Understand fundamental concepts related to the science of eHealth, telemedicine including relevant aspects of technology, software, standard and applications.
This course focuses: on the core concepts and methods of eHealth and Telemedicine.
The course offers students: skills and knowledge to eHealth computing, architecture, software, applications, standards, ethics, security in healthcare, system integration, standard, interoperability, mobile technologies, current trends, and research related to eHealth and Telemedicine.
Course Objectives 2/2
The students will be introduced: to the theoretical knowledge of eHealth and telemedicine.
The student will learn: about the fundamental theorems of eHealth and telemedicine challenges within the health and healthcare;
Related activities include: the exploration and evaluation of eHealth and telemedicine technologies and software applications.
Learning Outcomes 1/2
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Identify the core topics and different domains of eHealth (EMR, LIS, RIS…)
Evaluate a given eHealth system (security, embedded decision support systems, clinical support system, etc…)
Understand the increasing role and potential of information technology, advanced telecommunications technology for effective and efficient of health and healthcare services.