For danny casolaro. For the lion. And for the future of us all, man and machine alike

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Our physical mind doesn’t exist on this level. OK? The physical mind is just a chemical computer. It’s a bunch of neurons connected; that you’re connected to nuclei, and our eyes and our physical senses.

But our physical brain is not what we are. It’s connected through “the cord of the living waters” to our physical brain. And so, if we don’t understand what kind of a being we are, we won’t make correct decisions.

So part of this idea of timelines, or even incarnation... For example if you talk to people about incarnation, they’ll say: Well, 40% of the incarnations are supposedly from the future.

BR:  Hm... Yes. Yes.

BD:  Or even non-human beings. OK?

BR:  Yep.

BD:  But the way I tell the people is, I say: Maybe you’re just kind of picking up, almost like a radio tuned into a certain frequency, certain object-lessons or spiritual things so that you can understand something you’re supposed to learn or remember in this lifetime.

In other words, you’re not becoming... Does that make sense?

BR:  Mm hm.

BD:  So that’s why I see this as being a misinterpretation of it. OK? So this idea that there is alternative timelines, I think is a deception, a very, very significant deception. Because it says that the world is a mechanistic Cartesian world that’s created by energetics and we’re just kind of like leaves that are pushed along by energy, space, and time, and we really don’t have any choices to our future.

In fact, we actually ARE the Gods of this world. But I’m not talking about replacement of the Creator God. I mean hearing the voice and doing the will. And that’s a very different thing. So, in other words, reality is created on this energetic plane by spirit. It’s not the other way around.

BR:  Of course.

BD:  And that’s the problem we’re in. So, when you hear people saying that they’ve had physical contact, the deception is very, very powerful.

We’re right here now with mankind, as is said in the Eschaton that transcends time and space, to make a decision for life, whether this civilization is going to survive what’s coming or it’s going to be annihilated.

And we’re very close to that, and we can see the object-lesson of Israel as the final crux. Just look at the foreign policy and look at the financial policy. Look at all of these things.

The two groups that are running the world right now, that are running -- literally driving it into the ground -- are the Teutonic Knights; the Hansiatic League. Right? That believes that their bloodline is descended from Yeshua Ha’Masaich.

And all the kings and queens of Europe and all the czars of Russia, the Caesars, believe their bloodline is descended from Jesus Christ and King David. Why? That’s bizarre! Why? But it’s the truth.

You can talk to Jordan Maxwell and others and find it out, Michael Tsarion and others. Why? Why? Why would that be?

And then the other group are the Sabbatians. Right? The Sabbatians are basically Satanists. These are, you know... Even though, you know, they’ll say: Well, we’re communists -- the Israelis -- because they had the Russians there at the inception of the Israeli state. They’re not. They believe they’re God. There is no God.

They’re trying to say, just like Bill Maher and his movie Religulous. You know, obviously he’s a Kabbalist. He believes in the Kabbalah. And the highest level of the Kabbalah... If you go deep into Masonry, or entirely, you go right back to the Temple of Solomon. They’re completely... They all lookJewish, but they’re not. They’re Satanic. They go right back to Atlantis and before.

BR:  Hm.

BD:  These were adopted into it and invaded into it at the time of Solomon. That’s why they’ll say they’ll elevate Solomon, and that Solomon was a great leader. No. He allowed the body of the truth of ancient Israel to be infected by this monstrosity.

BR:  Mm hm. Getting back to what you were saying about the reality, or otherwise, of these alternative timelines, what I hear you saying is, it’s almost like an intellectual trick, because it doesn’t really count.

BD:  Right.

BR:  What’s in front of us is what’s in front of us, and that’s our real responsibility.

BD:  Right.

BR:  And anything else... It’s almost like it’s not relevant whether it’s “real” or not, because it depends on what you mean by real.

BD:  Right.

BR:  And the really, real situation is here and now.

BD:  Exactly.

BR:  And that’s the only thing that matters.

BD:  Yes, and also it might give you a false decision-tree to base your ideas on and therefore steer you in a direction of wasted intention.

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