Doc PS Rev Rb Application module requirements (1) Application modules give structure to the projects that will be developed with the software module library. While it is appreciated that the application blocks, their presence or absence and their content is entirely dependent on the application being controlled a series of typical application modules
willbe included with the software byway of example.
The application modules willhave a predetermined order of execution, an example of such a predetermined order is given below (the numbers show the order of execution, this
maybe used as the basis for the application modules being developed for this project (it is a basis in that it reflects the types of standard modules, but is
only an initial concept and maybe expanded upon
1 System functions
2 Read instruments (both digital and analogue)
3 Interlock handling
Safety system handling 5 Calculation coordination
6 Continuous logic control
7 Sequential logic control
Command execution 9 Device handling (control loops)
10 Device driver handling (valves and drives)
11 Alarm handling
12 Communications