Memorandum of Understanding Nursing Homes & Care Facilities Mission of Sage

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Memorandum of Understanding

Nursing Homes & Care Facilities
Mission of Sage
‘To promote and protect the rights, freedom and dignity of older people by developing support and advocacy services wherever ageing poses a challenge for individuals’.

  1. Overview

This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Sage and ________________________ _______________________ relates to the development and provision of independent support and advocacy services to residents and other service users. It sets out the responsibilities of both parties. Sage was formally established on June 24th 2014 following the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement in which the HSE and The Atlantic Philanthropies agreed to fund “the development and provision of an independent and impartial support and advocacy service for older people in all care settings: home; nursing home; hospital; hostel; hospice and in the process of transition between them” under the governance of Third Age. The work of Sage is overseen by a National Advisory Committee chaired by Patricia Rickard-Clarke and Nursing Homes Ireland is represented on this committee. The mission of Sage and its role in ensuring that the voice of vulnerable older people is heard is best expressed in the motto ‘Nothing about you / without you’.

Both Sage and ________________________________ are committed to:

  1. Operating to the highest professional standards guided by the values of collaboration, transparency, mutual responsibility and respect and a dedication to achieve the highest quality service and best possible outcomes for residents and other service users; and

  2. Ensuring that residents and other service users have easy access to independent support and advocacy services.

  1. Review and Monitoring

  • This MoU is effective from date: _______________________

  • It will be reviewed annually at which stage it may be continued for a further year, amended by mutual agreement to reflect necessary changes, or discontinued. However, in lieu of a review during the specified period, the current MoU will remain in effect.

  • It may be ended by either party giving 30 days’ notice in writing and specifying the reasons.

  • Sage as the ‘Document Owner’ is responsible for the issuing of the MoU and for ensuring reviews.

  1. Responsibilities of Sage

  • To ensure the support and advocacy needs of residents and any other service users are met by providing any or all of the following:

    • Information & Advice on support and advocacy services

    • A Rapid Response service where a matter is considered urgent

    • Facilitation of residents, family and service user groups

    • Visits from Support Persons and Advocates as required

    • Specialist advocacy supports for residents and any other service users with complex issues

    • Learning opportunities for Persons in Charge and senior staff with regard to emerging issues and challenges

  • To ensure that the role and responsibilities of the nursing home / care facility in supporting and caring for residents and any other service users, as guided by HIQA standards, is respected.

  • To provide all Sage Representatives providing support and advocacy services with the necessary education, training, support and supervision to enable them to undertake their agreed role.

  • To ensure all Sage Representatives are vetted through the Garda Vetting Application Process and adhere to Sage’s Policy on Compliance with Garda Vetting.

  • To ensure consistency and continuity regarding the level and quality of service.

  • To provide Sage Representatives with access to a secure online system to record their activities on behalf of clients in nursing homes and care facilities in accordance with Sage policies on confidentiality, data protection, support and supervision and to provide reports to whoever Sage considers appropriate in specific circumstances.

  • To set quality standards for the provision of support and advocacy services for older people and to monitor their implementation.

  • To ensure that a designated Development Worker is available to deal with any queries or concerns regarding the provision of support and advocacy services.

  • To ensure that all Sage Representatives assigned to work in specific care facilities are formally introduced to the Person-In-Charge prior to commencing the provision of service and thereafter observe all Sage Policies and Procedures and operational guidelines.

  • To provide reports on specific issues in line with relevant Sage policies and procedures.

  • To provide a summary report prior to any review of the MoU.

  • To provide a record of meetings of residents / service users / family groups in line with Sage policies and procedures.

  • To collaborate where possible in addressing issues of concern to residents and any other service users and to challenge where necessary.

  • To respond to issues brought to its attention within the following time frames:

  • Within 0-8 hours for issues classified as High priority by both Sage and the Nursing Home / care facility

  • Within 48 hours to make an experienced Sage Representative available at a specific care facility if Sage considers this necessary.

  • Within 5 working days for issues classified as Low priority by both Sage and the Nursing Home / care facility

  1. Responsibilities of _________________________________

  • To formally acknowledge the independent role of Sage and its responsibility to collaborate where possible and to challenge where necessary.

  • To facilitate placement of Sage Representatives as part of their initial orientation and training to provide support and advocacy services.

  • To nominate a Designated Link Person who will have responsibility for ensuring that Sage Representatives are facilitated in carrying out their roles in accordance with the policies and procedures of Sage.

  • To facilitate access for residents and other service users to the support and advocacy services of Sage through group meetings and individual or group advocacy.

  • To meet with Sage Representatives in relation to issues raised by residents and other service users.

  • To contact the Development Worker, in the first instance, regarding any issues or concerns about the quality of the service being provided by Sage Representatives.

  • To notify Sage of any failures to meet its service delivery responsibilities in a timely manner.

  • To deal, in so far as is practicable and reasonable, with any complaints brought to your attention in respect of:

(a) Sage involvement with your services as provided

(b) Issues for residents / service users identified through support and advocacy work.

  • To participate in annual review meetings and any other meetings reasonably requested by Sage.

  • To communicate and document any changes to services that may have an impact on the provision of support and advocacy services.

  • To inform Sage Representatives of the death of a resident/service user with whom Sage have been engaged where possible after the event

On behalf of Care Provider On behalf of Sage

Name: ___________________________ Name: _____________________________

Address: ___________________________ Signed: _____________________________

___________________________ Date: _____________________________- ___________________________

Eircode: ___________________________

Signed: ___________________________

Date: ___________________________

Review Date: _________________________
Development Worker
Name _______________________
Signed ______________________
Date ________________________
Sage Representatives Assigned (ID Numbers)

Name: __________________________ _____________________________

Signed: __________________________ _____________________________
Date: __________________________ _____________________________

Name: __________________________ _____________________________

Signed: __________________________ _____________________________
Date: __________________________ _____________________________

Name: __________________________ _____________________________

Signed: __________________________ _____________________________
Date: __________________________ _____________________________

Name: __________________________ _____________________________

Signed: __________________________ _____________________________
Date: __________________________ _____________________________

Name: __________________________ _____________________________

Signed: __________________________ _____________________________
Date: __________________________ _____________________________

Page of MOU NH & CF_Version.03_August 2016

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