All 2010 (verified) Hamza Abdullah

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All 2010 (verified)
Hamza Abdullah
2005 No SB/1 after week 8, .23/.31/.385 BS (off TB PS)

2006 CBA increase BS to .35/.435

2008 .927 RFA tender

2008 CUT Post week 3

Charlie Adams
2003 PS, .07395 BS

2003 Activated after week 13, .225/.305 BS

2004 CUT Post week 3

2004 No SB/2 after week 12, .305/.38 BS

2006 1/.5 TRV, .5 BS

2006 CUT Post week 2

Mike Adams
2012 2/4 TRV, 2/1.75 BS

2012 BS guaranteed?

2013 .25 RB
Mike Klis, Denver Post: 2 years, $4 million … $2 million [2012 cap hit]
Mike Florio, ESPN: Adams got $4 million over two years from the Broncos, with $2 million guaranteed.
Mike Klis, Denver Post: the Broncos did pay out roster bonuses of… $250,000 to safety Mike Adams. The roster bonuses clicked in for Bailey and Adams on the fifth day of the league year (which started at 2 p.m. March 15)…
Sam Adams
2007 1/1.25 TRV, 1.5 TRMV, 1 BS

2007 .25 SB/1

2007 CUT Post week 13
Adam Schefter, Adams would earn an additional $250,000 if the team wins one postseason game.
Allen Aldridge
Sam Adams, Rocky Mountain News: Aldridge also is a restricted free agent, and Denver has tendered him a one-year offer worth $361,000.
Elijah Alexander
1993 Acquired from TB (waivers)

1993 .14 BS/RB

1994 .24/.3 BS/RB
Kevin Alexander
2010 .32/.405/.49 BS

2010 .005 SB/3

2010 CUT Post

2010 PS, .0884 BS

2010 Activated after week 5, .32 BS

2010 CUT Post week 15

PJ Alexander
2003 No SB after week 7, .225/.305/.38 BS

2005 CUT Post

2007 No SB/2 after week 5, .51/.605 BS

2008 CUT Post

Roc Alexander
2004 3/.94 TRV, .23/.305/.385 BS

2004 .02 SB/3

2006 CUT Post (claimed by HOU)
Stephen Alexander
2005 3/4.2 TRV, 5.175 TRMV, .665/1.11/1.425 BS

2005 1 SB/3

2005-2007 .325 NLTBE

2007 BS reduced to .72, .73 NLTBE added (PT, TDs)

2007 CUT Post week 1 (paid thru week 2)

2007 No SB/1 after week 2, .72 BS (not MSB eligible)

2007 .73 LTBE (PT, TDs)

2007 IR after week 6

Anthony Alridge
2008 3/1.73 TRV, .295/.385/.475 BS

2008 .02 SB/3

2008 IR, .2 BS

2009 CUT Pre (claimed by WAS)

CJ Anderson
2013 3/1.4975 TRV, .405/.495/.585 BS

2013 .0125 SB/3

Mike Klis, Denver Post: $12,500 [signing bonus]
David Anderson
2011 1/.735 TRV, .685 BS (.525 MSB)

2011 .05 SB/1

2011 CUT Post
Mike Klis, Denver Post: New starting tight end Daniel Fells​ and slot receiver David Anderson are scheduled to make $735,000 each.
Flipper Anderson
1997 1/.275 TRV, .275 BS

1997 CUT Post week 6

1997 No SB/1 after week 6, .275 BS

1997 CUT Post week 12

Marques Anderson
2005 Acquired from OAK (waivers)

2005 .656 BS

2005 CUT Post week 10
Mike Anderson
2000 3/.881 TRV, .193/.275/.358 BS

2000 .055 SB/3

2001 6/10.375 TRV, 11.975 TRMV, .35/.675/1.35/1.775/2.16/2.565 BS

2001 1.5 SB/6

2001-2006 .25 NLTBE

2002 .1 LTBE added (50% PT & 500 yards rushing)

2004 BS reduced to .535, 1 NLTBE added

2005 BS reduced to .54, 1 NLTBE added

2005 .1 WO added

2006 CUT Pre

Lester Archambeau
2000 7/15 TRV, .5/.9/1.2/1.8/2.5/3/3.5 BS

2000 1.4 SB/7

2001 CUT Post

2003 .2 RB

Alric Arnett
2010 .32/.405/.49 BS?

2010 .006 SB/3?

2010 CUT Post
JJ Arrington
2009 4/8.76 TRV, 9.96 TRMV, 1.2/1.56/1.92/2.28 BS

2009 .1 SB/4

2009 CUT Pre

2009 1.7 RB (not paid)

2012 1.2 esc possible

2010 1/.78 TRV, 1.68 TRMV, .63 BS

2010 .05 SB/1

2010 Traded to PHI Post

2010 .1 RB (53-man week 1, not paid)

2010 .9 NLTBE

Mike Klis, Denver Post: the Denver Broncos have agreed to terms with unrestricted free-agent RB J.J. Arrington (Cardinals) on a four-year deal worth $10 million.
Andrew Brandt, NFP: Arrington’s contract had $1.8 million of bonuses staggered throughout the offseason, written in a way to gauge Arrington’s progress with his knee and see how it responded during offseason workouts and minicamps. And, of course, it did not.
The contract bonuses were set up this way:

$100,000 upon signing

$300,000 on June 15

$600,000 on Aug. 10

$800,000 at the start of the season
Mathias Askew
2008 PS after week 9, .0884 BS
Steve Atwater
1989 4/2.01 TRV, .2/.25/.3/.35 BS

1989 .75 SB/4

1989-1991 .025 RB

1990-1992 .02 WO

1992 .025 RB (not paid)

1992 2/3.5 TRV ext, .7/1.2/1.625 BS

1992 .35 SB/3

1995 5/12.5 TRV, 1.44/1.5/1.6/2.04/2.62 BS

1995 3.3 SB/5

1999 CUT Pre

USA Today: Signing bonus, $750,000; base salaries $200,000, $250,000, $300,000 and $350,000; roster bonus, $25,000 each year. Total pkg., 4 years, $1.950 million.
Bernie Miklasz, St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Atwater (Lutheran North) became the highest-paid safety in the National Football League and the richest defensive player in team history by signing that five-year, $12.5 million deal with the Denver Broncos. The deal included a signing bonus of $3.3 million.
John Avery
1999 Acquired from MIA after week 2 (for Marcus Nash)

1999 .535/.651/.767/.884 BS

1999-2002 .05 LTBE RB (16 games active)

2000 CUT Post

Robert Ayers
2009 5/13 TRV, 15.5 TRMV, 9.7 gteed, .31/1.7125/2.055/2.3975/2.165 BS

2009 1.06 RB

2010 4.725 SA/4, .395/.48/.565/.66 BS

2010 3.605 one-time LTBE RB (PTI)

2010 2011 BS escalated to .88/.965/1.06

2013 2.5 esc possible

Akin Ayodele
2010 1/1 TRV, 1.3 TRMV, .8 BS

2010 .05 SB/1

2010 CUT Post

2010 .15 RB (not paid)

2010 .2 LTBE (PT)

2010 .1 NLTBE (PT)

Boss Bailey
2008 5/17.5 TRV, 20.5 TRMV, .605/.895/2.4/2.4/2.4 BS

2008 4.3 SB/5

2008-2012 .1 WO

2008 IR after week 7

2009 2 RB

2009 CUT Post

2011-2012 1 RB
AP: the Denver Broncos signed free-agent LB Boss Bailey (Lions) to a five-year deal worth $17.5 million that includes $8 million in guarantees over the first two seasons. The total contract could be worth $20.5 million, due to escalators in the last two years of the deal.
Champ Bailey
2004 Acquired from WAS

2004 6.801 Franchise tag

2004 7/63.032025 TRV, 1/1/5.5/5.5/7.5/6.5/9.5 BS

2004 6 SB/7/6

2004 .00915 RB

2004-2010 .5 WO

2005 6 OB/6/5

2005 .46 SB/6/5 CONV

2005 .007625 RB

2006 6 OB/5

2006 .0061 RB

2007 4.78 SB/4 CONV

2007 .004575 RB

2008 .00305 RB

2009 2 RB

2009 .001525 RB

2010 3 RB

2011 4/43 TRV, 46.75 TRMV, 6/7.5/9/9 BS

2011 4.5 RB

2011 BS escalated to 6.5 (WO)

2012 3 RB (1.25 esc possible)

2012 BS escalated to 8 (WO)

2013 BS escalated to 9.5 (WO)

2013-2014 1 RB (1.25 esc possible)

2014 CUT Pre

2014 .5 esc possible (WO)

Mike Florio, PFT: On the surface Champ Bailey's three-year haul from the 'Skins is a whopping $27 million, with a $6 million signing bonus, $12 million in option bonuses, $7.5 million in salaries, and $1.5 million in workout bonuses. The 2005 and 2006 option bonuses, however, apparently don't get paid out until 2009 and 2010, respectively. This means that $12 million gets pushed into years five and six, with only $15 million actually being paid to Bailey in 2004 through 2006.
Mike Klis, Denver Post: The contract will pay Bailey a fully guaranteed $11 million salary in 2011, $11 million in 2012 and $10.5 million in both 2013 and 2014, when Bailey will be 36 years old. Being on the roster in the first week of the 2011 season will trigger a guarantee worth $4 million for 2012. Bailey's remaining $7 million salary in 2012 will be guaranteed against injury, and it will become fully guaranteed on the fifth day of the league year. The industry will report Bailey's new contract as a four-year, $43 million deal (incentives can push it to $47 million) with $22 million guaranteed.
Mike Klis, Denver Post: the Broncos did pay out roster bonuses of $1.25 million to cornerback Champ Bailey… The roster bonuses clicked in for Bailey and Adams on the fifth day of the league year (which started at 2 p.m. March 15)…
Chris Baker
2009 3/1.2 TRV, .31/.395/.48 BS

2009 .015 SB/3

2010 CUT Post
Jason Baker
2004 Acquired from IND after week 13 (waivers)

2004 .455 BS

2005 1/.565 TRV, .54 BS (.455 MSB)

2005 .025 SB/1

2005 Traded to CAR (with 2006 7th for Todd Sauerbrun)
Toney Baker
2010 .32/.405/.49 BS?

2010 .008 SB/3?

2010 CUT Post
Lance Ball
2009 PS after week 8, .0884 BS

2010 .32 BS

2010 CUT Post week 2

2010 PS, .1054 BS

2010 Activated after week 9, .32/.405 BS

2011 CBA increase BS to .45

2012 1/.54 TRV, .54 BS
Montee Ball
2013 4/3.464326 TRV, .405/.562469/.594938/.752407 BS

2013 .899512 SB/4

2015-2016 .125 RB/WO?
Justin Bannan
2010 5/22 TRV, .755/3.5/3.5/3/3 BS

2010 6.245 SB/5

2010 BS guaranteed

2010 CUT Post week 21 (3/3)

2011 BS guaranteed (injury only)

2011 .5 RB guaranteed (injury only)

2012 1/1? TRV, 1 BS
Jamison Hensley, Baltimore Sun: the Broncos gave Bannan a contract worth $22 million over five years. That's not all. He got a $6.3 million signing bonus and $10.5 million in guarantees.
Mike Klis, Denver Post: It’s worth $22 million, $11 million of which is guaranteed. Bannan received an eye-popping $6.245 million signing bonus and $755,000 salary in 2010 for an even $7 million. He then has a $3.5 million salary and $500,000 roster bonus guaranteed against injury in 2011. Bannan is also scheduled to make $4 million in salary and bonus in 2012; $3.5 million in 2013 and $3.5 million in 2014.
Josh Barrett
2008 4/1.7613 TRV, .295/.385/.47/.555 BS

2008 .0563 SB/4

2008 CUT Post

2008 PS, .0884 BS

2008 BS raised to .295 after week 8

2008 Activated after week 11, .295/.385 BS

2010 1/.47 TRV, .47 BS

2010 CUT Post (claimed by NE)

Mike Klis, Denver Post: Torain, Powell and Larsen join seventh-round safety Josh Barrett, who received a $56,000 bonus last month.
Lamin Barrow
2014 4/2.41116 TRV, .42/.51/.6/.69 BS

2014 .19116 SB/4

Mike Klis, Devner Post: $2,411,160 [total value]… $191,600 [signing bonus]…
Jaron Baston
2010 .32/.405/.49 BS?

2010 .005 SB/3?

2010 CUT Post
Kemonte Bateman
2013 3/1.4865 TRV, .405/.495/.585 BS

2013 .0015 SB/3

Mike Klis, Denver Post: $1,500 [signing bonus]
D’Anthony Batiste
2009 PS after week 15, .0884 BS

2010 1/.63 TRV, .63 BS

2010 CUT Post week 5 (paid thru week 6), .407647 termination pay
Steve Baylark
2008 PS after week 14, .0884 BS

2008 CUT Post week 15

2008 PS after week 16, .0884 BS
Zane Beadles
2010 4/4.171 TRV,.32/.405/.49/.575 BS

2010 1.72 SB/4

2011 .661 LTBE one-time RB (PTI)

2011 CBA increase BS to .45/.54/.63

Brian McIntyre, 4-years, $4.171M; $2.381M guaranteed
Jeremy Beal
2011 4/2.4386 TRV, .375/.465/.555/.645 BS

2011 .0386 SB/4

Jordan Beck
2007 No SB/2 after week 6, .36/.445 BS

2008 CUT Post

Josh Bell
2008 PS after week 3, .0884 BS

2008 Activated after week 8, .295/.385 BS

2009 CUT Post
Mike Bell
2006 3/1.1 TRV, .275/.36/.445 BS

2006 .02 SB/3

2008 CUT Post
Tatum Bell
2004 4/3.18 TRV, .23/.305/.385/.46/.545 BS

2004 1.65 SB/5

2004 .07 RB OATSB/5

2006 CBA increase BS to .425/.51/.605

2007 Traded to DET Pre (w/George Foster for Dre’ Bly)

2008 voidable

DEION: +.037333 in 2004-2005, +.037334 in 2006, -.056 in 2007-2008

.08 PTI

2008 No SB/1 after week 10, .605 BS (.445 MSB)
Thump Belton
2006 PS after week 13, .0799 BS
Mitch Berger
2009 No SB/1 after week 7, .845 BS (.46 MSB?)
Rod Bernstine
1993 3/4.5 TRV, .5/1/1 BS

1993 .7 SB/3

1993 BS increased to 7.7 after week 16 (of 18), equiv 1.3

1994 .8 RepB (removed in 1993 restructure)

1995 CUT Pre

1995 .5 RepB (not paid)

1995 2/.85 TRV, .2/.4 BS

1995 .25 SB/2

1995 CUT Pre week 1 (.041176 termination pay)
Samuel Adams, Denver Post: Bernstine left the Chargers and signed a three-year, $4.5 million contract with the Denver Broncos last spring.
Jim Armstrong, Denver Post: Bernstine, who played only four games last season before suffering a season-ending knee injury, was scheduled to get a $500,000 bonus for reporting to minicamp, plus $1 million in salary.
Bertrand Berry
2001 1/.418 TRV, .418 BS

2001 2/1.3 TRV ext, .525/.625 BS

2001 .15 RB
Tony Berti
1999 1/.55 TRV

1999 .025 SB/1?

1999 CUT Post
Clare Farnsworth, Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Berti's brief stay with the Seahawks ended yesterday when he signed a one-year, $550,000 contract with the Denver Broncos.
Steve Beuerline
2001 4/4 TRV, 10 TRMV, .5/1/1/1 BS

2001 .5 SB/4

2001-2004 1.5 Inc

2002 .1 LTBE

2003 .075 LTBE

2003 .05 RB added

2004 CUT Pre
Larry Birdine
2007 No SB/3 after week 9, .285/.37/.46 BS

2008 CUT Post

Devin Bishop
2010 .32/.405/.49 BS?

2010 .003 SB/3?

2010 CUT Post
Philip Blake
2012 4/2.5536 TRV, .39/.48/.57/.66 BS

2012 .4536 SB/4

Mike Klis, Denver Post: Blake’s deal is four years for $2.553 million that includes a signing bonus of $453,600.
Jamie Blatnik
2012 3/1.45 TRV, .39/.48/.57 BS

2012 .01 SB/3

Mike Klis, Denver Post: Blatnik… received $10,000.
Dre’ Bly
2007 Acquired from DET (for George Foster & Tatum Bell)

2007 4.2 BS

2007 5/32.5 TRV, 16 guaranteed, 1/1/3.25/3.25/4 BS

2007 4.5 SB/5

2007 2.5 RB

2007-2011 .4 WO

2008 9 OB/4

2009 CUT Pre

2010-2011 1 RB
Mike Klis, Denver Post: May have to restructure $9 million option bonus [in 2008].
Omar Bolden
2012 4/2.574428 TRV, .39/.48/.57/.66 BS

2012 .474428 SB/4

Mike Klis, Denver Post: Bolden got a four-year deal worth $2.574 million that includes a $474,428 signing bonus…
Korey Bosworth
2010 .32/.405/.49 BS?

2010 .001 SB/3?

2010 CUT Post
David Bowens
1999 3/.843 TRV, .175/.25/.325 BS

1999 .93 SB/3

2000 CBA increase BS to .275/.389

2000 Traded to GB (for draft pick)

Marcellus Bowman
2010 .32/.405/.49 BS?

2010 .006 SB/3?

2010 CUT Pre
Cory Boyd
2008 PS after week 9, .0884 BS

2008 Activated after week 14, .295/.385 BS

2008 CUT Post week 15

2008 PS, .0884 BS

2008 Activated after week 16, .295/.31 BS

2009 CUT Pre

John Boyett
2013 PS after week 11, .102 BS
Michael Bozeman
2007 PS after week 13, .0799 BS
Ronnie Bradford
1993 PS, .0561 BS?

1993 Activated after week 6 (of 18), .145 BS

1994 .18/.24/? BS

1994 .025 SB/3?

1996 CUT Post
Stewart Bradley
2013 1/1.2 TRV, .9 BS

2013 .2 SB/1

2013 .1 RB
Aaron Wilson, Bradley's one-year Broncos deal is worth $1.2 million and includes a $200,000 bonus and $100,000 roster bonus this year
Sam Brandon
2002 3/1.164 TRV, .225/.3/.38 BS

2002 .259 SB/3

2005 .656 RFA tender

2006 4/3.24 TRV, .55/.65/.75/.85 BS

2006 .34 SB/4

2006 CBA increase BS to .585

2006-2009 .025 WO

2006-2009 .075 NLTBE

2007 CUT Split

2009 voidable

Rocky Mountain News: Brandon will receive $1.164 million, including $259,000 upfront.
Jeff Legwold, Rocky Mountain News: Brandon received a $340,000 signing bonus to go with base salaries of $550,000 in 2006, $650,000 in '07 and $750,000 in '08. If the contract is not voided in '09, he would receive $850,000.
Tom Brandstater
2009 4/1.87357 TRV, .31/.395/.48/.565 BS

2009 .12357 SB/4

2010 CUT Post (claimed by IND)
Mike Klis, Denver Post: Brandstater, a quarterback taken with the first pick in the sixth round, got a bonus of nearly $124,000.
Marquez Branson
2009 3/1.195 TRV, .31/.395/.48 BS

2009 .01 SB/3

2009 CUT Post

2009 PS, .0884 BS

2009 BS raised to .31 after week 15

2010 3/1.235 TRV, .32/.405/.49 BS

2010 .02 SB/3

2010 CUT Post

Aaron Brewer
2012 1/1.444 TRV, .39/.48/.57 BS

2012 .004 SB/3

2015 4/4.05 TRV, .66/.8/.875/.975 BS

2015 .74 SB/4

Mike Klis, Denver Post: Brewer, long snapper, $4,000 [signing bonus]…
Mike Klis, Denver Post: the Broncos reached an agreement in principal with longsnapper Aaron Brewer on a four-year contract. The contract's total value? Yep, $4 million… Brewer's deal features a $740,000 signing bonus and makes him the NFL's 11th-highest-paid snapper.
Carlton Brewster
2007 PS after week 4, .0799 BS
Diyral Briggs
2010 PS after week 2, .136 BS

2010 Activated after week 6, .395/.48 BS

2010 CUT Post week 7 (claimed by GB)
Bubby Brister
1997 1/.25 TRV, .25 BS

1997 2/.95 TRV ext, .325/.4 BS

1997 .075 SB/3

1998 .05 WO

1999 .1 RB

1998 2/1.45 TRV ext, .45/.6 BS

1998 .332 SB/4

1998 BS raised to .3556? after week 7, equiv .343?

2000 .05 RB

2000 CUT Pre

2000 .15 NLTBE RB

2001 .2 NLTBE RB

Clay Latimer, Rocky Mountain News: The 34-year-old Louisiana native soon will sign a one-year, $275,000 contract, then will join the battle to become John Elway's backup.
AP: Brister, who is playing in the place of injured starter John Elway, gets a two-year extension worth $1.45 million… The new contract - the parameters of which were first discussed before training camp and then finalized last month during Denver's bye week - calls for Brister to be paid $500,000 in 2000 and $600,000 in 2001.
Alex Marvez/Lynn DeBruin, Rocky Mountain News: Brister has signed a two-year contract extension reportedly worth $1.45 million. The deal would keep Brister in a Broncos uniform through the 2001 season… The key to the deal was a $350,000 signing bonus, which is actually more than Brister's 1998 salary of $325,000. Brister was already under contract through next season before signing the extension.
Blake Brockermeyer
2002 8/34.905 TRV, 35.555 TRMV, .65/.655/2.6/3.4/2.9/3.1/6/6 BS

2002 .7 SB/8/7

2002 .65 NLTBE (80% PT)

2003 CUT Pre

2003 4.2 OB/7 (not paid)

2004-2007 .5 RB

2004-2007 .1 WO

2006 1 RB

2007 1.3 RB

2003 1/.83 TRV, 2.555 TRMV, .655 BS

2003 .175 SB/1

2003 1.725 NLTBE

Len Pasquarelli, ESPN: an eight-year, $34.905 million contract… pays Brockermeyer a signing bonus of $700,000 and a base salary of $650,000 for the 2002 season. After that, everything is a crap shoot… The Broncos must pay Brockermeyer a $4.2 million option bonus next spring to activate the remainder of the deal… The base salary for 2003 is $655,000 and then the bases jump to $2.6 million (2004), $3.4 million (2005), $2.9 million (2006), $3.1 million (2007), $6 million (2008) and another $6 million (2009). There are roster bonuses of $500,000 (2004), $500,000 (2005), $1.5 million (2006) and $1.8 million (2007), and annual workout bonuses of $100,000 for 2004-2007.
Keith Brooking
2012 1/? TRV, 1 BS
Jeff Legwold, Denver Post: Brooking's base salary will be $1 million. He also will receive a bonus for every game in which he is among the 46 players on Denver's active game-day roster.
Robert Brooks
2000 1/.6 TRV, .75 TRMV, .45 BS

2000 .15 SB/1

2000 CUT Post week 11, .158824 termination pay
Adam Schefter, Denver Post: they have signed wide receiver Robert Brooks to a one-year, incentive-laden contract that could be worth as much as $750,000 and includes a $150,000 signing bonus…
Andre Brown
2010 Acquired from NYG (waivers)

2010 .395/.48/.565 BS

2010-2012 .13 NLTBE

2010 CUT Post week 1 (paid thru week 2)

2010 PS after week 2, .0884 BS

2010 Activated after week 2, .32/.405 BS

2010 CUT Post week 6 (claimed by IND)

2010 PS after week 10, .119 BS

2010 signed by WAS after week 11
Chris Brown
2010 .32/.405/.49 BS?

2010 .010 SB/3?

2010 CUT Pre
Courtney Brown
2005 5/18.8 TRV, .54/1.4/1.9/2.4/2.9 BS

2005 1.26 SB/5

2006 8 OB/4 (not paid)

2006 BS escalated to 2.25

2006-2009 .1 WO

2006 4/5.4 TRV, 16 TRMV, .745/.9/.9/.9 BS

2006 1.055 SB/4

2006 .2 LTBE

2006 2 NLTBE

2007-2009 .2 RB

2007-2009 .1 WO

2007-2009 2.8 NLTBE

2007-2009 voidable

2007 CUT Pre

Darwin Brown
1999 3/.837 TRV, .175/.25/.325 BS

1999 .087 SB/3

1999 CUT Post
DeAuntae Brown
1999 PS after week 10, .06205 BS?

1999 Activated after week 17, .175/.175 BS

2000 CUT Post
Eric Brown
1998 4/1.904 TRV, .224/.25725/.336/.392 BS

1998 .672 SB/4

1999 .02275 WO

2000 CBA increase BS to .358/.418

Adam Schefter, Denver Post: Brown, the Broncos' second- round pick in the April NFL draft, signed a four-year deal Thursday worth about $1.9 million…
Jonathan Brown
1999 PS after week 13, .06205 BS

1999 CUT Post week 15

Titus Brown
2010 PS after week 1, .1496 BS

2010 Signed by CLE after week 2

Brandon Browner
2005 3/.946 TRV, .23/.31/.385 BS

2005 .021 SB/3

2005 IR, .135 BS

2006 CUT Post

David Bruton
2009 4/2.2324 TRV, .31/.395/.48/.565 BS

2009 .4824 SB/4

2011 CBA increase BS to .525/.615

2013 3/4.5 TRV, .8/1.25/1.25 BS

2013 1.2 SB/3?
Mike Klis, Denver Post: Bruton, a special teams standout selected in the middle of the fourth round, got roughly $480,000 in signing bonus…
Mike Klis, Denver Post: The Broncos re-signed Dave Bruton to a three-year, $4.5 million contract…
Correll Buckhalter
2009 4/8.5 TRV, 9.7 TRMV, 1.2/1.56/1.92/2.02 BS

2009 1.8 SB/4

2009 BS guaranteed

2011 CUT Post

2012 1.2 esc possible
Bob Brookover, Philly Inquirer: He received a $1.8 million signing bonus with base salaries of $1.2 million in 2009, $1.56 million in 2010, $1.92 million in 2011, and $2.02 million in 2012.
Terrell Buckley
2000 1/.5 TRV, .44 BS

2000 .06 RB

2000 .025 LTBE (int TD)
John Branch, Colorodo Springs Gazette: It pays $440,000 in base salary, the minimum a veteran with Buckley's experience can be paid, and a paltry $60,000 signing bonus.
Brodrick Bunkley
2011 Acquired from PHI (for CLE 2013 7th)

2011 .685 BS

Keith Burns
1994 1/.108 TRV, .108 BS

1995 1/.179 TRV, .149 BS

1995 .03 SB/1

1996 1/.196 TRV, .196 BS

1997 .361 RFA tender

1997 2/.51108 TRV, .205/.26108 BS

1997 .02 SB/2

1998 .015 RB

1998 .01 WO

2000 1/.44 TRV, .44 BS

2001 3/1.88 TRV, .485/?/? BS

2001 .3 SB/3

2001-2003 .545 NLTBE

2002 CBA increase BS to .65/.655

2003 CUT Pre

2003 1/.68 TRV, .655 BS (.45 MSB)

2003 .025 RB

2004 1/.785 TRV, .76 BS (.455 MSB)

2004 .025 SB/1

2005 1/.79 TRV, .765 BS (.455 MSB)

Directory: football
football -> Bowl game blarney: Why Sports Tourism Trumps Logic in the Quest for a true College Football Champion in the United States” Prepared for: Dr. Tom Hinch Reviewed by: Tim Enger 0845772 Due Date: December 10, 2005 Word Count: 6,677
football -> All 2010 (verified) John Abraham
football -> Tom Ackerman 1996 2/. 3625 trv. 131/. 164 Bs
football -> Husain Abdullah 2013 1/. 715 Trv. 715 Bs (. 555 Msb)
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football -> Football vs. Baseball 'Baseball is what we were; football is what we have become' (Mary McGory). Both baseball and football are very popular American sports. Both sports can be played at any age
football -> Drafts 1992-1995 Jared Abbrederis
football -> Oday Aboushi 2013 4 359 trv. 405/. 495/. 585/. 675 Bs
football -> Trv. 295/. 385 Bs 2008. 01 Sb/2
football -> Sunday, September 10, 2006

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