Monographs on artists

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1 Skovgaard, Bente. Maleren ABILDGAARD. (Kunst i Danmark.) 88pp. 71 plates. 4to. Wraps. D.j.

København (Gyldendal), 1961.

2 (ADAM, ROBERT) Whinney, Margaret. Home House, No. 20 Portman Square. With a preface by Anthony Blunt. 128pp. 52 illus. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. D.j.

London (Country Life), 1969.

3 Beard, Geoffrey. The Work of ROBERT ADAM. 244pp. 242 illus. (60 color). 4to. Cloth. D.j. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author.

Edinburgh/London (John Bartholomew & Son), 1978.

Freitag 42
4 Fleming, John. ROBERT ADAM and His Circle in Edinburgh & Rome. xxi, (1), 393, (1)pp. 93 illus. hors texte. 14 text figs. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j.

Cambridge (Harvard University Press), 1962.

Freitag 45; Lucas p. 119
5 Oresko, Robert (editor). The Works in Architecture of ROBERT and JAMES ADAM. 183pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Boards. D.j.

London/New York (Academy Editions/ St. Martin’s Press), 1975.

Freitag 41
6 Puglisi, Catherine R. FRANCESCO ALBANI. x, 244pp. 23 color illus. hors texte. 294 illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j.

New Haven/London (Yale University Press), 1999.

7 ALBERTI, LEON BATTISTA. On Painting and On Sculpture. The Latin texts of ‘De Pictura’ and ‘De Statua.’ Edited with translations, introduction and notes by Cecil Grayson. viii, 159pp., 8 plates. 4to. Cloth. D.j.

London (Phaidon), 1972.

Freitag 87; Arntzen/Rainwater H32
8 Montagu, Jennifer. ALESSANDRO ALGARDI. 2 vols. xv, (1), 487, (1)pp. 225 illus. hors texte. 268 text illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j.

New Haven/London (Yale University Press), 1985.

Freitag 115
9 Roma. Palazzo delle Esposizioni. ALGARDI: L’altra faccia del Barocco. A cura di Jennifer Montagu. Jan.-April 1999. 326, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps.

Roma, 1999.

10 Orléans. Musée des Beaux-Arts. THÉODORE CARUELLE D’ALIGNY (1798-1871) et ses compagnons. Feb.-April [1979]. Catalogue by Marie-Madeleine Aubrun. (164)pp. 1 color plate, 115 illus., 5 figs. Sq. 4to. Wraps.

Orléans, [1979].

11 Camón Aznar, José. El escultor JUAN DE ANCHIETA. Con prólogo de Juan San Martín. Second edition. 309pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j.

[San Sebastián (Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia; Kultura, Hezkuntza, Kirol eta Turismo Departamentua ), [1990].

12 Heltoft, Kjeld. HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN as an Artist. 143, (3)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Boards. D.j.

København (The Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs), 1977.

13 Milano. Pinacoteca di Brera. Il Polittico di ANDREA DI BARTOLO a Brera restaurato. Mostra e catalogo a cura di Valentina Maderna. Testi di Francesco G. Albergoni, Paolo Dal Poggetto, Antonietta Gallone, Valentina Maderna, Rosalba Tardita e Paola Zanolni. 71, (1)pp. 19 illus. Sq 4to. Cloth. D.j.

Firenze (Cantini Edizioni d’Arte), 1986.

14 Pope-Hennessy, John. Fra ANGELICO. Revised edition. vi, 242pp., 15 color plates. 274 illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j.

London (Phaidon), 1974.

Freitag 217
15 Barbera, Gioacchino. ANTONELLO DA MESSINA: Sicily’s Renaissance Master. With contributions by Keith Christiansen and Andrea Bayer. 56pp. 7 color plates, 4 figs., text illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Published in conjunction with an exhibition at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Dec. 2005-March 2006.

New York (The Metropolitan Museum of Art), 2005.

16 Lucco, Mauro. ANTONELLO DA MESSINA: L’opera completa. Con il coordinamento scientifico di Giovanni Carlo Federico Villa. 383pp. 77 color plates, numerous text and reference figs. Lrg. 4to. Wraps.

Milano (Silvana), [2006].

17 Messina. Museo Regionale. ANTONELLO DA MESSINA. A cura di Alessandro Marabottini e Fiorella Sricchia Santoro. Oct. 1981-Jan. 1982. 265, (1)pp. Prof. illus. (numerous color). Sq. 4to. Wraps.

Messina, 1981.

Freitag 255
18 Vigni, Giorgio. All the Paintings of ANTONELLO DA MESSINA. (Complete Library of World Art. 14.) 42, (2)pp., 84 plates (4 color). Cloth. D.j.

New York (Hawthorn), 1963.

Freitag 258
19 Roma. Palazzo Venezia. Il CAVALIER D’ARPINO. Direttore della mostra: Italo Faldi. Catalogo a cura di Herwarth Röttgen. 365, (1)pp., 11 color plates. 226 illus. Sq. 4to. Wraps.

Roma (De Luca), 1973.

20 Hanfstaengl, Erika. Die Brüder COSMAS DAMIAN und EGID QUIRIN ASAM. (Deutsche Lande, deutsche Kunst.) 62, (2)pp., 81 plates (1 color). Text figs. 4to. Cloth. D.j.

München/Berlin (Deutscher Kunstverlag), 1955.

Freitag 332
21 Longwy. Musée Municipal de Longwy. Le statuaire PAUL AUBÉ né a Longwy en 1837. Oct. 1979- Oct. 1980. Texts by Jacques Peiffer, Claude Allut-Jacolin. 132pp. 7 illus. Oblong 8vo. Wraps.

Longwy, 1979.

22 Ivinski, Patricia R., et al. Farewell to the Wet Nurse: ETIENNE AUBRY and Images of Breast-Feeding in Eighteenth-Century France. [By] Patricia R. Ivinski, Harry C. Payne, Kathryn Calley Galitz, Richard Rand. 47pp. 16 illus. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Published in conjunction with an exhibition at the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, Sept. 1998-Jan. 1999.

Williamstown (Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute), 1998.

23 Ariccia. Palazzo Chigi. Giovan Battista Gaulli IL BACICCIO, 1639-1709. A cura di Maurizio Fagiolo dell’Arco, Dieter Graf, Francesco Petrucci. Dec. 1999-March 2000. 368pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. sq. 4to. Wraps. Slipcase.

Milano (Skira), 1999.

24 Enggass, Robert. The Painting of BACICCIO, Giovanni Battista Gaulli, 1639-1709. xix, (1), 200pp. 139 illus. hors texte. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j.

University Park (The Pennsylvania State University Press), 1964.

Freitag 4120; Lucas p. 147
25 Fagiolo dell’Arco, Maurizio & Pantanella, Rossella (editors). Museo BACICCIO: In margine a quattro inventari inediti. (Biblioteca del Barocco. 4.) 133, (3)pp. 67 illus., facs. Sm. 4to. Wraps.

Roma (Antoni Pettini), 1996.

26 Washington. National Gallery of Art. HANS BALDUNG GRIEN: Prints & Drawings. Exhibition organized and catalogue edited by James H. Marrow and Alan Shestack, with three essays on Baldung and his art by Alan Shestack, Charles W. Talbot and Linda C. Hults. Jan.-April 1981. xiv, 281pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps.

Washington, 1981.

27 Venezia. Palazzo Grassi. BALTHUS. Edited by Jean Clair. 495pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. English-language edition.

Milano (Bompiani), 2001.

28 Bell, C.F. (editor). Annals of THOMAS BANKS, Sculptor, Royal Academician. With some letters from Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A., to Banks’s daughter. xviii, 4, 229, (1)pp., 43 plates. Lrg. 4to. Cloth.

Cambridge (University Press), 1938.

29 Volle, Nathalie & Rosenberg, Pierre. JEAN BARBAULT (1718-1762). 76, (2)pp. 88 illus. hors texte. Wraps. Catalogue of the circulating exhibition (Beauvais, Angers, Valence, Oct. 1974-March 1975).

Beauvais, 1974.

30 Bath. Victoria Art Gallery. The BARKERS of Bath. May-June 1986. 64pp., 8 color plates. 100 illus. 4to. Wraps.

Bath, 1986.

31 Bologna. Museo Civico. Mostra di FEDERICO BAROCCI. Seconda edizione. Catalogo critico a cura di Andrea Emiliani, con un repertorio dei disegni di Giovanni Gaeta Bertelà. Sept.-Nov. 1975. (Ente Bolognese Manifestazioni Artistiche. IX Biennale d’Arte Antica. ) lxxii, 526, (1)pp., 2 color plates. 359 illus. Sm. stout 4to. Wraps.

Bologna (Edizioni Alfa), 1975.

32 Firenze. Uffizi. Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe. Disegni di FEDERICO BAROCCI. Catalogo della mostra a cura di Giovanna Gaeta Bertela. (Cataloghi. 43.) 114, (2)pp., 147 illus. hors texte. Sm. 4to. Wraps.

Firenze (Leo S. Olschki), 1975.

Arntzen/Rainwater L8
33 Pressly, William L. JAMES BARRY: The Artist as Hero. 167pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Published in conjunction with an exhibition at The Tate Gallery, London.

London (The Tate Gallery), 1983.

34 Pressly, William L. The Life and Art of JAMES BARRY. (Studies in British Art.) xiii, (1), 320pp., 8 color plates. 149 illus. 4to. Cloth. D.j.

New Haven/London (The Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art/ Yale University Press), 1981.

Freitag 539; Arntzen/Rainwater R69
35 New York. Wildenstein Galleries. The Wild Kingdom of ANTOINE-LOUIS BARYE 1795-1875. Curated and catalogued by Joseph Baillio. 144pp. 150 illus. (partly color). Lrg. 4to. Wraps.

New York, 1994.

36 Washington. Corcoran Gallery of Art. ANTOINE-LOUIS BARYE: The Corcoran Collection. [By] Lilien F. Robinson and Edward J. Nygren. 90pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps.

Washington, 1988.

37 (BASSANO) Muraro, Michelangelo. Il Libro secondo di Francesco e Jacopo dal Ponte. (Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Istituto di Storia dell’Arte. Fonti e Documenti per lo Studio della Storia del’’Arte. Nuova serie. 1.) 443, (1)pp., 8 plates, 1 map. 48 figs. Lrg. stout 4to. Cloth. D.j.

Bassano del Grappa (G.B. Verci), 1992.

38 Fort Worth. Kimbell Art Museum. JACOPO BASSANO, c. 1510-1592. Edited by Beverly Louise Brown and Paola Marini with contributions by Livia Alberton Vinco da Sesso, Filippa M. Aliberti Gaudioso, M. Elisa Avagnina, Alessandro Ballarin, Giuliana Ericani, Paola Marini, W.R. Rearick, Vittoria Romani. Jan.-April 1993. 594pp. 123 color plates, 104 text illus. Lrg. stout 4to. Wraps.

Fort Worth, 1993.

Freitag 591
39 Bowron, Edgar Peters & Kerber, Peter Björn. POMPEO BATONI: Prince of Painters in Eighteenth-Century Rome. 230pp. 152 color illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Published in conjunction with an exhibition at The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Oct. 2007-Jan. 2008.

New Haven/London (Yale University Press), 2007.

40 Clark, Anthony M. POMPEO BATONI. A complete catalogue of his works with an introductory text. Edited and prepared for publication by Edgar Peters Bowron. 416pp. 431 illus. (16 color plates). Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j.

Oxford (Phaidon), 1985.

41 Kenwood. The Iveagh Bequest. POMPEO BATONI (1708-87) and his British Patrons. June-Aug. 1982. Catalogue by Edgar Peters Bowron. 95pp. 65 illus., 11 figs. Lrg. 4to. Wraps.

Kenwood, 1982.

Freitag 599
42 Lucca. Amministrazione Provinciale. Mostra di POMPEO BATONI. Catalogo a cura di Isa Belli Barsali. 339pp. 78 plates, text illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps.

Lucca, 1967.

Freitag 598
43 Daulte, François. FRÉDÉRIC BAZILLE et les débuts de l’impressionisme. Catalogue raisonné de l’oeuvre peint. 194, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. With: Schulman, Michel. Frédéric Bazille. Supplément au catalogue raisonné. 31, (1)pp. 31 illus. N.p. (Privately Printed) [2006].

Paris (La Bibliothèque des Arts), 1992.

Freitag 620
44 Symons, Arthur. The Collected Drawings of AUBREY BEARDSLEY. Edited by Bruce S. Harris. xii, 212pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Boards. D.j.

New York (Bounty Books), 1967.

45 Greaves, Margaret. Regency Patron: Sir GEORGE BEAUMONT. 163pp. 23 illus. hors texte. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. D.j.

London (Methuen & Co.), 1966.

46 Leicester. Leicester Museum and Art Gallery. “...a painter’s eye, a poet’s heart”: Sir GEORGE BEAUMONT of Coleorton, Leicestershire. [A catalogue of works by Sir George Beaumont at Leicester Museum and Art Gallery]. Texts by Luke Herrmann and Felicity Owen. 76pp. 30 illus. hors texte. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by L. Herrmann.

Leicester, n.d.

47 London. Manning Galleries, Ltd. Sir GEORGE BEAUMONT, Artist and Patron. Feb.-March 1969. 31, (1)pp., 8 plates. Wraps. D.j.

London, 1969.

48 Griffiths, Antony & Hartley, Craig. JACQUES BELLANGE, c. 1575-1616, Printmaker of Lorraine. 144pp. 132 illus. 4to. Wraps.

London (British Museum), 1997.

49 Pignatti, Terisio. L’opera completa di GIOVANNI BELLINI. Presentazione di Renato Ghiotto. (Classici dell’Arte. 28. ) 115, (1)pp. 64 color plates. Lrg. 4to. Cloth.

Milano (Rizzoli), 1969.

Freitag 720
50 Robertson, Giles. GIOVANNI BELLINI. xxiii, (1), 171, (1)pp., 121 plates. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j.

Oxford (Clarendon/ Oxford), 1968.

Freitag 722
51 Eisler, Colin. The Genius of JACOPO BELLINI. The complete paintings and drawings. 560pp. 581 illus. (118 color). Sm. stout folio. Cloth. D.j.

New York (Harry N. Abrams), 1989.

52 Walker, John. BELLINI and TITIAN at Ferrara. A study of styles and taste. (4), 131, (1)pp. 70 illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth.

London (Phaidon), 1956.

53 Washington. National Gallery of Art. BERNARDO BELLOTTO: The Fortress of Königstein. Text by Edgar Peters Bowron. 14pp. 10 illus. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps.

Washington, D.C., [1993].

54 København. Hirschsprungske Samling. WILHELM BENDZ, 1804-1832: A Young Painter of the Danish Golden Age. Feb.-May 1996. Texts by Marianne Saabye, Ejtner Johansson, Henrik Wivel, Johanna Müller-Meiningen, Jens Peter Munk. 269, (3)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps.

København, 1996.

55 Barroero, Liliana. BENEFIAL. (Galleria delle Arti. 8.) 77, (1)pp. 29 color plates, 27 catalogue figs., 5 text illus. Sm. 4to. Boards.

Milano (5 Continents Editions), 2005.

56 Djurgården. Prins Eugens Waldemarsudde. RICHARD BERGH: Ett konstnärskall. [By] Hans Henrik Brummer, Ulf Linde, Tomas Björk, Birgitta Rapp, Leif Nylén, Maria Görts. Edited by Hans Henrik Brummer. April-June 2002. (Utställningskatalog 63.) 174pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j.

Djurgården/Stockholm (Prins Eugens Waldemarsudde/ Carlsson Bokförlag), 2002.

57 Milano. Pinacoteca di Brera. AMBROGIO BERGOGNONE: Acquisizioni, scoperte e restauri. A cura di Pietro C. Marani e Janice Shell. 147pp. 126 illus. Sm. sq. 4to. Cloth. D.j.

Firenze (Cantini), 1989.

58 Baldinucci, Filippo. The Life of BERNINI. Translated from the Italian by Catherine Enggass; foreword by Robert Enggass. xviii, 117, (1)pp. 9 illus. hors texte. Cloth. D.j.

University Park/London (Pennsylvania State University Press), 1966.

Freitag 812; Lucas p. 124
59 Bauer, George C. (editor). BERNINI in Perspective. (Artists in Perspective Series.) 140pp. 36 illus. hors texte. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Texts by 13 contributors.

Englewood Cliffs (Prentice-Hall), 1976.

Freitag 815
60 Chantelou, Paul Fréart, Sieur de. Diary of the Cavaliere BERNINI’s Visit to France. Edited and with an introduction by Anthony Blunt. Annotated by George C. Bauer. Translated by Margaret Corbett. xxvii, (1), 366pp. 20 illus. hors texte. 4to. Cloth. D.j.

Princeton (Princeton University Press), 1985.

61 Chantelou, Paul Fréart, Sieur de. Journal de voyage du cavalier BERNIN en France. Édition de Milovan Stanic. 457, (7)pp. 49 plates. 4to. Wraps.

Paris (Macula/ L’Insulaire), [2001].

62 Gaskell, Ivan & Lie, Henry (editors). Sketches in Clay for Projects by GIAN LORENZO BERNINI. Theoretical, technical, and case studies. (Harvard University Art Museums Bulletin. Vol. 6#3.) 179pp. 192 illus. 4to. Wraps.

Cambridge (Harvard University Art Museums), 1999.

63 Gould, Cecil. BERNINI in France. An episode in seventeenth-century history. ix, (3), 158pp., 16 plates. 4to. Cloth. D.j.

London (Weidenfed and Nicolson), 1982.

Freitag 828
64 Hibbard, Howard. BERNINI e il Barocco. 87, (1)pp. 58 color plates. Lrg. 4to. Boards.

Milano (Fratelli Fabbri Editori), 1968.

Freitag (citing London edition 1966)
65 Lavin, Irving. Drawings by GIANLORENZO BERNINI from the Museum der Bildenden Künste, Leipzig, German Democratic Republic. Exhibition and catalogue prepared in a graduate seminar, Department of Art and Archaeology, Princeton University. By Irving Lavin and Pamela Gordon, Linda Klinger, Steven Ostrow, Sharon Cather, Nicola Courtright, Ilana Dreyer. xviii, 365, (1)pp. 225 illus. 4to. Wraps.

Princeton (The Art Museum, Princeton University), 1981.

Freitag 836
66 Wittkower, Rudolf. GIAN LORENZO BERNINI. The sculptor of the Roman Baroque. x, 255pp. 120 plates. 106 text illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth.

London (Phaidon), 1955.

Freitag 843; Lucas p. 124
67 Sandoz, Marc. JEAN-SIMON BERTHÉLEMY, 1743-1811. Avec des remarques liminaires sur Nicolas-Guy Brenet, Jacques-Louis David, Phillibert-Benoît de la Rue, Charles de la Traverse, Jean-Baptiste Deshays, Gabriel-François Doyen, Jean Honoré Fragonard, François-Guillaume Ménageot, Jean-Bernard Restout, Hughes Taraval. (Collection de Monographies des Peintres de l’Ancienne Académie Royale Anciens Pensionnaires de l’École des Élèves Protégés par le Roi.) 156, (2)pp. 13 plates, 17 figs. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Catalogue raisonné.

Paris (Éditart-Quatre Chemins), 1979.

68 Volle, Nathalie. JEAN-SIMON BERTHÉLEMY (1743-1811), peintre d’histoire. 189, (1)pp. 152 illus. hors texte. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j.

Paris (ARTHENA), 1979.

69 London. Matthiesen Fine Art Ltd. BERTIN’s Ideal Landscapes. (An Eye on Nature. 3.) 41, (3)pp., 2 folding color plates. 23 figs. Lrg. sq. 4to. Boards. Edition limited to 850 copies.

London, 2004.

70 Lefrançois, Thierry. NICOLAS BERTIN (1668-1736). Peintre d’histoire. 249, (1)pp. 180 illus. hors texte. Lrg. 4to. Wraps.

Paris (Arthena), 1981.

71 Bewick, Thomas. A Memoir of THOMAS BEWICK Written by Himself. Edited with an introduction by Iain Bain. xliv, 258pp., 2 plates with 4 illus. Numerous text figs. 4to. Cloth. D.j.

London (Oxford University Press), 1975.

Cf. Freitag 897-898
72 Carpentras. Musée Duplessis. JEAN-JOSEPH XAVIER BIDAULD (1758-1846): Peintures et dessins. Text by Suzanne Gutwirth. (68)pp. 73 illus., 5 figs. Sq. 4to. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author.

Carpentras, [1978].

73 Blunt, Anthony. The Art of WILLIAM BLAKE. (Bampton Lectures in America. No. 12.) ix, (5), 122pp., 64 plates. 4to. Cloth. D.j.

London (Oxford University Press), 1959.

Freitag 957; Lucas p. 125
74 Keynes, Geoffrey. The Tempera Paintings of WILLIAM BLAKE. A critical catalogue with an introduction. 31, (1)pp., 13 collotype plates. Sm. 4to. Wraps.

London (Arts Council of Great Britain), 1951.

75 London. Tate Gallery. WILLIAM BLAKE (1757-1827). A catalogue of the works of William Blake in the Tate Gallery. By Martin Butlin. With an introduction by Anthony Blunt and a foreword by John Rothenstein. (2), 72pp., 41 plates (1 color). 4to. Cloth. D.j.

London (William Heinemann), 1957.

Freitag 990
76 London. Wildenstein. WILLIAM BLAKE and His Contemporaries. A loan exhibition.... June-July 1986. Prefac by Michael Jaffé; text by Craig Hartley. 112pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps.

Cambridge (Fitzwilliam Museum), 1986.

77 [Manchester. City Art Gallery.] WILLIAM BLAKE’s “Heads of the Poets” for Turret House, the Residence of William Hayley, Felpham. 43pp. Prof. illus. Sm. oblong 4to. Wraps.

[Manchester, n.d.].

78 Marqusee, Michael (introduction). The Book of Job by WILLIAM BLAKE. With a new introduction. (Masterpieces of the Illustrated Book.) 52pp., 22 plates. 4to. Wraps.

New York/London (Paddington Press), 1976.

79 San Marino. The Huntington Library. Catalogue of WILLIAM BLAKE’s Drawings and Paintings in the Huntington Library. By C.H. Collins Baker. Enlarged and revised by R.R. Wark. vii, (1), 55, (3)pp., 38 plates. Sm. 4to. Boards, 1/4 cloth.

San Marino, 1969.

80 Berlin. Nationalgalerie. CARL BLECHEN: Zwischen Romantik und Realismus. Herausgegeben von Klaus-Peter Schuster. Mit Beiträgen von Sigrid Achenbach, Andrea Bärnreuther, Helmut Börsch-Supan, Lothar Brauner, Brigitte Buberl, Barbara Rams-Schumacher, Gotttfried Riemann, Marie Ursula Riemann-Reyher, Jutta Schenk-Sorge und Peter-Klaus Schuster. Aug.-Nov. 1990. 311pp. 98 color plates, 604 text illus. (124 color). Sm. folio. Cloth. D.j.

Berlin, 1990.

Freitag 1000
81 Busiri Vici, Andrea. JAN FRANS VAN BLOEMEN ORIZZONTE e l’origine del paesaggio romano settecentesco. (Saggi e Studi di Storia dell’Arte.) 382pp. Most prof. illus. Lrg. sq. 4to. Cloth. D.j.

Roma (Ugo Bozzi), 1974.

Arntzen/Rainwater R57
82 Hornsby, Clare. NICOLAS-DIDIER BOGUET (1755-1839). Landscapes of suburban Rome./ Disegni dei contorni di Roma. (British School at Rome./ Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica.) 233, (5)pp. 87 plates, 87 maps, 4 text illus. 2 lrg. folding maps, loose in rear pocket, as issued. Sm. oblong folio. Boards. Parallel texts in English and Italian.

Roma (Artemide Edizioni), 2002.

83 Lille. Musée des Beaux Arts. BOILLY 1761/1845: Un grand peintre français de la Révolution à la Restauration. Oct. 1988-Jan. 1989. 159pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps.

Lille, 1988.

84 London. Matthiesen Gallery & New York. Stair Sainty Matthiesen. LOUIS-LÉOPOLD BOILLY’s L’Entrée au Jardin Turc. Autumn 1991. 31, (1)pp., 1 folding color plate. 24 illus. (3 color). Lrg. 4to. Wraps. D.j.

London/New York, 1991.

85 Paris. Musée Marmottan. LOUIS BOILLY 1761-1845. May-June 1984. Texts by Yves Brayer and Carol S. Eliel; catalogue by Marianne Delafond. 111pp. Prof. illus. Sq. 4to. Wraps.

Paris, 1984.

86 Siegfried, Susan L. The Art of LOUIS-LÉOPOLD BOILLY: Modern Life in Napoleonic France. xiv, (2), 221pp. 170 illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j.

New Haven/London (Yale University Press), 1995.

87 Brou. Mousée de l’Ain. JEAN-JACQUES DE BOISSIEU, 1736-1810. Catalogue. June-Oct. 1967. 59, (11)pp., 24 plates. Wraps.

Brou, 1967.

88 Ashton, Dore. ROSA BONHEUR. A life and legend. Illustrations and captions by Denise Browne Hare. xiii, (3), 206pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Boards, 1/4 cloth. D.j.

New York (Viking), 1981.

Freitag 1051
89 Martinell, César. El escultor LUIS BONIFAS Y MASSO, 1730-1786. (Anales y Boletín de los Museo de Arte de Barcelona. Vol. 6#1/2.) 288pp. 147 illus. hors texte. 4to. Wraps.

Barcelona (Ayuntamiento de Barcelona), 1948.

90 Ingamells, John. RICHARD PARKES BONINGTON. (Wallace Collection Monographs. 3.) 76pp. 14 color plates, 31 illus. Sq. 8vo. Wraps.

London (The Wallace Collection), 1979.

91 Noon, Patrick. RICHARD PARKES BONINGTON ‘On the Pleasure of Painting.’ 315pp. 165 plates (mostly in color), 67 figs. Folio. Wraps. Published in conjunction with an exhibition at the Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, Nov. 1991-Jan. 1992.

New Haven (Yale Center for British Art), 1991.

Freitag 1063
92 Bouvet, Francis. BONNARD. The complete graphic work. Introduction by Antoine Terrasse. 351pp. 536 illus. (60 color). Folio. Cloth. D.j.

New York (Rizzoli), 1981.

Freitag 1067
93 London. Royal Academy of Arts. PIERRE BONNARD, 1867-1947. Winter exhibition 1966. Text by Denys Sutton. 110pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps.

London, 1966.

Freitag 1078
94 Nottingham. Nottingham Castle Museum. Drawings by BONNARD. May-July 1984. Text by Antoine Terrasse. 135, (1)pp. 114 plates, figs. Sm. oblong 4to. Wraps.

London (Arts Council of Great Britain), 1984.

95 Terrasse, Antoine.

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