Fellowship Coordinator Template April 2009 Attachment I most of the following duties must be assigned to a position to warrant consideration for reclassification to –Assistant III
Attachment I Most of the following duties must be assigned to a position to warrant consideration for reclassification to –Assistant III
Manage day-to-day administrative functions of fellowship and student programs. Provide leadership for the development and implementation of strategic plans.
Serve as administrative support to the Department’s Fellowship Program Director, Assistant Program Director(s), Senior Fellow(s), fellows, and visiting resident physicians and students
Recommend short and long-range goals to the Program Director by assessing program needs and identifying fiscal and support services. Provide problem solving/solutions to many varied types of tissues.
Supervise the production/distribution of annual and monthly call schedules, conference lists, orientation packets, and course outlines.
Provide orientation to new Senior Fellows and Division Managers regarding fellows/student affairs and accreditation issues. Plan, develop, and coordinate orientation program for incoming and continuing fellows.
Supervise the organization, audio/visual needs, and catering for meetings, conferences, events, certificate luncheons, and graduation dinners.
Develop guidelines and ensure implementation of administration procedures involving or affecting fellows and students at UCDMC and all affiliated hospitals sites.
Oversee solicitation and assessment of evaluations on fellows, faculty, students, and rotations as they relate to fellow training.
Provide direction, training, and oversight for fellow/student training activities (including administrative, educational, and financial issues) to Fellowship Coordinators at Fellowship Program Offices or GME Offices at affiliate hospital training sites.
Serve as principal administrative contact between Program Directors, Clinic Directors at UCDMC and all affiliated hospitals training sites.
Responsible for day-to-day fellowship program administrative functions; completion of training verification forms, vacation/sick leave, fellowship credentialing, licensure and In-Training exams, and processing new/continuing/separating allocation forms.
Provide resource information and referrals regarding fellowship training and curricular programs toprofessional/management staff at UCDMC and affiliated hospitals. Monitor adherence to University, ACGME, and American Board policies and procedures
Works with Human Resources to ensure fellows are paid on time and accurately. Supervise reporting of vacation and sick leave balances for fellows.
Responsible for first phase of Fellow Selection process by screening fellow applications and reviewing for compliance to the Department Selection Guidelines.
Responsible for final phase of Fellow Selection process: preparation of rank list with direct submission to the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP).
In conjunction with the Program Director, develop plans for resolution of various confidential fellow issues (i.e. poor academic performance, behavioral problems, substance abuse, etc). Provide advice to fellows with problems/concerns related to program, rotations, or personal issues. Resolve issues independently or notify the Program Director if appropriate. Ensure proper promotional and marketing programs to attract outstanding students and fellows to the Program utilizing such tools as the web, medical journal advertisements, and fellow fairs. Comply with equal opportunity/affirmative action guidelines
Liaison with Risk Management on legal issues of fellows
Participate in decision-making process for fellowship planning and policy development
Serve as liaison to Graduate Medical Education and Human Resources Departments, other fellowship training program administrators across the country
Compile and prepare accreditation reports/materials for submission to Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) and American Boards when due. Ensure training programs meet all the requirements set by the accreditation agencies.
Produce complex schedules assuring fellows receive a wide range of training and meet RRC and Board requirements
Report directly to Program Director on issues related to the education program. Provide assessment based upon fellowship and rotation evaluations, accreditation regulations, and educational needs.
Provide statistical analysis of fellowship recruitment trends, and make recommendations and implement changes as necessary
Coordinate the scheduling of fellow rotations ensuring that all required components of the curriculum, ACGME and American Boards are met. Relate new policies or interpret existing policies in the education program to faculty and fellows
Responsible for completing fellow evaluation summaries for American Boards using the electronic evaluation system (E*Value)
Oversee organization and management of CME activities complying with CME guidelines
Prepare and submit travel vouchers, purchase orders requests, and entertainment expenses