Emsworth borough council

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171 Center Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15202

Business Meeting Minutes – September 14, 2016

Council Members Present – Jolene Bennett; Brian Fashian; Carolyn Galante; Paul F. Getz;

Jason Helfrich; Dan Lenz; Kevin Yurkovich

Others Present – Dorothy H. Quinn, Mayor; Robert L. McTiernan, Esq., Borough Solicitor;

Cathy Jones, Borough Secretary

Council President Kevin Yurkovich called the September 14, 2016, business meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. After The Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call, Pres. Yurkovich requested Minutes approval from the

August 10, 2016, business meeting.


MOTION by Ms. Bennett, second by Mr. Lenz, to approve the August 10, 2016, Business Meeting Minutes as presented. Motion carried by voice vote.


Rob Bennett, 235 Allegheny Avenue – Meeting held with AGAA and a few borough officials for resolution to the on-going maintenance issue at Mayernik Field; Mr. Bennett has been appointed as the AGAA liaison to borough council; any field problems should be directed to him.

Michelle Adams, 173-175 Center Avenue – questioned the reinstatement of the fire whistle. Pres. Yurkovich reminded council the fire whistle broke a few years ago and has been recently repaired to sound at Noon and 9:30 p.m. The whistle will sound during the day for fire calls but will not sound after 9:30 p.m. Mrs. Adams stated technology can alert the first responders and the whistle was unnecessary. Mr. Lenz added the siren is for public safety to alert pedestrians of emergency vehicles being called out.
Eric Faulkner, 201 Roosevelt Road – Mr. Faulkner submitted a proposal for a subdivision at his Kilbuck Twp. property and requested a sewer tap-in to the Emsworth sewer system. Pres. Yurkovich stated this would be discussed under New Business.
Holy Family Institute School Zone on Route 65 – Mayor Quinn, Mr. Getz and representatives from Holy Family met with Mr. Ed Miller, PennDOT, Traffic Signals Supervisor, for discussion on HFI’s proposed 15 mph school zone on SR 65. At the meeting, PennDOT agreed to the request of an exclusive pedestrian phase which stops traffic completely when the crosswalk button is pushed at the intersection of Allegheny Avenue and Ohio River Blvd.

MOTION by Mr. Getz, second by Ms. Bennett to request PennDOT to investigate the exclusive pedestrian phase for the intersection of SR 65 and Allegheny Avenue. Discussion: Mr. Getz noted not only will this help Holy Family students to safely cross Ohio River Boulevard from the Port Authority bus stop, but will also be a safety factor for Emsworth residents crossing at this light. Holy Family also suggested a high visibility pedestrian crosswalk and an LED flashing pedestrian crossing sign on both sides of the boulevard 7:15 a.m. – 8 a.m. and 3:35 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. Motion unanimously carried by roll.

MAYOR’S REPORT – Dorothy H. Quinn

Public Safety: OTPD – 173 calls; EVFC – 19 calls

Center Avenue Bridge – Mayor Quinn reported Port Authority plans to close the Center Avenue Bridge including the sidewalk for repairs in December 2016 or January 2017.
Business Meeting Minutes

September 14, 2016 Page Two

ACBA – Membership Dinner is Thursday, December 8 at the Edgewood Country Club; cost is $25/person; Delegate (Mayor Quinn) and Alternate (Ms. Bennett) attend free. ACBA Annual Banquet is February 4, 2017, at The Rivers; cost is $65/person.

Now that medical marijuana is legal in Pennsylvania, legislation is being considered to regulate storefront businesses.

BOROUGH SOLICITOR – Robert L. McTiernan, Esq., Borough Solicitor

Fence Ordinance – Draft ordinance covering fence height between properties was distributed; action tabled.

Norfolk-Southern – Agreement moving forward between N-S and the borough.

West View Authority – Allegheny Avenue damage claim letter being sent to West View Authority.
BOROUGH ENGINEER – The Gateway Engineers

Feasibility Study – Interim Consent Order includes performing an 18 month source reduction study; tap control plans; cooperation to develop target flows; continuation of O&M plans; a demonstration project.

Gateway recommends flow monitoring at six specific locations to act as isolation points to identify areas for source reduction. Monitoring is expected to be completed in 2016 or 2017 and plan to begin in October 2016. The cost is $1500/meter or $9K for six meters for 30 days of data collection. Demo projects are due by the end of 2017 and will provide data to include in the year end 2016 status report.

ALCOSAN Grow Grant Program discussed. Grant app is due October 2016. Grant would be for funding projects with a specific source reduction percentage.
Operation & Maintenance Plan

2016 SHACOG CCTV – RedZone Robotics has completed this work, total bid was $199,650; Borough’s share is $11,297.50. Gateway will work with the contractor on the punch list.
2016 SHACOG Preventative Maintenance Year 6 – Approximately 2700 LP of preventive maintenance segments to be included in the project. Low bidder was State Pipe Services, Inc. total bid of $112,675; Borough’s share is $6725.
2016 SHACOG Lining Year 9 –Jet Jack completed work; Council to consider a motion to approve Payment No. 1 and Final to Jet Jack in the amount of $11,180 upon receipt of invoice from SHACOG.
2016 SHACOG Lining Year 10 – Contract A, Spot Lining; 25 LF of CIPP; Robinson Pipe Cleaning low bidder $86,027.50; Borough’s share is $10,324.03. Spot liners were completed during the month of June.

Payment will be made upon receipt of invoice from SHACOG.

Contract B, Manhole to Manhole Lining, 450 LF of MH-MH; Jet Jack Inc. low bidder in the amount of $217,365; Borough’s share is $17,200. Project will be scheduled for overnight work.
2016 O&M Repairs, Year 5 – 8 LF of pipe repair, 1 sanitary manhole, multiple manhole raises; Roto Rooter low bidder $357,903; borough’s share is $23,460. An HOP for the overnight manhole installation on Ohio River Blvd. has been received.
2016 Mapping & Database – Gateway has reviewed and updated the database based on work being performed and new data received to clear up any discrepancies that may arise between GIS mapping

and any new CCTV inspections. Hydrant locations have been added to the database.

Business Meeting Minutes

September 14, 2016 Page Three

2016 Manhole Inspections Emsworth is interested to participate in the SHACOG Manhole Rehab Project. SHACOG will determine if enough interest was received to justify a contract.
2015 O&M Reporting – Gateway prepared and submitted the required updates to the ACHD in March regarding the progress of the O&M Plan. Emsworth must continue to perform yearly O&M updates to

show that the plan is being performed adequately.

Storm Water Phase 2 – Gateway distributes educational material monthly as part of the MS4. Gateway

plans to evaluate the Minimum Control Measures and review storm sewer mapping to meet mapping requirements. Gateway believes the elevated level of fecal coliform at the outfall is due to a fractured sanitary pipe beneath SR 65. Gateway will work with the borough to eliminate the illicit discharge.

Traffic Sign Retro-Reflectivity – Gateway has sent the Borough a list of signs associated with the regulations surrounding warning and regulatory signs.

S.R. 65 Storm Sewer Issue – Norfolk Southern is prepared to resolve the issue with the borough directly since they are unable to work with the contractor’s insurance company. N-S requests a finalized agreement for the storm pipe plus an itemized statement for the costs the Borough is claiming were incurred. Gateway and the borough solicitor have finalized a new agreement and a meeting will be scheduled in August with Norfolk-Southern to discuss the resolution.
Pavement Management Program – Gateway prepared a proposed five-year pavement management program and has corresponded with utility companies regarding proposed projects to factor into this pavement management plan. At the August 10 council meeting, Michael Facchiano Contracting was awarded the paving contract for upper Allegheny Avenue restoration; overlays of the alleyways; and the additional work on lower Allegheny Avenue resulting from more water main breaks which have occurred. Paving is expected to begin in early October.
Allegheny Avenue Water Main Break – Columbia Gas has completed line replacement and service connections to the new line on Allegheny Avenue. Sidewalk restoration and ADA ramps will then be completed. An additional water main break occurred on lower Allegheny July 19; which caused significant road damage. This water main break was in addition to the June 5 break on upper Allegheny in the location of the previously reconstructed road; which followed an initial water main break on January 5. Sinkholes have formed near both recent trench restorations performed by West View Authority which was determined to be the result of the lack of compaction of the backfill as well as additional sub-grade washout caused by the initial breaks or subsequent water flow through the trench.
SR 65 Force Main Replacement – Survey, design and permitting completed. Gateway has submitted the WQM Part II permit and HOP permit. The HOP was approved and the WQM Part II comments were received; revisions made and re-submitted. Emsworth was not a successful candidate under the recent CITF grant. An additional grant opportunity from PA Small Water and Sewer is available beginning in August; Gateway will make application if council wishes to pursue.
SR 65 Pump Station – Multiple overflows during the past month have occurred during significant rain events; data points to direct inflow from a storm sewer system or direct connection of downspouts to the sanitary sewer system. An overflow event occurred on August 26 and was reported to the A/C Health Dept. Smoke testing of the contributing sanitary sewer areas is recommended.

Business Meeting Minutes

September 14, 2016 Page Four



No Report this evening.

DPW/MS4 – Brian Fashian

Updates to the front of the borough building have been addressed this summer: painting of the Centennial clock and bell tower as well as painting of the front of the borough building and new entrance carpeting.

MS4 – Messrs. Lenz and Dunham recently attended an MS4 class in Cranberry.

PA Small Water Grant – Mr. Getz was not in favor of the borough pursuing this grant as the borough has not been successful on CITF, ACCD, or other grants in which money was spent to apply.

QVCOG – Jolene Bennett

MS4 – At the recent Sewickley Harvest Festival, public outreach information was available for MS4 awareness and will also be available during Emsworth’s upcoming Halloween parade.
Refuse Contract - MOTION by Ms. Bennett, second by Mr. Lenz to accept the Waste Management five-year contract for Option A, weekly refuse collection and bi-weekly recycling as advertised and handled through QVCOG; contract terminates December 31, 2021. Motion unanimously carried by roll call.
QVCOG – Ms. Bennett announced the new executive director for the QVCOG is Susan Hockenberry.

MOTION by Mr. Lenz, second by Mr. Fashian to approve Payment No. 1 and Final to Jet Jack in the amount of $11,180 for sanitary sewer cleaning, Year 9. Motion unanimously carried by roll call.

MOTION by Mr. Lenz, second by Ms. Bennett to authorize Gateway Engineers to apply for the PA Small Water and Sewer Grant. Discussion: Mr. Fashian questioned fees related to this grant. Mr. Flynn, Gateway Engineers, stated a $100 application fee plus Gateway’s work on the grant was estimated to be $1500. The grant has an October deadline. Mr. Flynn added the PA Small Water Grant was a better fit for the Emsworth pump station. Motion passed by roll call, Mr. Getz voted “nay”.
MOTION by Mr. Lenz, second by Ms. Bennett to approve Resolution No. 2016-05 to accompany the PA Small Water and Sewer Grant. Motion unanimously carried by roll call.
FINANCE – Carolyn Galante

Bill List – MOTION by Ms. Galante, second by Mr. Helfrich to approve the Bill List as distributed with additions of Patberg, Carmody, Ging $3360; Hosack Specht Muetzel & Wood $7787; Tri State Maintenance $325; Wright Express $462.01; Bulldog Office $147.52; Direct Energy $1237.34; Columbia Gas $32.93; Advance Auto $124.99; Overhead Door $460.38 ($13,937.17 total). Motion unanimously carried by roll call.

AGAA/Mayernik Ballfield Mr. Getz reported a meeting had been held with representatives from AGAA to discuss the field lease agreement and resolution to the on-going field maintenance issues.

Business Meeting Minutes

September 14, 2016 Page Five

MOTION by Mr. Getz, second by Ms. Bennett to rescind the motion from the August 10, 2016, council meeting to terminate the field lease agreement with AGAA. Discussion: Mr. Yurkovich cautioned AGAA to keep up with the maintenance even during the off season, as council may not be as lenient if there is another infraction of the lease. Motion unanimously carried by roll call.

Avonworth Community Park – Pres. Yurkovich announced the vacancy on the ACP Advisory Board is still open, interested residents should send a letter of interest to the borough office.
EVFC Oil Dry – Mr. Getz reported that after checking with neighboring fire companies, used oil dry is considered captured and may be disposed of in a dumpster.
Kilbuck Twp. Proposed Sewer Tap-In – Kilbuck Twp. property owner Eric Faulkner addressed council with his request for a sewer tap-in for a proposed one house subdivision above Church Avenue.

MOTION by Mr. Getz, second by Ms. Bennett to approve one tap-in to the Emsworth Borough sewer system at a cost of $2825 as requested by Kilbuck property owner, Eric Faulkner. Discussion: Mr. Flynn confirmed the Emsworth system could accept this additional flow of one EDU (equivalent dwelling unit; approximately 400 gallons/day). Mr. Lenz was concerned about water run-off from this property onto Church Avenue ending at Center Avenue. Council requested Mr. Faulkner submit a water mitigation plan to the borough office. Motion carried by roll call, Ms. Galante and Mr. Lenz voted “nay”.

MOTION by Mr. Getz, second by Mr. Helfrich to grant access from the top Church Avenue into Kilbuck Twp. for the development of one home per request from property owner Eric Faulkner. Discussion: Ms. Galante echoed Mr. Lenz’s water run off concern as well as her concern that the top of Church Avenue would be open to Kilbuck Twp. for additional development. Motion carried by roll call; Ms. Bennet, Ms. Galante and Mr. Lenz voted “nay”.
MOTION by Mr. Getz, second by Mr. Lenz to require Eric Faulkner to submit a storm water mitigation study to the borough for review and approval by the borough engineer for the proposed one house development in Kilbuck Twp. above Church Avenue before the sewer tap-in and street access is granted. Motion unanimously approved by roll call.

Mr. Fashian announced he will be meeting Mr. Ferianc, Holly Ridge Web Design, to learn how to add updates to the borough’s web site.

Mr. Fashian noted a public safety issue coming from Atlantic Avenue and entering SR 65 Ohio River Blvd. Traffic from Atlantic Avenue traversing alongside the traffic triangle needs to cross two lanes of on-coming southbound traffic to blend into the two lanes travelling northbound on SR 65. Mr. Fashian has requested Public Works to install a Do Not Enter sign at this area.

Joan Porac, 235 Church Avenue – very concerned about the proposed development in Kilbuck Twp. above her property including water run-off and additional housing that may be built once council gives permission for access to the one proposed house. As Emsworth cannot dictate anything in Kilbuck Twp., Mrs. Porac was counting on Emsworth council to protect hers and others properties.

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September 14, 2016 Page Six

Gerry Kalinoski, 226 Bryson Avenue – experiences water run-off from Church Avenue now; during heavy rain, water infiltrates his basement and garage. He is concerned about clear cutting the trees and the potential for slides in this area as the proposed build moves forward.

Joe Hartz, Lt. EVFC – thanked Mr. Getz and council for checking into the oil dry resolution and added EVFC voted in-house to pass the fire alarm whistle install and apologized for the delay in getting the alarm up and running.
Joe Hartz, 170 North Avenue – thanked council for paving the alleys this season; and also noted an additional One Way or Do Not Enter sign is needed in the area of North Avenue as cars are continuing to turn down North Avenue from Center Avenue. Mr. Getz offered to look at this area and have the DPW install additional signs.


Pres. Yurkovich adjourned the September 14, 2016, business meeting at 7:35 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,


Borough Secretary

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