Husain Abdullah 2013 1/. 715 Trv. 715 Bs (. 555 Msb)

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All 2011

2010 Week 1 9/19

All 2009
Husain Abdullah
2013 1/.715 TRV, .715 BS (.555 MSB)

2014 2/2.275 TRV, .73/.745 BS

2014 .75 SB/2

2014-2015 .025 WO

Tom Pelissero, USA Today: the Chiefs provided the chance Abdullah wasn't sure he'd get again, signing him to a one-year, $715,000 contract that included an injury waiver and no guaranteed money…
Aaron Wilson, NFP: two-year deal for Husain Abdullah: $2.27 million, $750,000 signing bonus, salaries $725,000, $745,000…
James Adkisson
2007 PS, .0799 BS

2007 CUT Post week 1

Emanuel Akah
2007 PS, .0799 BS

2007 CUT Post week 1

Branden Albert
2008 5/12.6525 TRV, 15.7525 TRMV, .295/.49375/.6425/.84125/1.03 BS

2008 2.5 SB/5

2008 .72 RB

2008 .1 NLTBE (rookie honors)

2008 3.28375 re-alloc 2010-2011 guaranteed BS

2009 3.1 OB/4

2010 .05 RB (week 1, w/WO)

2010 .003333 RB/game after 1st (equiv .05)

2011 .075 RB (week 1, w/WO)

2011 .005 RB/game after 1st (equiv .075)

2012 .1 RB (week 1, w/WO)

2012 .006666 RB/game after 1st (equiv .1)

2012 BS escalated to 2.7175 (addl 1.3125 esc possible)

DEION: +.399375 in 2009-2010, -.399375 in 2011-2012

2.58 PTI (earned in 2008)

2013 9.828 Franchise tag

Zak Alcorn
2007 PS after week 14, .0799 BS
Derrick Alexander
1998 5/17.025 TRV, 1/1.85/2.3525/2.8975/3.475 BS

1998 3.5 SB/5

1998-1999 .0125 RB/game active (equiv .2)

1998-2002 .1 WO

1999 1.45 SB/4 CONV

2000 1.9 SB/6 CONV, voidable 3.475/4/4 BS added

2000 .01875 RB/game active (equiv .3)

2001 2.3975 SB/6 CONV, voidable 4 BS added

2001 .025 RB/game active (equiv .4, .4 LTBE, earned .35)

2002 BS reduced to .65

2002 WO removed

2002 .021875 RB/game active removed (equiv .35)

2002 .1 WO added

2002 3 NLTBE added (25% PT)

2002 CUT Post
Adam Teicher, KC Star: The Chiefs also gave him a five-year contract worth slightly more than $17 million. His signing bonus was $3.5 million.
Michael Allan
2007 3/1.15 TRV, .285/.37/.46 BS

2007 .035 SB/3

2007 CUT Post

2007 PS after week 1, .0799 BS

2007 Activated after week 15, .285/.37/.46 BS

2008 CUT Post

Andy Alleman
2009 Acquired from MIA (w/Ike Ndukwe for 2010 pick)

2009 .46 BS

2010 1.684 RFA tender

2010 CUT Post

Jared Allen
2004 3/1.2025 TRV, .23/.305/.385 BS

2004 .2825 SB/3

2006 CBA increase BS to .425

2007 2.35 RFA tender

2007 Suspended 2 games (disciplinary, DUI, weeks 1-2)

2008 8.879 Franchise tag

2008 Traded to MIN (w/6th for 1st, two 3rd, 6th)
Jeff Allen
2012 4/4.643822 TRV, .39/.591083/.762166/.973249

2012 1.817324 SB/4

2013 BS guaranteed

2013 .01 WO

2014-2015 .05 WO
Aaron Wilson, Allen's four-year deal is worth $4.64 million, including a $1.81 million bonus…
Marcus Allen
1993 3/3.55 TRV, 1.2/1.1/1 BS

1993 .25 SB/3

1994 .065 LTBE

1995 .05 LTBE

1996 3/2.55 TRV, .45/.7/.9 BS

1996 .5 SB/3

1998 CUT Pre
Victor Allotay
2002 .45 BS

2002 IR after week 14

John Alt
Adam Teicher, KC Star: the Chiefs signed Alt for $9.6 million over four years. Rather than pay him a signing bonus and an equal sum each season, the Chiefs gave Alt $1.5 million to sign and will pay him a $1.6 million salary in 1994. His salary will escalate each year of the contract, to $2.3 million in 1997. For salary-cap purposes, a signing bonus is prorated over the life of the contract. So, Alt's contract counts almost $1.975 million (one-quarter of his signing bonus plus his base salary) against the cap this season.
Morten Andersen
2002 1/.775 TRV, .75 BS (.45 MSB)

2002 .025 SB/1

2002 .45 BS guaranteed

2003 4/3.75 TRV, .755/.76/.765/.77 BS

2003 .4 OB/4

2003-2006 .2 NLTBE (playoff game-winning kicks)

2003-2006 .035 NLTBE (Pro Bowl)

2004 CUT Post

2006 .3 RB
Charlie Anderson
2010 No SB/1 after week 1, .63 BS
LJ Anderson
2008 2/.6825 TRV, .295/.385 BS

2008 .0025 SB/2

2008 CUT Post
Javier Arenas
2010 4/3.798416 TRV, .32/.405/.49/.575 BS

2010 1.435 SB/4

2011 CBA increase BS to .45/.54/.63

2011 .558416 LTBE RB (PTI, incentive in subsequent years)

2013 Traded to ARI Pre (for Anthony Sherman)

2013 .015 WO (incentivized)

Joel Thorman, Aarowhead Pride: Arenas also got a four-year deal worth $3.798 million. $1.993 million of that is guaranteed including a $1.435 signing bonus and a one-time $558,416 bonus. He's also got a $15,0000 bonus in 2013.
Jabari Arthur
2008 2/.688 TRV, .295/.385 BS

2008 .008 SB/2

2008 CUT Post
Jon Asamoah
2010 4/2.70212 TRV, .32/.405/.49/.575 BS

2010 .91212 gteed RB OATSB/4

2011 CBA increase BS to .45/.54

2013 BS escalated to 1.323

Brian McIntyre, $912,120 guaranteed…
Donnie Avery
2013 3/8.55 TRV, 11.55 TRMV, .75/1.65/2.7 BS

2013 1.5 SB/3

2013 .5 RB (per game?)

2013-2015 .05 WO

2014 .040625 RB/game active (equiv .65, .65 LTBE, earned .2375)

2014-2015 1 esc possible

2015 CUT Pre

2015 .040625 RB/game active (equiv .65)

2015 .15 LTBE

2015 .85 NLTBE

Aaron Wilson, Avery's three-year Chiefs deal is worth $8.55 million and includes a $1.5 million signing bonus, per a league source.
Bob McGinn, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Avery, who received $3.25M guaranteed from the rebuilding Chiefs.
Rich Gapinski, Football Pros: they signed Donnie Avery to a $11.1 Million deal.
Adam Teicher, KC Star: $1,800,000 [2013 cap charge]
Jason Babin
2008 No SB/1 after week 10, .61 BS
Allen Bailey
2011 4/2.670944 TRV, .375/.465/.555/.645

2011 .555944 SB/4

2012-2014 .025 WO

2014 4/25 TRV ext, 1/3/3.9/5.4 BS

2014 10 SB/5

2015-2018 .1 WO

2015 BS guaranteed (injury only, vests to full)

2015-2016 .009375 RB/game active (equiv .15)

2016 BS guaranteed (injury only, vests to full)

2017 1 BS guaranteed (injury only)

2017-2018 .03125 RB/game active (equiv .5)
Brian McIntyre, 4-years, $2.67M; $555,944 to sign; Base salaries: $375,000 (2011), $465,000 (2012), $555,000 (2012), $645,000 (2013); $25K w/o bonuses 2012-14
Mike Florio, PFT: Bailey, a fourth-year player and first-year full-time starter, has signed a four-year deal with a base value of $25 million, according to a source with knowledge of the situation. The deal includes a $10 million signing bonus and $4 million in injury-only guarantees that become full guarantees shortly after the start of the 2015 waiver period, the week after the next Super Bowl. Another $1 million is guaranteed for injury only.
Victor Bailey
1995 Acquired from PHI (w/4th for 2nd & 1996 6th)

1995 .45 BS

1996 RFA tender

1996 2/? TRV, .2/? BS

1996 .2 SB/2?

1997 .05 WO?

1997 CUT Post
Travarous Bain
2008 PS after week 2, .0884 BS

2008 CUT Post week 4

Brandon Bair
2011 3/1.402 TRV, .375/.465/.555 BS

2011 .007 SB/3

2012 CUT Post
Jason Baker
2003 1/.375 TRV, .375 BS

2004 .628 RFA tender

2004 CUT Post

2004 No SB after week 2, .455 BS

2004 CUT Post week 4
Steve Baker
2013 .405/.495 BS

2013 .01 SB/2?

Adam Teicher, KC Star: $410,000 [2013 cap hit]
Eric Bakhtiari
2010 PS after week 10, .0884 BS

2010 CUT Post week 12 (paid thru week 13)

Johnny Baldwin
2007 Acquired from DET (waivers)

2007 .285/.37/.46 BS

2007 IR after week 8

2008 CUT Pre

Jonathan Baldwin
2011 4/7.551602 TRV, .375/.718255/1.06151/1.274765

2011 3.992072 SB/4

2011-2013 BS guaranteed

2013 Traded to SF Post (for AJ Jenkins)

2014 .13 WO
Aaron Wilson, NFP: Baldwin's rookie deal is worth $7,55 million and includes a $3.99 million bonus, per a league source.
Shane Bannon
2011 4/2.116392 TRV, .375/.465/.555/.645 BS

2011 .051392 SB/4

2012 .008 WO

2013-2014 .0085 WO

2011 CUT Post

2011 PS, .0969 BS

2011 CUT Pre week 1 (paid thru week 1?)

2011 PS after week 1, .0969 BS

2011 CUT Post week 7
Shawn Barber
2003 7/30.005 TRV, 30.18 TRMV, .655/1.6/2.2/2.75/3.5/3.9/5 BS

2003 5.5 SB/7

2003 .5 OB/7

2003-2009 .025 NLTBE (Pro Bowl)

2004 .01875 RB/game active (equiv .3)

2004-2009 .1 WO

2005 .01875 RB/game active (equiv .3, .15 LTBE)

2005 BS reduced to 1.7

2005 2006 BS increased to 3, add’l .25 RB added in 2006

2006 CUT Pre

2006 .25 RB (not paid)

2006-2008 .03125 RB/game active (equiv .5)

2007-2008 .5 RB

2009 .028125 RB/game active (equiv .45)

Len Pasquarelli, ESPN: Barber, 28, signed a seven-year contract worth $30 million and including a signing bonus of $5.5 million. In annual compensation, he will earn $700,000 (2003), $2 million (2004), $2.6 million (2005), $3.6 million (2006), $4.6 million (2007), $5.0 million (2007) and $5.55 million (2008).
Rashad Barksdale
2007 Acquired from PHI (waivers)

2007 .285/.37/.46/.55 BS

2008 CUT Post
Tom Barndt
1995 3/.475 TRV, .119/.149/.178 BS

1995 .02 SB/3

1995 .005 RepB

1995 CUT Post

1995 .004 RB (3 games, not paid)

1995 PS, .0561 BS

1996 2/.392 TRV, .15/.19 BS

1996 .02 SB/2

1996 .001 RB/game (equiv .016, earned .013)

1997 .001 RB/game (equiv .016)

1998 1/.238 TRV, .238 BS

1999 .429 RFA tender

William Bartee
2000 4/2.211 TRV, .193/.275/.358/.385 BS

2000 1 SB/4

2001 CBA increase BS to .298/.375/.45

2004 4/5.6 TRV, .55/.8/1.1/1.4 BS

2004 .75 SB/4

2005 .5 OB/3

2005 .15 RB/WO

2006-2007 .175 RB/WO

2007 CUT Pre
Connor Barth
2008 2/.686 TRV, .295/.385 BS

2008 .006 SB/2

2008 CUT Post

2008 No SB/2 after week 7, .295/.385 BS

2009 CUT Post
Mike Bartrum
1993 PS?

1993 Activated after week 8 (of 18), .1 BS

Jackie Bates
2009 PS, .0884 BS

2010 2/.725 TRV, .32/.405 BS

2010 IR after week 13, .225 BS

2011 CBA increase BS to .45

2011 CUT Post
George Batiste
2007 2/.66 TRV, .285/.37 BS

2007 .005 SB/2

2007 CUT Post
Jackie Battle
2007 PS after week 11, .0799 BS

2007 Activated after week 14, .285/.37/.46 BS

2008 CUT Post week 1

2008 PS, .0884 BS

2008 Activated after week 8, .37/.46 BS

2008 CUT Post week 10

2008 PS, .0884 BS

2008 Activated after week 11, .37/.46 BS

2009 IR after week 5, .245 BS

2010 1/.57 TRV, .545 BS

2010 .025 WO

2011 1/.75 TRV, .85 TRMV, .7 BS

2011 .05 RB

2011 IR after week 16

2011 .1 NLTBE (rush yds)
Julian Battle
2003 4/1.795 TRV, .225/.305/.38/.46 BS

2003 .425 SB/4

2006 voidable (not met)

2006 CUT Post

Anthony Becht
2011 No SB/1 after week 1, .91 BS (.525 MSB)

2011 CUT Post week 2

2011 No SB/1 after week 7, .91 BS (.525 MSB)
Monty Beisel
2001 3/1.201 TRV, .209/.298/.389 BS

2001 .305 SB/3

2002 CBA increase BS to .3

2004 .628 RFA tender

2009 .745/.755 BS

2009 CUT Post week 3

Jovan Belcher
2009 .31/.395/.48 BS

2009 .005 SB/3

2011 CBA increase BS to .525

2012 1.927 RFA tender

Kendrell Bell
2005 7/36 TRV, 37.75 TRMV, .54/2.71/2.15/4.65/4.65/4.65/4.65 BS

2005 3.5 SB/7/5

2005-2011 .25 NLTBE (Pro Bowl)

2006 3.5 RB (not paid)

2006 .05 WO (not paid)

2006 .0125 RB/game active (equiv .2, not paid)

2007 3 RB (not paid)

2007-2011 .1 WO (not paid)

2007-2011 .015625 RB/game active (equiv .25, not paid)

2006 6/28.4375 TRV, 2.375/3.0375/3.25/3.9625/4.675/5.3875 BS

2006 3.5 SB/6/5

2006-2007 BS guaranteed

2007-2011 .05 WO

2008 CUT Pre

2008-2011 .03125 RB/game active (equiv .5, not earned)
Mike Florio, PFT: Bell received a signing bonus of $3.5 million. The $10 million figure comes from a roster bonus due in 2006 of $3.5 million, and a roster bonus due in 2007 of $3 million… Coupled with a $2.7 million base salary for 2006, Bell essentially has one year to persuade the Chiefs to give him the big coin.
Richard Bell
1991 2/.485 TRV, .185/.225 BS

1991 .03 SB/2

1991 .015 RepB

1991 CUT Post

1991-1992 .015 RB
Josh Bellamy
2012 .39/.48/.57 BS

2012 .008 SB/3?

2012 CUT Post
Jason Belser
2001 2/? TRV, .477/? BS

2001 .025 SB/2

2002 CBA increase BS to .75
Michael Bennett
2006 2/3 TRV, .7/1.2 BS

2006 1 SB/2 paid by NO

2006 .05 RB/WO paid by NO

2006 Acquired from NO

2007 .05 RB/WO

2007 Traded to TB Post week 6 (for 2008-2009 cond. draft picks)

1 in incentives in each year
Eric Berry
2010 6/50 TRV, 60 TRMV, 2.6/3.25/3.9/4.55/5.2/5.85 BS

2010 .3462 RB/6

2010 1.5 NLTBE (PTI, earned)

2011 4 LTBE RB (PTI)

2011 14.225 SA/5, .405/1.055/1.705/2.355/3.005 BS

2011 2012 BS escalated to 4.8428/7.009/8.417/5.155

2011 CBA increase BS to .45

2011 IR after week 1 (ACL)

2011-2015 .3 WO (incentivized)

2014-2015 5 esc possible

Details courtesy of Brian McIntyre,
J.I. Halsell, FO: 6/50, 57.0% in first 3, 4.4 in 1, 14.2 second-year bonus, 25.7 GAS, 25.7 POG, 12.2 G1TB (40.3% lump), 34 P1TG
Jeff Blackshear
2000 3/4.3 TRV, .5/.75/2.5 BS

2000 .3 SB/3

2001 .05 WO

2001 CUT Post

2001 .0125 RB/game active (equiv .2)
Matt Blundin
Kent Pulliam, KC Star: Blundin is scheduled to make $500,000 this season [1995] under terms of a contract renegotiated Sept. 9.
Chris Bober
2004 5/8.145 TRV, .535/1/1.1/1.215/1.53 BS

2004 1.5 SB/5

2004 .015 RB/WO

2005 .5 OB/4

2005 .2 RB/WO

2006 .05 RB/WO

2007 .25 RB/WO

2007 .66 NLTBE

2007 IR

2008 CUT Pre

2008 .25 RB/WO (not paid)
Rocky Boiman
2008 No SB/1 after week 6, .605 BS (.445 MSB?)
Juran Bolden
1999 2/.865 TRV, .35/.45 BS

1999 .015 SB/2

1999 CUT Post

1999 after week 2

1999 .021875 per-game RB OATSB/2 (equiv .025)

1999 CUT Post week 15

2000 .025 WO
Steve Bono
1994 Acquired from SF (for cond pick)

1994 2/2.5 TRV

1995 3/? TRV ext

1995 1.5 SB/4

1996 1.79 SB/4 CONV, year added?

1996 .72 RB/WO/LTBE

1997 CUT Post
AP: The Kansas City Chiefs got some backup protection for Joe Montana on Monday by signing quarterback Steve Bono to a two-year deal reported to be worth $ 2.5 million.
Robert McG. Thomas Jr, NY Times: Bono's two-year deal with Kansas City, which allocates $700,000 of the first year's $900,000 payment as a signing bonus with the other $200,000 as base salary, suggesting a questionable circumvention of the salary cap rules.
Jason Whitlock, KC Star: I'm concerned about quarterback Steve Bono, the man Peterson gave a three-year contract extension and a $1.5 million signing bonus over the summer…
Adam Teicher, KC Star: The Chiefs would save about $2 million in 1997 by dumping Bono's salary if he is released or traded… But the remaining portion, believed to be about $1.5 million, of the signing bonus the Chiefs gave to Bono when they restructured his contract last season, would count against the salary cap in 1997.
Vaughn Booker
1996 4/2.1 TRV, .2/.35/.425/.525 BS

1996 .4 SB/4

1996-1999 .025 WO

1996 .0015625 RB/games active (equiv .025, .025 LTBE, earned .021875)

1997 .0015625 RB/games active (equiv .025, .021875 LTBE, earned .0203125)

1998 Traded to GB Pre (for Darius Holland)

1998-1999 .0015625 RB/games active (equiv .025)
Alphonso Boone
2007 4/7.2 TRV, .72/1.2/1.4/1.78 BS

2007 1 SB/4

2007 .009375 RB/game active (equiv .15, earned .140625)

2007-2010 .05 WO

2008 .5 BS guaranteed

2008-2010 .015625 RB/game active (equiv .25)

2008 3/6.6, 7.5 TRMV, 1.55/1.65/2.05 BS

2008 BS increased to 1.571875 after week 1 (from 1.2, equiv 1.55)

2008 .025625 RB/game active OATSB/3 (after week 1, partially rebated after later restructure)

2008 19.475 dummy LTBE/3 added (VOID after 2008)

2008 .025625 RB/game active OATSB (after week 3)

2008 .3 LTBE (PT)

2009 CUT Post

2009-2010 .025 RB/game active (equiv .4)

2009-2010 .3 NLTBE (PT)
Mike Klis, Denver Post: Boone reached a four-year, $7.2 million agreement Friday with Kansas City.
Kevin Boss
2012 3/9 TRV, .75/2.4/2.65 BS

2012 1.75 SB/3

2012 .5 RB?

2012 .015625 RB/game active (equiv .25, .21875 LTBE, earned .03125)?

2013 CUT Pre

2013-2014 .1 WO?

2013-2014 .015625 RB/game active (equiv .25)?
Bob Gretz, The Chiefs newest Boss is TE Kevin Boss, who signed a 3-year, $9 million contract Friday morning.
Adam Teicher, KC Star: Boss was due $2.75 mil this year with cap number of $3.115 mil.
Adam Teicher, KC Star: $1,666,667 [2013 dead money]
Dwayne Bowe
2007 5/9 TRV, 11.65 TRMV, .285/.37/.46/.6/.69 BS

2007 1.4 SB/5

2007 .515 RB

2007 .15 NLTBE (RotY)

2008 2.48 OB/4

2009 .05 RB (on roster week 1)

2009 Suspended 4 games (weeks 11-14, banned substance)

2009 .003333 RB/game on roster (equiv .1, earned .036668)

2010-2011 .15 RB (.075 week 1 & .005/game on roster)

2011 BS escalated to 2.765 (addl .425 esc possible)

1.8 PTI (earned in 2007)

2012 9.515 Franchise tag

2013 5/56 TRV, .75/8.75/10.75/9.75/9.75 BS

2013 15 SB/5

2013 BS guaranteed

2013-2017 .25 WO

2014 4.25 BS guaranteed

2014 4.5 BS guaranteed (injury only, vested to full)

2015 1.5 BS guaranteed (injury only, vested to full)
Mike Florio, PFT: We’ve got the full breakdown of the five-year deal signed by receiver Dwayne Bowe. Per a source with knowledge of the contract, here it is. 1. $15 million signing bonus. 2. $750,000 fully-guaranteed base salary in 2013. 3. $250,000 workout bonus in each year of the contract. 4. $8.75 million base salary in 2014, $4.25 million of which is fully guaranteed now and $4.5 million of which is guaranteed for injury only now. The $4.5 million becomes fully guaranteed on the third day of the 2014 league year. 5. $10.75 million base salary in 2015. $1.5 million is guaranteed for injury now, and it becomes fully guaranteed on the third day of the 2014 (not 2015) league year. 6. $9.75 million base salary in 2016. 7. $9.75 million base salary in 2017.
It adds up to $36 million over the first three years, and $56 million over five. Of the amount, $26 million is guaranteed. $20 million is fully guaranteed now. The other $6 million becomes fully guaranteed next year.
Tyron Brackenridge
2007 2/.662 TRV, .285/.37 BS

2007 .007 SB/2

2007 IR after week 16

2008 CUT Post

2008 No SB after week 8, .37 BS

2008 CUT Post week 9

Mark Bradley
2008 No SB/2 after week 4, .52/.62 BS

2009 CUT post week 15 (claimed by TB)

Michael Bragg
2006 PS, .0799 BS

2006 Activated after week 17, .275/.36/.445 BS

2007 CUT Post
Tyvon Branch
2015 1/2.1 TV, 4.15 TRMV, .87 BS

2015 .2 SB/1

2015 .03 WO

2015 .0625 RB/game active (equiv 1, .1875 LTBE)

2015 1.5 NLTBE (PT)

2015 .25 NLTBE (ints)

2015 .3 NLTBE (Pro Bowl)
Aaron Wilson, NFP: one-year Chiefs deal, $2.1 million; $200,000 bonus, $870,000 salary, $30,000 workout bonus, $62,500 a game active roster bonus… Branch also has $1.5 million playtime incentive, $250,000 incentive for interceptions, $300,000 for Pro Bowl…
Steve Breaston
2011 5/22.5 TRV, 25 TRMV, .7/1.8/3.8/3/4.1 BS

2011 5 SB/5

2012 1.3 RB

2012 BS guaranteed (injury only)

2012-2015 .2 WO

2012-2015 .5 esc possible

2013 CUT Pre

2014-2015 1 RepB

Joel Thorman, Aarowhead Pride: The Kansas City Chiefs locked up WR Steve Breaston to a five-year worth up to $25 million… We're told Breaston received $5 million to sign and a $700,000 base salary in 2011. His $1.8 million base salary in 2012 is guaranteed for injury only and he has a $1.3 million roster bonus in 2012. It appears the Chiefs could get out of this after one year and less than $6 million but I can't envision a scenario with that happening. In 2013, his base salary is $3.8 million, in 2014 it's $3 million and in 2015 it's $4.1 million. He has $200,000 workout bonuses from 2012-2015 and $1 million reporting bonuses in 2014 and 2015. He has another $500,000 in escalators available each year from 2012-2015.
Bubby Brister
2001 1/.502 TRV, .477 BS

2001 .025 WO

2001 .075 SA

2001 1 NLTBE (up to 50% PT)

Colin Brown
2009 3/1.3388 TRV, .31/.395/.48 BS

2009 .1538 SB/3

2009 IR, .215 BS

2010 BS reduced to .32

2010 CUT Post
Adam Caplan, it's a three-year deal worth nearly $1.34 million with a signing bonus of close to $154,000.
Dee Brown
2005 No SB/2 after week 9, .455/.545 BS
2006 CBA increase BS to .585
Jalil Brown
2011 4/2.5293 TRV, .375/.465/.555/.645 BS

2011 .4293 SB/3

2012-2014 .02 WO
Mike Brown
2009 1/.9 TRV, .9 BS
John Browning
1996 4/1.2 TRV, .135/.175/.215/.255 BS

1996 .32 SB/4

1996 .0015625 RB/game active (equiv .025, .025 LTBE, earned .021875)

1997 .00125 RB/game active (equiv .02, .0175 LTBE, earned .0175)

1997-1999 .005 WO

1998 CBA increase BS to .216

1998 .00125 RB/game active (equiv .02, .0175 LTBE, earned .01)

1999 .00125 RB/game active (equiv .02, .01 LTBE, earned 0)

2000 5/5.55 TRV, .385/.5/.75/1/1 BS

2000 .75 SB/5

2001-2004 .05 WO

2002 .0125 RB/game active (equiv .2)

2003 .0165625 RB/game active (equiv .265)

2004 .25 RB (not paid)

2004 .015625 RB/game active (equiv .25, not paid)

2004 voidable

2003 5/12.31 TRV ext, .66/1.2/1.5/2/2.5 BS

2003-2008 .025 NLTBE (Pro Bowl)

2004 3 OB/5

2004 .0125 RB/game active (equiv .2)

2004-2008 .05 WO

2005 .015625 RB/game active (equiv .25)

2006 IR

2006 CUT Post week 3 (paid thru week 4, .397059 injury settlement)

2006-2008 .015625 RB/game active (equiv .25)
Len Pasquarelli, ESPN: Browning signed a five-year, $12.31 million deal… that included a $3 million bonus and base salaries of $660,000 (2004), $1.2 million (2005), $1.5 million (2006), $2 million (2007) and $2.5 million (2008). There are annual workout bonuses of $50,000 each, a roster bonus of $200,000 for 2004 and roster bonuses of $250,000 each for 2005-2008.
Rob Bruggeman
2011 PS after week 10, .0969 BS
William Buchanon
2007 PS after week 2, .0799 BS

2007 CUT Post week 3

Brentson Buckner
1997 Acquired from PIT (for 7th)

1997 .38775 BS

1997 CUT Post (claimed by CIN)
Antwon Burton
2008 PS after week 11, .0884 BS

Directory: football
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