Ravishankar M Sarawadi www.cise.ufl.edu/~rmsravishankarms@ufl.edu
Strongly motivated and highly independent software professional with over 2 years of industry and system level research lab experience broadly spanning Linux kernel development, computer architecture, compilers and databases.
Interested in full time/professional position employment.
WORK EXPERIENCE: HSBC Software Development [ Pune, India ] [ Software Engineer ] [ August 2006 – August 2008 ]
Developed novel methodologies to incorporate single point-authority of Global Premier product customer accounts. Includes backend design as well as system implementation on production server.
Click-stream Data-warehousing of HSBC customer activities and Data-Mining using ETL process to provide aggregated data for MIS report generation.
Qualex System [ Pune, India ] [ Academic Project Trainee ] [ August 2005 – July 2006 ]
EXT2 FS module extension to build reliable, user transparent Replicating File System- RFS for removable storage devices.
EDUCATION: M.S. Computer Science [ University of Florida, US ] [ GPA: 3.7 / 4.0 ] [ Grad. Expected - Dec 2009 ]
Concentration: Systems Programming
Relevant Courses: Chip Multi Processor Programming, Virtual Computers, Computer Architecture, Database Implementation (DBI), Programming Language Paradigms, Programming Language Translators, Advanced Data Structures
B.E. Information Technology[ University of Pune,India ] [GPA: 3.9 / 4.0 ] [ Aug 2002 – Aug 2006 ]
Highest Aggregate score in the department for the class of 2006
Tools: IBM WebSphere Application Server, IBM Data Stage (PX Edition) 7.1
Database Technologies: Oracle 10g/PL-SQL
Languages Expertise: Proficient: C, C++
Moderate: Java SE/ Java EE, CUDA, RPAL, Tiny
Learner: M4
Scripting Languages Expertise: Moderate: Python, shell scripting
Web Technologies: PHP, Visual Basic, DHTML, CSS, XML, JavaScript
Ravishankar M Sarawadiwww.cise.ufl.edu/~rmsravishankarms@ufl.edu ACADEMIC PRJECTS AND SEMINAR
Database System Implementation 2009 - C++ Language
Designed and implemented a single-user database management system that supports a subset of SQL and basic relational algebra operations (select, project, and join). Also includes parsing user SQL queries for different output modes.
CUDA Project(Ongoing) 2009 - CUDA Language
Exploiting parallelism in Application by running multiple threads of code-blocks among host CPU and NVIDIA supported GPUs to efficiently utilize available hardware to gain significant performance improvement.
Constructing Tiny language compiler for all basic language supported constructs. This includes implementing syntax constrainer, ASM code generation with help of LEX and YACC for parsing.
RPAL Language Interpreter 2009 - C++ Language
Implemented RPAL interpreter including lexical analyzer to tokenize, recursive decent parser using RPAL grammar to generate AST, ST transformations and finally the RPAL execution rules.
MIPS Processor Simulator 2009 – Java
Simulator for a 4-stage pipelined processor with cache. Capable of loading a specified MIPS binary file and generate the cycle-accurate simulation of the MIPS binary code.
Replicating File System- RFS (Undergrad Project) 2006 - C Language
A file system to increase the reliability of commonly used error-prone media. Achieved by modifying the Ext2 file system to support automatic replication and failover.