Eauac annual Report 2003 Edmonton Aboriginal Urban Affairs Committee Annual Report

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EAUAC Annual Report 2003

Edmonton Aboriginal Urban Affairs Committee Annual Report


Website: www.aboriginal-edmonton.com

Table of Contents


  1. Introduction 2

  1. Sub-Committee Reports 4

  1. Executive Sub-Committee 4

i) EAUAC Web site: www.aboriginal-edmonton.com 5

ii) “EAUAC NEWS” (Quarterly) 5

  1. iii) Rossdale Flats Aboriginal Oral Histories Project (RFAOHP) 5

  2. iv) 3rd Annual Municipalities Aboriginal Networking Workshops (May 2003) 5

  3. v) Government of Canada, Senate Standing Committee Presentation (June) 6
  1. Government of Canada Privy Council Office Roundtable (June 2003) 6

vii) Canadian Radio & Television Commission Presentation (June 2003) 6

viii) Building Stronger Cities Conference (March 2003) 6

  1. Health Canada – Consent Form Community Consultation (August 2003) 6

  2. Urban Aboriginal Accord (December 2003) 6

  1. Aboriginal Youth Sub-Committee 7

  1. National Aboriginal Day 8

  2. Nellie Carlson Youth Awards 8

C) Aboriginal Employment & Business-Committee 9

i) Contact and Networking with various employment Agencies 9

D) Aboriginal Cultural Awareness Sub-Committee 10

  1. Aboriginal Elder Involvement 10

  2. Bannock & Tea Event 10

  1. Concluding Remarks 11

Edmonton Aboriginal Urban Affairs Committee

Lewis Cardinal – Chair
Rosalie Cardinal – Vice Chair
George Vass Angela Lamoureux
Leonard Robinson Gina Cosco
Pamela Cunningham Chris Andersen
Robb Campre Karen Bruno
Debbie Coulter Kathy McArdle

  1. Introduction

The Edmonton Aboriginal Urban Affairs Committee (EAUAC) is as a volunteer committee working toward an equal and positive partnership between the Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal citizens of Edmonton. In 2003, the committee had twelve (12) volunteers from the Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Community appointed by City Council. The Edmonton Aboriginal Urban Affairs Committee was established in 1994 in a cooperative effort led by an Aboriginal Inter-Agency Committee and the Mayor and City Council at the time. Actions of EAUAC are directed by the Committee’s Terms of Reference, initially adopted by City Council in 1994 and revised in 1998.

Duties and responsibilities assigned by Council include:

  1. To ensure that effective community communication and consultation play a major role in the efforts of the EAUAC to fulfil its purpose.

  1. To assist the efforts of other agencies, organizations, etc., who are addressing issues of concern to urban Aboriginal people.

  1. To receive advice, recommendations, reports or concerns from individuals or groups addressing issues facing urban Aboriginal people, and identify appropriate action.

  1. To investigate, develop solutions, and make recommendations to appropriate bodies on areas of concern to urban Aboriginal people and the City of Edmonton.

  1. To provide input on the development and implementation of City of Edmonton policies, programs, services, and initiatives, which will have an impact on Aboriginal people living in Edmonton.

  1. To request assistance, if and when required, from any appropriate agency or organization to improve the role of the EAUAC.

  1. To strike standing, ad-hoc or sub-committees, as necessary, to address specific or urgent concerns.

Working closely with the City of Edmonton Community Services Department staff and City Council, EAUAC utilizes a variety of approaches to achieve their goals including:

  • Promotion of Aboriginal accomplishments, civic involvement, and organizations,

  • Advocacy on behalf of urban Aboriginal people in the City of Edmonton,

  • Serving as a liaison between the Mayor and City Council and between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal citizens, agencies and organizations.

During the past year, the Committee held regular monthly meetings, one full day for a strategy planning session held on January 11, 2003, along with bi-monthly Executive Sub-Committee meetings and including the three other Sub-Committee meetings. As part of the EAUAC Directions for 2003, the Executive and three other sub-committees were formed based on identified issues and concerns of the urban Aboriginal community in Edmonton. They are, the Executive, Aboriginal Youth, Aboriginal Employment & Business and Aboriginal Cultural Awareness (RFAOHP) Sub-Committees.

The Directions for 2003 for the EAUAC builds upon the purpose and overall function. That is, “to act as a catalyst in promoting the development of Aboriginal people in the City of Edmonton” and to serve in an advisory capacity to Edmonton City Council and the City of Edmonton administration. The EAUAC is committed to working with individuals, groups, agencies and other levels of government who are also addressing issues of concern to Aboriginal people. The identified 2003 Directions include:

  • Informing and participating in development of the Aboriginal Strategy identified in the 2003-2005 Corporate Business Plan.

  • Seeking to influence employment equity approaches and policy development that will increase the number of Aboriginal people employed by the City of Edmonton.

  • Supporting research, dialogue and solutions related to the needs of Aboriginal Youth.

  • Increasing Aboriginal cultural awareness in Edmonton, including support for the delivery of cultural awareness training for City of Edmonton employees.

  • Managing the Rossdale Flats Aboriginal Oral Histories Project (RFAOHP) and further educational initiatives relating to the history of Aboriginal people in Edmonton.

In addition to the regular monthly meetings, the Executive Sub-Committee scheduled meetings are held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month, along with the other three sub-committees meetings held as necessary in order to complete the identified tasks and continued and ongoing work of the committee.

The EAUAC members have demonstrated their strong commitment and dedication to a common purpose during this past year. The work completed by the committee was extensive and involved making recommendations and providing ongoing input on issues concerning Aboriginal people and organizations, assisting Aboriginal organizations to identify and express their issues and challenges, as well as listening to concerns from groups and individuals in the Aboriginal community. Further details will be provided in the sub-sections of this report.
The positive growth, change and development would not have been possible without the continued support of Edmonton Community Services Administration and EAUAC would like to extend sincere appreciation to past General Manager Joyce Tustian and new General Manager Deryl Kloster, Kathy Barnhart, Mike Kroening, Harry Oswin, and Laura Auger. We sincerely hope that the City will continue to work toward developments as an employer of choice of Aboriginal people. The EAUAC provides continued encouragement to Aboriginal people of Edmonton to serve in the community as municipal officials and employees.

2. Sub-Committee Reports

A) Executive Sub-Committee

Over the past year this sub-committee has undertaken discussion on several issues that affect the urban Aboriginal peoples. These discussions have included work directly with the City of Edmonton, City-Wide Services on the establishment of an Administrative Aboriginal Charter for the City of Edmonton.

i) This concerted effort works toward the creation of an Urban Aboriginal Policy for Aboriginal Peoples in the City of Edmonton. The document, “Edmonton Urban Aboriginal Accord”, is in the developing stage and hopefully the Aboriginal population will begin to see results by next year. It includes the EAUAC in a central role in providing in an advisory capacity and seeks possibilities for more employment positions in the City of Edmonton as well as other far reaching opportunities for Aboriginal people living in the city in the future. The EAUAC recommends strongly, the inclusion of Aboriginal Elders and Youth for their input and in all EAUAC activities in the development of the Urban Aboriginal Accord.
At this point we have developed the drafted Charter with partnership from the Province of Alberta’s Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development and the Federal government’s Office of Western Diversification. The Edmonton Aboriginal Urban Accord Charter will be sent before the City’s Senior Management Team in February 2004. The consultation process is envisioned to begin in April or May 2004.
A change of the EAUAC Terms of Reference to Bylaws will provide the opportunity to provide more input and participation by Aboriginal community members in the EAUAC activities, events, and meetings that take place.
There has been discussion of creating an “Elders Advisory Council” for the EAUAC. Other Aboriginal community organizations have also discussed this at length and they too, are open to this possibly becoming reality in future. A literature review is also being considered as a potential opportunity for EAUAC to provide a much needed resource of demographics and current Aboriginal issues that specifically affect the urban Aboriginal populations within Edmonton.
Urban Governance is a significant issue in a number of communities with high populations of Aboriginal peoples, progress has been made by the sub-committee with the continued collection of such materials such as, Aboriginal policy documents from the other Canadian Municipalities of Calgary, Saskatoon, Regina, Vancouver, and Winnipeg.
ii) EAUAC Website: www.aboriginal-edmonton.com. In 2003, the Executive Sub-committee continued in their role of ensuring appropriate communication materials and awareness about the Committee is distributed to the Aboriginal community and the general public. The website is now linked to the City of Edmonton’s website. The site was initiated in response to a request from the Mayor and City Councillors in efforts to reach out and respond proactively to the Aboriginal and larger community of Edmonton. The Committee continues to strive for higher visibility for their web-site; as a tool for EAUAC information, its activities and events as well as to link with the Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal community via the Internet. The website will continually be maintained and follow careful review by the sub-committee annually. This website has been fully operational since 2000 and we invite you to explore the exceptional vibrancy and diversity of the urban Aboriginal community in Edmonton.
iii) “EAUAC NEWS” (Quarterly)

The “EAUAC NEWS” is a newsletter that is published quarterly (4) each year. The newsletter is a tool used to communicate to citizens and organizations in the community, EAUAC’s past and present initiatives and community events. The EAUAC continues advocate and inform about current accomplishments of Aboriginal people in Edmonton. The EAUAC NEWS has incorporated many new ideas in the last year. An example is that there is now some use of the Cree language in the titles and greetings. That decision was made based on Aboriginal population figures put out by the Assembly of First Nations documentation (RCAP); Cree (63%) Stoney, 10%, etc.. Another is the “ ELDER’S PATHWAY…” segment in the newsletter which provides positive role modeling of the Aboriginal Leadership in Edmonton dedicated to the Elders. It profiles Elders in their respective roles as leaders, teachers, and highlighting their many accomplishments and stories. It is “their” voice and “our” connection to our Aboriginal history and the continuation of the teachings for today.

The Committee has updated and revitalized the EAUAC informational brochure. The communications material updates are required to keep the community advised of EAUAC’s current activities and initiatives each year.
iii) RFAOHP Fort Edmonton Tradition Burial Grounds Site

The EPCOR/Rossdale Burial Site serves as an example of an issue currently under review by EAUAC. This particular involvement has been extensive by many of the committee’s members and the Committee administrative support in ensuring Aboriginal involvement at stakeholder meetings. In early 2003, the EAUAC assisted in ensuring funding for the Rossdale Flats Aboriginal Oral Histories Project (RFAOHP) in the amount of (seventy-five thousand dollars) $75 000 00. This funding was secured for RFAOHP to provide a much-needed Aboriginal perspective of Edmonton’s early history in the Rossdale Flats area of Edmonton. In efforts of working together, Alberta Community Development will contribute $15,000 to be paid upon completion. Ms. Jacqueline M. Pelletier and her Team were contracted to perform the Oral Histories Project (RFAOHP). This project was completed in December pending the Final Report in 2004. The RFOAHP research group hosted an Elder’s community consultation in June 2003 that was attended by local Elders and members of the Edmonton community. They have completed their interviews with all stakeholders, both Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal groups. Their final report will be distributed and available to the public through all 15 Edmonton Public Library locations.

  1. 3rd Annual Municipalities Aboriginal Networking Workshops (May 2003)

In May 2003, two EAUAC members and several City staff from different City Departments attended the City of Winnipeg’s, 3rd Annual Municipalities Aboriginal Networking Workshop. This Municipal Networking Workshop was host by Winnipeg for several western Canadian municipalities including, Saskatoon, Regina, Calgary, and Edmonton. The next annual Workshop is scheduled to taking place in Calgary in 2004. This sharing of information at the Municipal level is on any developments for urban Aboriginal people in programs and services and includes a collection of best practices.
The Canada West Foundation has done research on Aboriginal People and Urban Settings were on hand to present their most recent study as well as former studies. Their studies, “Shared Responsibility: Final Report and Recommendations of the Urban Aboriginal Initiative” research on Urban Aboriginal Peoples in Cities across western Canada. Those documents are accessible on their website for reference at, www.cwf.ca. The next conference will be offered and hosted by the City of Calgary in March 2003.
vi) Government of Canada, Senate Standing Committee Presentation (June 2003)

The EAUAC gave a presentation to the Senate Standing Committee in June on the status of Aboriginal Peoples in the urban setting of Edmonton. Given the fast growing Aboriginal population in Edmonton, governments are cognizant of and are looking for positive ways to work with this segment of the population more effectively and collaboratively. There is beginning to be some positive recognition of the physical and unique cultural contributions of Aboriginal Peoples with possible opportunity for input that can benefit larger Canadian society.

vii) Government of Canada Privy Council Office Roundtable (June 2003)

Government of Canada Privy Council Office Roundtable held on June 24, 2003. Discussions centered around emerging longer-term economic and socio-economic trends in Alberta. The main themes included urban, rural, economic, water management, and anticipated role of the Federal government. The majority of the discussion returned to the issue of creating an interconnected strategy or strategies to blend the jurisdictional responsibilities into an over all process to ensure that various communities access support and programming to serve their constituents. Focus was placed on Aboriginal issues and the growing urban Aboriginal populations within the urban centers. It was agreed upon that a coherent interconnected strategy needed to be applied soon to coordinate service and other related issues for urban Aboriginal Peoples.
viii) Canadian Radio & Television Commission Presentation (June 2003)

Aboriginal Voices Radio (AVR) has made application to the CRTC for a FM station for urban Aboriginal "Music and Talk" for the Edmonton region. In June 2003 the Chair of EAUAC was asked to be the Team Leader for AVR to the Commission's review. This opportunity will provide Edmonton with its first Aboriginal radio station dedicated to contemporary and cultural programming to service the area. It is expected that this radio station will be operational in the Fall 2004.

ix) Building Stronger Cities Conference (March 2003)

Vancouver was the site of this conference that focused on urban issues and strategies to serve populations. EAUAC Chair was brought along as a guest of the Alberta Federal Council and the Privy Council Office of Canada to discuss issues related to urban Aboriginal people. A great deal of time and focus was given to urban aboriginal issues in relation to initiatives and strategies being planned and implemented within the urban centers across Canada and the United States.

x) Health Canada Non-Insured Health Benefits – Consent Form (August 2003)

A Consultation session was held on Health Canada’s, Non-Insured Health Benefits – Consent Form at City Hall on August 5th, 2003 by the EAUAC. This session was well attended by representatives of nineteen different Aboriginal service delivery agencies and organizations in the community. Heath Canada’s Alberta Region Representative, Herman Wierenga gave a presentation on the NIHB – Consent Form. Given that information regarding the consent form request from Health Canada, an opportunity was made possible for attendees to share their Agency information, speak to concerns and also to dialogue on the purpose and process of the controversial consent form at this session. A request resulting from this session, was to hold another session on the developments and future out come of this consent form. Many First Nation’s people who live in Edmonton are affected by this request from Health Canada. For example, those Aboriginal people who suffer from Diabetes are denied medical expense coverage for their insulin if they do not sign the form. The difficulty is that no other cultural group is asked to sign such a form that allows pharmacological providers and government departments access to personal health (life long) information. A table was also set aside for the Agency representatives to share their materials and information at this session.

B) Aboriginal Youth Sub-Committee
The Chair and this Sub-committee has been involved by invitation by the Edmonton City Youth Council to provide input and information on urban Aboriginal Youth. They are committed to maintaining close contact with Aboriginal youth and plan to have had them participate in the Youth Award Presentations as well as at the sub-committee meetings.
i) The EAUAC is supportive of, “Nikanihew” [One who leads], the Aquatic Leadership Program for Aboriginal Youth offered at Amiskwaciy Academy in its second year of Lifeguard training. This program is a partnership between Canadian Heritage, Amiskwaciy Academy and the City of Edmonton. The EAUAC continues to be involved in providing cultural knowledge, input and support to the program when requested. This Aquatic Leadership Program is the only Aboriginal specific program for the city of Edmonton that takes positive steps toward future Aboriginal employment Lifeguard opportunities for and with the City of Edmonton. The Aboriginal Youth population in the City of Edmonton has been referred to an “untapped” vibrant and viable resource for the future. The growing Aboriginal population demographic figures obtained from Statistics Canada indicate very strong population growth for the Aboriginal Population and Edmonton would be wise to work with this population group as they could potentially serve Edmonton well in future. The City of Edmonton currently has the second highest Aboriginal population in Canada, following Winnipeg.
ii) National Aboriginal Day: “On June 21, join thousands of Canadians across the country as we celebrate National Aboriginal Day, a special day to celebrate the unique heritage, cultures and contributions of First Nations, Inuit and Métis people in Canada”.
A partnership celebration was held with the Government of Canada, and a number of other Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal organizations at City Hall. Again this year, the EAUAC hosted the launch of National Aboriginal Day activities in Edmonton. All Edmontonians and guests were invited to attend and participate in a variety of activities and cultural events around Edmonton. The Metis Nation Dance Group provided fantastic entertainment at this event. EAUAC Member, Angela Lamoureux was presented with a Metis Sash from Heather Poitras, Regional Coordinator National Aboriginal Day, INAC for her participation with this event.
iii) The Nellie Carlson Youth Award

Annually, EAUAC presents an Award to four Aboriginal Youth in recognition of their achievements and success. These Aboriginal youth are those who excel or demonstrate success in a variety of areas. This year, Nathan Cardinal, Tania Char, Tyrone Contois and April Thomas were the recipients of this award. They receive a monetary sum of money that goes toward their future educational pursuits along with a signed Certificate from the Mayor and City Council. All students, recipients and nominees and their families are invited to attend the Awards ceremony held at City Hall. The nominees also receive a certificate for their nomination for the award.

We were very pleased to have the Honourable Minister Pearl Calahasen attend as the Guest Speaker at this event. As well as the Deputy Mayor Janice Melynchuk who brought greetings on behalf of the City of Edmonton. Earlier this year, a motion was passed by EAUAC to have the Awards named after a prominent Aboriginal Leader in the Aboriginal community. This decision was made to bring recognition of Aboriginal Leadership in Edmonton to the Forefront. The Aboriginal Leader chosen for the Award Name was Elder Nellie Carlson who has and continues to contribute greatly to the Aboriginal youth and community. She currently works at Amiskwaciy Academy of the Edmonton Public School Board. There was a great turnout of people from the Aboriginal community and Municipal Leadership who came out to celebrate the achievements of Aboriginal Youth in the City of Edmonton. We hope that the Nellie Carlson Youth Award will continue to be an event that Mayor and City Councilors support through their attendance.
Finally, the sub-committee continues to strive to bring in creative ways to include youth in EAUAC activities in more positive and proactive ways. This collaborative effort between EAUAC and Aboriginal Youth is an outstanding opportunity for both to gain, in experience, input, skill and leadership abilities for the future benefit of the community.

C) Aboriginal Employment & Business Sub-Committee
EAUAC has continued to discuss ways to improve Aboriginal employment in the City of Edmonton. The Urban Aboriginal Accord is an administrative charter that we hope will begin a process for the Aboriginal population, for example, creation of an employment policy for Aboriginal people of the City of Edmonton. This is in line with the City Manager statement that Edmonton would like to be an “employer of choice” for Aboriginal people. To date, the EAUAC has accepted and approved the Urban Aboriginal Accord (September 2003) for presentation to the Administration also for future approval and implementation.
Further investigation and research on employment equity and procurement policies continue. Discussion also continues on ways to work with small business, municipal, provincial, and federal governments. EAUAC has developed linkages and networked with other equity offices and Aboriginal employment organizations to develop strategies that address issues and concerns in the area of Aboriginal employment with an emphasis on recruitment and retention of Aboriginal employees in Edmonton and surrounding area. The committee has identified the following groups working on employment initiatives and our involvement with them has been demonstrated through continued partnerships.
i) Contact and Networking with various employment agencies including:

Aboriginal Human Resource Development Canada - The goal of this group is work with Corporations who employ Aboriginal employees. Oteenow - Oteenow [means “City” in Cree language] is a group that administers funds to Aboriginal People who seek employment or training opportunities in Edmonton. The goal of Oteenow is to provide governance and management of First Nation’s Urban resources and to implement Labour Market programs and services to First Nations and Metis residing in the greater Edmonton Metropolitan area. Edmonton Chamber of Commerce – There have been some discussion on developing future business possibilities, opportunities and enhancing good relations between the Aboriginal community and the Edmonton Chamber of Commerce in 2003. EAUAC Member George Vass and a former EAUAC member/Aboriginal Businesswoman held a meeting in September 2003 to discuss future relationship building business opportunities. The New World Trade Centre that is planned in Edmonton was one topic discussed for future opportunity and development. To date, Aboriginal involvement with EAUAC along with other Aboriginal Business Groups was established as an initial “networking” group. They will work collaboratively with the ECC to bring interested Aboriginal Business Groups on board.

D) Aboriginal Cultural Awareness Sub-Committee

The EAUAC recognizes that Aboriginal cultural awareness is part and parcel of every aspect of the work that goes toward advocating and improving services to Aboriginal people in Edmonton. The goals of the Aboriginal Cultural Awareness Sub-Committee have been identified as:

  • To foster bridges for positive working relationships between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people of Edmonton,

  • To promote cultural awareness for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Edmontonians and,
  • To establish networks with Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal organizations at all levels of government and the private sector.

To achieve these goals EAUAC participated in a number of activities in the 2002 year.
i) Aboriginal Elder Involvement

The Sub-Committee continues to develop a network of Elders to allow inclusion of traditional knowledge, wisdom, and advisory support in all arenas. EAUAC continues to encourage full Elder participation on a regular basis at EAUAC monthly meetings. The sub-committee anticipates developing an Elders Resource for the City of Edmonton to better promote and teach traditional cultural experiences for youth, adults and the urban Aboriginal community. Furthermore, EAUAC continues to work in conjunction with the urban Aboriginal community and organizations to establish direction for a course of action in establishing an Elders Resource for cultural knowledge, input or directives, such as with the idea of An Elder’s Council. The Native Senior’s Centre has been contacted and asked to participate collaboratively in the Elder’s Pathway section of the EAUAC News. Aboriginal Elder will be consulted and asked for their input and direction for the Urban Aboriginal Accord with the City of Edmonton.

ii) Bannock & Tea Event

The “Bannock & Tea” celebration that EAUAC holds during the noon hour at City Hall in November promotes cross-cultural awareness for Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal citizens of Edmonton. The main purpose for this event is to help build bridges by increasing the understanding of Aboriginal culture(s) and to foster positive working relationships between all people in Edmonton. In traditional social gatherings among Indigenous peoples, guests are welcomed into one’s home and offered food. In this case, they are served bannock and mint tea. To honour and maintain this tradition, EAUAC extends an open invitation to the Mayor, City Councilors, City of Edmonton employees, the public, and all interested community members to attend this gathering.

This year, Trevor Gladue, Vice-President of the Metis Nation of Alberta was invited as the Speaker at the Bannock & Tea Event during Metis Week 2003. Mr. Gladue spoke about the Metis Nation Peoples of Edmonton and shared their issues and concerns. The EAUAC makes every effort to present information and knowledge about the diverse nature and numerous Nations of Aboriginal Peoples that choose to make the City of Edmonton their home. We are pleased and continue efforts in working collaboratively with all Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal groups of Edmonton for the benefit of Aboriginal Peoples.

  1. Concluding Remarks

The Edmonton Aboriginal Urban Affairs Committee remains committed and dedicated to the urban Aboriginal community of Edmonton. The rapid increase in the urban Aboriginal population of Edmonton will require strong decisive solutions to current and future challenges presented. We must plan strategically and not reactively. We believe that the Aboriginal peoples of Edmonton want to participate and have solutions to those challenges. As a catalyst, EAUAC remains strong in their efforts to create opportunities between the City of Edmonton and the Aboriginal communit(ies).
The EAUAC will be implementing changes from their current Terms of Reference to Bylaws, as required by the City Clerk’s Office in 2004. This change will allow the EAUAC to broaden the scope of their work with the City of Edmonton Administration and for the Aboriginal Peoples in Edmonton. Also, discussion has taken place to possibly include advocacy on behalf of Aboriginal Peoples in the new bylaws that are planned for 2004.
EAUAC continues to make every effort to draw from the Aboriginal community, solutions for the future challenges that have been identified in the Corporate Plan. Over the past several years the EAUAC has worked with and maintained a collaborative approach working with Mayor and City Council, other levels of government and the Business community. We firmly believe that one solution is to continue to develop an environment that fosters open communication and inclusiveness by all those involved in the process. Efforts put forward by the Mayor and City Council that have worked in the past, has been appreciated and are valued greatly by the EAUAC. It is anticipated that this relationship will continue to grow even more positively in the future. Our commitment is to provide well thought out advice and input towards requests for information that involve the Aboriginal Peoples and communit(ies) in Edmonton.
We appreciate continued support from the Mayor and City Council and for the opportunity to be on this Committee and the opportunity to provide advice about emerging issues and concerns for urban Aboriginal Peoples of Edmonton. We are looking forward to your input, development and contributions toward “Accord Initiative” in 2004, and any future projects and initiatives that will allow Aboriginal peoples to fully participate and contribute to Edmonton to make it a welcoming place to call “home” or “visit”. We strive very hard to create awareness and educate about the fact that Aboriginal people have contributed to the development of the City of Edmonton in the past and welcome opportunities for further input in the future.
In conclusion and in recognition of one of the current strengths for the Aboriginal community today; that which is the large young population (fifty percent is under twenty-five years of age). We strongly encourage improvements in providing opportunities for the Aboriginal youth as we are aware that they want to participate fully and contribute to their future and to the future of Edmonton. Those opportunities can be realized through improvements in education and employment toward capacity building for the future.
Mr. Lewis Cardinal, Chair

Edmonton Aboriginal Urban Affairs Committee

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