J. E. (Edd) Dorminey 923 Dorminey Doss Rd. Tifton, Georgia 31793

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Descendants of Frederick Dominy

of Wilkinson County, Georgia

Compiled By
J.E. (Edd) Dorminey

923 Dorminey Doss Rd.

Tifton, Georgia 31793



email: edorminey@dishmail.net
October 2000

A special thank you goes to Davis Wilson and Chris Jones who have both researched this family extensively and are interested in filling the gaps. Also, Lanell Dominy Claxton’s book on the descendants of Frederick Dominy is highly recommended reading for more knowledge about this fine family .
If you can fill in any information, please email me at the above address with all you can fill in.


Reading This Book ii

C H A P T E R 1 1

Descendants of Frederick Dominy of Wilkinson County, Georgia 1


C H A P T E R 2 7


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Reading This Book
If, while reading the following pages of this book, the reader will keep these few facts in mind, a much clearer understanding of the contents will result. The format or style used in this book is known as the Modified Register System, which has been refined by the National Genealogical Society.

Three types of numbers are used: one to uniquely identify the individual, one to indicate the generation into which that person falls, and one to denote his or her birth‑order within the nuclear family. The identification numbering system used in this book is called By Generation. The starting person is 1, his first child is 2. All the children are listed as generation number two, the grand‑children are listed as generation number three and so on. Each person is assigned an ID number in sequential order by generation.

When an individual is introduced in his/her separate sketch, the name appears in boldface letters with the surnames in all capital letters. The name is preceded by the identification number. The last given name is followed immediately by a superscript number indicating the number of generations from the starting individual in this book. In parentheses following the name is a list of direct ancestors back to the starting individual. Only the given name is listed, preceded by his/her ID number, and followed by the generation number in superscript. Blank lines are printed to indicate missing names, dates, or places.

When the list of children is presented, the plus (+) sign indicates that more about this child will be presented in his/her separate sketch. The ID number is printed, followed by M/F indicating the sex. Next a small roman numeral in front of the name designates birth‑order. Next the name is followed by the birth and death dates.

The term "Spouse" may have several different meanings: husband, wife, partner, mate, parent, or significant other. The couple involved may not be legally married. The term "stepchild" may have several different meanings: the child may be a stepchild, adopted child, foster child, or just raised in the home. If there are any other children of the spouse, they will be designated as stepchildren.

The index is arranged alphabetically by surname. Under each surname, the given names are alphabetically arranged. The name is followed by the year of birth and death in square brackets. The number to the right indicates the page where this name appears.

C H A P T E R 1

Descendants of Frederick Dominy of Wilkinson County, Georgia
Listing 1733 descendants for 10 generations.


1. Frederick1 DOMINY was born ____/ _____/ 1765 in South Carolina we believe, the son of Andrew. Frederick died ____/ _____/ 1834 in Wilkinson Co., Georgia, at the age of 69, and was buried ____/ _____/ 1834 in Wilkinson Co., Georgia He married Elizabeth JASPER ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________. She was born ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________. She was the daughter of ___________ ___________ and ___________ ___________. Elizabeth died about ____/ _____/ 1834 in Wilkerson Co., GA?, __________ , and was buried ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________.

They had 10 children:

+ 2. m i. John H. DOMINY, born ____/ _____/ 1788, died after ____/ _____/ 1870.

+ 3. m ii. James (Willis) DOMINEY, born ____/ _____/ 1800, died after ____/ _____/ 1842.

4. f iii. Nancy DORMINEY, born ____/ _____/ 1804 in Washington Co., Georgia She married (1) John HAYMAN before ____/ _____/ 1834 in _________, __________, __________ . He was born ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________. He was the son of ___________ ___________ and ___________ ___________. John died ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________.

Nancy married (2) Leonard MUSSELWHITE 23 September 1823 in _________, __________, __________. He was born ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________. He was the son of ___________ ___________ and ___________ ___________. Leonard died ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________.

Nancy died after ____/ _____/ 1834 in _________, __________, __________, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________.

Nancy and John Hamons may have lived in Lee Co.,GA. Item # 2 in Frederick Sr.'s will, "My land and plantation and stock that is in Lee County under care of John Hamons ... to be sold..." She was married once before. Laurens Co.,GA. marriage Records Book "D" 1811‑1836, Nancy Dominy to Leonard Musslewhite, September 23, 1823.

5. f iv. Martha DOMINEY, born 3 April 1804 in Washinton Co., Georgia. She married David TAYLOR before ____/ _____/ 1834 in Henry Co., AL, __________ . He was born 1 March 1801 in _________, __________, __________. He was the son of ___________ ___________ and ___________ ___________. David died 25 January 1866 in Henry Co., AL, __________, at the age of 64, and was buried ____/ January 1866 in Tolbert Bapt., Cemetery, Henry Co., AL.

Martha died 4 May 1872 in Henry Co., AL, __________, at the age of 68

, and was buried ____/ May 1872 in Tolbert Bapt., Cemetery, Henry Co., AL

+ 6. m v. Henry Alexander (Henry) DOMINY, born 7 March 1805, died after ____/ _____/ 1860.

7. f vi. Rebecca DORMINEY, born ____/ _____/ 1806 in Wilkinson Co., Georgia She married Bennett PURVIS ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________. He was born ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________. He was the son of ___________ ___________ and ___________ ___________. Bennett died ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________.

Rebecca died after ____/ _____/ 1834 in _________, __________, __________, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________.

+ 8. m vii. Frederick DOMINEY, born ____/ _____/ 1808, died ____/ _____/ 1869.

9. f viii. Malinda DOMINY, born ____/ _____/ 1810 in Wilkinson Co., Georgia She married John J. BIRD 7 August 1823 in Wilkinson Co., Georgia Text: "Henry's Heritage" states that she was married August 7, 1823 . He was born ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________. He was the son of ___________ ___________ and ___________ ___________. John died ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________.

Malinda died ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________.

+ 10. m ix. Josiah (Joe) DORMINY, born ____/ _____/ 1810, died after ____/ _____/ 1870.

+ 11. m x. Andrew DOMINEY, born ____/ _____/ 1812, died ____/ _____/ 1848.

From "The Southern Recorder" Milledgeville,GA Published Weekly. Georgia Genealogy Magazine 1965 page 945. Wilkinson County. Mrs. Elizabeth Doming applies for a dowry out of the estate of her deceased husband Frederick Doming, to be assigned her out of lot of land 215, 2nd district of Wilkinson, where he lived and died. Notice of intention to apply , addressed to John, James and Henry Doming, John Hamons and Nancy his wife, Bennett Purvis and Rebecca his wife, David Taylor and Martha his wife, John Bird and Malinda his wife, Andrew Doming, Frederick Doming and Josiah Doming; notice dated April 16, 1834. Editor's note: The widow and the addressees were the only heirs, the said John, James, Henry, Andrew, Federick,and Josiah, Nancy Hamons, Rebecca Purvis, Martha Taylor, Malinda Bird, being the children of the dec'd.
Frederick left a will in Wilkinson Co.,GA in 1834 (1834, Record of Returns, 1827‑1838 , p. 190)

In 1795 Frederick was granted land in Washington Co.,GA . He was granted 750 acres then.

Frederick lived on lot of land 215, 2nd District of Wilkinson Co.,GA,

Frederick's death date estimated as his wife applied for a Dowry on April 16, 1834 and it is assumed that he had just died.

From "Records of Washington Co." by Delwyn Associates 1975 Frederick drew 2 times in 1805 land lottery in 1794 Frederick Dominis listed in Headright and Bounty Grants 1795 " " " "

In the Ga. Dept of Archives from Books D‑E 1788‑1793 "Extant Surveyor's Records" Frederick Domini is listed April 3, 1791 adjoining Domini and Ray and Aug. 6, 1790 adjoining Allen

Also Frederick is listed in Washington Co. in Grant Book EEEE page 735 for 132 acres in 1794. also Grant book PPPP page 750 for 258 acres in 1795. This land was boundedn the South by Allen's land, North by Ray's land, and on all other sides by Surveyed land. Dated 25th day of July 1795. From the "Georgia Genealogical Magazine" Spring/Summer 1993 (Vol.33, No.2‑3 Issues 128‑129): Washington County (Georgia); The petitions protesting the Yazoo Land Fraud survive and are substitutes for Georgia's lost censuses. Now in the Telamon Cuyler Collection of the Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscripts Library, University of Georgia Libraries the petition is undated but presumably was signed in 1795. Federick Dominy is listed (along with John Dorminy). (Note that in most indexes to this petition his name is mispelled. I have a copy of the original petition and so I know this information is correct. J.E.D. 1994)

1790 ‑ Listed in Surveyor's Records Washington Co.,GA ( granted 75 acres) 1791‑ Listed in Surveyor's Records Washington Co.,GA 1794‑ Listed in Grant Books of Washington Co.,GA 1795‑ Granted 258 acres in Washington Co.,GA 1795‑ Signed petition vs Yazoo Land Fraud Washington Co.,GA 1805‑ Drew 2 times in 1805 Land Lottery Washington Co.,GA 1820‑ Wilkinson Co.,GA census records 1821‑ Grantee of land in Laurens County Oct.29, 1821 from Alex Blackshear (It stated that he lived in Wilkinson Co.,GA at the time) 1830‑ Wilkinson Co.,GA census records 1834‑ Died in Wilkinson Co.,GA

For other information Frederick and his line see "Henry's Heritage", a history of Henry County,Alabama compiled by Hoyt M. Warren. This lists his children also and their important dates.

Event: CENSUS: On ____/ _____/ 1820 in Wilkinson Co., Georgia

Event: CENSUS: On ____/ _____/ 1830 in Wilkinson Co., Georgia


C H A P T E R 2

2. John H.2 DOMINY (1.Frederick1) was born ____/ _____/ 1788 in Washington Co., Georgia Secondary evidence, data officially recorded sometime after event.2John died after ____/ _____/ 1870 in Wilkinson Co., Georgia, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________. He married Mary Ann DOMINY ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________. She was born ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________. She was the daughter of ___________ ___________ and ___________ ___________. Mary died ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________.

They had 6 children:

+ 12. m i. Joseph E. DOMINY, born 30 May 1812, died 13 November 1898.

+ 13. m ii. Daniel DOMINY, born approximately ____/ _____/ 1818, died ____/ _____/ ______.

+ 14. m iii. Elbert DORMINEY, born ____/ _____/ 1821, died ____/ _____/ ______.

15. m iv. Benjamin DOMINY, born ____/ _____/ 1824 in _________, __________, __________ , died after ____/ _____/ 1865 in _________, __________, __________ , and was buried ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________.

+ 16. m v. John H. DOMINY, born 3 December 1825, died 6 October 1881.

+ 17. f vi. Sarah Alice DOMINY, born ____/ _____/ 1832, died ____/ _____/ ______.

Event: CENSUS: On ____/ _____/ 1840 in Wilkinson Co., Georgia

Event: CENSUS: On ____/ _____/ 1820 in Wilkinson Co., Georgia

Event: CENSUS: On ____/ _____/ 1870 in Wilkinson Co., Georgia
3. James (Willis)2 DOMINEY (1.Frederick1) was born ____/ _____/ 1800 in Washington Co., Georgia James died after ____/ _____/ 1842 in Polk Co., TX, __________, and was buried after ____/ _____/ 1842 in Polk Co., TX, __________. He married (1) Elizabeth JONES approximately ____/ _____/ 1820 in _________, __________, __________. She was born ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________. She was the daughter of ___________ ___________ and ___________ ___________. Elizabeth died ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________.

They had 4 children:

+ 18. m i. William Jackson DOMINEY, born 14 January 1821, died 19 March 1863.

+ 19. m ii. David DORMINEY, born approximately ____/ _____/ 1823, died ____/ _____/ ______.

20. f iii. Ann Elizabeth DORMINEY, born about ____/ _____/ 1825 in _________, __________, __________. She married William MATHIS 28 September 1848 in _________, __________, __________. He was born ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________. He was the son of ___________ ___________ and ___________ ___________. William died ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________.

Ann died approximately ____/ _____/ 1910 in _________, __________, __________, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________.

+ 21. m iv. John James DORMINY, born ____/ _____/ 1831, died ____/ _____/ 1902.

James married (2) Mary SMITH ____/ _____/ 1840 in Montgomery Co., AL, __________. She was born ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________. She was the daughter of ___________ ___________ and ___________ ___________. Mary died ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________.

They had 2 children:

22. m v. James DORMINEY, born approximately ____/ _____/ 1840 in _________, __________, __________, died ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________.

23. f vi. Irene DORMINEY, born ____/ _____/ 1842 in _________, __________, __________. She married J.M. JONES ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________. He was born ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________. He was the son of ___________ ___________ and ___________ ___________. J.M. died ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________.

Irene died approximately ____/ _____/ 1910 in _________, __________, __________, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________.

James married (3) Nancy JONES after ____/ _____/ 1842 in Texas, __________, __________. She was born ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________. She was the daughter of ___________ ___________ and ___________ ___________. Nancy died ____/ _____/ ______ in Polk Co., TX, __________, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______ in Polk Co., TX, __________.
James moved with brother Henry to Henry Co. Alabama in 1830 from Wilkerson Co. GA. In 1840 James sent Elizabeth Jones,and his daughter Ann Elizabeth and his son John James back to Wilkerson Co.,GA and married in Montgomery Co. , AL, Mary Smith in 1840. Elizabeth Jones his first wife, lived in the home of Jessie Mets back in Wilkerson Co. until John James got married after the Civil War and then he took her in with him in this home and that is where she died. James left Mary Smith, they lived in Macon Co.,AL . James changed his name to Willis Dominey in Macon Co. AL for some reason ‑ We don't know and never have been able to find out why. He and some of the Smith family (kin to his second wife) joined the Society Hill Baptist Church and they made applications, assets at the Society Hill Baptist Church , to form a church over in a community known as Little Texas and let it be an arm of the Society Hill Baptist Church which was granted but it didn'tlast very long‑‑ there is no record of it anywhere over in Macon County. James later moved out to Texas between 1850 and 1860 and married a widow Nancy Jones and lived the balance of his life and they were buried on her land in Polk Co. Texas. Jones and their graves have since been lost; there are no records of it, no head stones or anything can be found just exactly where they were buried, but they were buried on land that belonged to this Nancy Jones.

(From transcript of tape by Dewey C. Dorminey and history written by Lloyd Dorminey of Norman Park,GA)

I don't believe Dewey Dorminey was correct. I believe that Willis was the son of John Dorminy of Irwin County and he went to Alabama and settled. There seemso be no documents showing that a James ever changed his name. Willis was the son of John and lived near him in the 1820 census of Irwin Co.. Frederick and James lived in Wilkinson County. (by J.E. Dorminey 3/1997) If anybody has more information on this line, please contact me by email at edormine@surfsouth.com
6. Henry Alexander (Henry)2 DOMINY (1.Frederick1) was born 7 March 1805 in Washington Co., Georgia Henry died after ____/ _____/ 1860 in Chester, Tyler Co., Texas Text: (Presumed buried on Shiver's ranch in Tyler County, TX) , and was buried ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________. He married Lovica (Vickie) BLACKSHEAR 1 April 1821 in Dublin, Laurens Co., Georgia . She was born 7 May 1805 in Laurens Co., GA Text: and Dr. Joseph W. Melton, Colorado Springs, CO (Blackshear Book) She was the daughter of Alexander BLACKSHEAR and Ann ALLISON. Lovica died 26 May 1892 in Pennington, Trinity Co., Texas, at the age of 87 Text: (another source stated died on the 16th) , and was buried ____/ May 1892 in Pennington Cmt., Trinity Co., Texas.

They had 10 children:

+ 24. m i. Alexander Blackshear DOMINY, born 7 January 1822, died ____/ _____/ 1864.

+ 25. m ii. Frederick DOMINY, born ____/ _____/ 1827, died after ____/ _____/ 1880.

+ 26. f iii. Nancy DOMINY, born approximately ____/ _____/ 1828, died ____/ _____/ ______.

+ 27. m iv. Stephen (Seaborn) DOMINY, born 24 December 1830, died 31 March 1911.

+ 28. m v. Daniel Jasper DOMINY, born 28 January 1833, died 4 October 1899.

29. m vi. John Royal DOMINY, born 21 July 1835 in Henry Co., AL, __________ He married Mary Ann Rebecca FONDREN 11 May 1859 in AL, __________, __________ . She was born 28 August 1836 in Henry Co., AL, __________. She was the daughter of ___________ ___________ and ___________ ___________. Mary died 5 January 1910 in Pennington, Trinity Co., Texas, at the age of 73, and was buried ____/ January 1910 in Pennington Cmt., Trinity Co., Texas.

John died 5 July 1864 in Henry Co., AL, __________, at the age of 29, and was buried ____/ July 1864 in Henry Co., AL, __________.

30. m vii. Edward Henry (Eddie) Jackson DOMINY, born approximately ____/ _____/ 1837 in Henry Co., AL, __________ , died ____/ _____/ 1862 in VA, __________, __________ , and was buried ____/ _____/ 1862 in Richmond, VA, __________

+ 31. f viii. Mary Ann Blackshear DOMINY, born ____/ _____/ 1839, died ____/ _____/ ______.

+ 32. f ix. Lovica Mahala DOMINY, born approximately ____/ _____/ 1842, died before ____/ _____/ 1925.

+ 33. m x. Benjamin Marion DOMINY, born 4 May 1846, died 2 December 1915.
Louisa's father was probably Alex Blackshear of Laurens Co.GA.
Henry moved to Henry Co. AL from Wilkerson Co.,GA in about 1830 with his brother James who later changed his name to Willis. The Laurens County Marriage records show a marriage license for Henry Dorminy and Louisa Blackshear granted on the 11th day of March 1821 and recorded 8th April 1823.

Also the Laurens County records have Henry Dominey granted land by William Albritten on January 17, 1824 and recorded Oct. 2, 1824 and is in Book "H" page 135.

Event: CENSUS: On ____/ _____/ 1830 in Henry Co., AL, __________
8. Frederick2 DOMINEY (1.Frederick1) was born ____/ _____/ 1808 in Wilkinson Co., Georgia Frederick died ____/ _____/ 1869 in Wilkinson Co.,Georgia, at the age of 61 , and was buried ____/ _____/ 1869 in _________, __________, __________. He married Dionne (Diona) FORDHAM ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________ She was born ____/ _____/ 1808 in _________, __________, __________. She was the daughter of ___________ ___________ and ___________ ___________. Dionne died 23 April 1881 in Wilkinson Co.,Georgia, at the age of 73 , and was buried ____/ April 1881 in Wilkinson Co., Georgia.

They had 6 children:

+ 34. m i. Benjamin Hardy DOMINY, born 28 June 1835, died 11 April 1915.

35. f ii. Elizabeth DOMINEY, born approximately ____/ _____/ 1836 in Wilkinson Co.,Georgia, died after ____/ _____/ 1900 in Wilkinson Co., Georgia , and was buried ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________.

+ 36. f iii. Mary Ann DOMINEY, born ____/ _____/ 1840, died before ____/ _____/ 1861.

+ 37. f iv. Nancy Jane DOMINY, born 8 April 1842, died 22 July 1878.

+ 38. f v. Elsey A. DOMINEY, born 22 June 1844, died 4 October 1912.

+ 39. m vi. Frederick DOMINY, born 26 April 1847, died 2 January 1890.

From Freida Reese Gaskin of Houston Texas on 9/15/1995 she stated that "From the information I have found, Frederick Dominey left S.C. around 1786; he was in Washington Co.,GA, in 1805, and later in Wilkinson Co.(GA).

Event: CENSUS: On ____/ _____/ 1840 in Wilkinson Co., Georgia
10. Josiah (Joe)2 DORMINY (1.Frederick1) was born ____/ _____/ 1810 in Wilkinson Co., Georgia Josiah died after ____/ _____/ 1870 in _________, __________, __________, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________. He married (1) Nancy COATES 31 May 1837 in Wilkinson Co., Georgia . She was born ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________. She was the daughter of ___________ ___________ and ___________ ___________. Nancy died ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________.

They had 7 children:

+ 40. m i. John David DORMINEY, born ____/ _____/ 1838, died 31 July 1909.

+ 41. m ii. Thomas (Tom) DORMINEY, born ____/ _____/ 1847, died 20 September 1921.

+ 42. m iii. Jeremiah (Jerry) DORMINEY, born 5 April 1850, died 10 January 1941.

43. m iv. Henry DORMINEY, born ____/ _____/ 1854 in _________, __________, __________ , died ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________.

+ 44. m v. Oliver (Ol) DORMINEY, born ____/ _____/ 1859, died ____/ _____/ 1924.

+ 45. m vi. William (Bill) DORMINEY, born ____/ _____/ 1865, died 2 July 1891.

46. f vii. Nancy DORMINEY, born ____/ _____/ 1967 in _________, __________, __________. She married Jim PEAVY ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________. He was born ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________. He was the son of ___________ ___________ and ___________ ___________. Jim died ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________.
Was she the daughter of William Caotes who was a member of the Richland Creek Baptist Church located on Richland Creek in Twiggs County,GA, constituted in 1811? See "Pioneer Days Along the Ocmulgee" by Chalker.
Josiah married (2) Amanda ATKINSON 8 May 1848 in _________, __________, __________. She was born ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________. She was the daughter of ___________ ___________ and ___________ ___________. Amanda died ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______ in _________, __________, __________.
Event: CENSUS: On ____/ _____/ 1870 in Pulaski Co., Georgia

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