Eaton and Rushton Newsletter

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Eaton and Rushton Newsletter

(Quarterly – Last edition 1st Feb. 2015.)

MAY 2015

(Rushton Parish includes Eaton Village and the Rushton Area)

Newsletter Funded and Produced by your Parish Counciles in this challenge attracts

Tuesday 19th May at the Jessie

7.15pm for just 60 minutes only (coffee at 7.05pm)

  • Come & listen to what we have been busy with over the past year and also the past 4 years of the Parish Council’s work.

  • With 2 councillors retiring, meet their replacements

  • Get the latest on the exciting new Play Zone we have planned for the village.

  • We have options on the next move to improve Road Safety in the village; e.g Speed Bumps or 20mph zones. Have your say.

  • Hear about our stance on Housing in the Parish; the future of the Millpool Picnic Area that we can now buy and many more areas of rural life.

  • Come and have your say on the issues that you feel that the Parish Council should focus on over the next 4 years.


Just 60 minutes of your time!!

The meeting will be followed by the Council’s AGM and then the May normal meeting. Both are open to the public should you wish to stay.
1.0 News from your Parish Council


We are extremely sorry to be losing Cllrs David Lilley and Mike Scott at the end of this 4 year term of your Council. David has served for 15yrs and apart from being heavily involved in road safety matters, and planning decisions (due to his long experience of the village), he has represented our interests on the Oulton Park liaison team and done many of the smaller but just as important jobs such as keeping our Village Notice Board up to date and doing his share of leaflet distribution. Mike Scott joined the Council in 2011 and brought with him a wealth of experience from his time in the Land Management business which has helped the Council develop their knowledge in planning matters. He has masterminded the improvements to the Village Green area with his organisation (plus work with the shovel when needed) and been the contact for our team of litter pickers apart from sorting some of our drainage problems. We would like to thank both David and Mike for all the work that they have done and wish them well in whatever ventures they take up with their new “extra time”!!!

David and Mike will be replaced by Jade Plumbley of Kings Lane and Neil Thompson of Whalley Drive. We wish them both well and thank them for stepping up and volunteering to do their share of community work.

So the Parish Council will start off at the AGM on the 19th May as:

(The position of Chairman is decided at the AGM)
Cllr. Arthur Nicholas

Cllr. Julie O’Shea

Cllr. Jade Plumbley

Cllr. Simon Roberts

Cllr. Eddie Shaw

Cllr. Neil Thompson

Cllr. Mike Wilson

Parish Clerk: Alex Stubbs.

Please note: Alex wishes to retire as Clerk during the next year. This is a paid position and if anyone is interested they should contact Alex for details.

We would like to thank our Ward County Councillor (currently Eveleigh Moore Dutton) for the support that she has given to the Parish Council over the past 4years, attending most of our monthly meetings. Eveleigh is a candidate in the 7th May election.

1.2 Visitors to our Parish Council Meetings

The Police & Crime Commissioner for Cheshire, John Dwyer attended the February Parish Council Meeting. He gave a broad outline of his role and priorities, explaining that although he couldn’t financially support our current Road Safety projects, his fund was available for use by Parish Councils who had work to do in the areas that he did cover.

Representatives Andrew Arditti from Cheshire East/West Councils Superfast Broadband plus Aaron Briggs, BT manager in charge of the role-out attended our April meeting. We had invited members of the Little Budworth Parish Council and together we pushed them for an answer on when our area was going to be improved. See 1.12 for an update.

1.3 Village Green and Surrounds plus Best Kept Village

Spring has brought a fine display of the daffodils planted by our gardening club 2 years ago and we hope that you enjoyed the crocus / snowdrop display which again was improved with the move of stock from another part of the village. Grass seeding has recently taken place in the areas of the old steps and bus stop. Cllr Scott has come up with a scheme to use wooden sleepers (currently housed behind the church) and a refurb of the sandstones to give a firm edge along the east side of the Green. Vehicles parking or cutting the corner have “mashed up” the turf in this area and Highways have given their support for this work to go ahead. Volunteers may be asked for!!! Again we are being judged in the “Community Pride Competition” so please help in making our village look good and litter free.

1.4 Rushton Picnic Area (by the Millpool)

In the last Newsletter we reported our frustration at the time it takes to get things done once we have to involve departments outside of the village. This project at last appears to be making progress and once the ownership is transferred to the Parish Council as suggested, we will hold an open morning at the site so that the community can be involved in what we want to see in this area of great potential. If you have any ideas then contact Cllr Simon Roberts through Parish Clerk Alex Stubbs

1.5 Road Safety within the Parish.

The Eaton Road Safety Working Group (temporary group November 2014 to May 2015) have met twice since the last Newsletter and discussed the progress of work generated from the October 2014 Open Public Meeting. The new Vehicle Activated Sign is being erected opposite to the Red Lion site in the 40mph zone this coming week and includes the latest data recorder which will send the information gathered to chosen home computers in the village. This data will be analysed by resident Paul Healey and the results communicated to the police by Cllr Wilson. The display will show your actual speed with a thank you or not depending on your speed. This is a further measure to stop the rat-runners that speed through our village. A recent meeting with Highways and Cllr Eveleigh Moore Dutton made good progress on other areas under discussion and the possibility of a 20mph area certainly by the school but also on the other highly used non - pavement roads is also on the cards. How we improve the issue of heavy potato wagons and agricultural vehicles travelling through the village whilst accepting the benefits that economic farming has for our Parish is also under discussion.

1.6 The Parish Website (& Twitter)

Slow improvements are taking place on our current web-site whilst work continues by our 2 teenagers on the parallel site which should come into operation later this year.

1.7 Youth Club

The YC continues to work well and responses are coming in for holiday cover by adults as we don’t break during the summer. Mums/Dads – more help is required for the few weeks involved.

1.8 The New Play Zone for the Community and School.

The result of our WREN grant bid came through last week. YES WE WERE AWARDED £39,000 FOR OUR PROJECT. This means that we have now gained major grants totalling £74,000 with the final £5,000 being raised locally by our own fund-raising efforts. Project Leader Cllr Wilson called a meeting last week to announce the good news and the team are now keen to finish the £5k local funding. In February there was fantastic community support for our Barn Dance that raised £850 and was thoroughly enjoyed by all with a great supper at half time. Dave Ball and the “Frog Walker” band played good stuff and with great prizes donated for the raffle and auction, many left with valuable prizes. The equipment supplier and final layout will be displayed at the Annual Parish Meeting on Tuesday 19th May. We are planning on a summer installation with much work yet to do.

Table Top Sale - Play-zone Fundraiser

Helen Thompson and our wonderful Play Zone Start Up Team have organised a table top sale on the 9th May (this Saturday!!) 10am - 12.30, mainly children’s items such as clothing, toys, push-chairs etc at Eaton Primary School. Also included will be craft stalls selling handbags, jewellery, jams, chutneys etc. Teas/coffees/cakes available to purchase Entrance is £2 per adult (children free). Please come along to support the play-zone project. Most tables have been taken up so buyers do come along and snap up some great bargains. For last minute tables, contact Helen on 07793961724

1.9 Electricity Sub-Station (a more secure supply)

The programme of work from Scottish Power has still not come through but we keep pushing and will publicise on receipt.

1.10 Oulton Park / Parish Council Liaison Team

Villagers’ Day

This year Villagers Day is on Sunday 21st June. For a nominal fee (which goes to the two Parishes of Rushton and Little Budworth) you can drive a 400hp BMW around the track, or have a go on the rally cross circuit and the four wheel drive course. Children are catered for with bouncy castle, face painting etc. Free lunch. You can invite a guest but they must accompany you on arrival. Bring your driving licence!

CARFEST NORTH 2015 : 31st July; 1st & 2nd August

Planning by Chris Evans and his team continues for this the 3rd Carfest North to be held at Oulton Park. It is going to be bigger and better this year according to the website and the evening Main Stage line up includes The Boomtown Rats, Paul Heaton and Seasick Steve. This is a great fund-raiser for Children in Need with so many displays of vehicles, cooking, crafts and much more and is well worth a visit although tickets for this year are now probably gone. Remember resients who have annual free passes (live within a mile of the circuit) also get in for one day free of charge. To minimise disruption to our community, this well organised event is discussed in detail (particularly traffic and noise implications, by the liaison team which includes 2 of our councillors. The latest details can be seen on their website and clicking “NORTH”.

1.11 The Red Lion Site – Eaton Lane

Now demolished and at our request, new concrete posts added to stop travellers. Building work on the 3 houses and 1 bungalow not expected to start until later in the year. The meeting with the developer ref programme has not yet taken place.

1.12 Broadband Update – “Connecting Cheshire”

As stated earlier, we had a presentation and Q&A’s at our April Council meeting with Andrew Arditti Connecting Cheshire Partnership Digital Engagement Manager Cheshire East Council (also covering Cheshire West) assisted by Aaron Briggs – BT Manager. Questions were asked from those present from our parish plus those from Little Budworth Parish representatives that we had invited.

Summary (MW notes):

Phase 1 (£30m investment to 80,000 premises) is near completion (June 2015).

Tarporley has a new cabinet on the High Street giving high speeds to the town. However the distance of Eaton means that superfast speeds cannot be reached by the 730 numbers in the village. Improvement may be considered in Phase 2.

Little Budworth exchange has/is being worked on but this will affect the centre of the village only and no improvement is expected to those Rushton/Eaton premises with 760 numbers. Improvement may be considered in Phase 2.
Phase 2 (£6m investment to 10,000 premises with completion date of summer 2017) commences in Autumn 2015. Postcodes for phase 2 are being considered and announced in the next couple of months.

Those not selected for Phase 2 will be in Phase 3 which is currently un-funded although most parties in the upcoming election are promising more money for Rural Broadband.

Those present voiced their disappointment that despite Tarporley and Little Budworth villages being completed this summer, it now looked as those in Rushton Parish could be 2 or 3 years in the future. It was agreed that the 2 parish councils would continue to badger the Connecting Cheshire people and also our elected representatives and we encourage all residents to do the same.
1.13 Neighbourhood Watch

Many of you are on our list for the regular reports about crime in our area (if not email Ron on or call him on 733821). The Police continue to work on Rural Crime which needs all of our input if we see suspicious events. Call 101 for non-urgent reporting or 999 if appropriate.

For those that do not receive Inspector Keith Curbishley’s notes of advice, the editor has picked out 3 recent articles which he believes is of interest to us all:

  1. Spring has definitely arrived and many people are spending time tidying their gardens up, which inevitably means opening sheds and garages and dusting off various forms of equipment. In doing so, please be mindful that criminals will use this opportunity to view what you have stored in your garage, whilst the door is open, or even seize the opportunity to take unattended equipment or sneak into a house whilst the occupant is busy in the garden. Please enjoy the nice weather, but do not make yourself vulnerable to becoming a victim of crime.”

  2. Last week there were youths going door to door selling cleaning products such as dusters, dish cloths etc from a holdall. Police located three of them in Clutton and Tiverton and seized their goods and will be reporting them for summons. The practise of these youths coming into our community often from far away is not lawful.
    To sell door to door a 'Peddlers Licence' is required. They are in possession of "Hawkers Licences" which look genuine and official but they are not! If you are approached by anyone selling cleaning products at your front door please decline and call the police at the time on 101. If possible a description would be helpful

  3. Recently there have been more telephone calls from someone alleging concern that you have a problem with your computer. Please do NOT respond to any such calls – they are inevitably scams, trying to access personal information about you. If possible, please try to record the phone number that called you and pass this on to Action Fraud (via 101), who are able to shut down such operations.

1.14 Eaton Village – Rushton Parish – IN 10 yrs TIME!!!!!!

As you are aware, the Parish Council, through surveys through our Newsletter and Q&A’s in public meetings, have been gauging how the community would like the Parish to develop (or even stay the same!) with the contents of our 2008 Rushton Parish Plan being a major input. Currently all cities, towns and villages have “housing” as a key issue being discussed with some saying that in some areas, too many new houses are being built whilst others wish for more expansion. Consequently your Parish Council have been exploring whether more affordable housing could be considered for the Parish thus making it possible for younger couples to live here. Letters were sent out to some of our landowners to assess whether land was available and further to the discussions at the March monthly meeting of the Parish Council, a further meeting was held on 1st April attended by 6 of the councillors and the Parish Clerk. The meeting looked at the various issues surrounding future housing needs and possible development within the Parish and more particularly the role of the Parish Council in such matters. A conclusion of 5 statements was agreed as follows:

1. At this stage, Rushton Parish Council do not wish to take an active role in promoting and/or leading a new initiative regarding further housing development.

2. Looking at the evidence collected by the Parish Council over the past 2 years there does not appear to be a great need for the development of affordable housing in our Parish.

3. Over the next 2 years it is expected that there will be the addition of 4 (3+1 Red Lion) and 5 (Millpool) to the current housing stock i.e. 9 in 210 or 4.2%

4. The Parish Council would however want to be involved and would support future developments of open market or affordable housing particularly with regards to design and quantity (which would be small and to the appropriate scale of the parish).

5. The current local Plan Part 2 indicates that it is unlikely that Rushton would be considered for additional housing due to the criteria used for sustainability.
1.15 Pot-Holes; Non-Working Street Lights; Damaged
Road Signs.

Just a reminder that it is no use grumbling about a particular pot-hole or light that isn’t working unless you have reported it and received no action. There is an excellent reporting service on the Cheshire West website and it is far better that you report such problems (potholes, broken street lights, missing/broken signs etc) direct, rather than waiting for it being seen by the authorities. If you do not use a computer, call 0300 123 7036 (8am-7pm Mon-Fri). With a computer:

a. Google Cheshire West and Chester Council; go to home pg

b. Click 1st tab “Residents”

c. Go 5 down to “Highways – Report a Problem” - click

e. Fill in form. Locate where problem is by zooming on map
and then move little red flag to exact location
f. By filling in form, giving your email address you get a reply

The editor tried it twice and the potholes were repaired within 36hrs.
1.16 The Annual Village Golf Day – Saturday 22nd August

For the 6th year we will again be holding our Village Golf Day. This will be played on the Arderne Course at Portal Championship using the Texas Scramble format with teams of 3 (teams will be decided by the organisers). The 1st tee is at 8.15am so arrive about 30 mins before. 18 holes of golf, coffee and bacon baps at JHVH followed by presentation of our fine trophy, plus prizes, all for about £15.00 per golfer and all finished around noon. Contact David Lilley on 732948 or email

1.17 The 6th Annual Village Fun Day - 2015

The date has been set as Sunday 6th September for this popular event. We have already contacted the many organisations and people that help us organise this great event. All details will be in the next Newsletter (1st Aug) but put the date in your diary and do come along.

Please note the following contacts for your Parish Council:

Mike Wilson - Chairman Rushton Parish Council Tel 760619

General Parish Council Matters Contact Parish Clerk:

Mrs Alex Stubbs Tel: 01829 733252
2.0 The Jessie Hughes Village Hall

Chairman – Ron Chisnall 01829 733821
2.1 New Extension for 2nd Storeroom

I said in the last newsletter that we had hoped to start work on the new extension in the Easter break, but we had some delays and needed to do some extra work.

We now hope to get the footings done as soon as Cartwright Pond can schedule the work and to do the main construction in the summer break when many of the classes in the hall are in recess. Meanwhile, we have marked out the extremities of the extension with yellow marker poles so that anyone can see how far the extension will extend beyond the existing structure.
2.2 The AGM

This important meeting was held on the 21st April to present the results for the year up to the end of 2014. The JHI has had another good year with all its activities proceeding as we have come to expect. The financial strength of the hall comes directly from all the groups who want to rent it to run their own activities and we need to keep the facilities in a first class condition to maintain this income. Quiz and film nights again did well but there was quite a high expense in upgrading our sound system so we need to maintain the attractiveness of these activities to our supporting community. However, our trading income was up by about £500 and this was artificially enhanced by the £10K grant we got from the Lottery for the store room extension. Our expenditure was significantly down because we did not spend as much during the year on major improvements so our trading surplus went up to just over £8K.

I am also happy to report that our loyal committee members have stayed with us for another year. Jane Byrne remains as our Secretary and David Bailey our Treasurer. I continue as Chairman and would like to thank everyone who has helped us to another successful year. For those of you so inclined you can see more data on the Charity Commission website. You can search on our registered name, which is, of course, the Jessie Hughes Institute, or on our charity number: 510073.
2.3 Quiz Nights

Since the last newsletter we have had three quizzes all of which have been successful – and each different in its own way. The first of these was run by Jane and Brian Byrne; and the second by Paul and Andrée Rose helped by Paul’s son Ryan. Andrée, in charge of scoring for their quiz, went all retro and resurrected the blackboard and chalk. The third quiz, as is now traditional, was in aid of funds for St Thomas’ church in the village with Quiz Masters Mike & Mary. It was just like one of the regular quizzes except that all of the hard work was done by supporters of the church. We also had a record turnout with about seventy-five in the hall and Mike Wilson reported that £435 was raised for church funds. This was the last quiz in the current season and we look forward to seeing all our regulars again in October.

2.4 Film Nights

We have shown three very good films to end the current season. The first, in February, was “What we did on our Holiday” starring David Tennant, Rosamund Pike and Billy Connelly – although the three children were equally brilliant. As is well known, this was based on the television series “Outnumbered” and certainly lived up to the standard set by that programme. We had about eighty-five in the hall which ranks it as one of the best for us along with “Mamma Mia”, “Best Exotic Marigold Hotel” and “Skyfall”. The March film was the critically acclaimed “The Imitation Game” which drew an audience of just over sixty and proved to be a very good film. The film season finished in April when we showed “Paddington” – a film that some might have assumed is targeted at children but which is thoroughly enjoyable by all age groups. Certainly the 83 that came to our showing, all enjoyed it.

This winter we have had the usual 7 film showings and the total number through the door was 427 which again will be one of the highest averages of the Cheshire rural film clubs. Technically we have upgraded our sound system to 5.1 status which has greatly improved the ability to hear the diction against the background sound. On the down side our projector has developed the dreaded “white spot, dead pixel” illness but Mike is hopeful of getting this repaired free of charge due to the low level of hours used (though it is 5yrs old!!).

All will be in place for next season which starts in October (always the 2nd Friday) and already we are booking “The Theory of Everything” which was the people’s choice when we asked our audience. The 2nd Best Marigold Hotel is likely to be our film for November.

2.5 Tea’n’Chat

Tea’n’Chat is always on the 3rd Thursday of every month – and doesn’t close down over the summer months. In fact, it often gets more popular when the weather is a bit warmer. These get-togethers are always popular and attract a regular collection of locals – all of whom do just that – drink tea,coffee and chat (not to mention all the biscuits and cake that get eaten). Be sure to make a note in your diary. We start at 10:30 and go on until mid-day.
2.6 Eaton Bridge Club

The Eaton Bridge Club has been well attended throughout the first quarter of 2105. Duplicate bridge is regularly played on Thursday evenings from 19.00 until 22.00 and the ‘ladder’ of leading players is beginning to take shape. In addition two evenings of the popular teams events have been well attended.

In May the club is hosting a two-night bridge break at the Netherwood Hotel at Grange-over-Sands at which members from Eaton and four other local bridge clubs will be attending. A summer party including a buffet and more unusual variations of bridge will be organised for July.

There are spaces for two new members and if you know what ‘trump promotion’ is or how to set up an ‘end-play’ and are interested in playing the most fascinating of card games we would be very pleased to see you. An annual joining fee of £10 is levied for equipment and £1 is required each evening for refreshments.

Anyone interested in joining the club should contact: Martin Evans at or Caroline Woodward at
2.7 Ballet at the Jessie with Nicole

We have a really busy term lined up - 42 year one's & two's are taking their ballet exams on the 16th of May at the hall. The year one's are showing their version of 'Sleeping Beauty' which is an absolute joy to watch so good luck to those children.

We are in final preparations for our Charity Showcase on the 12th of July - the dances are taking shape nicely. We have 160 children taking part, costumes are now ordered and I have also set up a 'just giving' page to raise further funds for our chosen charity ‘Breast Cancer Care’ over & above what we raise through the show profits. If you would like to support us then please visit
Breast Cancer Care is a fabulous charity; the only specialist breast cancer support charity working throughout the UK. Founded in 1973 by Betty Westgate, who was herself diagnosed with breast cancer. In the ensuing forty years they have supported millions of women and their families through face-to-face, phone and online services. They provide training & support to specialist breast cancer nurses, and Breast Cancer Care publications are used by the majority of breast cancer units throughout the UK.  They campaign for better support and care and promote the importance of early detection, involving people with breast cancer in all that they do.
I am enrolling now for Pre-school ballet for September, lessons will be on Tuesdays at 4pm and Saturdays at 9am weekly during term time. Book early to avoid disappointment!
Does your child love dancing to chart music? If so, Friday Jazz classes are great fun for children from Reception age & above. Classes involve Warm Up, Stretching, learning key dance moves & then each term they work on a routine to a favourite tune from the charts. It's a great way for the children to let off steam after school on a Friday! No pressure, no exams just for the love of dancing.  Boys very welcome too!

If you are interested in getting your child dancing please call Nicolle on 07900 303966 or email There is more information at the website

2.8 Pilates with Linni Lanni

I would like to apologise for not posting anything in the last newsletter but since December (even before the New Year's rush) it has been crazy busy with so many new people starting and therefore more assessments to be carried out. 

In fact, so busy that I have had to start a waiting list. (Although I still think we could take a few more chaps on in The Men's class on Wednesday mornings at  0815-0915!! Do call me)

This year sees a special milestone for me in that 'Linni Lanni Pilates' has reached it's 5th year! With group class attendees, private clients and the children at a Chester school, I now have 150 clients on the books. 

I would like to sincerely thank everyone for all their support! I am blessed that I have had the use of the wonderful Village Hall which has definitely been a great selling point and would also like to thank Hilary Healey for all her tolerance with my forever changing booking requirements. A superstar indeed, and the high level of maintenance at the hall keeps it in superb working order and beautifully clean.

Please do call me for any further information on 07766762240 or check out 

Have a great summer!

Linni x
2.9 “YOGA” AT THE Jessie with Brenda”.

Reconnect with your True, Happy and Peaceful Self....

Whether you are a true beginner or very familiar with Yoga, 

Come share this Wonderful Practice with me.

Tuesday mornings 11:00 -12:30

'The Jessie Hughes Hall', Eaton Village.

For enquiries contact Brenda. Tel: 07876497664


Instagram @ twitter @yogabmcc

All welcome

Brenda McCooey

3.0 News from St Thomas’ Church

It is eight months since Keith Hine retired during which time the Committee, the Congregation and the Community have maintained their support for our Village Church, and now,at a special ceremony to be held this week at St Helens at 7.30 on Tuesday May 5th we will welcome Georgina Watmore as the Parish’s new Rector.
She will hold her first service at St Thomas’ at 9.0am on Sunday May 10th. All are very welcome to attend both services.
We were very pleased with the excellent turnout of generous participants at the Jessie Hughes Hall’s final Quiz of the season on April 10th, as £435.00 was raised for the Church, grateful thanks to the Hall Committee. It was a magnificent team effort by the many helpers led by quizmasters Mike and Mary Wilson and we had the closest finish ever with three tables in a playoff. Thank you everyone for making the evening so enjoyable for all concerned
An Eaton Garden Trail in aid of the Church is to be held between 1.00pm and 5.00pm on Sunday July 5th , beginning at the Jessie Hughes Hall. Nine of our Village’s most interesting gardens will be open.

Adults £5.00, children under 16 free. There will be two fun competitions, one for children and one for adults.

The Gardening Club will be running a plant stall to help fund their season’s events.

Tea/ coffee and cakes will be served all afternoon in the Hall.

Do come and enjoy all the lovely gardens at their flowery, shrubby and veggie best.
You will be pleased to see that the roadside wall has been rebuilt and the railings extended to replace the old holly hedge, the roots of which were partially responsible for its collapse together with the amount of road water running against it. The Council has rectified the water problem.

4.0 Eaton Reading Group – April 2015

February’s meeting found us discussing the novel ‘Unexploded’ by Alison McCloud. The group found this novel, set in war time Brighton, generated some interesting discussion of unfair prejudice and the effects war had on people.

March’s read was a completely different , but very good, read. ‘Elizabeth is Missing’ is an excellent first novel by Emma Healey. The plot includes the difficult subject of Dementia.

Our choice for April proved very popular. Though light hearted ‘ The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry’ had features of a Pilgrims Progress without being ‘heavy’ . Harold decides to walk from the south coast to Scotland to visit a dying friend. His journey provides a fine story line.

‘The Miniaturist’ by Jessie Burton is our read for May. Set in a grand house in Amsterdam . It follows the story of a new bride and the secrets of her new household.

During May two of our members hope to visit the Book Festival in Hay on Wye.

New members are always welcome .

Contact Tina Peel 732904 for details .

5.0 Up The Garden Path – (Our Gardening Club)

The cold nights experienced in April along with the dry weather have made the growing of this year’s new plants rather difficult, especially for those of us with no heat in the greenhouse to bring things along. However the spring bulbs have been very colourful, mostly unspoilt by rain and they have lasted well with the later tulips now in full bloom.

Our early spring meetings were a great success with good attendances and interesting and varied talks. The programme for the remainder of 2015 has now been finalised with lots of new events and visits, we will be holding our annual Plant Sale at Tarporley Carnival and members are invited to provide some plants and attend on the day to help with the stall. Additionally this year there will be a an open Garden Trail on 5th July organised by St Thomas’ Church, we have been invited to provide a plant stall for Club funds so plants and help will also be required for this event please.

During the Summer we have 4 garden visits organised so are hoping for some warm evenings. Please try and come along particularly to Mount Pleasant Garden on 23 June when a minimum of 20 is required.

Our April speaker was Carol Siddorn who talked about the development of her floristry business and as a follow up on the 26 May we will be visiting Carol’s Garden at Harthill to see how the plants are grown.

I do hope everyone will try to attend the meetings and your friends and guests are welcome, cost on 26 May will be £3 per person to include tea and coffee.

Derek Peel 01829 73 2904

6.0 News from the WI

Eaton WI enjoyed a very interesting speaker in March informing members about the history of Helers Cheese he also came armed with lots of samples which we all enjoyed. Last month members enjoyed birthday cake as we celebrated 91 years of Eaton WI our speaker told members about the identification and ecology of Butterflies of Cheshire, which was very interesting and we all realized the need to plant flowers and shrubs to help them survive.

Our next meeting is on 12th May 2014. Unfortunately we are looking to swap the speaker as Janet Appleby who was due to come and talk about Cheshire Farm Ice Cream has had to cancel. Members will still enjoy a full meeting as usual. In June our speaker is Tori Stubbs a physiotherapist/Pilates Instructor and in July we hopefully will have wonderful weather to enjoy our garden meeting at Free Green Farm. Eaton WI welcome visitors, including men, we meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7.30p.m. Should you require any further information please contact either the President, Dianne Arden on 01829 733639 or our Secretary, Celia Gregory on 01270 528647.

7.0 Eaton Rambling Club

The Rambling Club continues to thrive and is well established. Last year it only had two significant items of expenditure: insurance for £100 and a walking logbook for £7.99. This meant that the members were able to approve a donation to the Tarporley Hospital of £100 out of the accumulated funds – which still stand at almost £470. However, our membership is down slightly and some of our older members have found themselves a bit crocked recently. So, like many similar parish groups, we could do with few younger members; i.e. definitely below sixty and preferably quite a lot younger. But don’t be put off if you are on the mature side of sixty. Gentle walking, which is what we do, is very good exercise to help keep fit and flexible. At our recent AGM, David Lilley, our Chairman, noted the contribution made by Colin Lloyd as a founder member. He would only drink his tea on the picnics from china mugs and would often ring Ann on his mobile ‘phone to be updated on progress in the F1 Grand Prix. He will be sadly missed.

A regular feature of our calendar is the evening meal and skittles evening at the Bickerton Poacher – which is better attended than the actual walks! We were there in February and a good time was had by all – although Ron Chisnall came in for some criticism for failing to round up his grand-daughters for skittle-standing-up duties.

Roy Hitchin, another founding member, has stood down as Treasurer – and we thank Roy for everything he has done for the club over the years. He does, however, continue as a committee member. The financial baton has now been picked up by Mary Wilson. Like Roy, she has a banking background so I’m sure she will be adept at extracting money from us. Thank you Mary.

Future weekend walk dates – 2015. Please put these in your diary now.

Saturday 9th May. Either 9.45 at the Jessie or 10.00am from the Boot Inn, Willington. About 5 miles.

Sunday 7th June

Grasmere 9th – 12th June. Always a popular few days away. The food is good, as are the pubs.

Saturday 4th July Sunday 9th August

Saturday 12th September Sunday 4th October

Saturday 7th November

Sunday 6th December – the Christmas walk to meet Santa and drink his mulled wine!

Please note that Saturday walkers gather at the JHVH at 9:45am to proceed by car to the walk venue. Sunday walkers meet similarly but at 10:15 so that church-goers can join us.

Midweek walks

Thursday 25th June Thursday 23rd July

Evening walkers should gather at the notice board next to the well in Eaton at 6:45pm. This is because Thursdays are Bridge Club nights in the JHVH and the car park is always full.
However, the best way to be kept up to date about walks is to get on to the Ramblers email list. To do this, give our secretary, Gill Ellison, a call on 01829 782693 and she will add you to the list.
8.0 “Nomads Tennis”

Tennis Sundays have started again and we are looking forward to a better turn-out than last year which was hampered by too many Sunday rainstorms and players going on holiday (of all things!!). We have an agreed schedule to use our 3 fabulous locations generously loaned by the owners and at £2 a session it is a fun way of exercise and improving those skills. If you would like to come along for a game (standard not too high!) then contact Mary who will send you the schedule and general rules of how the “Nomads” work..

Mary Wilson email:
9.0 News from Eaton Primary School PTA :
Quiz Night - Friday 15 May 2015

Back by popular demand is our Quiz night which is being held on Friday 15 May 2015 at 7.00pm (Quiz starts 7.30pm). Don't miss out on an evening of fun and great prizes.

Teams of up to eight can take part at a cost of £5 per person. There will be a licensed bar and snacks for purchase. All funds raised on the evening will go to the School. We look forward to having your support in making this a successful and enjoyable evening. For all enquiries, please contact the School office on 01829 732731.
The Eaton Fun Fest 2015 - Saturday 27 June 2015, 3-8pm

Returning on Saturday 27 June will be this year's "Eaton Fun Fest." 

We have planned a full afternoon of fun, games, entertainment and music with a variety of craft stalls. Hot Refreshments and a Licensed Bar will also be available.

We hope you can join us for an afternoon of fun and support the School.

If anyone would like a stall at the Fair please contact Paula Ward on 07733 023155.
Bag2School - Wednesday 8 July 2015

Thank you to everyone who supported the School's last Bag2School fundraiser, by donating unwanted clothing/shoes and bedding. The funds raised really do make a difference to the School and pupils. The next collection will be on 8 July 2015 - if you could please drop off your bag (any plastic bag) before 9am on that day. Many thanks, Eaton School PTA.

Editors Note The contributors hope that you enjoyed this Newsletter If you have suggestions for improvement or wish to add items for our next issue (planned for 1st August) then do contact :

Mike Wilson 01829 760619






Tue 5th May


St Helen’s


Sat. 9th May




Sat. 9th May


Eaton School


Tues12th May




Tue 19th May




Thur 21st May

TEA & CHAT Drink & a natter


10.30 - Noon

Tue 26th May





Sun. 7th Jun




Tue 9th Jun




9th – 12th Jun


Thur 18th Jun

TEA & CHAT Drink & a natter


10.30 - Noon

Sat 21st Jun



Tues 23rd Jun





Sat. 4th Jul




Sun 5th Jul


Start JHVH

1pm- 5pm

Sat 11th Jul



UTGP Stall

Tues14th Jul




Tues 14th Jul




Thur 16th Jul

TEA & CHAT Drink & a natter


10.30 - Noon

Tue 28th July








Thur 20th Aug

TEA & CHAT Drink & a natter


10.30 - Noon

Sat. 22nd Aug



8 am - Noon

Tues 25th Aug





Sun 6th Sept




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