Identify procedures to prepare for extreme events like flooding.
Encourage solution for better weather forecast system.
Supporting communities to include specific measures to protect women and children during periods of scarce clean water resources and help them to protect their income generating activities in case of disasters or loss of livelihoods.
Provide other means of transport in case the roads are inaccessible.
Other Relevant Environmental Compliance Documentation:
Several earlier now ended activities addressed psychosocial support for victims of Gender-Based Violence, e.g.: 33DRC4_SO2-IR2_Good_Governance_amend.iee (DOC) (PDF)
The purpose of the GBV activity is to prevent and respond to sexual and gender-based violence in Eastern Congo.
The purpose of this IEE, in accordance with 22 CFR 216, is to provide the first review of the reasonably foreseeable effects on the environment, as well as recommended Threshold Decisions, for the GBV activity. Additionally, this IEE proposes best practices to reduce or eliminate environmental impacts, including climate change risks.
The following table summarizes the recommended determinations for GBV activities.
Referrals, including referral of Trafficking In Person (TIP) cases to TIP specific services.
Counseling, legal advice and connection to formal legal system
Family planning
Village Loans and Savings Association (VLSA)
Literacy and numeracy circles
General Implementation & Monitoring Conditions: The negative determinations recommended in this IEE are contingent on full implementation of a set of general monitoring and implementation requirements specified in this IEE (Sect. 4), including: (1) Implementing Partner briefings on environmental compliance responsibilities; (2) Development of environmental mitigation and monitoring plans (EMMPs); (3) Integration and implementation of EMMPs in work plans and budgets; (4) Integration of compliance responsibilities in prime and sub-contracts and grant agreements; (5) Assurance of sub-grantee and sub-contractor capacity and compliance; (6) Environmental compliance monitoring; (7) 22 CFR 216 documentation coverage for new or modified activities; and (8) Compliance with host country requirements. The EMMP, which identifies the IEE conditions and mitigation measures for each award, must be developed using the EMMP template for which the url link is provided in Section 4.
Climate Risk Management
The GBV activity design team used USAID's “Climate Risk Screening Tool” to assess the potential climate risks. The tool is essentially a matrix that systematically identifies the relevant sectors, regions, and timeframes for analysis, and assesses the potential climate change impacts, adaptive capacity and potential options to address those impacts.
The climate risks considered moderate are related to possible extreme rainfall, and more rarely, drought conditions, but for which risks will be addresses in Activity design or implementation further considerations to be conducted at the activity level. Annex Table 1 identifies such measures.
Mission Director: _____________________ Date:
Christophe Tocco
Bureau Environmental Officer: __________/s/______ Date: 5/26/2017
Program Activity Title: Gender Based Violence (GBV) Activity
Country/Region: Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)/East Africa
1.1 Purpose and Scope of IEE
This IEE addresses the environmental impacts of all activities anticipated under the GBV activity USAID/DRC.
1.2 Background The DRC is a country noted for a high prevalence of GBV driven by deeply embedded cultural gender roles that reinforce inequalities. While the focus of past programs has been on improving service provision, particularly to women, recent studies have noted higher than expected populations among men and children. Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Intersex (LGBTI) individuals and people with disabilities are exceptionally vulnerable to GBV, though we do not have data that estimates prevalence. In the same vein, GBV and TIP, yet the data to establish a correlation is lacking. Survivors are stigmatized physically and economically, and are driven deeper into poverty, only increasing their vulnerability. Only a holistic program that emphasizes prevention, medical, psychosocial, and legal response, as well as reintegration activities that address stigma will demonstrably impact the issue.
1.3. Program Description
USAID will conduct awareness-raising activities such as: radio programs, community discussions and trainings; training of health care providers, psychosocial and legal counselling. USAID will use participatory theater to sensitize population on incidence, types, causes, consequences and contributing factors GBV and techniques for response, prevention and reintegration of survivors. In addition, USAID will provide medical supplies (include family planning), legal, and psychosocial services to survivors and other vulnerable populations. USAID will implement economic strengthening activities such as village savings and loans associations, micro-credit and income generating activities. Service provision, economic strengthening activities and common messages around positive gender roles and human rights will be disseminated throughout awareness-raising by community, youth clubs, and literacy circles members. In addition, behavior change communication will be implemented and alternative dispute resolution will be piloted.
IR 1 Community tolerance of GBV reduced by promulgation of positive gender roles for women, men, boys and girls.
IR 1.1 GBV community fora organizational capacity strengthened.
IR 1.2 Target communities demonstrate greater understanding of positive gender roles for women, men, girls and boys.
Illustrative Activities
Mass media campaigns
Television interviews
Focus group discussions
Community forums (religious, political, community events)
Gender and age-specific discussion groups
Music events
Training for facilitation of community and group-level dialogue
A variety of Information Communication Technology (ICT) tools or approaches such as smartphone applications or other web-based tools adapted to local conditions
Response (medical, psychosocial and legal service)
Intermediate Results
IR 2 Community delivery of GBV-related services increased
IR 2.1 Access to emergency medical services increased.
IR 2.2 Access to psychosocial services increased.
IR 2.3 Access to legal services increased.
Illustrative Activities
Awareness campaigns
Training on intake and identification procedures
Furnish PEP Kits, medicines
Service Accountability
Staff training for medical, legal, psychosocial professionals
Documentation for evidentiary use
Referral; including referral for TIP, LGBTI, and disability cases to appropriate services