Jeannette eileen jones

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J. Jones/October 2013


633 Oldfather Hall 1008 N. 45th Street

Department of History Lincoln, NE 68502

Institute for Ethnic Studies 402-417-5889

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Lincoln, NE 68588-0327


UNIVERSITY OF BUFFALO (STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK), Department of History, M.A. 1997; Ph.D., 2003

Dissertation: “‘In Brightest Africa’: Naturalists’ Images of Africa and the American Museum of Natural History, 1910-1936”

Committee: Michael Frisch, Tamara P. Thornton, James Bono, and James Oliver Horton (outside reader)

Comprehensive Examination Fields: United States, American Intellectual/Cultural, African-American, and Pre-Colonial West Africa

Committee: Tamara P. Thornton, David Gerber, Peter Ekeh

Language Competency Exam: French (reading, comprehension, and translation)
HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY, B.A. in History, 1993

Minor Fields: Political Science, Philosophy

Language Competencies: French (advanced reading, comprehension, and translation); German (basic reading, comprehension, and translation)


In Search of Brightest Africa: Reimagining the Dark Continent in American Culture, 1884-1936 (Athens, Georgia: The University of Georgia Press, 2010).* [Released in paperback October 2011]

Jeannette Eileen Jones and Patrick B. Sharp, eds., Darwin in Atlantic Cultures: Evolutionary Visions of Race, Gender, and Sexuality, Routledge Research in Atlantic Studies (New York and London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2010).

Book Manuscript, Locating Lord Greystoke: Race, Empire, and the Africa Question, 1867-1919 (A Transnational History)
Locating Lord Greystoke: Race, Empire, and the Africa Question, 1867-1919 [In progress]

“‘Brightest Africa’ in the New Negro Imagination,” in Escape from New York: The New Negro Renaissance beyond Harlem, eds. Davarian Baldwin and Minkah Makalani (University of Minnesota Press, 2013)*
“‘On the Brain of the Negro’: Race, Abolitionism, and Friedrich Tiedemann’s Scientific Discourse on the African Diaspora,” GERMANY AND THE BLACK DIASPORA: Points of Contact, 1250-1914, eds. Mischa Honeck, Anne Kuhlmann-Smirnov, and Martin Klimke, GHI Studies in German History, (Berghahn Books, 2013)*
Jeannette Eileen Jones and Patrick B. Sharp, “The Descent of Darwin” in Darwin in Atlantic Cultures: Evolutionary Visions of Race, Gender, and Sexuality, Routledge Research in Atlantic Studies, eds. Jeannette Eileen Jones and Patrick B. Sharp (New York and London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2010), 1-7.*
“Simians, Negroes, and the ‘Missing Link’: Transatlantic Evolutionary Debates on the ‘Negro Question,’” in Darwin in Atlantic Cultures: Evolutionary Visions of Race, Gender, and Sexuality, Routledge Research in Atlantic Studies, eds. Jeannette Eileen Jones and Patrick B. Sharp (New York and London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2010), 191-207.*
“‘Gorilla Trails in Paradise’: Carl Akeley, Mary Bradley, and the American Search for the Missing Link” Journal of American Culture 29:3 (September 2006): 321-336.*1
“‘In Brightest Africa’: Naturalistic Constructions of Africa in the American Museum of Natural History, 1910-1936” in Images of Africa: Stereotypes and Realities, ed. Daniel Mengara, (New York: African World Press, 2001), 195-208.

Captive Wild Woman: Gender, Evolution, and Atavism in Science Fiction Cinema During World War II.” [under revision for intended submission to Extrapolation: A Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy]
“Against the Votaries of Race Cults”: Robert Lowie’s Critique of Cultural Evolutionism and Eugenics.”

[under revision for intended submission to Histories of Anthropology Annual]

Review of Alabama In Africa: Booker T. Washington, the German Empire, and the Globalization of the New South, by Andrew Zimmerman, American Historical Review, [submitted June 14, 2011]
Review of To Tell the Truth Freely: The Life of Ida B. Wells, by Mia Bay, American Studies 50:3/4 (Fall/Winter 2009)

“Syncretism,” and “Pinkster Celebration,” in Leslie M. Alexander and Walter Rucker, eds., The Encyclopedia of African American History (Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2010), 239-241, 264-266.
“Protest Against the Congo Free State,” in Eric Martone, ed., Encyclopedia of Blacks in European Culture and History (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2008), Vol. 1, 157-158.
“Springfield Ohio Race Riots of 1904” and “New York City: ‘Silent March’ of 1917” in Walter Rucker and James Nathaniel Upton, eds., The Encyclopedia of American Race Riots (Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2006), Vol. 2, 480-482; 619-620.


Chair, “New Negroes Crossing Borders, 1895-1940”, Organization of American Historians Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, April 2014 [accepted]
Digital Short: “Locating Lord Greystoke: Race, Empire, and the Congo Question, 1876-1919”, organized by the ASA Digital Humanities Caucus, American Studies Association Conference, Washington D.C., November 22, 2013 [accepted]
“America in Africa: Race, Empire, and the Africa Question, 1876–1917”, American Studies Association Conference, Washington D.C., November 23, 2013 [accepted]
“‘The Thoughtless Ebon Maid’: Neo-Darwinism, Gender, and 19th Century Poetry on the Missing Link”, Society for Literature, Science and the Arts, University of Notre Dame, October 5, 2013
‘“Brightest Africa” in the New Negro Imagination, 1900-1936,’ Modernist Studies Association, 15th Annual Conference, Brighton, England, UK, August 30, 2013
Panelist, Hacking at Books Session, Nebraska Forum on Digital Humanities, February 8, 2013
“‘Dr. Livingstone, I Presume?’: Periodical Culture, African Exploration, and Transatlantic Imperialist Identities,” American Studies Association Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, November 16, 2012
Commentator, “Active Voice: Finding Common Identity through Rhythm, Reason, and Rhyme,” The Sixth Annual James A. Rawley Graduate Student Conference in the Humanities, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, April 9, 2011
Captive Wild Woman: Gender, Evolution, and Atavism in Science Fiction Cinema during World War II,” American Studies Association Conference, San Antonio, TX, November 2010
Chair, “Deconstructing the Image of the Rugged American West through Visible and Invisible Communities of Color,” Western History Association, Lake Tahoe, NV, October 2010
Commentator, “Images of Gender within an Imperial Context,” The Fifth Annual James A. Rawley Graduate Student Conference in the Humanities, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, April 10, 2010
“Keyword ‘Race’: Darwin in America: A Keywords Approach to the Darwin Bicentennial,” American Studies Association Conference, Washington, DC, November 2009
Captive Wild Woman: Gender, Evolution, and Atavism in 1940s Science Fiction During World War II,” Science Fiction Research Association Conference, Atlanta, GA, June 2009
“‘On The Brain of the Negro’: Race, Comparative Anatomy, and Friedrich Tiedemann’s Abolitionism.” Black Diaspora and Germany Across the Centuries, German Historical Institute/Deutsches Historiches Institut, Washington, D.C., March 2009
“Savage Homes and Primeval Mates: Evolution and the Colonial Imaginary in Edgar Rice Burroughs’s Tarzan of the Apes.” American Studies Association Conference, Albuquerque, NM, October 2008
“Locating Lord Greystoke: Race, Empire, and the Congo Question, 1876-1919 (A Transatlantic Cultural and Intellectual History),” PhD Colloquium, Heidelberg Center for American Studies, Heidelberg, Germany, February 2008
Commentator, “The Birth of an Explicit Critical and Social Art in Franco’s Spain,” The Establishment” Responds–The Institutional and Social Impact of Protest Movements During and After the Cold War, Marie Curie Conference and Workshop Series on European Protest Movements Since the Cold War, Heidelberg, Germany, November 2007
“The Thoughtless Ebon Maid: Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Darwinian Literary Imaginations.” American Studies Association Conference, Philadelphia, PA, October 2007
“Teach the Bourgeois and Rock the Boulevard: The Blac(k)ademic Experience” with Mark Anthony Neal, People of Color Concerns Conference, Fredonia, NY, April 2007
“Expanding Library Services though a Digital Learning Program.” Poster Session with Jeanne G. Cross, ACRL (Association of College and Research Libraries) 13th National Conference, Baltimore, MD, March 2007
“Against the Votaries of Race Cults”: Robert Lowie’s Critique of Cultural Evolutionism and Eugenics.” American Studies Association Conference, Oakland, CA, October 2006
“Of Great White Hunters and ‘Black Boys’: Safari and the Scientific Construction of Race.” 2nd International and Interdisciplinary Conference of BEST (Black European Studies), Berlin, Germany, July 2006
“Teaching Slave Resistance in the Classroom: A Critical Approach to Using Haile Gerima’s Sankofa.” Midwest Regional Conference, Organization of American Historians, Lincoln, NE, July 2006
“Let’s Drink to Monkey Business”: Eugenics, Race, and Simian Sexuality in the Captive Wild Woman Trilogy.” Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association Conference, Atlanta, GA, April 2006
Commentator, “Women Act Out: Politics and Morality in Nineteenth-Century Women’s Reform Movements,” History Graduate Students’ Association Colloquium, Lincoln, NE, April 2005
“‘The Short Skirt Movement Has Gone About as Far as Possible’: Reinventing the Hottentot Venus in American Ethnographic Film,” a paper presented at the Ethnic Studies Faculty Colloquium, Lincoln, NE, April 2005
“The Exposition Has Become an Instrument of Civilization”: Race and Imperial Discourse at the Omaha and Buffalo Expositions,” a paper presented at the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association Conference, San Diego, CA, March 2005
“In Search of the Missing Link: ‘Gorilla Trails in Paradise,’” Nineteenth Century Studies Group Colloquium, Lincoln, NE, March 2005
Chair, “Reform on the Ground: Civic Movements in Progressive America,” Missouri Valley History Conference, Omaha, NE, March 2005
“‘Will Civilisation Hearken?’: Race, Ethnography, and the Congo Question,” a paper presented at the Empire and Imperial Cultures Conference, California State University, Stanislaus, February 2004
“The Reel Africa: Natural Bodies and Landscapes in Simba, Congorilla, and Baboona,” a paper presented at the Social Science History Association Annual Conference, Baltimore, MA, November 2003
“The Reel Africa: Natural Bodies and Landscapes in Simba, Congorilla, and Baboona,” a paper presented at American Studies Association Conference, Hartford, CT, October 2003
“Displaying Africa: Carl Akeley, Taxidermy, and the Politics of Natural History,” a paper presented at “Uncovering Images: Technology and the Politics of Display,” SUNY Fredonia, November 1999
Commentator, Fostering Community Through Applied History: A Multidisciplinary Conference in Honor of Dr. Monroe Fordham, Buffalo State College, October 1999
“Natural Bodies and Landscapes: Africa in the Cultures of Natural History,” a paper presented at the History Department Speakers Series, University at Buffalo, October 1999
“‘In Brightest Africa’: Naturalistic Constructions of Africa in the American Museum of Natural History, 1910-1936,” a paper presented at the Frederick Douglass Scholars’ Colloquia, West Chester University, July 1999
Those Wonderful Ethiopians and Other Treasures: The Works of African American Women Historians,” a paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of University Women, Buffalo Branch, Williamsville, New York, November 1997
“Race, Gender, and the Construction of the Hottentot Venus,” a paper presented at the Gendered (Re)Visions Conference, SUNY Binghamton, May 1996
“Locating the Intersection of Race and Gender in the Representation of the Hottentot Venus,” a paper presented at the Fifth Annual Milton Plesur Graduate Student Conference, University at Buffalo, April 1996
“The Intersections of Imperial Politics and Anthropology in the Exhibition of Benin Art at the British Museum” a paper presented at the National Association for African American Studies Conference, Houston, TX, February 1996


“A Mad Tea Party: Race, Nativism, and the Obama Presidency,” Heidelberg Center for American Studies, MAS Colloquium, Heidelberg, Germany, July 21, 2011
“Brightest Africa in the New Negro Imagination,” Metropolitan Community College in cooperation with 91.5 WKIOS-FM: Omaha Public Radio, Omaha, NE, February 7, 2011
“‘You Lie’!: Race-ing Public, Popular, and Political Discourses on the Obama Presidency,” Obama: Eine interdisziplinäre Vortragsreihe, Amerikanistik/American Studies, The University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, November 25, 2009
“The Future of Black Studies in a ‘Post-Racial’ America,” Spring Academy, Heidelberg Center for American Studies, Heidelberg, Germany, April 2009
“The Place of Ethnic Studies in American Studies,” Spring Academy, Heidelberg Center for American Studies, Heidelberg, Germany, April 2008
“‘Watch the Skies!’: Sci-Fi Monsters and Cold War Pop Culture in the 1950s.” Sci-Fi and Pop Culture 1945-1965: An Interdisciplinary Conference, Charleston, IL, September 2005


UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, Assistant Professor, 2004-Present

STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK, FREDONIA, Visiting Assistant Professor, 2003-2004; Adjunct Instructor, 1998; 1999-2003
STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK, BUFFALO, Instructor, 2004; 1997-2001; Teaching Assistant, 1996-1997
BUFFALO STATE COLLEGE, NEW YORK, Adjunct Instructor, 1998-1999

Undergraduate Graduate
United States History Since 1877 The Professional Study of History

African American History to 1877 U.S. Cultural History

The Black West * Major Problems in American History to 1877

Introduction to African American Studies

Black/African American Women’s History*

Black Popular Culture

African Civilizations and Cultures (Pre-Colonial)

Introduction to Ethnic Studies (Spring 2011)

Senior Seminar: Women’s and Gender Studies (Spring 2011)


African American History Since 1877

African American Studies Capstone

Introduction to Race and Ethnicity

African American Social and Political Thought

Black Reconstruction

Social History of U.S. Women

African Women’s History

African American Leadership and Thought

African Americans and Civil Rights, 1619-1968

African History to 1800

Images of Africa

Comparative Slave Societies

Charles Holm, HIST894: Directed Reading: African American Social and Political Thought, Fall 2012
Pablo Rangel, HIST894: Cultural History of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era, Fall 2012
Ryan Aiello, HIST894: Directed Reading: The History of Black Popular Culture, Fall 2011
Briony Zlomke, ENG997: Graduate Independent Study, Women in Popular Culture, Fall 2011, (co-administered with Dr. Maureen Honey, Department of English)
Jill Kessler, HIST894: Directed Readings: African American Women and Material Culture, Spring 2011
Amber Garner, Directed Readings: American Reconstruction, 1863-1877, Spring 2010
Terry Ahlstedt, HIST894: Directed Readings: The Progressive Era to the Great Depression, 1900-1940, Fall 2009
Brittney Hodges-Bolkovac, ETHN 399: Introduction to African American Studies, Fall 2008
Svetlana Legotkina, HIST894: Multiculturalism Debates in the United States, Spring 2007
Mark Reuter and Shannon Myer, HIST894: Readings in Race, Africa, and Renaissance-Early Modern Europe, Fall 2006
Kim Matthews, HIST894: Readings in the History of Burlesque and Sexuality, Spring 2006
Jamie Q. Tallman, HIST894: African American History in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era, Fall 2005

PhD or MA Chair or Supervisor (Completed):

Briony Zlomke, (MA), Thesis defended April 18, 2013

Svetlana Legotkina, (MA), Thesis defended June 2008

Kamila Janiszweska (MA Thesis, Heidelberg Center for American Studies), awarded October 2008

Gulchekhra Makhkambaeva (MA Thesis, Heidelberg Center for American Studies), awarded October 2008

Giles Daniel Harber (MA Thesis, Heidelberg Center for American Studies), awarded October 2008

PhD or MA Committee Member (Completed):

Jared Leighton (PhD), Comprehensive Exams Committee Member, Dissertation Committee

Member, Fall 2008-Spring 2013, defended April 15, 2013

Nate Probasco (PhD), Comprehensive Exams and Dissertation Committee Member, Spring 2009-

Spring 2013, defended April 9, 2013

Brent Rogers (PhD), Committee Member, Fall 2010-Spring 2013, defended March 12, 2013

Aaron Hillyer, (PhD), Outside Reader, English, Spring 2006-2011, defended December 1, 2011

Orrin M. Wilson (PhD), “Non-Reading” Committee Member, School of Music, Fall 2009-Summer 2011, defended June 16, 2011

Brittany “Jill” Kessler, (MA) Outside Reader, Textiles, Clothing, & Design, Spring 2010-2011, defended April 15, 2011

Michelle Tiedje, (MA), Thesis defended August 2010

Christine Humphrey, (MA) Outside Reader, Textiles, Clothing, & Design, Spring 2010, defended

July 27, 2010

Brianna Theobald, (MA), Thesis defended April 2010

Kim Matthews (MA Thesis), Committee Member, defended December 2009

Mark Reuter, (PhD), Comprehensive Exams Committee, passed Spring 2009

Tonia M. Compton, (Ph.D.), Dissertation Committee, defended April 2009

Anje Milde, (MA, Heidelberg Center for American Studies), Second Reader, awarded October 2008

Emma Yu, (MA, Heidelberg Center for American Studies), Second Reader, awarded October 2008

Bob Gibney (Ph.D.), Outside Reader, English, defended August 2007

Zahra M. (Ortiz-Delgado) Moss, (MA), History, thesis defended June 2007

Jamie Q. Tallman, (MA), History, thesis defended November 2006

Tekla Ali Johnson (PhD), History, defended April 2005

In Progress
Charles Holm, (MA), Advisor and Thesis Advisor, Fall 2012-

Jode Poley, (MA), Advisor and Thesis Advisor, Fall 2010-

Pablo Rangel, (MA), Thesis Committee Member, Fall 2012-

Brandon Locke, (MA), Thesis Committee Member, Spring 2013-

Emanuelle Catherine N’na Sané (MA, Heidelberg Center for American Studies), Supervisor, Fall 2007-2012; Student reinstated into program fall 2012; status changed to Outside Reader

Kevin McMullen, (PhD), Supervisory Committee, English, Fall 2013-

Yeojin Kim, (PhD), Supervisory Committee, English, Spring 2013-

Michelle Tiedje, (PhD), Comprehensive Exams Committee, Dissertation Committee Member, Fall 2012

Svetlana (Legotkina) Rasmussen, (PhD), Comprehensive Exams Committee, Fall 2012-

Mark Reuter, (PhD), Committee Member, Spring 2009-

Oumar Diouf, (PhD), Supervisory Committee, English, Spring 2010-

Kellie Wilson Buford, (PhD), Comprehensive Exams Committee, Fall 2009-

Kathleen Lacey (PhD), Outside Reader, English, Fall 2009-

Dorothee Elisabeth Maurer (PhD), Comprehensive Exams Committee, Dissertation Co-Chair

with James LeSueur, Spring 2009-

Tosha Sampson-Choma (Ph.D), Outsider Reader, English, Fall 2008-

Shantella Sherman (PhD), Chair, Fall 2006-

Diane Miller, (PhD), Co-Chair with Doug Seefeldt for Comprehensives, Committee Member for

Dissertation, Fall 2005-

Kris Gandara (PhD), Supervisory Committee, English, Fall 2004-
Senior Theses
Markus Schoof, (Senior Thesis), History, Advisor,

Sarah Whitt, (Senior Thesis), Women’s and Gender Studies, Co-Advisor with Carole Levin,

defended March 2012

Brittany Jones, (Senior Thesis), History, Reader, defended March 2012

Bradley Hansen (Senior Thesis), History, Reader, defended February 2006

Bridget Barry (Senior Thesis), History, Reader, defended March 2005

UCARE Students3
Markus Schoof, Academic Year, 2012-2013, Research for Locating Lord Greystoke: Race, Empire, and the Congo Question, 1876-1917

Amanda Rosenthal, Fall-Spring 2011, Research for Locating Lord Greystoke: Race, Empire, and

the Congo Question, 1876-1917

Joshua Morlan, Summer-Fall 2011, Research for Locating Lord Greystoke: Race, Empire, and

the Congo Question, 1876-1917


INTERDISCIPLINARY SEED GRANT, “Humanities on the Edge”, Marco Abel and Roland Vésgő (Lead PIs), Jeannette Eileen Jones, (Co-PI), $5000, funded for 2011-2012


An award given to persons in the Lincoln community for their outstanding service

INTERDISCIPLINARY SEED GRANT, “Humanities on the Edge”, Marco Abel and Roland Vésgő (Lead PIs), Jeannette Eileen Jones, (Co-PI), $2500, funded for 2010-2011
FACULTY SENATE CONVOCATION GRANT, Honorarium for Keynote Lecturer, Lisa B. Thompson, PhD, African American and African Studies Program, 40th Year Anniversary Celebration 2011, Kwakiutl L. Dreher and Jeannette E. Jones (co-PIs), $750, awarded for October 2011
WOODS CHARITABLE FUND, African American and African Studies Program, 40th Year Anniversary Celebration 2011, Kwakiutl L. Dreher and Jeannette E. Jones-Vazansky (co-PIs), $2500, awarded for October 2011
NEBRASKA HUMANITIES COUNCIL, African American and African Studies Program, 40th Year Anniversary Celebration 2011, Kwakiutl L. Dreher (Lead PI) and Jeannette E. Jones (co-PI), $4220, awarded for October 2011
ACADEMIC STAR, FALL 2009, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

An honor given to a junior faculty member who shows “remarkable scholarship, teaching and research in the college”

FACULTY OF THE YEAR AWARD 2009, The Afrikan People’s Union, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

An award given to one faculty member who has supported the Afrikan People’s Union

DEUTSCHE BANK JUNIOR SCHOLAR-IN-RESIDENCE FELLOWSHIP, University of Heidelberg (Germany), Center for American Studies, 2007-2008

40,000 € award granted to support one year of research and writing, and to teach one course in the Master’s program.
LAYMAN AWARD, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2007-2008

$7425 faculty award granted through the Jane Robertson Layman Fund, which supports faculty research.
GRANT-IN-AID, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2005

$6500 faculty award granted through the Jane Robertson Layman Fund, which supports faculty research.

Faculty award given for outstanding service to students and the campus community

FREDERICK DOUGLASS TEACHING FELLOWSHIP, West Chester University of Pennsylvania, 1999

$5,000 merit based teaching fellowship for minority students at the dissertation writing stage
PLESUR RESEARCH STUDY GRANT, Department of History, University at Buffalo, 1998

$4,000 merit based research grant fro dissertation research
LOCKWOOD DISSERTATION TRAVEL GRANT, Department of History, University at Buffalo, 1997

$4,000 merit based grant covering travel expenses for dissertation research
ARTHUR A. SCHOMBURG FELLOWSHIP, University at Buffalo, 1994-1999

$40,000 merit based fellowship for underrepresented minority students in graduate programs


Executive Board Member-at-Large, MAASA (Mid-America American Studies Association), 2-year term;

August 2011-2014; Vice President, 2012-2013; President, 2013-2014.

Advisory Board, University of Nebraska Press, January 2011-October 2011
Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of American Culture (February 2011)
Revise and Resubmit Reviewer, Journal of Transnational American Studies (September 2010)
Manuscript/Textbook Reviewer, Bedford/St. Martin’s (June 2010)
Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Transnational American Studies (April 2010)
Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of American Culture (2009)
Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of American Culture (2007)
Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of American Culture (2007)
Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of American Culture (2005)

Advisor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, College Chapter, NAACP, January 2011-present
Co-Advisor, Omicron Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., May 2011-July 2013
Faculty Co-Advisor, Black Graduate Student Association, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Fall 2005-Spring 2007; Fall 2009-present
Facilitator: Black History Jeopardy, Omicron Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., February 11, 2013.
Panelist: “Race, Immigration, and the Transforming of a Nation: America in the 21st Century,” UNL Martin Luther King Jr. Week Celebration, January, 24, 2013.
Search Committee Member: Cluster Hire: Assistant Professor of Digital Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences, Fall 2011-Spring 2013
Faculty Presenter: “African-American Feminisms Across Generations,” Women’s and Gender Studies 485/885: Feminist Theories, Feminists’ Perspectives (Instructor: Dr. Rose Holz), October 19, 2011
Faculty Panelist: NEBRASKA College Preparatory Academy Sophomore Seminar Class, September 22, 2011; NEBRASKA College Preparatory Academy Sophomore Freshman Class, September 29, 2011.
Roundtable Panelist: Is The Help Helping? Institute for Ethnic Studies Colloquium, September 14, 2011
Panelist, OASIS Women’s Week Brown Bag Luncheon, “Women’s Heritage: Have We Really Arrived or Are We Still in the Fight?”, March 17, 2011
Reading and Book Signing, In Search of Brightest Africa: Reimagining the Dark Continent in American Culture, 1884-1936, Meet the Author, University Bookstore, March 16, 2011
Poster Presentation, “Slavery and the Law: From the Classroom to the Courtroom,” College of Arts and Sciences Teaching Symposium, February 10, 2011
Guest Lecture, with Ariana Vigil, “Transnational and Global Feminisms,” WMNS101, May 13, 2010 (Instructors: Chantal Kalisa and Julia Schleck)
College Curriculum and Advising Committee, College of Arts and Sciences, Fall 2008-Spring 2010
Facilitator, with Dr. Lory Janelle Dance, “Black America 101,” Nebraska Black Leadership Symposium, December 2, 2009
Faculty Presenter: October 7, 2009, “Black Feminist Critique and the Aesthetics of the Black Female Body.” WMNS4/885: Feminist Theories, Feminists’ Perspectives (Instructor: Dr. Rose Holz)
Presenter: “Social Justice, Race and Ethnicity” (with Patrick Jones), February 11, 2009, Campus City Union, UNL
Guest Lecture/Facilitator: “The Black West in History and Film,” ENG344: Ethnicity in Film, The Western, (Instructor: Dr. Kwakiutl Dreher), January 22, 2009
Faculty Presenter: “Black Feminist Theory,” WMNS485/885: Feminist Theory, (Instructor: Dr. Rose Holz), September 10, 2008
Chancellor’s MLK Week Organizing Committee, Fall 2006-January 2007
Ambassador, Nebraska Achievement Awards Banquet (Omaha), UNL Office of Admissions, Fall 2006
Community Navigator for Ivana Jackson, Melvin W. Jones Scholars Learning Community, Fall 2005-Spring 2006
Keynote Address, OASIS and SSS Graduation Reception, sponsored by the Culture Center, Spring 2006
Speaker, Candlelight Vigil in Honor of Coretta Scott King, sponsored by the Afrikan People’s Union, Spring 2006
Panelist, “The Advisor/Advisee Connection” sponsored by BGSA (Black Graduate Student Association), Fall 2005
Search Committee, School of Libraries, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Spring 2005

Peer Review of Teaching Evaluator, for Katrina Jagodinsky, Fall 2012-present
Chief Advisor, Institute for Ethnic Studies, Fall 2011-Spring 2013
Vice-Chair, Department of History, Fall 2011-Spring 2013
Peer Review of Teaching Evaluator, for Dawne Curry, Fall 2010-Spring 2013
Advisory Committee, Department of History, Spring 2011-Spring 2013
Peer Review of Teaching Evaluator, for Scott Stempson, Spring 2011
Executive Committee, Institute for Ethnic Studies, Fall 2009-Spring 2010
Search Committee, Middle East Position, Department of History, Fall 2009-Spring 2010
Graduate Committee, Department of History, Fall 2009-Spring 2010
Search Committee, Africana Studies Position, Institute for Ethnic Studies, Fall 2009 (Chair Spring 2010)
Pauley Symposium Committee, Department of History, Fall 2008-Fall 2009
Transnational Feminism Kelly Fund Group, Women's and Gender Studies, Fall 2008-present
Blacks in Film Festival 2009 Committee, Institute for Ethnic Studies, Fall 2008-Spring 2009
Search Committee, Africana Studies Position, Institute for Ethnic Studies, Fall 2008 (search postponed December 2008)
African American and African Studies Black Film Festival Committee, Institute for Ethnic Studies, Fall 2006-Spring 2007
Advisory Committee, Women’s and Gender Studies, Fall 2006
Scribe, African American and African Studies Program, Fall 2005-Fall 2006
Advisory Committee, Department of History, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Fall 2005-Fall 2006
Panelist, “Conferencing and Networking” sponsored by HGSA (History Graduate Student Association), Spring 2006
Committee Co-Chair with Gregory Rutledge, Dr. Mark Anthony Neal, Professor of African American and African Studies at Duke University Lecture: “Towards a Hip Hop Theory of Black Male Feminism,” February 2006
Committee Co-Chair with Kalenda Eaton, “Behind The Storm: Hurricane Katrina, Government Response, and Media Coverage,” October 2005
Curriculum Committee, Department of History, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Fall 2004-Spring 2005
Jury Member, “Rolf-Kentner-Dissertationspries 2011,” Heidelberg Center for American Studies, April 2011
Videokonferenz, „Brücken in die Neue Welt,“ Heidelberg Center for American Studies, March 31, 2011
Selection Committee, Spring Academy 2008, Heidelberg Center for American Studies, Spring 2008
Search Committee, Deutsche Bank Junior Scholar-in-Residence 2008-2009, Heidelberg Center for American Studies, Spring 2008
Rapporteur, “Problematising History and Agency: From Nationalism to Subalternity,” Centre for African Studies, University of Cape Town, South Africa, October 1997
Member, Malone Center History Editorial Advisory Committee, May 2007-present
Member, Lincoln Chapter of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), November 2005-present
Member, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc., Lincoln Alumnae Chapter, April 2009-present, President, July 2012-present
Facilitator: The Harmon and Harriet Kelley Collection of African American Art: Works on Paper, “Art of Social Justice” Community Conversation, September 15, 2011, Sponsored by the Sheldon Museum of Art, Nebraska Appleseed, and the Lincoln Branch of the NAACP
Panelist: Book Discussion: The Fiery Trial: Abraham Lincoln and American Slavery, Walt Library, Lincoln, NE; Sponsored by the Nebraska Humanities Council
Member, Board of Trustees, Sheldon Museum of Art, Lincoln, NE, June 2010-August 2011
Keynote, African American Student Honors Programs (Grades 9-12), Lincoln, NE, May 16, 2011
Judge, National History Day: Nebraska, April 2010
Judge, Randolph School Science Fair, Lincoln, NE, March 2010
Presentation, “The Significance of Dance in the African Diaspora,” Black History Celebration Program, First Baptist Church of Lincoln Black, February 23, 2010
Guest Lecture, “The Swahili City-States: A Pre-Colonial History,” Westminster Presbyterian Church, August 23, 2009
Guest Lecture, “Sisters in the Struggle: A Tribute to African and African Diaspora Women in History,” Harambee Afrikan Cultural Organization, Nebraska State Penitentiary, March 2009
Facilitator: (with Carrie Walker) “Hip-Hop as Storytelling: Notorious B.I.G.” YouthBuild, Lincoln Action Program’s Black History Month Program, February 6, 2009
Moderator: “The Obama Presidency: Is it the End of Black History Month?” Community Conversations: A Series on Racial Justice, Clyde Malone Community Center (co-sponsored by NAACP Lincoln Branch, Nebraska Appleseed, Multicultural Office Lincoln Public Schools), February 2, 2009
Phone Interview: NPR, “Community Conversations: A Series on Racial Justice,” January 30, 2009
Phone Interview, WKFOR, “Martin Luther King Jr. Day,” January 15, 2009
Article, “Wahl and Jones Receive Leola Bullock Community Service Award,” Networking News: NAACP, Lincoln, Nebraska, Winter 2008/2009.
Article, “Dr. Angela Y. Davis Speaks at Malone Center,” Networking News: NAACP, Lincoln, Nebraska, Winter 2008/2009.
Television Interview, “The Watchful Citizen,” November 23, 2008
Volunteer, Harambee Afrikan Cultural Organization, Nebraska State Penitentiary, 2006-2007
Television Interview, “The Watchful Citizen,” Lancaster County Democrats, January 28, 2007
Guest Speaker, “Bring the Troops Home Rally,” Lincoln, NE, January 27, 2007
Moderator, Kalamu ya Salaam and Tanya Harris, “After the Storm: Celebrating Old New Orleans,” Malone Center, September 2006
Judge, Group Exhibit—Junior Division, National History Day, Nebraska State Contest, April 2006
Guest Lecture, “The Black Power Movement,” Lincoln High School, April 2006
Guest Lecture, “Ghana, Mali, and Songhay: Empires in Medieval West Africa,” Harambee Afrikan Cultural Organization, Nebraska State Penitentiary, April 2006
Guest Lecture, “Ancient African Contributions to World Cultures and Civilizations,” Harambee Afrikan Cultural Organization, Nebraska State Penitentiary, February 2006
Panelist, “Continuing the Legacy of Rosa Parks: Empowering Women through Activism,” Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Lincoln Alumnae Chapter, 2006


Participant, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Advanced Peer Review of Teaching, 2008-2010
Participant, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Transformational Advising Workshops, Fall 2006
Participant, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Peer Review of Teaching Project, 2005-2006


American Studies Association

Science and Technology Caucus of the American Studies Association

Mid-America American Studies Association

American Historical Association

Society for the History of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era

Organization of American Historians

Indicates items that are peer-reviewed for publication.

1Adopted in LB 336b: Gender & Evolution at Michigan State University in fall 2013.

In-house editorial review.

2These are invited talks for which I received an honorarium and/or travel, food, and lodging expenses.

These courses allowed graduate enrollment.

3The Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experiences (UCARE) Program, funded by the Pepsi Endowment, creates intellectual partnerships between UNL faculty and undergraduates by providing funds for research. Undergraduates serve as research assistants to faculty members.

Titles of books and articles reviewed for scholarly journals have been omitted as the review process is blind.

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