Message from the Principal

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The mission of the Aurora City Schools is to ensure that all students reach their full potential and graduate prepared to become responsible, productive members of society by providing a nurturing environment, with high expectations and effective programs.

Message from the Principal

Dear Students and Parents,

The 2014-2015 Program of Studies booklet is designed to acquaint you with the numerous programs and courses offered at Aurora High School. The information contained in this booklet is updated each year so that you and your parents can make the best decisions in planning your high school educational career.
Opportunities exist across the curriculum from required courses for graduation in core academic areas to electives in computer technology, global languages, fine arts, performing arts and physical education. Whether your future plans included college, the world of work, or the military, we have a program that will prepare you for success.
Good planning and course selection in the beginning of the scheduling process will help in our efforts to give you the courses you choose. Be sure to include your parents and your counselor in all decisions concerning your schedule. Consulting your current teachers is another way to help ensure you will be taking the appropriate classes for next year.
In our schedule you have the opportunity to take seven classes. Students are required to take at least 5.0 credits and can have no more than one study hall each semester. We encourage you to take advantage of the many educational experiences offered at AHS. We also have a comprehensive co-curricular program; this combined with our comprehensive academic offerings allow you many opportunities to have a most rewarding high school experience.


Mike Roberto

Planning & Policies
How to Plan Your Program of Studies
Students are encouraged to carefully plan a program of studies that will assist them in reaching their educational and career goals. The International Baccalaureate Program, College Preparatory Program and the Excel TECC Program, outlined on the following pages, are designed to guide students in selecting the subjects that will lead them toward achieving their goals.
It is suggested that students:

  1. Review all the curricular requirements for graduation.

  1. Read the information presented about each department.

3. Complete the Course Planner (page 57), paying particular attention to graduation requirements and career goals.

4. Know and understand the recommended college preparatory curriculum.
5. Know and understand the requirements for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme.
6. Review and understand the opportunities offered through the Mayfield Excel TECC Program.
7. Consider the curricular and other requirements for the Honors Diploma.

  1. Students are required to take a minimum number of courses each year. This "minimum course load" includes both required courses and elective courses. With the guidance of parents, teachers and counselors, students select these courses during the registration period. This is the time when schedule planning is completed. The course description booklet is the student and parent guide for making these selections.

PLEASE NOTE: It is hoped that we will be able to offer every course that is listed in this booklet. However, it is possible that a course may not be offered due to a lack of adequate student interest or appropriate staffing. The high school principal will make such a determination and all students who have signed up for a class that has been cancelled will have the opportunity to select another available course.

Course Waivers
If a student elects to take an academic course for which he/she was not recommended, he/she must complete a waiver form obtainable in the Guidance Office and return it to the principal. The waiver must be signed by the student, parent and teacher. The waiver must be approved by the Principal.

Graduation Requirements
4 English

(core courses only)

3 Social Studies*
4 Mathematics**
3 Science***
½ Health
½ Physical Education

(2 Semesters)

½ Personal Finance
Total – 21 CREDITS
Students must pass all portions of the Ohio Graduation Test

* Social studies units must include 1 unit of American history and 1 unit of American government.

** Mathematics units must include 1 unit of Algebra II or equivalent of Algebra II.
*** Science units must include 1 unit of physical sciences, 1 unit of life sciences and 1 unit advanced study in one or more of the following sciences: chemistry, physics, or other physical science; advanced biology or other life science; astronomy, physical geology, or other earth or space science.
****The Ohio Core requirements for graduation also include:

  1. student electives: of any one or combination of the following: foreign language, fine arts (two semesters in any of grades 7 – 12), business, career-technical education, family and consumer sciences, technology, agricultural education or additional English language arts, math, science or social studies courses not otherwise required under the Ohio Core

  1. units earned in social studies shall be integrated with economics and financial literacy and

  1. passing all State required examinations

Regular Diploma

To be awarded a regular diploma, the student shall:

  1. Meet AHS’s curricular requirements.

  2. Pass all portions of the Ohio Graduation Test.

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