1. Introduction 4
1.1 About this document 4
1.2 Who is this for? 4
1.3 What does this document do? 4
1.4 Related documents 5
1.5 Ofcom 5
2. Licensing requirement 6
2.1. The purpose of licensing 6
2.2 When licences are required 6
2.3 Rehearsals 9
2.4 Auditions 9
3. Licensing process 11
3.1 Who should apply for a licence? 11
3.4 Risk assessments 13
3.5 Artistic and editorial freedom 14
3.6 Licensing decision and conditions 15
4. Body of Persons approvals (BOPAs) 16
4.1 What is a BOPA? 16
4.2 Who can apply for a BOPA? 16
4.3 How to apply for a BOPA? 18
4.4 BOPA decisions 20
5. Chaperones 21
5.1 Requirement for chaperones 21
5.2 Responsibilities of chaperones 21
5.3 The role of the local authority: approval and training 22
6. Education 24
7. Compliance 25
7.1 Inspection and enforcement 25
7.2 Record keeping 26
ANNEX 1: Dos and don’ts for chaperones: 27
This document will be reviewed in September 2015. Additions will be made where they are agreed by the group.