evo = {n} age (= long period of time) {Hence:} medievo etc.; longeve etc.
evocabile = {adj} evocable
evocar = {v} to evoke, call forth; evocar a un tribunal superior to remove to a higher tribunal {Hence:} evocabile; evocation; evocatori
evocation = {n} evocation
evocatori = {adj} evocatory
evolut- see evolver
evolution = {n} evolution (1. development; 2. [Biol.]; 3. [Mil., Naut.])
evolutionismo = {n} evolutionism
evolutionista = {n} evolutionist
evolutive = {adj} evolutive
evolver [-volv-/-volut-] = {v} I. to evolve, develop (1. to undergo an evolution or development; 2. to cause to evolve or develop); II. [Mil., Naut.] to evolute; evolver un film (photographic) to develop a film {Hence:} evolution-evolutionismo, evolutionista; evolutive
evuls- see eveller
evulsion = {n} evulsion
†ex = {prep} out of, from
ex- = {prefixo} 1. [used with nouns] ex- (= former) {Hence:} ex-presidente etc.; ex-marito etc.; ex-communista etc. 2. {prefixo} = out of, from; utterly, extremely
exacerbar = {v} to exacerbate (= to increase the smart or bitterness of) {Hence:} exacerbation
exacerbation = {n} exacerbation (= state of being exacerbated)
exact- see exiger
exacte = {adj} exact, accurate; {also:} punctual; `scientias exacte' = exact sciences {Hence:} exactitude; inexacte-inexactitude
exaction = {n} exaction (= action of exacting)
exactitude = {n} 1. exactitude, accuracy; 2. punctuality
exactor = {n} tax-collector; exactor; extorter
exaggerar = {v} to exaggerate {Hence:} exaggeration; exaggerative; exaggerator
exaggeration = {n} exaggeration
exaggerative = {adj} exaggerative
exaggerator = {n} exaggerator
exaltar = {v} to exalt (1. to raise in rank, honor, power, etc.; 2. to extol); exaltar se to grow excited, grow enthusiastic {Hence:} exaltation; exaltate
exaltate = {adj} overexcited
exaltation = {n} exaltation (1. act of raising to a superior rank or position; 2. act of praising, extoling; 3. overexcitement, rapture, etc.
examinabile = {adj} examinable
examinante = {n} examiner
examinar = {v} to examine
examinator = {n} examiner
examine = {n} examination (1. investigation; 2. test); examine de conscientia self-examination; libere examine free inquiry {Hence:} examinar-examinante, examinabile, examinator
exarch- = {v} [occurring in derivatives] exarch- {Hence:} exarcho-exarchato
exarchato = {n} exarchate
exarcho = {n} exarch (1. [Rom. Hist.]; 2. [Gr. Orth. Ch.])
exasperar = {v} 1. to aggravate, make worse (a disease, pain, etc.); 2. to exasperate {Hence:} exasperation
exasperation = {n} 1. aggravation (of disease, pain, etc.); 2. exasperation
excambiabile = {adj} exchangeable
excambiar = {v} to exchange {Hence:} excambio; excambiabile; excambiator
excambiator = {n} exchanger; excambiator thermic [Atomic Phys.] heat exchanger
excambio = {n} exchange (= action of exchanging); libere excambio free trade
ex cathedra [L] ex calhedra
excavar = {v} to excavate (= to hollow out, dig)
excavation = {n} excavation (= action or result of hollowing out)
excavator = {n} excavator (1. one who excavates; 2. machine for digging out earth)
exceder [-ced-/-cess-] = {v} to exceed {Hence:} excessive; excesso
excellente 1. ppr of exceller; 2. {adj} excellent
excellentia = {n} excellence, excellency; per excellentia par excellence; Vostre Excellentia Your Excellency
exceller [-cell-/-cels-] = {v} to excel; exceller in to excel in {Hence:} excellente-excellentia; excelse
excels- see excell-
excelse = {adj} elevated, sublime, lofty
except- see excip
exceptar = {v} to except (= to leave out, take out)
excepte = {prep} except, excepting
exception = {n} exception; exception (peremptori, dilatori, etc.) [Law] (peremptory, dilatory, etc.) exception
exceptional = {adj} exceptional
excern- [-cern-/-cret-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} excretion; excretori; excretar
excess- see exceder
excessive = {adj} excessive
excesso = {n} excess (1. fact of exceeding in amount or degree; 2. amount by which one thing exceeds another; 3. as in "to commit excesses")
excider [-cid-/-cis-] = {v} to cut out or off, excide {Hence:} excision; excisar
excip [-cip-/-cept-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} excipiente; exception-exceptional; excepte; exceptar
excipiente = {n} [Pharm.] excipient
excis- see excider
excisar = {v} [Surg.] to excise
excision = {n} [Surg.] excision
excitabile = {adj} excitable
excitabilitate = {n} excitability
excitamento = {n} excitation (= action of exciting)
excitante = {n} excitant, stimulant
excitar = {v} to excite {Hence:} excitamento; excitante; excitabile-excitabilitate, inexcitabile; excitation; excitative; excitator; superexcitar-superexcitation
excitation = {n} I. excitation (1. action of exciting; 2. [Elec.]); II. excitement (= state of being excited)
excitative = {adj} exciting, stimulating
excitator = {n} 1. exciter; 2. [Elec.] discharger
exclamar = {v} to exclaim {Hence:} exclamation; exclamative
exclamation = {n} exclamation
exclamative = {adj} exclamatory
exclaramento = {n} (act of) lighting up
exclarar = {v} to light up {Hence:} exclaramento
excluder [-clud-/-clus-] = {v} to exclude {Hence:} exclusion; exclusive-exclusivismo, exclusivista, exclusivitate
exclus- see excluder
exclusion = {n} exclusion; al exclusion de to the exclusion of
exclusive = {adj} exclusive (1. as in "exclusive right, exclusive terms"; 2. as in "an exclusive club")
exclusivismo = {n} exclusiveness, exclusivism
exclusivista = {n} exclusivist
exclusivitate = {n} exclusiveness (of rights, terms, etc.)
excogitar = {v} to think out, excogitate {Hence:} excogitation
excogitation = {n} devising, contrivance, excogitation
excommunicar = {v} to excommunicate {Hence:} excommunication
excommunication = {n} excommunication; excommunication major, minor greater, lesser excommunication, major, minor excommunication
ex-communista = {n} ex-communist, former communist
excoriar = {v} to bark, graze, excoriate {Hence:} excoriation
excoriation = {n} excoriation (= abrasion of the skin)
excremental = {adj} excremental
excrementicie = {adj} excrementitious
excremento = {n} excrement {Hence:} excremental; excrementicie; excrementose
excrementose = {adj} excremental
excrescentia = {n} excrescence (= abnormal or disfiguring outgrowth)
excrescer = {v} to grow out or forth {Hence:} excrescentia
excret- see excern-
excretar = {v} to excrete
excretion = {n} excretion
excretori = {adj} excretory
excurr- [-curr-/-curs-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} excursion-excursionista
excurs- see excurr-
excursion = {n} I. excursion (1. pleasure trip; 2. digression); II. [Mil.] sally, raid
excursionista = {n} excursionist
excusa = {n} excuse; facer excusas to make excuses; facer (su) excusas to make apologies, apologize
excusabile = {adj} excusable
excusar = {v} to excuse (= to clear of blame); excusar se to excuse oneself, apologize {Hence:} excusa; excusabile-inexcusabile; excusation; excusatori
excusation = {n} excuse, excusing
excusatori = {adj} apologetic (= making excuse or apology)
execrabile = {adj} execrable
execrar = {v} to execrate (1. to imprecate evil upon; 2. to abhor, detest) {Hence:} execrabile; execration; execrator; execratori
execration = {n} execration (1. imprecation, malediction; 2. abhorrence, detestation
execrator = {n} execrator
execratori = {adj} execratory
execut- see exequer
executabile = {adj} executable, practicable
executar = {v} to execute (1. to carry out; 2. to put to death according to law)
execution = {n} execution (1. act of carrying out; 2. act of putting to death according to law)
executive = {adj} executive
executor = {n} executor (= one who carries out); executor testamentari executor (= person appointed to execute a will)
executori = {adj} executory (as in "executory decree, law, etc."); judicio executori enforceable judgment
exegese = {n} exegesis
exegeta = {n} exegetist
exegetic = {adj} exegetic {Hence:} exegetica
exegetica = {n} exegetics
exemplar = {adj} exemplary (1. being a good model or pattern; 2. serving as a warning to others) exemplar {n} 1. model, exemplar; 2. copy (specimen of a book, etc.)
exemplificar = {v} to exemplify (= to show by example)
exemplification = {n} exemplification (= act of showing by example)
exempli gratia, e. g. [L] exempli gratia, e.g., for example
exemplo = {n} example (1. sample, specimen; 2. model, pattern; 3. instance serving to illustrate a rule or precept); facer un exemplo de un persona to make an example of someone; per exemplo for example, for instance; sin exemplo unparalleled, without example; dar un exemplo to set an example {Hence:} exemplar; exemplificar-exemplification
exempt- see eximer
exemptar = {v} to exempt
exempte = {adj} exempt
exemption = {n} exemption
exequer [-equ-/-ecut-] = {v} to execute, carry out {Hence:} exequias; execution-electrocution etc.: excecutive; executor; executori: executar-executabile-inexecutabile, electrocutar etc.
exequias = {npl} funeral rites, exequies
exercer = {v} to practice, carry on {Hence:} exercitio; exercitar &
exercitar = {v} to train, exercise, drill {Hence:} exercitation
exercitation = {n} 1. training, exercise, drill; 2. practice (as in "the practice of a profession")
exercitio = {n} I. exercise (1. as in "the exercise of virtues"; 2. as in "an exercise in grammar"); II. practice (as in "the practice of a profession"); III. [Mil.] drill
exfoliation = {n} 1. fall of leaves; 2. exfoliation (= process of coming off in layers or scales, peeling off)
exhalar = {v} to exhale (as in "to exhale odor") {Hence:} exhalation
exhalation = {n} exhalation (1. exhaling, giving off as vapor, etc.; 2. that which is exhaled)
exhauribile = {adj} exhaustible
exhaurir [-haur-/haust-] = {v} to exhaust (1. to drain, use up, consume, etc.; 2. as in "to exhaust a subject"); exhaurir se to exhaust oneself {Hence:} exhauribile-inexhauribile; exhaustibile-inexhaustibile; exhaustion; exhauste inexhauste
exhaust- see exhaurir
exhauste = {adj} exhausted (= consumed, used up)
exhaustibile = {adj} exhaustible
exhaustion = {n} exhaustion (= action of draining, using up, consuming, etc.)
exheredar = {v} to disinherit {Hence:} exheredation
exheredation = {n} disinheritance
exhibir = {v} to exhibit {Hence:} exhibition-exhibitionista, exhibitionismo; exhibitor; exbibitori
exhibition = {n} exhibition; {also:} exhibit
exhibitionismo = {n} exhibitionism (= tendency towards self-advertisement)
exhibitionista = {n} exhibitionist (= ostentatious person)
exhibitor = {n} exhibitor
exhibitori = {adj} exhibitory
exhilarante 1. ppr of exhilarar; 2. {adj} exhilarant, exhilarating
exhilarar = {v} to exhilarate {Hence:} exhilarante; exhilaration
exhilaration = {n} exhilaration
exhortar = {v} to exhort {Hence:} exhortation; exhortative; exhortator; exhortatori
exhortation = {n} exhortation
exhortative = {adj} exhortative
exhortator = {n} exhorter
exhortatori = {adj} exhortatory
exhumar = {v} to exhume {Hence:} exhumation
exhumation = {n} exhumation
exigente = {adj} exigent, exacting
exigentia = {n} 1. demand; 2. exigency, requirement
exiger [-ig-/-act-] = {v} to exact {Hence:} exigente-exigentia; exigue &; exigibile-inexigibile; exaction; exactor; exacte &
exigibile = {adj} claimable, exigible
exigue = {adj} exiguous; scanty, scant {Hence:} exiguitate
exiguitate = {n} exiguity, scantiness
exiliar = {v} to exile
exiliato = {n} exile (= exiled person)
exilio = {n} exile (= banishment) {Hence:} exiliar-exiliato
eximer [-im-/-empt-] = {v} to exempt {Hence:} exemption; exempte-exemptar
exir = {v} to go or come out {Hence:} exito
existente = {adj} existent, existing
existentia = {n} existence
existential = {adj} existential
existentialismo = {n} existentialism
existentialista = {n} existentialist
exister = {v} to exist {Hence:} existente-existentia-existential-existentialismo, existentialista, inexistente-inexistentia; preexister-preexistente-preexistentia
exito (éx-) = {n} exit, way out
ex-libris = {n} bookplate, ex libris
ex-marito = {n} ex-husband, former husband
ex-ministro = {n} [Pol.] ex-minister, former minister
exo- = {adv} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] exo-, ex- (= without, outside) {Hence:} exotic-esoticismo; exoskeleto etc.; exosmose etc.; exogame etc.
exodic = {adj} exodic; {also:} [Physiol.] efferent
exodista = {n} exodist (= one taking part in an exodus)
exodo (éx-) = {n} exodus; Exodo Exodus {Hence:} exodista; exodic
exo-game (-ógame) = {adj} [Anthropol.] exogamous {Hence:} exogamia
exogamia (-ía) = {n} [Anthropol.] exogamy
exo-gene = {adj} exogenous
exonerar = {v} to exonerate (= to free from a burden, duty, obligation, etc.) {Hence:} exoneration
exoneration = {n} exoneration
exoperante = {n} striker (= worker on strike)
exoperar = {v} to strike, be on strike {Hence:} exopero; exoperante
exopero (-ó-) = {n} strike (as in "be on strike")
exorabile = {adj} easily moved, exorable
exorar = {v} to move by entreaty {Hence:} exorabile-inexorabile-inexorabilitate
exorbitante = {adj} excessive; {also:} exorbitant
exorbitantia = {n} excessiveness; {also:} exorbitance
exorbitar = {v} to be excessive or exorbitant {Hence:} exorbitante-exorbitantia
exorcizar = {v} to exorcise {Hence:} exorcismo; exorcista
exorcismo = {n} exorcism
exorcista = {n} exorcist
exordial = {adj} exordial
exordio = {n} exordium
exordir = {v} to begin (a discourse) {Hence:} exordio-exordial
exo-skeleto (-ské-) = {n} [Zool.] exoskeleton
exosm- see exosmose
ex-osmose = {n} exosmosis {Hence:} exosmotic
exosmotic = {adj} exosmotic
exotic = {adj} exotic
exoticismo = {n} exoticism
expander [-pand-/-pans-] = {v} to expand (= to cause to spread out, stretch out or unfold) {Hence:} expansibile-expansibilitate; expansion; expansive
expans- see expander
expansibile = {adj} expansible
expansibilitate = {n} expansibility
expansion = {n} 1. expansion; 2. expansiveness
expansive = {adj} expansive (1. [Sci.]; 2. showing one's feelings freely)
expatriar = {v} to expatriate (= to make an exile of); expatriar se to expatriate, emigrate {Hence:} expatriation
expatriation = {n} expatriation (1. banishment from one's fatherland; 2. emigration)
expectante 1. ppr of expectar; 2. {adj} expectant
expectar = {v} to expect (= to look for mentally) {Hence:} expectante; expectation; espectative
expectation = {n} expectation (1. state of expecting; 2. [Med.]
expectative = {adj} expectative
expectorante 1. ppr of expectorar; 2. {adj} [Med.] expectorant
expectorante = {n} [Med.] expectorant
expectorar = {v} to expectorate {Hence:} expectorante, expectoration
expectoration = {n} expectoration
expedicular = {v} to delouse
expediente 1. ppr of expedir; 2. {adj} expedient, suitable, fit. expediente {n} expedient
expedir = {v} 1. to expedite; 2. to dispatch, despatch, send off {Hence:} expediente; expedition; expeditive; expeditor; reexpedir-reexpedition
expedition = {n} I. (action of) expediting; II. sending (of parcels, goods, etc.); III. expedition (1. promptness; 2. as in "an expedition to the North Pole")
expeditive = {adj} expeditious
expeditor = {n} expeditor; {also:} sender, shipper
expeller [-pell-/-puls-] = {v} to expel; {also:} to deport (as in "to deport an undesirable alien") {Hence:} expulsion; expulsive
expender [-pend-/-pens-] = {v} to spend, expend (= to give out in payment) {Hence:} expensa
expens- see expender
expensa = {n} expense
experientia = {n} experience (as in "teaching experience, etc.") {Hence:} inexperientia
experimental = {adj} experimental; scientia experinental experimental science
experimentar = {v} to experiment
experimentate = {adj} experienced
experimentation = {n} experimentation
experimentator = {n} experimenter
experimento = {n} experiment {Hence:} experimental; experimentar-experimentation, experimentator, experimentate-inexperimentate
experir [-per-/-pert-] = {v} to try, put to the test {Hence:} experimento &; experientia &; experte &
expert- see exsperir
experte = {adj} expert {Hence:} inexperte; experto
experto = {n} expert
expiabile = {adj} expiable
expiar = {v} to expiate {Hence:} expiabile-inexpiabile; expiation; expiator; expiatori; inexpiate
expiation = {n} expiation
expiator = {n} expiator
expiatori = {adj} expiatory; capro espiatori scapegoat
expirar = {v} to expire (1. to breathe out; 2. to die) {Hence:} expiration
expiration = {n} expiration (1. breathing out; 2. termination, end)
explanar = {v} 1. to level, smooth out; 2. to explain (= to expound, interpret) {Hence:} explanation; explanator
explanation = {n} 1. (action of) leveling, smoothing out; 2. explanation (= interpretation, expounding)
explanator 1. leveler; 2. explainer
expler = {v} to fill, fill up {Hence:} expletive
expletive = {adj} expletive
explicabile = {adj} explainable, explicable
explicar = {v} to explain {Hence:} explicabile-inexplicabile-inexplicabilitate; explication; explicative; explicator; explicite; inexplicate
explication = {n} explanation
explicative = {adj} explanatory
explicator = {n} explainer, commentator
explicite (-plí-) = {adj} explicit (= clearly expressed)
exploder [-plod-/-plos-] = {v} to explode (= to go off, or to fly in pieces, with a loud report) {Hence:} explosion; explosive-explosivo; exploditor
exploditor = {n} exploder (= device for firing an explosive charge)
exploitabile = {adj} exploitable
exploitar = {v} to exploit (1. as in "to exploit a mine"; 2. to utilize for selfish purposes) {Hence:} exploitabile; exploitation; exploitator
exploitation = {n} exploitation
exploitator = {n} exploiter
explorabile = {adj} explorable
explorar = {v} to explore (1. as in "to explore new countries"; 2. to investigate, examine; 3. [Surg.]) {Hence:} explorabile-inexplorabile; exploration; explorator; exploratori; inexplorate
exploration = {n} exploration (1. as in "exploration of new countries"; 2. investigation; 3. [Surg.])
explorator = {n} explorer
exploratori = {adj} exploratory
explos- see exploder
explosion = {n} explosion (1. blast; 2. sudden outbreak of emotion); facer explosion to explode (= to go off, or to fly in pieces, with a loud report)
explosive = {adj} explosive (1. tending to explode; 2. [Phonet.])
explosivo = {n} explosive (= explosive substance)
exponente = {adj} [Alg.] exponent {Hence:} exponential
exponential = {adj} [Math.] exponential
exponer [-pon-/-posit-] = {v} I. to expose (1. to show openly, display; 2. to lay open (to danger, etc.)); II. to expound {Hence:} exponente &; exposition; expositive; expositor
exportabile = {adj} exportable
exportar = {v} to export {Hence:} exportabile; exportation; exportator; reexportar-reexportation
exportation = {n} 1. exportation, export, exporting; 2. exports
exportator = {n} exporter
exposit- see exponer
exposition = {n} I. exposition (1. exhibition; 2. detailed explanation); II. exposure (1. laying open to view, action, influence, etc; 2. [Photog.]; 3. position in relation to sun, wind etc.)
expositive = {adj} expository, expositive
expositor = {n} 1. expositor, expounder, exponent; 2. exhibitor
ex-presidente = {n} ex-president
express- see exprimer
expresse = {adj} express (1. definite, explicit; 2. as in "express letter"); traino expresse express train
expression = {n} expression (1. action of pressing or squeezing out; 2. act or fact of giving expression to; 3. significant word or phrase)
expressionismo = {n} expressionism
expressionista = {n} expressionist
expressive = {adj} expressive
expresso = {n} 1. express messenger; 2. express train. expresso {adv} purposely
exprimer [-prim-/-press-] = {v} 1. to press out, squeeze out; 2. to express {Hence:} exprimibile-inexprimibile; expression-expressionismo, expressionista; expressive-inexpressive; expresse-expresso (1), expresso (2)
exprimibile = {adj} expressible, utterable
expropriar = {v} to expropriate, dispossess {Hence:} expropriation; expropriator
expropriation = {n} expropriation, dispossession
expropriator = {n} expropriator, dispossessor
expugnabile = {adj} stormable, pregnable
expugnar = {v} to take by assault, storm {Hence:} expugnabile-inexpugnabile
expulicar = {v} to clean of fleas
expulicatorio = {n} delousing station
expuls- see expeller
expulsion = {n} expulsion; {also:} deportation (as in "deportation of an undesirable alien")
expulsive = {adj} expulsive
expunct- see expunger
expunction = {n} expunction
expunger [-pung-/-punct-] = {v} to expunge {Hence:} expunction
expurgar = {v} to expurgate {Hence:} expurgation
expurgation = {n} expurgation
exquir- [-quir-/ quisit-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} exquisite-exquisitessa
exquisit- see exquir-
exquisite = {adj} exquisite
exquisitessa = {n} exquisiteness
exsangue = {adj} exsanguine
exsiccar = {v} to dry up, exsiccate (= to make quite dry) {Hence:} exsiccation; exsiccative
exsiccation = {n} exsiccation
exsiccative = {adj} exsiccative
exspuer = {v} to spit out
exspuition = {n} spitting out, expectoration
exsuction = {n} exsuction
exsudar = {v} to exude (1. as in "sweat exudes from the pores"; 2. to cause to exude) {Hence:} exsudation; exsudato
exsudation = {n} exudation
exsudato = {n} exudation, sweat
exsug- [-sug-/-suct-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives]
extemporanee = {adj} extemporaneous, extempore
extender [-tend-/-tens-] = {v} I. to extend (1. to stretch out; 2. to increase in size or scope); II. to spread, spread out; extender le mano to hold out one's hand {Hence:} extendibile; extensibile-extensibilitate, inextensibile; extension-inextension; extensive; extensor; extense
extendibile = {adj} extendible, extensible
extens- see extender
extense = {adj} extensive (= having extension)
extensibile = {adj} extensible
extensibilitate = {n} extensibility
extension = {n} I. extension (1. stretching out; 2. increase in size or scope; 3. [Logic]); II. extent (= space or degree to which anything is extended); also: range
extensive = {adj} extensive (as in "extensive agriculture")
extensor = {n} 1. extender (one who or that which extends); 2. [Anat.] extensor
extenuar = {v} to emaciate, weaken, extenuate; extenuar se to wear oneself out {Hence:} extenuation
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