Meeting agenda neighborhood planning unit y

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DATE: Tuesday, February 16, 2016

TIME: 7:00 P.M.

LOCATION: The John Birdine Neighborhood Center

215 Lakewood Way SW

Atlanta, GA 30315


Russell Hopson | Chairperson 404.849.2818


Charletta Wilson Jacks | Director 404.330.6145

Becky Katz I NPU Planner | 404.330.6722

Tanya Mitchell | NPU Coordinator I 404.330.6899


  1. Opening Remarks - Russell Hopson 7pm

  2. Approval of Minutes - Tabled until March meeting. January minutes need to be approved.

  3. City Departments (3 mins please)

    1. Law Enforcement

      1. Zone 3 Atlanta | Major Jeff Glazier ( | 404.624.0674)

        1. Captain J.B. Durant – Assistant Zone Commander |

      2. Community Oriented Policing Section ~ C.O.P.S. | 404.546.5650

      3. Code Enforcement | ( | ) Officer Wimberly - Jan-Feb 16th - 16 property maintenance
        Paperstock - 54 McDonough

      4. Community Prosecutor | Claire Farley ( | 678.595.4952)

    1. Fire Department | (404.546. 4410) 404.546.7000

    2. Department of Public Works | 404.330.6501

      1. Office of Transportation | Sandra Kelly ( | 404.658.7862)

    1. Parks Department | Ina Williams ( | 404.821.1096) - Jerard Jackson filling in for Ina. Culture Club events will be announced at March meeting.

  1. Comments from Elected Officials (5 mins please)

    1. Marvin Arrington | Fulton County Commissioner – District 5

      1. Jimmy Jones | Community Engagement SE ( | 404.613.0203)

    1. Carla Smith | Atlanta City Council - District 1 ( | 404.330.6039)

    2. Joyce Sheperd | Atlanta City Council – District 12 ( | 404.330.6053) - Park is opened. Proposing a mural for the park. Call for artists. Beltline update at Atlanta Tech College. You can ask questions about whats going on with the Beltline. Paving streets from bond referendum. Lakewood Way is on the list. Fair street will be looked at. Macon Drive from Lakewood to Cleveland will be done. Library is being built now should be ready by summer or fall. Library strategically placed to help revitalize the area for the kids in our community. Lakewood Amphitheater .25 of every dollar of every ticket sold goes back to the community.

    3. Leslie Grant | Atlanta Board of Education - Seat 1 ( | 404.643.9652) - The proposal for the school turnaround for Carver Cluster. Studied data and needs versus abilities. Those two things didn’t meet up. Asking for help from education community (RFP) East half of Carver Cluster (Thomasville, Price, Slater, Carver High School) OSD will be voted on in November. Research says that OSD will probably pass. Purpose Built Schools is the partner for East Side of Carver Cluster. STEAM program. They have the ability to attract partners to help them with the school. This will not be a charter school. They will work with the current population of the school. Will start at Thomasville this upcoming school year. Staff will get first shot at interviews. Other employees of APS will get second shot. Slater and Price will be school year. (2017-2018). Carver would be school year (2018-2019).
      Russell - Questions. Are you closing any schools? - No.
      Will any students be displaced? No.
      Are any schools currently run by the state? - No.
      Will any staff loose their jobs? - Yes.
      What is the incentive for PBS? - Not money. They have done this before. They want to improve the school. They see a need and want to help change it. To break the the cycle of poverty. They can take their model and show that they can expand it.
      Next public meetings? - Thursday Feb 18. Meeting at Thomasville Heights.
      STEAM night to talk about STEAM - Tuesday Feb.
      What will be the accountability with Purpose Built Schools? - It will be a partnership so they will not be out on their own.
      Leslie’s community coffee - March 5th - Community Grounds Coffee - 8:30am

    4. Eshe Collins | Atlanta Board of EducationSeat 6 ( | 404.931.4329)

    5. All Others

  1. Planner’s Report | Becky Katz ( | 404.330.6722 ) (5 mins please) - MOST sales tax - watershed tax that is existing and is coming up for a vote. This is not a new tax but one they want renewed.

  2. Committee Reports (2 mins please)

    1. Zoning and Land Use | Thomas Cotton

    2. Transportation |

    3. Public Safety | Gloria volunteered for chair position. Passed out information about Neighborhood Watch Training.

    4. Park, Recreation & Environment | Jim Williamson

    5. Education | Marline Jackson -

    6. Lakewood Oversight | Yolanda Cameron - Relayed that finance is displeased with current foundation. There number one priority is going to be getting a new foundation. Live nation contract agreement will be scanned in and sent to committee members so they have a copy of it. Joyce Shepard will make sure they get the amendment to the contract that took place about 4 years ago.

    7. Lakewood Finance | Christina Sanchez - Grant applications are due by March 30th. Grants are available to any nonprofit in NPU-Y, X, Z.

  1. Presentation(s)

  2. Matters for Voting



Fabio Miggiano
Corner Lot - wants to subdivide the lot. Wants to build guest house on the lot. Lakewood has voted to approve the subdivision.

Motion to approved. Mr. Wynn

Second by Yolanda Cameron.
12 yes. 0 nos. 0 abstains.

279 Hilltop Dr. SW

Change of Zoning



Azizul Hakim- Has not been to Chosewood Park neighborhood association yet. Tabled until next month.

Lakewood Food Mart

184 McDonough Blvd SE

Change of Ownership

Shailesh Kumar S. Desai

Chevron in the fork of Lakewood and Jonesboro Rd. Need a new liquor license due to change of ownership. Lakewood voted to approve.
Motion to approve. Randy Veal.

Second Chris McCord.

12 approved. 0

Lakewood Prime, LLC

1683 Lakewood Avenue

Change of Ownership

  1. Old Business

  1. New Business

  2. Public Notice

  3. Announcements

  1. Lakewood Amphitheater Job Fair

February 20, 2016 10am – 5pm

1932 Pryor Rd, Atlanta, Ga 30315

Part time positions from May-October (must be able to work 85% of shows)

Turner Field is doing an LCI. Russell is paying close attention because our (Lakewood) LCI is still hanging out waiting. City Planning has been pre approved for the money to connect the southtown trail to south atlanta park.

Joyce Sheppard - no one wants to buy the land in Lakewood LCI. That’s why thing has been done.

Angie Stoval - Wants to make sure the correct date gets sent out on the card for the NPU-Y meeting. Russell has already emailed about the date. Becky Katz will follow up on it and make sure the dates are correct going forward.

Russell - we will add signage announcing the NPU-Y meetings to prominent locations in the NPU-Y.

  1. Adjournment

Email | Facebook NPU-Y Atlanta |Twitter @NPUYAtlanta | Web

NPU-Y of Atlanta | 678.435.9696 | PO Box 150550 | Atlanta, GA 30315

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