Call to Order at 3: 36pm pop by Hasan Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Approvals

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Florida Atlantic University

Student Government

Boca Raton House of Representatives

4th Legislative Session

6th November 2009
Call to Order at 3:36PM

**POP by Hasan

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call


*30th October 2009 Minutes by Capata; seconded by Alcena

*Motion to amend 6th November 2009 Agenda so it says “4:30PM” by Owens; seconded by gentry (objection by Ejene: leave Friday for mandatory meeting (roll call)

(10 Y, 15 N Reminder is still at 3:30)

*Motion to strike reminder for 13th November and add 20th November by Ejene; seconded by Capata

*6th November 2009 Agenda by Ejene; seconded by Ayala

*Motion to admit all members by Gentry; seconded by Ejene

Oath of Office

**Hodapp is now a Representative

*Motion to admit all members by Capata; seconded by Forbes

Special Order Speeches:

-Gentry: Hasan wanted to take names for people to table next week. Please raise your hand so we can contact you. A lot of business is sitting here and doing nothing. Next week is going to be a long day but we need to get these bills done. It is kind of sad.

-Lo: Came back from Faculty Senate Meeting. Textbook affordability: I spoke a couple issues that were brought to me by representatives and the recommendation I gave to them was to have a committee of student government/faculty/administration/and bookstore members. Regulation 3.004 does not cover textbook affordability. My recommendation would be to get the Academic Lobbying committee to get on this issue.

Open Forum:

*POP by Capata and Lo

*Motion to admit all members by Ejene; seconded by Capata

-Raborn: I am a student at FAU and studying Biology and a minor in Spanish. He is working on a clinical trial that involves a 10 year research for curing cancer. Through mice testing we found that healthy white blood cells can cure cancer. I have come here before and gone to clubs and I have gotten a resounding effort from a lot of students to get involved into this study. We have completed these 4 patients and we now have a 5th cancer patient. This is a real study and about 80% of those in the donor registry are FAU students. Anyone who has thought about the study, you might be the potential cancer cure for that patient. I am here to reiterate that I want to get a lot of people involved.

-Stephan (Owl Radio): We do have DJ's, equipment rental, and station rentals free of charge. Our most popular item is equipment rental. If you are interested in it, we do offer that and on our website under services and forms page. There you can print out an equipment form and we do require the form 1 week before the event. We do promotions for the Bank Atlantic Center for the Ice Hockey Game that we are giving away.

*Motion to admit all members by Bastidas; seconded by Shackelford

Presidents Report: N/A

Vice Presidents Report: N/A

Governors Report:

-Sherman: Wellness Task Force: I was charged with finding people to sit on the chair, I have asked Representative Haye to be on the committee.

*Motion to approve Representative Haye to be on WTF by Ejene: seconded by Massetti

Today during the GAC we discussed stress week. We put together 2 packages: 1 with Office Depot, and the other is personalized items from companies. We are getting drawstring bags and working with the Office Depot supplies. We are going to make cards for the soldiers and send them to Iraq and PET is going to have some cool games on the Breezway. I have been given an opportunity to have a conference on FAU with “Heroes” who live in Palm Beach County from Vietnam and WWII...

*Motion to extend speakers time by 3 minutes by Owens; seconded by Massetti

They would like to come and share them. If you are interested in attending these meetings, you are welcome to join. CRABS: The Speaker informed me they had a meeting yesterday and they went over the expansion. (Tiffany Weimar, Alan Pollock, etc.)

*Motion to approve all the stated names for the CRAB committee by Lo, seconded by Ejene

Chief Justices Report: N/A

*Motion to admit all members by Haye; seconded by Lo

Program Reports:

-Yale (Peer Education Team): 2009 Trojan Healthcard came out and we are ranked 5th in the nation for sexual health awareness. We are having our presenter for the semester on November 19th at 3:30PM and 7:00PM. He is our guest speaker for the semester. He used to work for a tobacco company and quit the company.

-SAVI Director: Campus cleanup was a success with close to 100 volunteers. Habitat for Humanity is meeting tomorrow at 6PM. We will start promotions for spirited giving to get presents for unfortunate children.

-Kerri-Ann (BSUMP Director): Here are our NAM t-shirts. We have a large amount in the office so feel free to come down. Next week we are having the Veterans Dinner. On Thursday we will have the movie Wind-talkers.

-Corning (Director of Night Owls): October: 3,500 passengers transported, 1600 phone calls. Incidents: We had to let go of an employee due to excessive tardiness. Laser light pointed into a driver and the person was attained. Employees got written up for being late.


-Scalice: Would you say with laser pointer was isolated or did it happen in the past, aka: water balloons?

-Corning: It was an isolated incident that occurred last week again.

End Questions

Interim Student Government Advisors Report:

-Bishara: Student Government training next Friday. We are trying to get a count on who is all coming. Tomorrow there is a watch party in the FAU Palm Room. The students in Owl TV are filming the game at the away home. Finally, on the FAU trip to Troy we are still having that: (sign up is $100).


-Scalice: Will the sessions be all together?

-Bishara: Most of the time you will be all together.

-Ejene: Is there a dress code?

-Bishara: Come as you are.

End Questions

Chair Reports:

-Committee on Committee: N/A

-Rules and Policies: We still didn't make quorum, but I will read off the names here (reads names). Make sure and be there at 1:30PM every Friday.

-Ways and Means: My meetings are held at 2:30PM on Friday.

-Campus Actions: Today we met on BRHB-09-01, BRHR-09-01, BRHB-09-02, BRHR-09-02. We decided to table Elections Reform. I want everyone in the House to check their e-mails because I do send out important information for the House.

-Time Capsule: Concrete has been laid down and we are now waiting on the plaque.

-Environmental Actions: We have not had meetings yet but I want people to know that the meeting is open for Fridays. I wanted to say it was a good idea for EA to be apart of the House. One of the first things I want to do with the committee is how we can make SG green first.

-Academic Lobbying: N/A

-Hammock Discovery: We have not had a meeting yet and if you are interested let me know after this meeting.
-Campus Budget: Haven't had meetings yet but if you are interested contact me after this meeting. The meetings are looking to be at 1PM.

*Motion to include Campus Budget in Chair Reports by Pollock (approved)

House Forum: N/A

Vetoed Business:

-BRHB-09-15 “How are they doing”? (stays)

Tabled Business: N/A

Old Business:

-BRHB-09-01 “At your service”

*Move to strike in 3rd to last Therefore Be It Resolved clause from “in” and all the words following it and insert “while in the duty of acting as a representative, while taking part in student government meetings, events, and at the discretion of the representative” by Ejene; seconded by Capata (objection by Ali (people wouldn't wear the badge)


-Ejene: People should wear them when they want to.

-Ali: I feel like they wouldn't wear the badges by discretion.

-Bastidas: It should be left open to opinion

-Forbes: I think we should wear it outside more than the meetings.

-Capata: I was author of the bill and we wanted to amend the bill to bring recognition to the students.

-Scalice: I do support the amendment by Ejene and as a co-author of the bill, the original intention of the bill was to be put into contact with students.

-Stantz: Common sense would dictate that you wouldn't wear your badge while being wasted at Coyote Jacks.

-Lo: There has been situations in the past where you are not specific enough, and it leads to problems in the future.

-Haye: I agree with the amendment.

-Shackelford: Wear the tags! People don't know who we are outside and professors and students that have issues don't know we exist. Wear it. We are public officials and should act as public officials.

-Bastidas: Shackelford made an important point that we should have faith to do the right thing. So for me personally I intend to wear the tag where I go because it looks cool.

-Scalice: Certain parties are missing the main part of the bill. We must represent and be accessible to the people for the Student Body.

*Motion to rescind my objection by Gentry

(Objection by Dell : Wear at all times: Roll Call)

(26 Y, 4 N amendment Passes)

*Move to keep bill in committee for Ways and Means and Rules and Policies by Owens; and seconded by Massetti (object by Gentry : Should be Quazi Committee)

(5 Y, 25 No motion fails to pass)

*Motion to enter Quazi committee by Lo; seconded by Gentry

*Second to last Therefore be it Resolved clause First strike last period after representative and insert comma, and put “with the exception of representatives that personalize their name badges” by Ejene; seconded by Capata

*Motion to add my name to the bill by Ejene (takes names for sponsors); seconded by Capata

*Motion to amend the title to have the “Y” capitalized by Scalice; seconded by Capata

*Motion to amend the last Therefore Be It Resolved Clause and strike “handing off” and insert “transfer” by Scailce; seconded by Capata

*Motion to admit all members by Ejene; seconded by Capata

*Motion to include in the 1st Therefore Be It Resolved clause put “House Contingency S20012” in replace of the XXXX by Pollock (approved)

*Motion to amend in the 1st Therefore Be It Resolved clause to add in the 4th line “and/or” by Dell; seconded by Ejene

*Call the Orders of the day by Pollock

*Motion to approve BRHB-09-01 as amended by Owens; seconded by Capata

(30 Y, 1 N BRHB-09-01 passes)

*POP by Williams and Dell

*Motion to approve BRHR-09-01 by Gentry; seconded by Ejene
(29 Y, 0 N BRHR-09-01 passes)
*Motion to admit all members by Lo; seconded by Capata


*Motion to approve BRHB-09-02 by Capata; second by Gentry (objection by Owens: no line item from the bill to be reviewed by Ways and Means)

-Ejene: When I submitted the bill I submitted it with the line item. I also have the line item upstairs with the price quotes from Office Depot. The price also includes no shipping and that is the price right there.

*POP by Haye

-Lo: The badges we were able to see, so I would like to be able to see all the information.

-Capata: I feel Owens would feel better if Ejene got the paper.

-Gentry: We should table this and put this one off.

-Owens: It sounds like a cool thing but I don't know if this is excessive or not.

*Motion to close the floor by Gentry; seconded by Capata

*Motion to send the bill to committees by Gentry; seconded by Phillips

(Sent to committees)


*Motion to send BRHR-09-02 to committees by Capata; seconded by Bastidas

*Motion to admit all members by Shackelford; seconded by Capata

New Business:


*Motion to send BRHB-09-03 to committees by Gentry; seconded by Ayala (obection by Lo : Quazi Committee)


-Lo: Wanted this to be discussed for safety issues and these bikes go to the bicycle police officers

-Gentry: Most of us haven't read this bill, and if we went Quazi this might not be understood to its full extent.

(Withdrawal of objection by Lo)

Open Forum:

*Motion to admit all members by Alcena; seconded by Capata

*POP Flynn

-Raborn: For anyone who wants to be apart of the cancer research I will be here after the meeting. I have a cool video I can show you about the cause.

Special Order Speeches:
-Capata: Thank you for putting up with the bills. If you want your name personalized on the badge Speaker Pollock will be getting in contact with you.

-Ejene: For all members of Campus Actions I suggested everyone exchanged numbers so we could be in contact. Also, with the display board bill, it is 6 foot tall and 3 foot wide. Hopefully we all get involved with tabling.

Legislative Report:

-Pollock: If you are a new member and have not received a Roberts Rules yet, please come to me. Second, CRAB: we did have a meeting at 4PM and I was selected to chair that committee and I will be giving frequent reports. We discussed hours of operations for the pools. Please remember if you are interested in an Ad-Hoc committees please see the chairs.


Next Scheduled House Meeting: 20th November 2009 – 3:30PM Senate Chambers

Final Roll Call


*Motion to adjourn by Ejene; seconded by Shackelford 5:43PM

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