Woodland Park Alma Mater By Shirley Acuff

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Woodland Park Alma Mater

By Shirley Acuff
Woodland Park Panthers

Are lined against the sky.

Standing proud her education,

As the years go by.

We will honor and we’ll love her;

Always carry high her banner.

Hooray for the yellow and the blue!


We will work, play and learn.

We will work, play and learn.

Sons and daughters, she’ll be proud of.

God bless Woodland Park!

Woodland Park Elementary School

88 Panther Drive

Sparta, TN 38583


Kim Luna, Principal

Juli Johnson, Vice-Principal
White County Schools

Sandra Crouch, Director of Schools

White County Board of Education

Edd Cantrell Donna Jones

Richard McBride Kenneth Robinson

Gary Sparkman Becky Tubb

Janet Webb
Woodland Park PTO

President Carmen Ratliff

President-Elect Tabatha Greene

Secretary Brandy Jones

Treasurer Tim Krieg
Schedule of School Day
7:00 School Building Opens 7:55 All students muss be in class

7:10 Breakfast Begins 8:00 Classes Begin

7:45 Personnel Time 3:00 School Dismissed
Every Child Can Learn
Principal’s Message to Parents and Students
Dear Parents and Students:
The faculty, staff and I want to welcome you to Woodland Park. We expect that the school year will be an educational and exciting experience for your child.
Parents/Guardians are a critical part of a successful school and there will be many opportunities for you to become involved. Your assistance and support are absolutely essential for your child’s educational success. Please feel free to discuss your concerns and questions with your child’s teacher or myself. Since instruction time is critical to the success of students, please schedule morning or afternoon conferences by appointment.
To the students, we are excited to have you here. The teachers and I look forward to meeting you and for us to work together to make this a successful year. Let us start off the year with a great attitude and great things will happen.
Please take this handbook and read it carefully so that you will be familiar with the school’s policies and procedures. This information will be of great value to you and will help to keep our school at its best. The faculty and I want our students to have a quality education. We ask your cooperation in working toward our goal of excellence.
Kim Luna



One of the most important life lessons taught should be discipline. It is necessary that children learn to develop self-discipline in order to further their learning. We ask that you discuss with your children the importance of and need for good behavior and a good attitude while at school.

Conduct Rules

Students are expected to:

  1. Follow rules at all times.

  2. Respond to directions of teachers and staff at all times.

  3. Conduct themselves properly in the hall ( running, shouting, pushing will not be permitted)

  4. Be courteous and respectful to fellow students, faculty and staff.

  5. Be at school by 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Parents, this is your job. Students, who are continually late, fall behind and suffer in their academics. It is important to be on time!

  6. Care for the school campus, inside and outside the building.

  7. Cooperate and get along well with others.

  8. Fighting, wrestling, or any rough physical contact games are not permitted.

  9. Use proper language at all times. Curse words or unkind remarks to or about other students, parents, teachers, or personnel are not permitted.

  10. Do not bring these items to school; radios, cassette or CD players, MP3 players, cell phones, valuable personnel items, electronic games, trading cards, or toys of any kind.

1st offense: Taken and returned to student at the end of the day.

2nd offense: Taken and only returned to parent

3rd offense: Taken and parent must see Principal or Director of Schools to have item returned.

  1. Never bring knives or any other weapons to school. These will be confiscated.

  2. Do not leave school premises without permission from the office. All students leaving early or coming late must be checked out or signed in by parents or guardians.

Woodland Park Elementary

School Staff


Paraprofessionals Cafeteria

Amy Austin Karen Neal, Manager

Ashlea Clark Deborah Culver

Coriena Carter Linda Pittman

Sandra Hanna Sonja Poston

Robin Hickey Jeannette Reese

Becky Kincer Jeanne Simpson

Deborah Lamb Ann Sullivan

Sandra Lindsey Monica Sadler Linda Margeson Darlene Young Tonya Mitchell

Tonya Morris Custodians Judy Payne Elizabeth Bergstrom Rebecca Reed Alan Kirby

Donna Roberts Edward Randolph Helen Seibers Tommy Roberts

Irene Sullivan

Jessica Taylor School Nurse

Anita Thacker Angie Cantrell

Amy Ward

Jennifer Zahr


Kay Rogers

School Philosophy

We, the faculty of Woodland Park, believe that we should provide the children with the basic learning skills they will need to function satisfactorily as they advance to the next level of learning and daily life. We aid children in the development of self-help skills, social skills, and attitudes. We attempt to provide enrichment experiences in the cultural areas. We believe the community is responsible for cooperation with the faculty and staff. The community should provide cultural and financial support.
Interpersonal relationships between and among students should promote tolerance of differences as well as cooperation. Feelings, property, and personal well-being should be respected. Mutual respect and a cooperative effort promote a desirable student-staff relationship. Acceptance of differing teaching styles creates positive professional relationships. Teachers should be worthy of the community’s respect and trust.
We strive and expect to instill positive attitudes and encourage the student to accept self-responsibility. We provide a structured environment in which the students can practice good citizenship. These skills and attitudes should enable students to develop into responsible adults.
Note to Parents

Parents are welcomed and encouraged to come and talk with their child’s teachers. Conferences may be arranged through the office for any afternoon, Monday through Friday, between 3:00 and 3:15 p.m. The telephone number is 738-3505. Report cards will be issued one week following the end of each 6 weeks grading period.
You, as a parent, may also be asked to participate in a conference concerning student progress or behavior during the school year. If this is necessary, you will be notified in advance and a convenient time will be set for the conference.
Any accident or illness of a student while at school will be reported to the parent, if needed. However, no student will be sent home unless a responsible adult is there to receive him/her.
The health of a student is important to maintaining effectiveness in schoolwork. Good nutrition, adequate rest, cleanliness, and medical and dental health are essential. Physical examinations are required prior to enrollment in kindergarten, and immunizations, by law, must be kept updated.
Good discipline originates in the home. Since parents are a child’s first teacher, they need to instill in each child good behavior habits and proper attitudes toward school. Only when parents work cooperatively with teachers to solve discipline problems will pupils emerge with self-discipline and a sense of responsibility. Here at Woodland Park, disciplinary action has two purposes:

  1. To help children become more mature persons as they move from the dependent role toward a more independent one, and

  2. to prevent discipline problems and maintain the order necessary for efficient teaching-learning conditions.

Woodland Park Elementary School Faculty

Kim Luna, Principal

Juli Johnson, Vice Principal
KG Debbye Bouldin Special Marsha Farley

Marti Downs Education Tammy Glass

Kelley Haston Joni Simpson

Teresa MacLeod Sheila Lynn

Jan Willhite Martha Thompson

Cheryl Webster

1st Kaci Dilldine

Renee England Title I Will England

Kristy Frazier Joan Graham

Brenda Neal Barbara Sorrell

Sue Anne Turner

Librarian Beth Peek

2nd Kathy Howard

Tim Lewis Physical Cheryl Marcom

Annette McBride Education

Wendy Parker

Brenda Simpson

Speech Joy Damien-Moore
3rd Terri Brock Pre-School Teena Hodges

Regina Cooley Kim Stoglin

Bragen Emerton

Janie McBride Technology Ryan Heady

4th Dana Carter Music Shirley Acuff

Michael Cunningham Art Germaine Bumbalough

Nancy Kelly

Robert Sims

Lynndorian Swindell Guidance April Taylor


5th Chassidy Golden

Cynthia Kinnaird

Sherry McDonald

Kathy Phillips

School Calendar 2012-2013
August 9 Student Registration, 8:00 – 9:30 AM

August 14 First Full Day of School

August 16 County-wide Open House, 3:15 - 6:15 PM

September 3 Labor Day, schools closed

October 1 K-12 Report Cards

October 15-19 Fall Break, (Mon.-Fri.5 days) schools closed

November 6 Election Day, schools closed

November 20 K-12 Report Cards

November 21,22,23 Thanksgiving Holiday, schools closed November 27 PreK-5th Parent/Teacher Conf. 3:15-6:15PM

December 21 Christmas Parties 2:00 elementary schools Dismiss for Christmas Holidays 3:00 PM

January 3 Schools Re-Open

January 9 K-12 Report Cards

January 21 Martin Luther King Day, schools closed

February 5 Writing Assessment, Grade 5, 8 & 11

February 18 Presidents’ Day, schools closed

March 1 K-12 Report Cards

March 5 PreK-5th Parent/Teacher Conf. 3:15-6:15

March 22 Spring Break, dismiss 9:30

March 25-29 Easter/Spring Break, schools closed 5 days

April 22 K-12 Report Cards

Apr.25,26,29,30 TCAP Testing (Grades 3-8)

May 24 Last Day of School, Dismiss at 9:30 AM

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