Ancient and/or species rich hedgerows
Blanket bog
Blue mussel beds
Not ascertained yet
Calaminarian grasslands
Not ascertained yet
Carbonate mounds
Not ascertained yet
Cereal field margins
Coastal and floodplain grazing marsh
Coastal saltmarsh
Coastal sand dunes
Coastal vegetated shingle
Deep sea sponge communities
Not ascertained yet
Estuarine rocky habitats
Not ascertained yet
Eutrophic standing waters
File shell beds
Not ascertained yet
Fragile sponge & anthozoan communities of subtidal rocky habitats
Not ascertained yet
Inland rock outcrops and scree habitats
Not ascertained yet
Intertidal boulder communities
Not ascertained yet
Limestone pavements
Lowland calcareous grassland
Lowland dry acid grassland
Lowland heathland
Lowland meadows
Lowland wood pasture and parkland
Maerl beds
Martime cliffs and slopes
Mestotrophic lakes
Mountain heaths and willow scrub
Not ascertained yet
Mud habitats in deep water
Native pinewood
Oligotrophic and dystrophic lochs
Not ascertained yet
Open mosaic habitats on previously developed land (brownfield sites)
Not ascertained yet
Not ascertained yet
Purple moor grass and rush pasture
Not ascertained yet
Saline lagoons
Seagrass beds
Seamount communities
Not ascertained yet
Sheltered muddy gravels
Tidal rapids
Traditional orchards
Not ascertained yet
Upland calcareous grassland
Upland flushes, fens and swamps
Not ascertained yet
Upland hay meadows
Upland heathland
Upland mixed ashwoods
Upland oakwood
Wet woodland