Ministry of education and science national center of educational technologies

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2008 - 2010



Y E R E V A N 2 0 0 7






1.1. The mission of the National Centre of Education Technologies,

the objective of the activities.


1.2. Work performed by NCET in 2004 - 2006


1.3. NCET activity program for 2007


1.4. The Results of NCET activities in 2007




2.1. Analysis of the situation and definition of objectives.


2.2. The Objectives of NCET activities for 2008-2010


2.3. NCET Arrangements and Schedule for 2008, Expected Results,

Probable Difficulties (Risks) and Ways of Overcoming them


2.4. NCET Arrangements and Schedule for 2009, Expected Results,

Probable Difficulties (Risks) and Ways of Overcoming them


2.5. NCET Arrangements and Schedule for 2010, Expected Results,

Probable Difficulties (Risks) and Ways of Overcoming them




3.1. NCET internal structure


3.2. NCET new structure


3.3. NCET staff members’ responsibilities and minimum demands

for qualification.


4. NCET BUDGET FOR 2008-2010


4.1. State Budget 04.03.18 program estimate of expenditure for 2008


4.2. State Budget 04.03.18 program estimate of expenditure for 2009


4.3. State Budget 04.03.18 program estimate of expenditure for 2010


4.4. NCET Budget for 2008-2010




1.1. The mission of the National Centre of Education Technologies, the objective of the activities.
From the point of view of development of Armenian Educational System and its compliance with international standards information and communication technologies (ICT) are of the most importance. It is impossible to develop modern educational environment, new teaching methods and integration of new facilities without them,

In accordance with RA government decision 408-N, March 11, 2004 “National Centre of Educational Technologies” (NCET) state non-profit organization was founded. NCET’s mission is to develop modern educational environment in Armenia and the objective of its activity is to integrate ICT in comprehensive schools in Armenia and ensure their further availability.

In accordance with the above mentioned decision NCET’s Constitution where the main activities of the organization are defined was approved.

  1. to provide comprehensive schools with up-to-date computer facilities;

  1. to integrate universal computer network among comprehensive schools;

  1. to provide comprehensive schools with internet;

  1. to open computer training centres in comprehensive schools;

  1. to systematize educational ICT curriculums in Armenia;

  1. to enlarge teachers’ computer competence by means of training;

  1. to develop and operate comprehensive schools internet portals;

  1. to develop computer tutorials and curriculums, publish and provide for comprehensive schools;

  1. to dispose computers leasing and working assets;

  1. to develop of educational information and communication environment gradually involving secondary and high special institutions in universal computer network.

1.2. Work performed by NCET in 2004 - 2006
Within 2004 the staff of NCET was formed and repair jobs of the NCET territory were performed.
Within 2005-2006 the following main work was performed:

  1. organization work aimed at realization of 2-nd and 3-rd stages of “Education Quality and Relevance Project” was performed. With the objective to involve comprehensive schools in the process of providing them with computers in 2005 contracts were concluded with 198 schools and in 2006 440 preliminary applications were accepted.

  1. Data base containing information about schools equipped by computers was created. Current counting of computer equipment of schools in Armenia was made.

c) Demands necessary for development and introduction of portal of comprehensive schools were worked out, current consultations, investigations analysis were organized for the further use of Internet Portal .

d) Documents were worked out, meetings and discussions were organized, negotiations were carried with the objective to organize the transfer of “Armenian Schools Connectivity Program” (ASCP) from “Project Harmony” public organization to the Government of Armenia.
e) In computer classrooms of 464 comprehensive schools of Armenia 11 electronic workbooks, worked out by Armenian branch of Open Society Institute Assistance Fundation (OSI AF) and granted to NCET without compensation were installed.
f) Programs in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the system of education of Armenia were deeply studied with the aim of further classification.

1.3. NCET activity program for 2007
NCET activity program for 2007 was worked out in accordance with RA Government Resolution 1800 –N on “Program of Armenian Republic Government Activities Arrangements and Main Problems for 2007” dated 28.11.2006, “Improvements in the Field of General Education” and the following two programs approved by 2007 state budget and recommended to NCET.

  • program 04.03.04 – Within the framework of general education program support government assistance to NCET SNPO (135121.9000 thousand drams ) for the realization of “ Internet maintenance and computer equipment preservation in the schools of Armenia” program;

  • program 04.03.18 – Within the framework of general education program support government assistance to NCET SNPO (37541.9 thousand drams).

On January 2007 the following program of NCET activities was approved at the board of the organization.

a) Acceptance of ASCP management rights, facilities and equipment from “Project Harmony” (2007 1-st half-year)

Maintenance of Armenian Schools Internet Network (ASIN), management and preservation of computer equipment, NCET staff training.

Investigation of ASIN technical possibilities and analysis, internet expansion by involving new schools in ASIN.
b) Current consultations and investigations of Internet Portal in the stages of its creation, testing and introduction, technical maintenance and management.

To create data base of educational documents, systematize tutorials, to describe materials introduced in the Portal with the aim of creating a whole information and communication environment and providing the Portal with content.

Training of the staff maintaining the Portal.
c) Realization of “Education Quality and Relevance Project”, accepting preliminary applications from schools, considering them and registration with the aim to provide comprehensive schools with computers and create computer training centres.

d) Current counting of computer equipment in schools, registering the results of counting in data base, systematizing and analyzing them.

e) Stimulating the creation of electronic tutorials and other materials and their introduction into comprehensive schools computer classes, electronic libraries and Internet Portal.
f) Investigation of ICT programs with the aim of systematizing them.

1.4. The Results of NCET activities in 2007
The list of the activities directed to the expansion of implementation of new information technologies in general education within 2007 (up to November 1) having as their main objective to solve the problem of “Reforms in General Education” is presented below:
a) the following work was performed to compile and sign the agreement on the transfer of the utilization of Armenian Schools Connectivity Program, its maintenance, management from “Projects Harmoniy” to RA Ministry of Education and Science.

  • A work sample of the agreement and a project calendar were worked out;

  • Different meetings and discussions, as well as consultations were organized in Tsakhadzor, and Yerevan with the participation of RA Ministry of Education and Science (MES), USA embassy in Armenia, “Project Harmony”, “Harmonia” Fund, NCET, “Education Program Centre” office staff;

  • Business visits to Eghegnadzor, Vanadzor, Armavir, Gyumri to get acquainted with local network structure, equipment and work in places, to Ani Pemza to get acquainted with the mobile internet station;

  • Meetings and discussions with leading internet providers in Armenia were organized;

  • Current inquiries concerning internet availability in schools were made and the results were presented to “Project Harmony” and “Harmonia” Fund;

  • Negotiations were held with State Engineering University of Armenia (SEUA) for the purpose of installing ASIN unit in SEUA, contract on technical maintenance of the central unit was concluded and on June 13 the equipment was installed in SEUA;

  • The list of ASIN equipment and inventory presented by “Project Harmony” to be transferred to MES was examined and suggestions were made concerning their distribution and use;

  • An open tender was announced on ASIN maintenance and management for 2007. With the winner of the tender “Harmonia” Fund a contract was concluded on rendering “Armenian Schools Internet Maintenance” service.

b) ASCP the main component of which is ASIN was accepted from “Project Harmony”. The following work connected with ASIN maintenance and management has been performed since July 1, 2007.

  • Daily control of ASIN activity, acceptance of current and monthly reports from ASIN maintaining organizations and their consideration;

  • Establishment of two-way business relations with ASIN schools, sending instructions on the maintenance of internet at schools, consideration of the received answers and suggestions;

  • Organisation of NCET and “Harmonia” Fund regional office staff joint meetings for the purpose to ensure productivity of the control over the maintenance of ASIN, discussion of the problems of cooperation;

  • Providing “Harmonia” Fund staff maintaining ASIN with workplace in NCET and furnishing;

  • Training NCET ASIN maintaining and managing staff;

  • Declearing open tender and drawing up a claim for purchasing new ASIN communication equipment to replace the damaged one;

  • Drawing up a claim for purchasing Armenia Schools Internet Maintenance” service for 2008.

  1. In the 1-st stage of development of Comprehensive Schools Internet Portal current consultations and experiments were made.

So as to create a whole information and communication environment in the field of education, particularly in ASIN and prepare for the maintenance of ASIN Portal in internet site experimental site “Educational Environment” was introduced. Here you can find the following sections with their subsections: “News”, “Educational Press”, “Documents Collection”, “Interactive Services”, “Site Gallery”, “Armenian Schools Internet Network”, “Armenian Schools Internet Sites”, ”Diaspora Schools Internet Sites”.

In order to stimulate the use of modern information and communication means such as digital devices, internet, e-mail by students, there was organised a photographic competition “ My good teacher, my friend”

Preperative work was performed to organise on-line education and discussions.

  1. NCET official internet site was put to use. Translations of such page as “Organisation’s News”, “ICT News” of “News” section, advertisements, reports about the organisation’s activities were made. A new “NCET regional empoloyees page” was introduced.

e) with the objective to realize “Education Quality and Relevance Projet” the following work was performed: comprehensive schools were provided with computers and school computer training centres were created (SCTC).

  • Applications from 329 schools were received to involve them in the 4-th stage of the credit program;

  • Organization and participation in agreements signing between the office of “Centre for Education Projects” and schools on purchasing computer devices.

f) Database of computer equipment and other modern facilities in Armenian Schools was put to operation. Definition of current counting of computer equipment in schools, information about integration of schools and registration of the results in database. Brief information concerning computer facilities in schools was given to interested organizations such as Education Departments of Yerevan, Vayots Dzor, Gegharkunik, Kotayk regions, National Institute of Education, “Educational Programs Centre”.

g) In about 160 general schools in Armenia in computer classes, electronic workbooks on 11 subjects, worked out and donated by OSI AF to NCET were installed and agreements on donation were concluded with the schools. Amendments were made in these 11 electronic curriculums and three new workbooks were developed, distributed among schools.
h) MEC “Management Services Office” documents data base was developed, it helps to organize ongoing correspondence management, control over the implementation of instructions, compiles statistic information. The first experimental stage of database maintenance was successfully finished and it was put to operation, and the presentation of database was organized.
i) NCET regional emmployees visited 220 schools located in different regions of Armenia with the aim to solve the following problems: to study the quality of internet communication and its productivity, to render consultations, to examine the state of payments made by schools involved in computer system, to define the information about the computer facilities in schools, to examine the productivity of the use these facilities and electronic curriculum, to render necessary assistance and explaining the advantages of “Educational Community” website.
j) A number of meeting and discussions with the aim to study and classify ICT programs in education were organized, such as:

  • negotiations were conducted with the representatives of Microsoft Armenia office about implementation of electronic management, legalization of software, protection of copyright interests, application of methodological materials concerning modern technologies with their further translation into Armenian;

  • Besides the problems of cooperation and co-assistance, the question of printing and distributing of the developed three curriculums were raised at the meeeting with the director of Armenian branch of OSI AF and project managers;

  • Together with the Institute of National Education the presentation of education and information system of “Kvazar-Micro-Techno” Company famous in the field of new educational technologies was organized with the participation of the representatives of many interested organazations.

k) The staff of NCET participated in many events dedicated to the main problems of education, particularly:

  • Global Forum on Youth and ICTD initiated by United Nations Organization, International Telecommunication Union and other influential international organizations (Geneva);

  • International seminar-conference “Interactive Technologies in Education, Problems and Solutions” organized by Yerevan State University, “Firma Alfa” LTD, Mitsubishi Electric Corp (Japan) and SMART Technologies Inc.(Canada);

  • Discussions of the computer curriculum “Armenian Grammar for 7-9 forms “ developed by “B MML” Company.

l) On October 26-28, 2007 NCET participated in 'Digitec" third International Information and Communication Specialized Exhibition demonstrating its own exhibits.


2.1. Analysis of the situation and definition of objectives.
Within the last few years considerable work was performed in Armenian general education aimed at integration of information and communication technologies. Let us enumerate some of them:

  • Within the framework of World Bank “Education Quality and Relevance” project 2670 computer facilities were intalled in 572 schools in 2005-2006, 1300 computers will be istalled in 340 schools in 2007, and 330 more schools will receive computers in 2008;

  • During 2003-2007 “Project Harmony” organization with the participation of “Harmonia” Information Fund implemented “Armenian Schools Connectivity Program” within the frames of which internet network was created and put to operation in 330 schools of Armenian Regions. In 2005-2007 this project was co-financed at the expense Armenian Republic state budget funds. In the first half-year of 2007 this project was transferred to MES and on July 1 ASIN maintenance and preservation, as it was mentioned above, is realized at the expense of the funds stipulated: state budget program 04.03.04;

  • With the assistance of Armenian branch of OPI AF 11 tutorials were worked out, which were installed and put to operation in about 630 schools;

  • During 2004-2007 many teachers of informatics and other subjects were trained.

Nevertheless the level of using IC technologies in Armenian education cannot be considered satisfactory, now the schools provided with minimum necessary number of computers make 30% of total number of schools in ASIN (by the end of 2007, after accompishing the 3-rd stage of credit program they will make 40%), only 22% of schools are involved in internet (ASIN), the number of tutorials, supplementary and methodological materials is extremely insufficient, school portal does not function (instead of the portal its analog “Educational Environment” website is functioning). In ASIN there is little informative work, very few teachers, including teachers of informatics that have necessary up-to-date level of knowledge of ICT and their implementation in practice, do not function on-line and distance learning/teaching systems (now organization and preparation work is done in this direction), electronic circulation of documents, are not used educational management systems, statistical data is still sent by ordinary mail or simply by hand etc.

The program of NCET for the nearest three years is developed proceeding from the analysis of the above mentioned situation, the materials presented in the first two parts of this document and the necessity to give solution to the following problems.

  • up-to-date ICT facilities, electronic manuals, text books and well trained teaching staff that are compliant with the requirements necessary for the improvement and development of the existing education system;

  • educational and information environment, consisting of up-to-date electronic information, great educational and cultural resources that allows to receive information necessary for teachers, students and other classes of society, exchange thoughts, viewpoints, ideas, electronic management of education system, ensuring equal possibilities for all classes of society, people, living in regions of Armenia, to receive information, on-line teaching/learning.

The development of NCET activities program for 2008-2010 was performed in accordance with by RA National Secutity Strategy (NSS) and RA Government Program (GP) paragraphs, which are quoted below.

  • Increased efficiency of reforms in education and science is an important guarantee for ensuring State, public and individual security and sustainable development and preserving Armenian identity (GP, paragraph 4.4.3);

  • developing and implementing competitive and efficient science and education policies, with a special focus on developing innovative technologies
    (NSS, chapter 1, paragraph 2);

  • Considerably improving the quality of Education and access to education (including higher education) for the disadvantaged groups of the population (GP, chapter 2);

  • implement a long-term state policy aimed at empowering the countrys scientific potential, restructuring educational system to comply with European standards and to meet the social and economic needs of the state, introducing modern education technologies (NSS Chapter 2);

  • Expanding the sectors in which contemporary information technology is applied by improving the quality of and the access to such services (GP, chapter 2);

  • Considering the role of IT development not only as a separate sector, but also as an important factor for achieving general economic growth, raising productivity and maintaining competitiveness in the global economy, The Government will remain focused on the implementation of IT products and services as well as the formation of “e-society” in the country (GP paragraph;

  • The Government considers increased country competitiveness a safeguard of sustainable economic development. To this end among other things, the Government’s economic policy during 2007-2012 will focus on enchancing production capacity promotion exports through the use of modern technology (GP paragraph 4.3.1);

  • The Government will pursue accessibility and access to internet ensuring sound competition in the market and conducting anti-monopolistic policy (GP paragraph;

  • Promote relevant information about Armenia and all branches of Armenian studies through the Internet, with the creation of relevant Armenian websites (NSS chapter 2, paragraph 4);

  • Threats to national security: ... the increase in urbanization stems mainly from a combination of inconsistencies in the labor market and a rural-urban division in access to education and living conditions, mostly notable in the capital (NSS chapter 1, paragraph 3);

  • Create equal starting conditiona for all young people for entry into scientific and social life, contribute to development and manifestation of human and institutional capacity of all young people (GP, paragraph 4.4.6).

2.2. The Objectives of NCET activities for 2008-2010
To solve the defined problems for 2008-2010 NCET will aim at realization of the following problems
Objective 1. Creation of education information and communication universal environment, its further development, maintenance of Comprehensive Schools Internet Portal, acquisition of resources and content for Portal, organization of educational arrangements, introduction of distance teaching/learning system , maintenance of NCET website.

Objective 2. Development of electronic educational materials, and stimulating the development of such materials by other organizations, editing, reproduction and distributionof these materials, founding and enriching electronic libraries in educational Institutions.
Objective 3. Introduction of education management systems
Objective 4. Armenian schools internet management, maintenance and further expansion, preservation and repair of ASIN facilities. Development and operation of mobile internet computer centres.
Objective 5. Providing comprehensive schools with computer facilities, development of computer training centres, management of computer leasing process and working capital, legalization/sertification of computer programs used in education system.
Objective 6. Organization of education system statistic-information service workflow, collecting statistic data, filing in database, systematizing and examining, editing information materials.
Objective 7. Training teachers and specialists maintaining internet in education sphere.
Objective 8. Organization and implementation of electronic circulation of documents.

Objective 9. Systematizing educational programs of information and communication technologies in Armenia, cooperation with local and international organizations.
The list of arrangements aimed at realization of these objectives, the schedule, expected results and probable difficulties(risks) are presented below.

2.3. NCET Arrangements and Schedule for 2008, Expected Results, Probable Difficulties (Risks) and Ways of Overcoming them
2.3.1. Arrangements and Schedule
















1.1. Operation of Comprehensive Schools Internet Portal, acquisition of resources and content of Portal

1.2. Organization of on-line tenders

1.3 Organization of on-line school contests

1.4. Organization of on-line conferences

1.5. Operation of distance teaching/learning

1.6. Operation of NCET website

1.7. Examination of internet educational resources


2.1. Stimulation of educational electronic material development, launching in Portal and distance teaching/learning system

2.2. Introduction of electronic tutorials worked out with the assistance of OSI AF, founding and enriching electronic libraries.















2.3. Introduction of Microsoft and other IT organizations’ teaching programs


3.1. Assistance in introducing Microsoft and other IT organizations’ managing systems in education process.


4.1. ASIN service

4.2. Regular control over ASIN activities

4.3. Preparation for ASIN Service Tender for 2009

4.4. Inviting tenders for ASIN service for 2009 and summation of the Tender results

4.5. Preparation for ASIN facilities repair Tender

4.6. Inviting tenders for ASIN facilities repair and summation of the Tender results

4.7. Wear-out replacement of ASIN facilities

4.8. Preparations for MICS development tender

4.9. Inviting tenders for organizing MICS and summation of the tender results

4.10. Development of MICS

4.11. Development of MICS work program

4.12. Preparation for MICS operation tender for 2008, conducting and summation of the results.

4.13. Preparation for MICS operation tender for 2009, conducting and summation of the results.

4.14. MICS operation

4.15. Regular control over MICS operation
















5.1. Accepting preliminary applications from comprehensive schools with the objective to involve them in WB “Education Quality and Relevance” Project

5.2. In the frames of WB “Education Quality and Relevance” Project participation in contracts and additional agreements signing

5.3. Current counting of schools computer facilities

5.4. Definition of further demands for schools computer facilities

5.5. Organization of regional coordinators work

5.6. Legalization / certification of computer programs in education system


6.1. Collecting statistic information on education system

6.2. Introducing information in database, systematizing and examination

6.3. Development and publishing materials, describing education system

6.4. Organization work aimed at electronic exchanging statistic information

6.5. Electronic exchanging statistic information


9.1. Examination of the activities of organizations implementing educational ICT programs in Armenia

9.2. Establishing business relations with the organizations implementing educational ICT programs

9.3. Involving Diaspora education organizations in programs of Armenian Education

2.3.2. Expected results, probable difficulties (risks) and ways of overcoming them.



Expected results

Probable risks

Ways of overcoming risks








Active high rating portal in the group of RA education websites, provided with educational, cultural documents

Unexpected difficulties in portal software, insufficient capacity of facilities (servers, network equipment)

Identification of defects during the operation of portal, their elimination, and registration and substantivizing of applications for the repair of computer facilities


Held and resumed two Pan-Armenian competitions ( school sites and photographic contests)

Insufficient material and human resources

Work with donor organizations aimed at getting additional finances


Held and resumed school competitions on informatics

Methodical difficulties in compiling materials for school competitions

Work with corresponding units in education sphere, e.g. National Institute of Education


Two educational conferences related to urgent problems of education

Insufficient knowledge and passive participation of teachers.

Explanatory and agitational work in all regions of Armenia


Educational material in distance teaching/learning system, that will be available for teachers and students and will be used in education process.

Little amount of ready materials with sufficient level of information

Work aimed at stimulating the discovery of the existing development of new materials


Official website of NCET, operating by regularly translated materials. It will present NCET’s activities. translated

Bad quality of Internet provided to NCET

Purposeful work with providers in purchASINng alternative means of communication


Directory inquiry with classification of education websites and their short descriptions functioning in internet.

Limited use of internet conditioned by insufficient funds

Work aimed at reduction of internet fee.



Education materials developed by leading teachers and launched in the portal and distance teaching/learning system

See note made in unit 1.7.

See note made in unit 1.7

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