Derby Cycling Group Monthly Meeting Minutes (taken by Emma Eacocks) Date and time

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Derby Cycling Group

Monthly Meeting

Minutes (taken by Emma Eacocks)
Date and time 7.30pm Tuesday 06 June 2006

Venue The Brunswick Inn, Railway Terrace, Derby. DE1 2RU


John Stubbs - JS

Ken Clarke – KC

Ian Alexander – IA

Martin Aldred – MA

Les Simms – LS

Dave Waldram – DW

John Palmer – JP

Dominic Hewlett - DH

Marge Hardy – MH

Mark Brown – MB

Alan Locke – AL

Alastair Johnson – AJ

Martin Quarton – MQ

Dave Clasby – DC

Emma Eacocks EE

In Attendance

Bella Stewart - BS

1 Apologies

Barbara Rathbone BR, Mavis Ratcliffe MR, David Burbridge DB, Esther Wadsworth E?

JS welcomed Ken Clarke and Bella Stewart to the meeting.


Minutes of May Meeting

John Stubbs

Agreed as correct


Matters Arising

John Stubbs

JS suggested a debate about the group’s commitment to Derby Canal Society is held at a later date - agreed


World Mental Health Day

Emma Eacock

EE informed group no further plans made. As it is still some way off this can be discussed at a later date. WMHD is 10 October


e Newsletter

John Stubbs

JS gave details regarding the content of the next newsletter

BS hasn’t yet put together her report for inclusion.


JS to email to AJ with updates for hyperlinks on DCG website

BS to complete Cycle Derby update report for inclusion


Events Programme

John Stubbs

Long discussion ensued regarding the final arrangements for the 5 Parks ride (made later in the meeting), largely centred around recruitment of marshals for the event (there are not nearly enough).

JS took names of people who will ring round members looking for marshals. BS said that marshals can be provided by Council but they will need to be paid. A ‘Script’ for marshal recruitment telephone calls decided on.


JS to send script to everyone who gave their names to be used for phone calls to members


Derby Cycle Forum


BS explained the first meeting of the Derby Cycle Forum had taken place and had set up terms, format etc. It was decided each forum meeting to consist of 2 distinct I hour parts. One part to cover infrastructure and the other, in more of a workshop format, to cover events; there will be a break in between. This allows flexibility of attendance, people can go to one or both parts, depending on their interest, role etc. JS clarified the forum is an expansion of (and replaces) the Cycle Progress Meetings (CPMs) and is chaired by Tony Gascoigne. It will cover topics such as planning applications, cycle route network development and maintenance.

DC pointed out that the forum will be more widely accessible than the previous CPMs, DH agreed and gave the example of how representatives from schools might be included


BS to send minutes of forum meetings to JS to be posted on DCG website


East Midlands Cycle Forum

John Stubbs

JS confirmed Hugh McCIintoch agreed Nottingham is happy to host the next meeting in October/November. It will probably consist of a meet, lunch and a ride


JS to keep group updated


DCG Information Leaflet

John Stubbs

200 copies of the DCG Information Leaflet have been produced for initial distribution. Leaflets can be altered and updated as necessary.

JS and DC thanked EE for her work on this.

Suggestions made for distribution:

Cycle shops (instead of newsletter) – MH

Library TIC centre – MQ

‘Gateway’ – DH

Website - AJ

BS offered to put them in the Derby Cycle Town packs

DC requested the Derby Mercury is added to the contacts list

MQ pointed out £1 charge for the ‘embarrassing’ maps (these are quite out of date). After some discussion it was decided to remove reference to maps from future leaflet templates and distribute those maps remaining free of charge.


EE to send copy to AJ & BS.

AJ to write as PDF (if possible) to go on website

AJ to remove ‘maps’ and add other required contacts.


Cycle parking at Derby Station

John Stubbs

JS is still awaiting information on the new plans for cycle parking from the station manager David Rowley

Some discussion followed about bikes ‘abandoned’ at the station, as there is limited space anyway; unused bikes are taking up valuable spaces.

MB pointed out that some bikes are left overnight (& weekends) by people commuting to work.

Various suggestions made as to how to identify abandoned bikes.

BS suggested an incentive to get bike owners to help identify their bikes

LS suggested photos


MA to contact David Rowley and update the group at next meeting


Strategic Integrated Transport Studies

John Stubbs

JS is awaiting report from Andy Smart, the project co-ordinator


BS to remind Andy that the report is due


Hosting CTC/CCN National Conference

John Stubbs

Group discussed implications and agreed to host the conference.

Agreed autumn date would not give the group sufficient time to organise events, spring date accepted. The preferred date is 18/19/20 May 2007. The group agreed to postpone the next AGM if the conference goes ahead on those dates as the increased workload would be considerable, especially for JS

MB explained the conference theme could tie in with DCC spring events and suggested Merridale School as a venue.

BS kindly offered the support of Cycle Derby

Consensus that the venue should tie in with the event theme if possible

The following volunteered to form a conference sub-committee:







As there will be significant financial & fundraising implications, JP also needs to be part of the sub-committee.

As MB contributed significantly to this discussion and seemed the most informed, it was decided he will lead sub-committee.


JS to forward contact details for Cherry Alan and other relevant information to MB

Sub-committee to liaise with BS

CTC/CCN National Conference to form a standing agenda item



John Stubbs

JP informed DCG that he has spoken to the Royal Bank of Scotland with respect to them holding the group’s account. This would give the group more financial flexibility, particularly in light of the financial implications of the CTC/CCN conference. Agreed.

MQ highlighted ‘Bike Week’ at the Metro Cinema & distributed Metro promo leaflet

BS kindly offered a free ticket to any of the showings for members of DCG at the meeting

JS welcomed Andy Grey (AG), who came to the meeting for the first time. AG may attend future meetings


DCG members to let BS know which showing they would like to see at the Metro Cinema if they want a free ticket

Next Meeting Tuesday 04 July 7.30pm Brunswick Inn Station Road Derby
Meeting Closed 9.30pm

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