February 2, 2013 greater philadelphia regional committee minutes

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February 2, 2013


we are in dire need of trusted servants

Open Positions
RSC Policy Chair

RSC Unity Chairperson






Conference Rm


Conference Rm A



Meeting List

H & I


GPRCNA Subcommittees


Phone Line

Public Relations









Literature Review

Public Relations


Web Master



Phoneline Presentations

Clean Sheet


Joint Administrative Committee (JAC)

ONLY ON: February, April, June, August, October, December

Roxborough Memorial Hospital

5800 Ridge Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19128

Saturday, March 2nd, 2013

10:00am – 5:00pm

RSC Subcommittees

& Workgroups

Saturday, March 2nd, 2013

3:00pm – 5:00pm

BOD, only.

Saturday, April 6th, 2013

10:00am – 5:00pm

RSC Subcommittees

& Workgroups

Sunday, April 6th 2013

10:00am – 5:00pm

RSC Meeting

Regional Committee Members


Clean Acres RCM


Clean Acres RCM Alt.


Delco RCM


Delco RCM Alt

Jim C

Downtown RCM

Jason B

Downtown RCM Alt


Greater Camden RCM


Greater Camden RCM Alt


Inner City RCM


Inner City RCM Alt

Kevin W

Northwest RCM


Northwest RCM Alt

Eligah G

Phila Area RCM

Diane L

Pyramid of Freedom RCM

Earl W

Pyramid of Freedom ALT


Schuylkill Valley RCM

Charles C

Schuylkill Valley RCM Alt


South Phila. RCM

C. Boone

South Phila. RCM Alt


West Southwest RCM

Sid B

West Southwest RCM Alt

Bruce J

Regional Service Committee

Trusted Servants





RSC Chair

Vivian D.

Mtg. List Chair


RSC Co-Chair

Mark B.

Mtg. List Co-Chair


RSC Treasurer

Veronica W.

Phoneline Chair

George B.

RSC Secretary (Acting)

Debby F

Phoneline Co-Chair


Policy Chair


Unity Chair

Daryl C.

ABC Chair

Stephan M.

Unity Co-Chair

David G

ABC Co-Chair

Stephen S

Convention Chair

Arlene C.

ABC Secretary


Convention Co-Chair

Seifud-din S.

ABC Treasurer

Debby F

Convention Treasurer

Tracey A.


Paula B.

PR Chair


RD Alternate

Zoe H.

PR Co-Chair

Clarence A

H&I Chair

Scott D.

Lit Review Chair

Roy H.

H&I Co-Chair

Sara F.

Lit Review Co-Chair


Regional Finances


Seth S.

Clean Sheet Chairperson

Keith F.


Brian M

Clean Sheet



Regional Service Committee meeting


*To be used for each meeting unless otherwise noted

Note: If there is no quorum by thirty (30) minutes after the meeting starts, we will begin with an informational Meeting, which will include the reading and acceptance of reports.

  1. Opening: A moment of silence followed by the Serenity Prayer.

  2. The reading of the Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts.

  3. Reading of the Minutes from December 2nd 2012.

  4. Introductions, introduction of the agenda: changes, additions, corrections, and approval.

  5. A trusted servant will be invited to read a Concept, and a trusted servant will be asked to Share on that Concept. The RSC will entertain a 15-minute (discussion on this Concept).


1. Areas Reports are to turned in to the Secretary

2. Subcommittee Reports

Admin Report

JAC Report

ABC Report (No Office Manager report)

RD Report

Meeting List Report

H & I Report

Public Relations Report

Clean Sheet Report

Convention Chair Report

RSC Treasurer

Webmaster (Work Group) Report

3. Nominations: Open positions- RSC Policy Chairperson, ABC Co-Chair, and ABC Treasurer.
One Nomination for ABC Co-Chair – Congratulations to Stephen S

Two Nominations for ABC Treasurer – Congratulations to Debby F

One Nomination for WebMaster – Congratulations to Brian M

4. Old Business

  • Convention Chair had submitted a paper to the Admin Committee at the last Regional meeting with 7 questions. She wanted to know if they had been addressed yet. Regional Chair stated that she emailed the Admin Committee but nobody responded so she threw it away. Admin Committee stated that they never received any email. Secretary requested that a new copy of these questions be forwarded via email and she would make sure that each member of the Admin Committee would receive a copy.

  • WSW RCM stated that the RCM Manual still needs to be updated. “We need to be accountable”. Noted by the Regional Chair that this task has been not followed up since October 2012 Board Meeting. Delco RCM stepped up (See new business)

5. New Business

  • “RCM Manual Review” - - - Contact Jim C. 610-931-9602 and/or meet him Every Saturday 5pm – 7pm Llanerch Hills Chapel, 1216 Myrtlewood Ave (near Rt 1 & Rt 3)

  • Craig brought to our attention several issues of concern that would have a need for us be involved with the World Convention Work Group. They are in need of Volunteer’s (1) He would like to see our Region taking care of the Marathon Meetings. (2) Getting ideas for an event to be held the Sunday after Convention. (4) Remember that people will be coming into the city several days prior to World Convention, as well as staying here several days after, Meeting Lists should be up to date as well.







Oxford Towers LP


Utility - Gas Bill



Utility – Electric Bill



Office Supplies



Copier (Rental)


Phone Bill









RSO Printing Bill









2 Presentation Boards

(Staples) Neil










Roxborough Hospital


Total RSO Disburs.




Bank Balances: RSC 221.38

Convention: 2,132.00

RSO 1.99

Money Market 327.97
Donations: Area’s 1,965.97

Phone line 100.00

Insurance 1317.00

NAWS 15.00

** $700.00 borrowed from the RSC bank account to pay towards the printing of the Meeting List. Balance of $2,635.00 is due to the Vendon (Printing Company) **
**Discussion about having minutes from Subcommittee, Admin and JAC meetings on Saturday ready to be handed in on Sunday.
**Question: Is there really a need for a Admin and JAC meeting**

RSC Minutes

February 3rd 2013


  • RCM count taken at 10:02am – Three (3) RCM’s in attendance (six needed)

  • RCM count taken at 10:24am – Eight (8) RCM’s in attendance

  • The meeting opened at 1032am with a moment of silence, followed by the Serenity Prayer and reading of the Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts.

  • () RCMs were present by (12:00PM). A quorum was established.

  • The previous RSC Minutes were read.

  • Kevin shared on Concept 7 with discussion from the floor. A 15-minute discussion followed.

Attendance Record:
Present: RSC Chair Vivian D., RSC Co-Chair Mark B, RD, Paula B, RD Alt. Zoe., Treasurer Veronica W. ABC Chair Stephan M. Acting Secretary Debby F

RSC Sub-Committees Mtg. List Chair Gerald., H&I Chair Scott D.,H&I Alt Sarah F., Phoneline Chair George B., PR Chair James J.,PR Co-Chair, Clarence A., Cleansheet Chair Keith F., Convention Chair, Arlene C., Seifud- dine S Convention Co-Chair, Diana W. Convention Policy Chair, Unity Co-Chair David G.

RCM’s Carol B., S.P., Ryan W. Clean Acres, Joe A., W.S.W.,Sid B Alt WSW, Bill B, Delco.,Mike H. Alt Delco, Charles C SVA, Jason Downtown, Alt Drew Downtown, Zach A RCM Phila, Diana L Alt Phila., Earl W Acting RCM POF, Harold J NWA, Elijah NWA, Seth S Inner City,Bob R Greater Camden

In attendance: Debbie B Delco Area, Debbie H ICA, Charles WSW, Cynthia O NW, Inez B WSW, Ronnie D ICA, John C Philly, Antonio C Phone line System, and Jimbo Halloo Technical Liaison
Scheduler Coordinator
Roy H donated 40 Manuals. We have twelve, 12 Step volunteers. For Orientations we had 4 in January and 4 in February. For Jan there were 439 callers, using 1890 minutes at 79.90, Six(6) voice mails answered. We are asking for updated meeting list we have 24 phone line volunteers work for February

Our Regional Clean Sheet is listening to a few voices of our members that have expressed their ideas and concerns. It is our aim to address the many concerns that have been brought to our attention. Please remember that this is a "WE" function. Our next scheduled meeting will be March 2nd 2013 at 10:00am. We would like all Areas to send reps to this meeting. If your Area does not have a Rep please elect one. We want a unified Regional Newsletter to include all of the Region. As we move forward in the new year I will be personally reaching out to many Areas to solicit input on ways to improve the communication gap within our fellowship. It is our aim to have our newsletter available to the fellowship via electronic download and our viewing by the Spring of this year if not earlier. We would like to personally think the many who spent tireless hours in the development and assistance with getting this newsletter up and running. in the spirit of anonymity no names will be included in this report. It is our vision that this newsletter becomes a collective voice of the people that we serve regardless of what Area they are from in our Region. Our next issue will be working with all Areas to gather information and make it known to the fellowship in a timely fashion. In the current issue we have a Service Spotlight on the Phone-Line Subcommittee. It is our aim that by drawing attention to these vital subcommittees we can draw much needed support. Additionally we developed a CleanSheet Policy to submit to Region which will further help us as we grow. Please send your feedback to rsc.cleansheet@gmail.com or call 215-758-1517.


  • Opened meeting with a moment of silence followed by the Serenity Prayer

  • Read 12 Traditions and read the Concept of the Month (1st Concept)

  • Took Attendance

- Downtown Area

- Schuylkill Valley Area

- Northwest Area (RCM)

- Delco Area (H&I Chair)

- Pyramid of Freedom Area (Area Rep)

- WSW Area (RCM)

  • One old business

  • New Business

- Downtown Area is having an adopt-a-meeting at 7:30 on 2/19/13 at Clean Together home group (22nd & Chestnut). The intent is to support a struggling home group in the area.

- Schuylkill Valley Area is trying to create a Unity subcommettee

- Philadelphia Region Unity subcommittee has attached a flyer to this report. RCM's should distribute the flyer to the Unity chairs in their respective areas as well as stress the importance of attending regional Unity subcommittee meetings. Without the Unity chairs being present at these meetings, we cannot schedule and promote Unity events at the regional level.

- Elections - Open positions: Chair, Co-Chair and Secretary

  • Closed meeting with a moment of silence, followed by the Serenity Prayer.


  • On 1/8/2013 the regional Co-chair and I authorized $700.00 to be taken from the RSC account in order to place an order for the Regional Meeting List. We agreed that the $700.00 will be repaid to the RSC after enough Meeting List was sold to equal the funds taken from the RSC. On 1/29/2013, 2,400 of the 10,000 meeting list order was delivered. Another 2,400 will be received before or on 2/2/2013. Once the printer delivers the last of the 10,000 books a balance of $2,635.00 will be due. I will be making a motion today to raise the price of the Meeting list from $0.50 to $0.60. The total cost of a shipment of 10,000 Meeting List is $3,335.00 and selling them at $0.50 each brings in $5,000.00. If we were to sell them at $0.60 each, that would bring in $6,000.00. This is just a way for the RSO to bring in some funds.

  • On 1/29/2013 a refund check of $123.35 from the RSC account was made to Schuylkill Valley Area for a meeting list order that we could not fill at that time. the $123.35 will be refunded to the RSC by the next regional weekend. The RSO was also informed that they will not be placing literature orders with the RSO any longer. Their reason for this is the RSO is not able to fill their orders. They will also be printing their own Meeting List.

  • On 1/8/2013 the Regional Co-Chair came into the RSO and announced that all financial decisions made in the RSO discussed with members of the Administrative body prior to authorization, due the ABC Chair Authorizing a $500.00 charge on a rush order from the WSO. He explained this will keep from an appearance of the ABC Chair acting on his own. A few days later I spoke with the Regional Chair about this issue and was informed that was in fact the case.

  • The last literature was in the amount of $4,169.13 which will arrive on 2/2/2013. At this time we owe $1,777.33 to WSO for shipping fees.

  • After the March insurance payment we will not need to pay anything on the insurance until July 2013 when we renew our policy. In 2012 we were charged $2655.00vor the initial payment.

  • Upenda will be finish with reconciling our records and the Accountant will be invoicing $900.00 for filing our taxes.

SPA gave the convention committee $8750.00 of the start up money of 450 the gave and donated $300.00 total $750.00.
The Convention Committee did not participate @ the fundraiser for the new for the New Years Dance and did not give their contributon until the day of the event, by that time the Area had already purchased what it needed.
Path to Recovery 2040 Christina St is in dire need of support 2:00pm to 3:30pm every Saturday
Back to Life 21 Washington Ave 2nd Floor Monday, Wednesday and Friday 3:00pm to 4:30pm is in dire need of support.

Delco continues to make efforts to unify our Area, and re-connect with the Greater Philadelphia Region.
(1) We started a monthly workshop on the "Guide to Local Service Manual" We are trying to educate our members.
(2) We are also working on issues with our convention committee. Delco is trying to plan for our 1st Area Convention and is interested in possibly hosting a Regional Convention.
(3) Our Area is doing well with 64 groups. We held elections in December and have new members in various positions that had been vacant.
(4) Our Area also cancelled a check to Region for approximately $850.00 dated back in May of 2012 and are re-issuing a new check for that amount which will be forwarded in the near future.
(5) Delco donated 24 binders and sets of binders to the Regional Phone line to help with new volunteers. We are also announcing at Area meetings the need for Phone line volunteers, and bilingual volunteers.
PROBLEMS: Our Area has some individuals that have controlled our Area for some time, and we as an Area are working together to open our Area dialogue to all groups.
We continue to seek advice and guidance from Regional members with experience and Delco is moning forward in a positive direction.

We at WSW had our elections of new trusted servants. new Chair and other members except for three positions. The Area groups have given a large donation to GPRNA (Insurance) One group had a very successful fundraiser to support GPRNA, they are hosting another one April 13th 2013. (Serenity on 63rd St group) at 63rd and Cedar Ave. Also we had 3 groups who donated to the groups insurance. That and Regional donation. There is a new group in our Area. And Feb 16, 2013 we will have a GSR workshop at the Area meeting place. Note: the address is in the meeting directory.
PROBLEMS: There was a issue about RSC Convention Policy for voting area's Alt and Reps.

Motion from "JAC"

Motion: To have the printing of our Regional CleanSheet reduced to "No cost"

Intent: To adhere to the 11th Concept by not making a profit off ourselves and practicing prudence.

VOTE: 4 - 4 - 0 Tie broken by Chairperson - Motion failed

Motion from "WSW"

Motion: That we implement or make active the website that the workbody has formed

Intent: So that the Region has a viable working website

VOTE: 8 - 0 - 0 Motion passed

7. Open Forum -
8. Close the Meeting

Regional Service Committee Meeting

February 3, 2013

We have filled most of the open positions on the committee. Since the last RSC meeting, the Co-Chair resigned. His position was filled yesterday by the current Programming Chair, so that position is now open. Until we hold elections next month, the Programming Co-Chair will head the subcommittee.

Co-Chair Matt O. (Downtown Area)

Fundraising Chair Joe A. (West Southwest Area)

Arts & Graphics Chair Nurruddiyn M. (Northwest Area)


Co-Treasurer 4 years clean and a legal source of income

Programming Chair 2 years clean
In addition, the following Areas are currently not represented on the Convention Committee:

Clean Acres



Schuylkill Valley
The Policy Chair has been compiling a list of suggested changes to the Convention Policy. We are scheduling a special meeting of the Convention Committee later this month to discuss these changes and make a decision about our recommendations. We expect to have the proposed changes ready for presentation at the April RSC meeting for approval.
New Year’s Eve Dance:

The South Philly Convention Rep reported at yesterday’s meeting that the South Philly Area has decided not to split the proceeds from the New Year’s Eve Dance. They sent us a check for $750, which represents return of the $450 start-up money we contributed, as well as an additional $300 donation to our subcommittee.

Upcoming Fundraisers:

Our new Fundraising Chair has been working on scheduling upcoming fundraising activities. He plans to hold events in Areas throughout the Region, and have special events in addition to dances and speaker jams. Here are the events scheduled so far (flyers will be available within the next few weeks):


Friday, March 1, 2013

Friday, March 15, 2013

9:00 pm – 2:00 am

St. Cyprian Church

63rd & Cedar Avenue


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Saturday, March 16, 2013

12:00 noon – 12:00 midnight

St. Cyprian Church

63rd & Cedar Avenue

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Saturday, July 27, 2013

8:00 am – 10:00 am


2535 Castor Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19134

Tickets: $6 or 2/$10

(Tickets will go on sale in March)
Other tentative events include a prom in June, a boat ride in July, and a special one-day event in August.
We welcome any additional suggestions for fundraisers.
We still do not have a location and date selected for our 2014 convention. Without this critical information, there are several subcommittees that are unable to start their work. We have so far contacted the Sheraton Hotel and Marriott Hotel in downtown Philadelphia and are waiting for their response. Some committee members feel that we should expand our search to other hotels as well. We are being flexible about the time of year we will hold the convention; it may be as early as February or March. We are hoping to have a tentative contract ready for approval at our March meeting. Our goal is to have information available at this year’s WCNA.
We have not yet received answers to the questions posed at the December RSC meeting concerning clarification of our policy on removal from office and how it should be applied to Area Reps.
In loving service,

Arlene C.

Convention Chair

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