«In The Name of Gog» Personal Data

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« In The Name of Gog»

Personal Data:

Name (First) FARHAD (Family) FANI SABERI

Organization: Amirkabir university of Technology

Division /Department: Space science and Technology Institute

Title: Assistant Professor

Address: 424 Hafez Ave, Tehran, Iran, 15875-4413. +98 (21) 64540

Tel +989123010337   Fax +982166175315 

E-Mail: f.sabery@aut.ac.ir

Education Records:

Ph.D in Control Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, 2005-2011.

M.Sc. in Control Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, 2002-2004.
B.Sc. in Control Engineering, K.N. Toosi University of Technology, 1998-2002.


Design of an Adaptive Coordinated Position / Force Controller for a Dual -Arm Robotic System”


Design and Modeling of an Attitude Determination and Control System for a 3-Axis Remote Sensing Satellite Achieve Imaging by Using Combination of Along-Track and Across-Track Configurations

Research and Industrial PROJECTS:

  1. Design and fabrication of a bio-spaceship, national megaprojects in Amirkabir University of Technology, Deputy and Supervisory Manager from April 2012 to Feb. 2013.

  2. Design and Manufacturing of "AUTSAT" satellite of Amirkabir University of Technology (AUT), Supervisor of Attitude Determination and Control subsystem

  3. Design and Manufacturing of CUBE satellite of Amirkabir University of Technology (AUT), Executive and project manager.

  1. Design, Manufacturing and launch of "NAVID" satellite of Iran University of Science and Technology, Supervisor of Attitude Determination and Control subsystem, Supervisor of Electrical Power subsystem, Supervisor of Wiring subsystem and Supervisor of Ground Stations Control systems from 2006 to 2012.

  2. Design and Manufacturing of Engineering Model of "ZAFAR" satellite of Iran University of Science and Technology, Supervisor of Attitude Determination and Control subsystem, Supervisor of Electrical Power subsystem, Supervisor of Wiring subsystem from 2007 to 2012.

  3. Design and fabrication of an Antenna Pointing system for a flying vehicle, Executive and project manager, Amirkabir University of Technology, 2014.

  4. Design and fabrication of servo-actuators using Piezo Electric Stack, Executive and project manager, Amirkabir University of Technology, 2015.
    4- Project Management Responsible of Biotechnology Megaprojects, Presidential Deputy for Science and Technology, 2015.

  5. Design and Manufacturing of DC Coreless Motor, Executive and project manager, Amirkabir University of Technology, 2017.

  6. Design and Manufacturing of Boiler control board, Executive and project manager, Amirkabir University of Technology, 2017.

  7. Design and Manufacturing of sun simulator, Executive and project manager, Amirkabir University of Technology, 2017.

Working Experiences:

  • (From July 2002 up to Oct. 2003, Sazeh Pouyesh Company)

Main duties:

-Designing and doing more 1 automotive intelligent systems as project manager

- Designing and doing more than 2 project as an electrical engineer

-Proposing practical solutions for reducing power consumption of automotive intelligent systems.

(from June 2005 up to May 2007, Moshanir Consulting Engineering Company)

Main duties:

- Design and design review of instrumentation and control systems of Power Plants,

- Design of control rooms,

- Attending control systems tests as consultant supervisor and Senior Engineer

  • (From May 2004 up to Feb. 2009 , Saba Asanbar Engineering Co.)

Main duties:

- Assembly of elevators as a supervisor

-Commissioning and repair of elevators as an engineer of Engineering support Center (ESC).

-Technical supporting of supervisors.

-Installation and Commissioning of Elevator and Escalator Management System.

-Technology transferring from KONE to ESC as a trainer.

--Installation and programming of intelligent systems of elevators and escalators.

(From July. 2007 up to April 2012 , Iran University of Science and Technology, Research Center of Satellite)

Main duties:

  • Manager of Attitude determination and control system of the satellite design group

  • Manager of the Power system of the satellite design group

  • Member of System Engineering Team of the satellite design group

  • Design, Manufacturing , Launch and Operation of the Remote sensing Satellites

(From April. 2012 up to Now, Amirkabir University of Technology.)

Main duties:

  • Faculty Member of the University, Space Science and Technology Institute.

  • Member of Space Technology and Satellite Group, Department of Aerospace Engineering.

  • Member of Mechatronic Group, Department of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering.

  • Responsible of Development & Technology Transfer Office (TTO), Department of Technology and Industrial Relations


  1. Principles of satellite Quality Assurance and Reliability(SPRING_2017)

  2. Principles of satellite Quality Assurance and Reliability(SPRING_2016)


  1. Rotary actuator using slider crank mechanism and piezo-stack actuator, IRAN, 92334

  2. Antenna Pointing Device with capability of error analysis and reduction, IRAN,90467

  3. Manufacturing of functional test bed for dynamic systems control, IRAN, 9502868

Journals Papers:
  1. Implementation of a FTC system for a Sun Sensor Using a Constructed Spin Satellite Simulator”, Journal of MEASUREMENT and CONTROL , Vol. 42, No. 2, March 2009.

  1. Design of a Supervisory Adaptive Attitude Control (SAAC) system for a Stereo-Imagery Satellite Based on Multiple Model Control with Switching”, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC) Vol. 6, No. 9, pp. 4675-4692, Sept. 2010.

  1. Interacting Multiple Models Adaptive Attitude Estimation for a Stereo-Imagery Satellite with Unknown Star Sensor Noise Level” , International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC) , Vol. 7, No. 8, Aug. 2011.

  1. Design of an Adaptive Supervisory Position / Force Controller for a Closed-Chain Robotic System”, Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, No.6, pp. 58-73, 2004.

  1. Large-Angle Maneuver Attitude Control for a Stereo Imaging Satellite Using Reaction Wheels”, Journal of Space Science & Technology, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2008.

  1. Attitude Estimation for a satellite Using a Multiple Model Adaptive Estimation Method And Comparing with EKF”. Journal of Space Science & Technology, Vol. 2, No. 4, 2010.

  1. Design of Attitude Control System of An AxisymmetricSatellite with Gravity Gradient Stabilization And Slow Spinning About Yaw Axis”. Journal of Space Science & Technology, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2008.

  1. Design of Attitude Control System of a satellite with Large Angle Maneuvers considering of Reaction Wheels Model and Restrictions”, Journal of Space Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2011.

  1. Design of an Extended InteractingMultipleModels Adaptive Estimator for Attitude Determination of a Stereoimagery Satellite”, International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2011, Article ID 890502, 19 pages.

  1. On-Board Electronic Of Satellite Attitude Determination and Control Subsystem: Design and Test in Hardware in the Loop Test Bed”, Journal of Measurement and Control, Nov. 2012. ISI

  1. "Design and implementation of attitude control systemof a satellite using Reaction Wheels on a Laboratory three Axis Gimbal Simulator", SAGE, Journal of Aerospace Engineering – Part G, 2014, DOI: 10.1177/0954410014526380.

  1. "Design of an Attitude Control and Power Management System for a Remote Sensing Satellite Considering of Reaction wheels Saturation effects" , Journal of Space Science & Technology,2013 , Vol. 5 , No. 4 , p.p 39-45.

  1. Design and Implementation of a Sliding Mode Attitude Controller of a Satellite in Software in the Loop Test Bed" , International Journal of Computer Applications, IJCA, (0975 – 8887), Volume 98– No.16, July 2014.

  1. "Design of an Adaptive-Neural Network Attitude Controller of a Satellite using Reaction Wheels" , Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics , Vol.1 , NO.2 , PP.67 _ 73 , 23 August2014.

  1. "Design and analysis of gimbal thruster configurations for 3-axis satellite attitude control", International Journal of Computer Applications, IJCA, (0975 – 8887), Feb. 2015.

  1. "Design and analysis of gimbal thrusters arrangement for three axis satellite attitude control" , journal of Iran Electronic Industries,Vol. 6, No. 2,pp. 15 – 28, Aug. 2015.

  1. " Design of Synchronous Attitude and Rate Control for Remote Sensing Satellite based on Supervisory Adaptive Control Method " , journal of Iran Electronic Industries,Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 19 – 34, Aug. 2015.

  1. Unified Model Reference Adaptive Attitude Control of a Satellite in Presence of Uncertain Parameters: Design and Implementation “,International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887), Volume 121 – No.12, pp. 25-32, July 2015."Adaptive Attitude Controller for a Satellite Based on Neural Network in the Presence of Unknown External Disturbances and actuator faults”, Advance in space Research journal-Elsevier, ISSN: 0273-1177, 57 (2016) 367–377.

  1. Design and Implementation of Attitude Control System of a satellite with Stereo-Imaging Scenario in Hardware in the Loop Test Bed, Journal of Space Science & Technology, Vol. 8, No. 3, P.P. 15-26, 2016.

  1. Retrofiring Control Method via Combination of a 1DoF Gimbaled-TVC & Spin-Stabilization, SAGE, Journal of Aerospace Engineering – Part G, June 10,2016. doi:10.1177/0954410016650909

  1. Robust Control of a Spin-Stabilized Spacecraft via a 1Dof Gimbaled- Thruster and two Reaction Wheels, ISA TRANSACTIONS (0019-0578), 10.1016/j.isatra.2016.10.007, 2016

  1. Sliding Mode Active Vibration Suppression and Three Axis Attitude Control of Satellite Using Four Reaction Wheels“,International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887), Volume 152 – No.1, pp. 29-36, 2016.

  1. Design and Implementation of Backstepping-Sliding mode Attitude Controller in The prossecor in The Loop Test Bed, Journal of Space Science & Technology, Vol. 9, No. 1, P.P. 25-35, 2016.

  1. "adaptive attitude control of a satellite based on Decentralized Minimal Control Synthesis control in presence of accurate reaction wheel model" , Journal of Space Science & Technology, Vol.9 , NO.1 , PP.47 _ 56 , 06 October2015

  1. Designing an adaptive control algorithm for Amirkabirs laboratory attitude simulator of a spacecraft”, Amirkabir International Journal of Modeling, Identification,Simulation & Control,

  1. Adaptive Control of a Spin-Stabilized Spacecraft Using two Reaction Wheels and a 1DoF Gimbaled-Thruster”, Amirkabir International Journal of Modeling, Identification,Simulation & Control , Vol.49 , NO.1 , PP.93 _ 102 , 01 July2017.

  1. Gimbaled-Thruster Based Nonlinear Attitude Control of a Small Spacecraft during Thrusting Maneuver”, Aeronautical Journal (0001-9240), DOI: 10.1017/aer.2017.51 , 2017.

  1. Design and Implementation of a Backstepping-Sliding mode Attitude Controller of a Satellite in processor in the Loop Test Bed using Reaction Wheels, The International Journal of Engineering and Science (The IJES), Vol. 6 , No. 4 , p.p 24 – 31 , DOI: 10.1017/aer.2017.51 , 2017.

Conference Papers:

  1. Configurations Analysis of tw0 reaction wheels for 3-axis attitude control of a satellite" , The 16th International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , 21 February2017 _ 23 February2017

  2. "Inertia-Free Nonlinear Attitude Tracking with Disturbance Compensation Using Adaptive-Sliding Control Based Quaternion Algebra" , 4th RSI International conference on Robotics and Mechatronics , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , 26 October2016 _ 28 October2016

  3. Three-Axis attitude control of a flexible satellite and active control of vibration based on sliding mode control" , 1st International Conference on New Research Achievements in Mechanics, Mechatronics & Biomechanics , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , 26 May2016 _ 26 May2016

  4. "active control of vibration and attitude control of a flexible satellite in the presence of external disturbances using 4 reaction wheels" , 1st International Conference on New Research Achievements in Mechanics, Mechatronics & Biomechanics , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , 26 May2016 _ 26 May2016

  5. "Design of a robust attitude controller for formation flying satellites based on Chebyshev neural network in the presence of reaction wheels models and model uncertainties" , 15th International conference of irainian Aerospace society , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , 23 February2016 _ 25 February2016

  6. "Nonlinear Predictive Attitude Control of a satellite using Gimbal thrusters" , 15th International conference of irainian Aerospace society , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , 23 February2016 _ 25 February2016

  7. "Backstepping adaptive attitude controller for formation flying satellites considering of non alighnment trust vector and darg disturbance" , The 4th International conference on control, instrumentation and automation , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , 27 January2016 _ 28 January2016

  8. "Risk Management Project in space project based on ECSS Standard" , First International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Management and Accounting , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , 20 January2016 _ 20 January2016

  9. "Product assurance process and requirements verifications in space project based on ECSS standard" , First International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Management and Accounting , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , 17 December2015 _ 19 December2015

  10. "Design and implementation of 3-axis adaptive attitude control based on hyperstability using processor in the loop test bed" , International conference of science and technology discovering , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , 06 December2015 _ 07 December2015

  11. "Error Analysis of pointiong of a mobile Antenna for a flying vehicle in the presence of navigation sensors error" , International conference of science and technology discovering , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , 06 December2015 _ 07 December2015

  12. "Nonlinear Predictive attitude Control of a remote sensing satellite for acheiving stereo-imagery scenario" , International conference of science and technology discovering , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , 06 December2015 _ 07 December2015

  13. "Design of an optimal algorithm for pointing of a ground station antenna based on spiral search method" , International conference of science and technology discovering , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , 06 December2015 _ 07 December2015

    1. Reduced Order adaptive controller for attitude and rate control of a satellite using spin rate measurement" , 23th International conference of Mechanical Engineering , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , 12 May2015 _ 14 May2015

    2. "Design and Implementation of attitude control algorithm of a stereo Imaging satellite in software in the loop test bed" , 23th International conference of Mechanical Engineering , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , 12 May2015 _ 14 May2015

    3. "Neural Network Attitude Controller of Spacecraft in Presence of Unknown Nonlinear Dynamic model" , 23th International conference of Mechanical Engineering , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , 12 May2015 _ 14 May2015

    4. "Design and hardware implementation of position and velocity model of digital PID controller for 3-axis attitude control of a satellite" , 14th International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , 03 March2015 _ 05 March2015

    5. "Error budget of navigation sensors of navigation system and verification using real data" , 14th International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society , Afghanistan , 03 March2015 _ 05 March2015

    6. "Design if an attitude controller for a spin satellite based on inverse dynamic method" , 14th International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , 03 March2015 _ 05 March2015

    7. "Calculation of Antennas pointing angles of a mobile station for pointing of fixed target " , 14th International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , 03 March2015 _ 05 March2015

    8. Design of a fault tolerant attitude determination and control algorithm for a re-entry capsule in de-orbiting phase" , 14th International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , 03 March2015 _ 05 March2015

    9. "Design of 3-axis attitude controller of a satellite based on nonlinear predictive control " , 14th International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society , Afghanistan , 03 March2015 _ 05 March2015

    10. "adaptive backstepping Attitude Control of Reentry RLV " , 14th International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , 03 March2015 _ 05 March2015

    1. "Design and implementation of model reference 3-axis adaptive controller of satellite using ARM microcontroller" , 14th International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , 03 March2015 _ 05 March2015

    2. "Fault Tolerant Attitude Estimation for a spaceship in de-orbiting maneuver" , The 1th national navigation conference , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , 18 February2015 _ 19 February2015

    3. "Design of model reference discrete time adaptive controller for satellite attitude control in presence of non linearity and disturbances effect" , national conference on development of civil engineering, architecture, electricity and mechanical in iran , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , 18 December2014 _ 18 December2014

    4. "Design and Analysis of Gimbal thrusters configuration in order to 3-axix attitude control of a satellite" , The 1st International and 3rd National Conference of Iranian Aerospace Propulsion Association , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , 22 October2014 _ 23 October2014

    5. "Design of a 3-axis attitude control system using different configurations of Gimbal thrusters" , The 1st International and 3rd National Conference of Iranian Aerospace Propulsion Association , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , 22 October2014 _ 23 October2014

    1. "Design of a Hybrid-Fuzzy attitude control of GEO satellite based on sliding mode using thrusters and reaction wheels " , The 1st International and 3rd National Conference of Iranian Aerospace Propulsion Association , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , 22 October2014 _ 23 October2014

    1. "Adaptive Attitude Controller for a Satellite Based on Neural Network in presence of Unknown External Disturbances" , International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (ICRoM 2014) , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , 15 October2014 _ 16 August2014

    2. "Design and implementation of a nonlinear attitude control algorithm of a satellite based on Lyapunov theory on a three Axis Gimbal simulator" , ISME2014 , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , 22 April2014 _ 24 April2014

    3. "Design of an attitude control algorithm for a satellite based on neural networks using reaction wheels" , The 22nd Annual International conference on Mechanical Engineering , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , 22 April2014 _ 24 April2014

    4. "Design of an adaptive attitude controller based on Decentralized Minimal Control Synthesis considering of reaction wheels model" , Aero2014 , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , 04 March2014 _ 06 March2014

    5. "Design of an attitude control algorithm for a remote sensing satellite based on neural networks using Thruster Actuators" , Aero2014 , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , 04 March2014 _ 06 March2014

    6. "Design of a discrete model reference adaptive controller based on angular velocity observer for achieving stereo-imaging scenario" , iccia2013 , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , 28 December2013 _ 30 December2013

    7. "Design of an attitude controller of a satellite and implementation on alaboratory three Axis Gimbal simulator" , iccia2013 , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , 28 December2013 _ 30 December2013

    8. "Design and implementation of an attitude control system of a spacecraft based on sliding mode on in a hardware in the loop test bed" , iccia2014 , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , 28 December2013 _ 30 December2013

    9. "design of an attitude controller of a satellite based on sliding mode using thruster actuators" , iccia2013 , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , 28 December2013 _ 30 December2013

    10. "Design of an Adaptive Attitude Estimator of a Satellite for Large-Angle Maneuvers Using Star Sensor and Gyroscope Models" , 21st International Conference on Mechanical Engineering , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , 07 May2013 _ 09 May2013

    11. "modeling and Laboratory verification of a three degree of freedom gimbal simulator" , 21st International Conference on Mechanical Engineering , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , 07 May2013 _ 09 May2013

  14. “Large-Angle Maneuver Attitude Control for a Stereo Imaging Satellite Using Reaction Wheels”, 7th Aero-Space Symposium on Sharif University, 19-21 February 2008.

  15. “Design of Attitude Control System of An AxisymmetricSatellite with Gravity Gradient Stabilization And Slow Spinning About Yaw Axis”, 7th Aero-Space Symposium on Sharif University, 19-21 February 2008.

  16. “Implementation of a FTC system for a Sun Sensor Using a Constructed Spin Satellite Simulator”, 5th International Symposium on Mechatronics and its Applications, ISMA, 2008.

  17. “Design of a Coordinated Adaptive Controller for a Two-Arm Robots System, Handling a Common Object”, 12th Annual Conference of Mechanical Engineering (ISME), May 2004.

  18. “Adaptive Supervisory Controller for a Multi – Arm Robotic Systems “, 6th Iranian Manufacturing Engineering Conference, SMEIR, Dec. 2003.

  19. ”An Adaptive RBF Neural Guidance Law for a surface to Air missile considering target maneuver and control loop uncertainties” , 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE 2007, Vigo, Spain.

  20. “Air Target Classification in Two Dimensional Feature Space”, Industrial Technology, ICIT 2006. IEEE International Conference, Publication Date: 15-17 Dec. 2006.

  21. ” Recognition of Similar Objects Using a Hybrid Classifier “, International Multi-Symposiums on Computer and    Computational Sciences 2007 (IMSCCS|07), USA, University of Iowa. Published.

  22. ” Influence of Noise on Object Classification Results”, International conference on computer imaging & vision, Hong Kong, 2007.

  23. “Influence of Filters on Recognition of Noisy Objects”, International Conference on Optics and Laser Applications, ICOLA’07, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2007.

  24. “Reduced-Order Adaptive Position/Force Controller for Closed-Chain Robotic System”, International conference on Automation, Robotics and Control Systems (ARCS-08), USA, 2008.

  25. “An Adaptive Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Guidance Law with High Gain Observer Considering Missile Uncertainties and Target Maneuvers “, 17th IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace ,Toulouse, June 25-29.

  26. “Multi Classifier Fusion to Air Target Classification “, 17th IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace ,Toulouse, June 25-29.

  27. “Effect of Dynamic Model of Satellite on accuracy of Attitude Estimation with Unknown Star Sensor Noise Level“, the 2nd International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, and Automation (ICCIA), December 27-29, 2011 , Shiraz ,IRAN.

  28. “ Design a Reduced Adaptive Attitude Controller Using Unified Approach for a Stereo-Imagery Satellite”, IFAC Workshop onCA0’09, Control Applications of Optimisation, 2009.

  29. “ Adaptive Supervisory Attitude Control for a Stereo-Imagery Satellite Using Reaction Wheel”, 7th IFAC International Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety to Technical Processes, 2009.

  30. “ Design of an adaptive attitude estimator of a satellite for large-angle maneuvers using star sensor and gyroscope models” , ISME2013, K.N. Toosi university , Tehran , Iran.

  31. " Adaptive Attitude Controller for a Satellite Based on Neural Network in presence of Unknown External Disturbances", International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (ICRoM 2014)

  32. " Neural Network Attitude Controller of Spacecraft in Presence of Unknown Nonlinear Dynamic model" , 23st International Conference on Mechanical Engineering , ISME2015.

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