Programme Specification
Batch Process Engineering
Please note: This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if full advantage is taken of the learning opportunities that are provided. More detailed information on the learning outcomes, content and teaching, learning and assessment methods of each module can be found in Module Specifications and other programme documentation and online at http://www.lboro.ac.uk/
The accuracy of the information in this document is reviewed by the University and may be checked by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education.
Awarding body/institution;
Loughborough University
Teaching institution (if different);
Details of accreditation by a professional/statutory body;
the Department has been visited by the IChemE for provisional accreditation as a ‘matching section’ under SARTOR
Name of the final award;
MSc in Batch Process Engineering
Programme title;
Batch Process Engineering
UCAS code;
Date at which the programme specification was written or revised.
1. Aims of the programme:
To develop an understanding of particular aspects of batch processing, batch separations and batch mixing and to update their knowledge beyond their existing qualifications by studying advanced modules that are relevant to the changing priorities and requirements of the modern process industries.
To understand the characteristics of batchwise processing and its design, operation and control.
To introduce students to the theory and practice of batch separations based on chemical interactions by selecting and sequencing of unit operations such as crystallisation, adsorption, filtration.
To understand the theory of fluid and particle mixing and how the structure of products is subsequently affected.
To apply existing and new knowledge to solving or furthering knowledge of a real-life research, plant operational or management problem and in so doing develop organisational, critical appraisal, problem-solving, IT, presentational and report-writing skills.
Practical and work-related aspects of the subjects are emphasised. The programme is designed for a mix of full-time and part-time students and short course delegates and will foster networking and transfer of ideas and experience between these groups.
2. Relevant subject benchmark statements and other external and internal reference points used to inform programme outcomes:
QAA Benchmark statements for Engineering
IChemE draft matching section guidelines
3. Intended Learning Outcomes
Knowledge and Understanding:
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the design, operation, sequencing, scheduling and optimisation of batch operations. They should develop an understanding of the relative merits of different batch separations. They should finally be aware of the scientific theories and empirical correlations relevant to the mixing in batch systems.
Teaching, learning and assessment strategies to enable outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated:
Taught modules are delivered as week long short-courses, which are also offered for continuing professional development. A variety of teaching methods are employed, such as conventional lectures, workshops, team work and video. The modules are delivered by teaching teams that include external presenters, who are practising experts in the subject matter. Modules are assessed by a combination of some or all of written and oral examinations, presentations and written coursework.
Skills and other attributes:
a. Subject-specific cognitive skills:
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:
plan, conduct and report research into aspects of Batch Process Engineering;
apply academic theory and knowledge together with work experience to the solution of a real-life research, plant operational or management problem;
reason critically, collect, analyse, evaluate and synthesise data, gather and use information, apply concepts and methodologies.
Teaching, learning and assessment strategies to enable outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated:
Students accumulate credits in 6 taught modules, four of which are compulsory, one should be chosen from core chemical engineering subjects and one is usually drawn from another department (preferably a management module to broaden the students skills basis).
One compulsory module is designed to make students aware of safety and risk issues related to the substantial research project they will undertake. This module was also created in order to improve student’s report writing, data analysis and presentation skills. It will further enhance their hands-on abilities (use of tools).
Three more compulsory modules are designed to enhance students capabilities in the specific area of batch processing, concentrating on the creative and innovative solution of modern batch processing problems.
In the module “Batch Processing” students are trained in applying new mathematical skills to the design of batch reactors.
In tutorials and during an extensive case study they learn to take a holistic approach towards the design of a novel production facility for high added value materials.
In “Batch Mixing of Fluids and Particles” this is taken to a new height by considering multi-phase systems in detail. Small experiments aid in the understanding of this complex area.
Finally, the module “Batch Separations” makes students aware that a holistic approach necessitates the consideration of downstream operations.
Critical reasoning, the evaluation of data, the application of concepts and methodologies is nurtured during the various modules as well as continuously during the research project. Through examples (tutorial) students are taught how to solve engineering problems based on a limited and sometimes contradictory set of data.
Particularly during the research project, students are required to alter and perhaps even redesign experimental rigs, processes or systems in order to improve their operability or to gain novel data.
It is the programme philosophy to lead the student towards a holistic approach, balancing costs and benefits with safety and the risks involved.
b. Subject-specific practical skills:
The choice of modules determines the specific practical skills acquired.
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to discuss batch processing issues (design, scheduling, mixing, separation) related to the compulsory modules. They should be able to demonstrate the ability to address other specific areas of their discipline (as represented by the two other chosen modules), ranging from applied heterogeneous catalysis to global business strategies. Through their substantive research project, students will have learnt, how to conduct meaningful experiments, analyse and quantify data and present them in a scientific fashion. Through an extensive literature survey, they will be familiar with the latest research in the area of the project.
Teaching, learning and assessment strategies to enable outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated:
Students must complete a substantial project, investigating a real-life research, plant operational or management problem, either in the Department of Chemical Engineering or at their place of work. The project extends over the duration of the MSc for full-time students and must be completed within 3 years by part-time students. Close, one-to-one supervision is provided by a member of the academic staff, who is expert in the field. The subject of the project is chosen from a list provided by the Department or may be of the student’s choosing, subject to it being substantial and at a sufficiently high level. The project is assessed by written report, oral presentation and judgement on diligence and ability to plan and perform the work.
The substantial research project will require the student to employ a wide range of tools, techniques and equipment, which also includes pertinent software.
The latter ranges from data processing (e.g. Excel) over data collection (e.g. Labview) to the development of specific softwares for the modelling of complex batch systems (kinetics, reactors, separation options, etc).
As part of the induction and now an integral part (compulsory module) of the MSc programme, students carry out risk assessment exercises. They learn about safety and health issues related to their line of work. Since this is done within the context of a compulsory module, students will be assessed on their awareness of safety and risk factors (oral presentations, laboratory reports).
c. Key/transferable skills:
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to discuss batch process engineering and other matters relating to the modules with colleagues, contractors, operators, regulators and management. Students will have integrated the programme with their own personal and professional needs and those of their employer or sponsor.
The student transferable skills will be enhanced in these areas: capacity to learn, IT, project management, effective presentation, numerical ability, critical appraisal and problem solving and report writing.
Teaching, learning and assessment strategies to enable outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated:
Frequent meeting with the MSc co-ordinator as well as their respective project supervisors will require the student to hone his/her communication skills (written and oral). Similarly, all MSc modules require students as part of the programme (coursework element) to work effectively in a team and to present their findings to their peers. Effective IT use is paramount in all modules. Students learn to manage resources during their projects (order chemicals, arrange for external analysis). Effective time management starts by providing the students with personal study plans (PSP) which they can and sometimes do modify during their programme.
Every project (be it as part of the coursework of a module or during their research project) will embed the student in a team (multidisciplinary) where he/she will be required to develop a creative approach towards analysing, formulating and solving the posed problems.
Sharing experiences with other delegates and presenters and/or workshop/case-study leaders and taking part in workshops/case studies will give the students an appreciation of the practical, work related aspects of the subjects studied. Students, particularly the part-time ones in industry, will have to manage their time effectively and show commitment over a potentially extended period of time.
4. Programme structures and requirements , levels, modules, credits and awards:
The programme comprises of taught modules and a substantial project. All modules have a credit weight and the credit weight for a module is awarded to a candidate who gains a module mark of not less than 50%. The lowest acceptable mark for a module is 40% (the minimum performance level). Candidates may be awarded a MSc after accumulating 90 credits for their project, 60 credits from taught modules and being assessed at the minimum performance level or better in further modules with a total credit weight of 30.
Compulsory Modules
Candidates must participate in four (4) compulsory modules, see the following list. All these modules are offered by the Department of Chemical Engineering and have a credit weight of 15.
Code Subject Module Weight
CGP060 Batch Mixing of Fluids and Particles 15
CGP062 Batch Chemical Separations 15
CGP065 Batch Processing 15
CGP068 Applied Engineering Practice 15
Core/Optional Modules
Candidates must take two modules from the list of core/optional modules.
Students may take other modules offered in the University with the agreement of the Programme Director. Students are responsible for ensuring that their selected modules do not clash and that they can complete the required assessments.
Core Modules Code Subject Module Weight
CGP047* Particle Technology 15
CGP052 Computer Methods for Water Pollution Monitoring 15
CGP053 Computer Modelling of Soft Solids Processing 15
CGP057 Structure in Chemical Products 15
CGP058 Filtration 15
CGP059 Concepts of Chemical Product Design 15
CGP061 Soft Solid and Semi-solid Products 15
CGP067 Colloid Engineering 15
* distance learning
5. Criteria for admission to the programme:
We look for an honours degree in engineering or physical sciences. Other academic or professional qualifications will be considered on their merits. Industrial or other appropriate experience may also be used as (part) qualification for admission to the programme.
6. Information about assessment regulations:
The pass mark to achieve credit for a module is 50%. There is also a minimum performance level, which is set at not less than 40% in the module assessment.
In order to pass the MSc students must:
take modules with a total credit weight of 180, to include the project module;
obtain 150 credits, with 90 credits from the project module;
pass modules with a further credit weight of 30 at the minimum performance level.
In terms of marks in the module assessments, this means that students must obtain:
50% or more in their project module (yielding 90 credits);
50% or more in modules with a credit weight of 60;
40% or more in further modules with a credit weight of 30.
In order to obtain distinction in the MSc, students must obtain 180 credits and have a weighted average assessment score over all offered modules of at least 70%.
7. Indicators of quality:
An independent assessment of all university departments by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) awarded 22 out of a possible 24 for teaching in the department. We are a top 5 Chemical Engineering Department according to the Sunday Times League Table and our Teaching Quality was also ranked equal with Cambridge in the Financial Times League Table.
The Department was awarded a grade 4 (out of 5) in the latest Research Assessment Exercise, covering the whole range of our activities.
8. Particular support for learning:
Careers Service:
The Careers Service provides a continuous service for students seeking careers guidance and help with job-searching techniques, together with a library of careers resources. Careers Service personnel visit departments to talk to student groups and are involved with students and parents from recruitment and induction onwards. In the UK Graduate Careers Survey, sponsored by the Times Newspaper, Loughborough University Careers Service was rated as one of the most impressive with over 80% of students rating it as good or excellent.
The University Library provides advanced support for learning in a purpose-built building and electronically via the web. It is open for upwards of 80 hours per week during semester and holds a stock of more than half a million volumes and an extensive serials collection. Numerous PC workstations (100+), networked printing facilities and self-service photocopiers are also available. The Library is a designated EDC (European Documentation Centre). The Library catalogue is available on-line, as are electronic versions of reading lists. Over 180 subject-specific electronic databases can be accessed by users both on campus and elsewhere. The Library organises induction sessions for first year students and librarians can provide flexible training for students and researchers throughout their time at Loughborough. User support is also available from the Library information desks, via printed and online guides and through a series of ‘Lunchtime in the Library’ and other training sessions. There are a variety of study environments in the Library, including individual and group study desks, private carrels and group study rooms.
Computing Services:
Computing Services provides the University IT facilities and infrastructure. General purpose computer resources across campus are open 24 hours and more specialist computer laboratories are provided in partnership with departments. Students in halls of residence are supported in connecting their computers to the high speed network. The University’s virtual learning environment “LEARN” provides on and off campus access to web-based teaching materials provided by lecturing staff. In addition the Department of Chemical Engineering provides specialist PCs and PCs for casual use (Exxon Mobil Room). Access to specific softwares (modelling, data bases and tutorials) is provided in many departmental areas.
Learning and Teaching Development:
Learning and Teaching Development (L&TD) is the University’s centre for teaching and learning innovation and the dissemination of best practice.
It provides support for teaching, learning and assessment by working with both staff and students. It works directly with tutors who wish to develop more effective teaching and learning and also provides support to students who need skills and learning development.
Staff Development:
Staff Development (SD) provides continuing professional development in teaching and other skills. Probationary staff attend a full programme of SD courses and, in the final year of probation, Quality Enhancement assesses their teaching through direct observation and a portfolio. Accreditation for this process has been awarded by the Institute for Learning and Teaching (ILT). Other development opportunities are provided in institutional strategic priority areas and in response to discussions with departments in the context of their learning and teaching strategies.
Counselling Service and English Language Study Unit:
The Counselling Service and English Language Study Unit are able to support individual students in resolving problems and in improving communication skills for international students.
Engineering Education Centre:
The Engineering Education Centre supports the implementation of innovative Teaching and Learning Methods into the curriculum, within the Faculty of Engineering, via the use of appropriate technologies. The Centre provides a focus for computer based learning and teaching activities in the Engineering Faculty, unlimited advice on Computer aided learning/assessment and distance learning materials, a limited amount of free software development time, and help to secure funding and manage projects relevant to learning and teaching
Mathematics Learning Support Centre:
The Centre, provides a range of services designed to support any undergraduate student in the University in their learning of mathematics. In particular it aims to help students in the earlier stages of their studies who might benefit from resources and tuition over and above that normally provided as part of their course.
The Virtual Engineering mathematics Learning Support Centre provides online help for Engineering students in mathematics. This site is an additional resource provided by the Mathematics Learning Support Centre in conjunction with the Engineering Education Centre, providing students with an additional way of accessing some of the resources held within the centre – 24 hours a day.
Disabilities & Additional Needs Service:
The Disabilities and Additional Needs Service(DANS) offers support for students and staff including: advice both on matters relating to the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Act (SENDA); adaptation of course materials into Braille/large print/tape/disk/other formats; organising mobility training; BSL interpretation; provision of communication support workers; note takers in lectures/tutorials; assessment of specific support, equipment and software needs; individual/small group tuition for students who have dyslexia, representing students’ needs to academic and other University departments; organising adapted accommodation to meet individual needs; helping to organise carers to meet any personal care needs; organising appropriate support for students who have a mental health problem.
DANS has links with the RNIB Vocational College, Derby College for Deaf People and the National Autism Society to offer effective support to students at the University. It regularly takes advice from other national and local organisations of and for disabled people.
Where a student has complex support or accommodation needs, contact with DANS is strongly advised prior to application.
9. Methods for evaluating and improving the quality and standards of learning:
The University has a formal quality procedure and reporting structure laid out in its Academic Quality Procedures handbook, available online at:
and directed by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching). Each Faculty has an Associate Dean for Teaching responsible for all learning and teaching matters. For each Faculty there is a Directorate (responsible for the allocation of resources) and a Board (responsible for monitoring quality issues within each department). Support is provided by the Staff Development Unit and the Quality Assessment Unit. Student feedback on modules and programmes is sought at regular intervals, individual programmes are reviewed annually, and Departments review their full portfolio of programmes as part of a Periodic Programme Review (every five years).
Minor changes to module specifications are approved by the Associate Dean (Teaching) on behalf of the Faculty Board, and ratified by the University Curriculum Sub-Committee in accordance with the University's quality procedures. Major changes are formally considered by the University Curriculum Sub-Committee.
All staff participate in the University's staff appraisal scheme, which helps to identify any needs for staff skills development. Both probationary staff and those seeking promotion to Senior Lecturer are subject to a formal teaching evaluation scheme, administered by the Quality Assessment Unit and accredited by the Institute for Learning and Teaching.
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