Dynatest 3031 lwd light Weight Deflectometer

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LWDMod Program Guide



Light Weight Deflectometer


Version 1.0.0

This document is subject to change without notice. No part of this document may be reproduced

in any form without written permission of Dynatest.
© 2006 Dynatest International A/S. All rights reserved

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Table of Contents

1 Unlicensed use of LWDmod 5

2 Registration 6

3 General 8

3.1 Field Test Procedures 8

3.2 Testing 8

3.3 Raw Data Files 9

3.4 Preparing Data for Analysis 9

3.5 Deleting Drops and Points 9

3.6 Analysis Techniques 12

4 Main Menu 14

5 Settings 17

5.1 Default Analysis Settings 17

5.2 Settings 17

5.3 Language 17

5.4 Units 18

5.5 Sort Points by 18

5.6 Import Load/Deflection History 18

5.7 Time History 18

6 A project (project database) 19

6.1 Create, Open and Import 19

6.2 To import LWD raw data files 20

6.3 Project 21

6.4 To Compact a database 22

6.5 Delete Options 22

7 Edit Data 23

8 Analysis of Data 24

8.1 Analysis 24

8.2 Selecting Point 25

8.3 File Settings 26

8.4 Structure and Seed Values 28

8.5 Graphical View 31

8.6 Calculation of Elastic Moduli 31

8.7 Calculation of Required Overlay Thickness 34

9 Report 35

10 Plot 37

10.1 Options, Rawdata, Backcalculation Design, Copy, Graph Sectioning 37

10.2 Plot - Options 37

10.3 Plots - Rawdata 38

10.4 Plots - Backcalculation 45

10.5 Plots - Design 48

10.6 Plots - Copy Graph 48

10.7 Plots - Sectioning 48

11 Demo File 50

1Unlicensed use of LWDmod

LWDmod is delivered as standard with the LWD 3031 equipment. It can be installed on any computer running Windows 2000 (SP4) or Windows XP.
As long as the software installation is not licensed (unlicensed mode), the functionalities are limited to report facilities, except for the included DEMO database, where all functionalities are available. On the first 10 starts of LWDmod a registration window is displayed at start up. If you have not purchased a license to full use of the software then just click OK to proceed to the Main window. If you have purchased a license then use the registration window to request the license file (see: Registration).
On the first 10 starts all functionalities are available in unlicensed mode, hereafter only the DEMO database will allow access to all functionalities.
License to LWDmod can at any time be purchased from Dynatest. (Just send an e-mail to your contact person, or to softwaresales@dynatest.com.


Each installation on a new computer requires a request for a license file for the specific computer to make LWDmod run in full mode. When starting the LWDmod program, a registration form will automatically pop up, if no license is present for the computer. This registration form must be used when requesting the license from Dynatest. When the window no more popup automatically, you can access it from: Help > Registration

If you do not wish to register at this point, you can press the OK button, and the program will continue to the main menu. The first 10 times you start the program without a license file, you can use it with all facilities. Hereafter the program will convert to "Unlicensed mode". In "Unlicensed mode" the Analysis and Plot functionalities will only work with a DEMO database located in the LWDmod program folder (see: Demo File). The Import and Report facilities will still work with all files.
If you would like to request the license file, then press the button "Mail to Dynatest". You will then be asked to enter the name of your company or institution, and to identify your home country from a list.
Next you will have the window, as shown below, where you can accept or reject the license conditions.
Please use the scroll button at the right to see all text in the license agreement.

If you accept the agreement the program will start up your default e-mail service, and prepare a new e-mail with certain information placed in the header lines. All you have to do is send the e-mail. Dynatest will mail back the license file, normally within 24 hours. If you choose not to accept the agreement, then the program will convert into a DEMO version.
If one of these situations occurs:

  • You don’t have e-mail service on the computer.

  • The e-mail service does not start automatically.

  • The wrong e-mail service is starting.

  • The header line is empty.

Then please use the other button "I don’t have email facilities on this computer". This procedure will save the necessary information to a text file "Mail_to_Dynatest.txt" in the Elmod5 Program directory. Next you can attach this file to an email to Dynatest using your normal e-mail service.


3.1Field Test Procedures

Before doing the field testing it is recommended to have and to follow general guidelines for the field tests. This will ensure that the collected data are of best possible quality and that they are representative regarding the purpose of the testing. It will also be beneficial in case of later testing where results have to be compared.
The Danish Road Directorate has in cooperation with manufacturers and consultants worked out some general description of the technology and guidelines for testing, analysis and reporting: Vejteknisk Institut: Måling af overflademodul med minifaldlod. Udkast til provisorisk prøvningsmetode. Maj 2006.
This is a draft only available in Danish. The following contains extracts from this guide.
In general it is advisable to measure each test point with a variation in plate size and load levels.
LWDmod is able to utilize this in estimation of layer thickness, and determination of non-linearity in the subgrades. When testing on unbound materials following stress levels should preferable be obtained:

Granular base layers:




Sub base layers:




Solid subgrades:




Soft subgrades:




The centre deflections should be in the range from 300 microns to 2200 microns, preferable in the range from 500 microns to 1500 microns. It should also be ensured that the pulse duration time is as expected, by having the correct buffer configuration. Normal pulse times will be in the range from 15 to 25 ms. The pulse time will change with the types of buffers used.

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