Mobile Phones/Devices Acquisition and Usage Policy

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Mobile Phones/Devices Acquisition and Usage Policy

Mobile Phones are an important communications tool. As such they should be used in an efficient, lawful, safe and ethical manner. UCC staff are accountable for appropriate use of their UCC mobile communication devices and should abide by this Mobile Phones/Devices Acquisition and Usage Policy.

Provision of Mobile Phones

  • At the request of the UMTS member, UCC provides a mobile phone/device for specific posts, where the use of a device is of significant benefit in assisting the user in discharging their duties. These consist predominantly of handheld phones.

Procurement and Distribution

  • A UMTS holder must determine that a device is required by the user and approve the request to the Buildings & Estates Office. The user of the mobile phone will be required to sign a receipt for the relevant equipment.

  • See application form.


  • All users must abide by the terms in this Mobile Phone Policy.

  • UCC Mobile Phones are not to be used for individual "business" or private matters related to personal income generating activities.

  • From time to time a personal call may be made, if important, while the user is on University business. As with the use of other University telephone lines, personal (i.e. non-business) calls should be avoided and where necessary should be of short duration. This privilege should not be abused while engaged on University business.

Call Charges

  • Any private calls that are made, either frequent, long distance (STD or ISDN), or of a long duration should necessitate reimbursement to UCC by the user.

  • All UCC phone accounts are monitored and users shall be responsible for their use and provide an explanation of call charges if requested. The allocation of costs will be to the Department/Centre in which the member of staff is currently working, unless otherwise specified and authorised.


  • Mobile Phone access is provided for officially approved purposes only i.e. departmental business and limited personal use (as defined in the Call Charges section of this policy).

  • UCC staff must comply with all policies, legislation and regulations applicable to the use of Mobile Phones.

  • Mobile Phone usage should be able to withstand public scrutiny and/or disclosure. UCC Staff should not use the Mobile Phones in a way that could defame, harass, abuse or offend individuals or organisations.

  • UCC reserves the right to audit any or all UCC funded Mobile Phone usage. UCC staff may be called upon to explain their use of departmentally funded Mobile Phones.

  • Users are responsible for checking their monthly bill online with the service provider where this service is available. They must highlight any errors found.

  • When policies are not adhered to, the relevant device/s will be withdrawn and the number is cancelled.

Service Provision

  • All UCC mobile phones/mobile devices are on a corporate contract negotiated and administered centrally by Buildings and Estates. All purchase negotiation, replacement and other matters relating to mobile phones will be carried out by Buildings and Estates.

Security of mobile phones

  • Staff issued with a mobile phone purchased by UCC must ensure the security of the phone (and any allied equipment) at all times. The following items should be noted:

  1. Should a mobile phone be lost or stolen, the user must report the matter to Buildings and Estates within 24 hours for notification to service providers and replacement. Alternatively users can contact directly the customer number to report the theft in order to block the number and handset

  2. Users must care and use the phones in their possession in a responsible manner. Breakages, damage or loss of equipment may necessitate the reimbursement of any associated costs incurred by UCC, in relation to the repairs or replacement of the affected equipment. Users are required to keep mobile phones clean, and in serviceable condition to the best of their ability, and report all irregularities immediately to Buildings and Estates.

  3. There are a number of built in protection mechanisms that the user should apply in the day to day operation of the mobile phone:

a. Activate the keypad lock

b. A PIN code must be used to lock the phone so that if the phone is subsequently stolen or lost a PIN code must be used to unlock the phone. However, the PIN number should be given to the user's line manager.

iv. Secure the phone at home as if it is a personal possession.

v. Mobile phones must not to be left in unattended vehicles.

  1. While in the office, store the phone and associated equipment with due care. If lending the phone to other members of staff, make a record of when and to whom.

Use of Personal Mobile Phones

  • Personal mobile phones should not normally be used to make business calls. UCC does not undertake to refund any business calls made in this way.

Procedure for Upgrade

  • Upgrades can only be initiated through existing authorised users. Requests submitted to the Buildings and Estates Office will generally be upgraded in accordance with the provisions contract. All unused mobile phones should be surrendered to the Building & Estates Office.


  • As a matter of professional courtesy, we advise mobile phone users to either turn off their phone or divert it to voicemail or another number, or set the phone into "silent mode" during meetings, training courses, seminars etc. In exceptional circumstances, where it becomes necessary to take a business call, it is courteous to inform colleagues that an urgent call is expected.

  • When conducting business away from UCC premises users should endeavour to comply with any local restrictions on the use mobile phones.

Travelling Abroad (Roaming)

  • When it is envisaged that a mobile device will be required for use abroad, this should be authorised by the respective UMTS member holder. The user must ensure that while travelling abroad they are on the correct tariff and mobile network. Failure to do this could result in significant costs to the UMTS member holder.

  • Please check the appropriate link below and contact the Buildings & Estates Office if necessary to endure the correct tariff is in place for the duration of your trip



Use of mobile phones whilst driving

  • It is illegal to use mobile phones whilst driving. Most modern mobile phones have a voicemail facility that can be used in such circumstances.

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