as well as a large array of squat racks, power racks, free weights, benches, seats, adjustable benches, dumbbells, belts, bands, ropes, and thousands of pounds of weight plates. The amount of technology throughout the building is amazing and good deal of that is located in the weight room. Nearly every piece of cardio equipment has a TV/monitor attached to it so that our students can enjoy watching TV while they workout, and many of those pieces also have internet access as well. We also strived for as much diversity in the equipment as possible. There are two different treadmill choices out of the twenty-one treadmills in the main weight room, six different styles of elliptical machines, three different biking choices, rowing machines, stair climbing machines, hand bikes, vibration trainer, ladder climbing cardio machine, plate loaded weight equipment, weight stack weight machines, free weights with bars, dumbbells, benches and Olympic-style squat racks with bumper plates. Additionally there is a synergy piece with a heavy bag and adjustable step platform, battle rope, TRX strap and medicine ball return platform.

Sport Club Studio
The Sports Club Studio is a unique area in our facility. The studio is comprised of a 34’x34’ matted area and 5’ x 20’ wooden floor area. The studio also has a heavy punching bag and a television equipped with a DVD player. The room also has a mirror running the full length of the back wall. The room’s primary function is to accommodate our many martial art clubs. Clubs utilize the matted area to spar and teach the unique aspects of their specific art. The matted area was almost doubled in size from last year in order to satisfy a higher demand due to the high number of sport club participants. This area also serves as additional workout space for non-sport club members during the times when the clubs are not practicing. Many patrons use the matted area for stretching and exercise. The studio has seen a total usage of 7,560 patrons this year which is almost double from a year ago.

Main Gym Floor
Other than the main workout area, our downstairs basketball courts are the most popular area in our facility. This area, like most other areas, experiences the most usage during the evenings. A unique aspect of this area is the giant windows that reach from the floor to ceiling, giving those inside a view out and those on the outside a look into the facility. This area has played host to Male’s project graduation festivities, The ACC Mascots Challenge, and countless pickup basketball games throughout the year. We were able to refinish the wood floors in this area last December, which rejuvenated the highly-used surface.

Multi-Activity Court (MAC)
The Multi-Activity Court (MAC) is a unique area that is capable of hosting a wide variety of activities. The MAC is completely enclosed area with 8’ x 10’ goals inset into the walls on either end. The floor is lined for indoor soccer, team handball and floor hockey. Though soccer is the most popular activity in this area by, many other activities and physical education classes have been hosted within the MAC. Activities such as boot camp classes, dodgeball, ultimate frisbee, touch football are common, as well as Cheer and Dance camps in the summer. The goal of our department when designing the MAC was to create a space that could be utilized in a highly diverse way in order to create an area in which we could accommodate as many users as possible. The total usage of the MAC this year was 23,513 people.

Golf Simulator
The Golf Simulator is another unique feature of the SRC. Located in a room that was originally designed as a racquetball court, the golf simulator gives members the experience of a golf course indoors with over 80 virtual courses represented. Members are allowed to bring their own clubs or they can check out a set from the equipment counter. A special aspect of the golf simulator is the shot diagnostic. This diagnostic feature is great for beginning golfers trying to learn the sport or for experience golfers trying to hone their skills. The golf simulator can be reserved on an hourly basis or if there are three or more golfers than it can be reserved for two hours. While the numbers have not been as high as we would like the area is still very valuable to our center. Every tour that we give or group that comes through the center are always impressed and intrigued by this unique area of the building. The total numbers for the year were 2245 with 71% of participates being men.

Running Track
The running track at the SRC is on the second floor and circles the main weight room area. With a great view both down below into the weight area and out the tall windows, the running track is a great place to walk, jog or run in a climate-controlled environment. The running track has a digital clock that has hours, minutes, and seconds so that users can track their pace while running, with 11 laps around equaling one mile. The numbers for this year stand at 7481 with a 53/47 split of men to women. The track provides another option for those users who don’t like to run on a treadmill or for those outdoor runners who need a place to run on rainy, cold, or very hot days.

Mezzanine Fitness Area
The Mezzanine Fitness area is located on the second floor of the SRC. We have tried to duplicate the diversity of equipment in this area that we have in the main weight room and feel we have accomplished that pretty well. This area was designed for our members who don’t like to be in the crowed main fitness area. It provides most of the same type of equipment but with a bit of privacy. We have an assortment of cardio equipment including six different styles of elliptical trainers with a total of 18 total elliptical machines, six bicycles of two different styles, eight treadmills and two stair steppers. There is also a complete line of weight stack weight machines as well as light free weights, benches and a matted area for stretching and core work, two ab machines and three stretching machines. This area has been very popular with our female population with 66% of the 62,436 users being female. The Mezzanine Fitness area is a place where members can work out without the feeling that they are being “watched”, which is comforting to many patrons, and what we envisioned when we designed the area.

Upper Gym Floor
The Upper Gym Floor has been tremendously popular and has served a significant need for us. We are able to provide physical education classes, intramural activities, and some clubs with their own space away from the ‘free play’ crowd which makes it attractive. While the total numbers for the year were less than the first floor gym it was not by a great deal. The breakdown was much closer to even as well, with the men to women ration being 56/44 percent of our total 76,793. We were able to refinish these courts last August, which helped tremendously. The best view on all of campus can be seen from our third floor courts. The entire north wall from floor to ceiling is glass, giving a beautiful view of the surrounding area as well as the turf field and the Downtown Louisville skyline!

The Great Lawn
The Great Lawn is a 100yd x 60yd turf field located adjacent to the SRC. The Great Lawn’s purpose is to provide green space for the students to use, host club sports practices and physical education classes, as well as diversified outdoor events. The Rugby, Lacrosse, Ultimate Frisbee and Soccer clubs use this area for practice. The field has also hosted ultimate frisbee class, soccer class, and flag football class. During non-practice times the field is open for informal usage. No intramural events are played on the Great Lawn other than the one day Intramural Combine event. All of the other Intramural games are played at our fields behind Speed School freeing up this area for free play and club practices. Usage this year is at 23,336 with a 75/25 breakdown of men to women. Over the past year it became necessary re-seam some areas of the field that came loose and we have replaced the fencing at the north and south ends of the field when it became obvious that the original fencing was not durable enough.

Racquetball Courts
There are three racquetball courts on the second floor of the facility, one of which is convertible into a squash court. Members can reserve a court for one hour at a time. Reservations can also be made over the phone and online. The racquetball courts are mainly used for informal usage but are also home to our racquetball club and to the intramural racquetball tournament. This year’s numbers are a respectable 9560 users with a breakdown of 64% men to 36% women. The floors were refinished in December of 2014.

Outside Plaza
The Plaza in front of the SRC is a great area for a gathering, and we are hoping to do more in the way of planning and programming it in the coming years. Last year we hosted the ACC Kickoff Event that welcomed U of L into the Atlantic Coast Conference, which occurred in July and was attended by all the mascots from the ACC. The Plaza also hosted the Intramural Extravaganza and Play Fair Night at the SRC in conjunction with the Welcome Week festivities in August and drew over 1000 incoming freshman, which made for a great means to introduce all of these new students to their SRC. We also hosted a tailgate street party for the U of L vs Miami football game in September. The opportunity is there to host a diverse range of events on the plaza and we will be trying to take advantage of more of these things in the very near future.

Qdoba Gaming Area
The gaming area has four 60” HDTV’s. Connected to those TVs are two PS3s and two XBOX 360s where students can play their own video games or check them out at the equipment counter. When the gaming systems are not in use the TVs are turned on and students can watch television. This area has seen 2353 total students using the area. The breakdown was mostly male coming in at 64% men to 36% women. The usage of the video games has been minimal, with most people just stopping to watch TV before moving on.

Group Fitness Rooms
The group fitness rooms fill a tremendous need for us. They provide multiple areas to hold physical education classes, intramural classes, and informal workout areas for our members as well as the possibility to use as meeting rooms, club sports rooms, and much, much more. We have hosted NIRSA breakout sessions, video workouts, ballroom dancing practices, Fryberger practices, self-defense classes, and much more. Each room has a television and DVD player so when the room is not scheduled our members can come in and workout to a DVD or brings their own music and hold dance practice or any number of other activities. We have one room dedicated for use as a spin bike room and a TRX room. The usage statistics have significantly increased over last year as all of the classes have come online and have been very well attended. These areas have seen over 37,000 users this year, with over 72% of those being female.

Our classrooms have hosted a great variety of events this year, including physical education classes, managers meetings, staff luncheons, outside vendor meetings, HVAC meetings, the Tabletop Gaming Club, CCF and fraternity bible studies, and Red Cross blood drives. It is a high tech space with a computer in each classroom as well as a smart board and white boards. The two rooms are important to us in being able to offer a meeting space for our students and other clientele. The numbers breakdown worked out to 7124 total with a 60/40 split on men to women.

After a year of operation it was apparent that several areas of the building were in need of attention.
After receiving feedback from the sport clubs we were able to double the size of the mat in the Sport Club room over the holiday break, providing a much larger workout area. The mirrors on the back wall were cut at waist level, with padding installed below that level to decrease the possibility of breaking the glass, and the railing was removed completely. Additionally, protective padding was added to the north wall. A volume switch was installed to control the amount of music that otherwise is heard throughout the rest of the facility
We reinforced the netting to the Great Lawn to keep soccer balls from sailing into the parking lot and we also replaced some of the fencing at the north and south ends of the field. The new fencing is much thicker and will hopefully stand up the pounding a little better than the original fencing.
We have also refinished all the wood surfaces throughout the facility, increasing the durability and traction of those areas.
In the Intramural Office, the space originally intended as a transaction area was renovated to create a new private office for the Unit Business Manager.

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