Call to Order at 3: 47pm pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Approvals

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Florida Atlantic University
Student Government
Boca Raton House of Representatives
3rd Legislative Session
10th July, 2009

Call to Order at 3:47PM
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Motion to approve 2nd July, 2009 Minutes by Khonat; seconded by Hudson
*Motion to move Chief Justices Report before the Vice Presidents Report by Pollack; seconded by Hudson
*Motion to approve 10th July, 2009 Agenda by Pollack; seconded by Khonat
Open Forum
Shuttle System Presentation
Crudele: We have seen a lot more people ride on Tri-Rail and it has increased over 100%. We are getting a lot of people who are riding the shuttle which means there are fewer cars. It is still difficult to park on campus. We have been working with President Weimar and some of the others to put together a shuttle system and make a plan. We want your opinion on points for routes and so on.
-Chief Lo: When we started with the priority of the shuttle, we wanted to know if it came around long enough. Another issue looked at is it has to go where people want to go. We were looking at some potential route and looking at a target of a bus at every 5 minutes. We are looking at 2 shuttles to make that 5 minute quota. What we are looking for is a balance of what is more important: How often you get it, or how many stops it has? (Shows maps and concepts and explains)
-Khonat: Can we reduce the reduction of stops?
-Forbes: Which plan were you more leaning to?
-Lo: There was an initial conversation that was generic. I was leaning towards the fuller route with more stops.
-Forbes: I know that Education and Business are the two most popular. Those need to be in there.
-Burdman: Have you looked into more mobile transportation other than a bus?
-Lo: I was trying to work with resources I have on hand and those devices do the things you talk about but move much slower.
-EBanks: Are you going to extend the buses to different campuses?
-Lo: That is not part of the initial plan and I do not have the resources for that.
*Motion to extend time by 3 minutes by Khonat; seconded by Owens
-Bimmler: TheTri-Rail stop that the bus comes to, did you guys think about putting a stop there?
-Lo: It did not include that in the initial routes that we ran because of time, to get into that circle will take a fair amount of time.
*Motion to extend speakers time by 4 minutes by Khonat; seconded by Owens
-Scalice: The length of time the drivers will be at the stop, if someone isn’t there, will the driver go to the next?
-Lo: We have not made a decision that they are going to sit at a designated point for a set of time. It may require that it will be a shorter stop, or we may have to stop to let time catch up.
-Forbes: How many buses were you using the first time on runs?
-Lo: One bus. If we were going to invest in this we realized we would have to do it right the first time.
Presidents Report:
No Report
Chief Justices Report: No Report
Vice Presidents Report
: No Report
Vice Presidents Appointment
: Nora Emmanuel
Ejene: We found that she was qualified as a candidate.
-Forbes: We met today and passed out the policies to the committee. The committee said lets appoint Nora today and the next time a conflict of interest arises we cover our bases.
*Motion to approve Nora Emmanuel as Program Director by Forbes; seconded by Haye
(16Y, 0N Emmanuel becomes program director)
*Motion to admit all members by Khonat; seconded by Haye
Governor’s Report
Peterson: Now that Nora has been appointed, we now have all Director positions appointed and we will have our first Cabinet meeting. The Governor and I came up with a Night Owls Design Contest. The reason we did the contest is to get the word of Night Owls out there. We also have Recession Regression week. Every Thursday at Jamba Juice we have FAU Day which gives 20% back to the school.
-Pollack: There is an FAU entrepreneur club that has discounts in other places.
-Peterson: I was not aware.
Treasurers Report
Ebanks: (Lists contingency accounts)
Program Reports:
No Reports
Acting Student Government Advisors Report:
Mena: No Report
Chair Reports
Committee on Committee:
-Pollack: The committee met today at 3:00PM. All chairs were in attendance and gave their respective reports….
Rules and Policies:
-Forbes: Committee met today at 1:33PM in the Legislative Workroom and made the following recommendations to the “Night Owls Payment Proposal”: insert a numerical (3) in the first Where-As clause after the word “three”, in the Therefore Be It Resolved clause insert the word “of” between House and Representative and add an “s” after the word allows, and change the two periods after the word “below” to a colon. Also add commas after every $150.00 in the Driver Payment breakdown, and add a period after $450.00. We also discussed the appointment of Emmanuel as Program Board Director and the committee came to a conclusion that we would like to recommend Emmanuel to officially be appointed as PB Director and the next time a conflict of interest occurs in appointing a person in SGA, we make sure that all necessary hiring parties are able to express their feelings even if they do not have the final say due to a conflict of interest. Representative Estevez is now my Vice-Chair.
Ways and Means:
-Owens: The Ways and Means Committee convened today at 2:05PM. We discussed BRHB-09-12. While we attempted to get in contact with the Night Owls Assistant Director so that he could come and speak on behalf of his organization, there was never any response. Taking it then upon ourselves to determine a reasonable amount of time required to fulfill the necessary 4 hour shifts, from 7-11PM, Monday-Friday, with two drivers present at all times, the increase to 20 hours from 12, as presented in the bill, is not necessary. That said, it is the committee’s recommendation that the bill be amended from 20 hours per driver to 15. This number allows the entire Night Owls work schedule to be filled satisfactorily and gives a comfortable amount of room for individuals calling in sick. With this conclusion reached, we then adjourned at 2:24PM.
Campus Action:
-Ejene: No Report
Time Capsule:
Shackelford: No Report
House Forum: N/A
Vetoed Business:
Tabled Business:
Old Business:
BRHB-09-12 “Night Owls Payment Proposal”
*Motion to suspend the rules to decide on the line items on the bill by Owens; seconded by Khonat.
(Rules back in order)
*Move to amend BRHB-09-12 to take out 20 and insert “3 additional” and replace $150.00 with $112.50 and change the total to $337.50 by Pollack; seconded by Owens;
*Motion to change 20 hours to “3 additional” and replace “a” with “per” in the Therefore Be It Resolved Clause by Pollock.
*Motion to insert a numerical 3 in the Where As clause by Forbes; seconded by Capata.
*Motion to insert an “of” in-between House Representatives in the Therefore Be It Resolved by Forbes; seconded by Capata.
*Motion to insert commas after each $150.00 and a period after the total by Forbes; seconded by Khonat.
*Motion to approve BRHB-09-12 by Pollack as amended; seconded by Smatrakaleva.
(15Y, 2N BRHB-09-12 passes)
New Business:
Special Order Speeches
-Shackelford: As a reminder, in committee meetings and house meetings we are not allowed to call in members (references 407.217). Please remember this.
Open Forum:
Legislative Report:
Pollock: I want to thank each and every one of you that toughed it out on June 2nd, 2009. We got a lot done and the statutes look really well.
Next Regular Scheduled House Meeting: 17th July 2009 – 3:30PM Senate Chambers
Final Roll Call
Motion to adjourn by Khonat; seconded by Shackelford
*Meeting is adjourned at 4:48PM.

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