Municipal officers meeting

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OCTOBER 2, 2007
Council President, Kenneth Farley called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
Roll Call: James Emerson, John McCurry, Jr., Matthew Hight, Susan Deschambault, Albert Grover, Rick Laverriere, Michael Ready, Kenneth Farley George Lamontagne

{Mayor Nutting was excused}

The Council honored the Flag by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
There were no adjustments to the agenda.
Liquor License: Out of the Rough Indoor Gold Club

Motion by Councilor Emerson, seconded by Councilor McCurry to grant the liquor license to Out of the Rough Indoor Golf Club.

Vote: Unanimous
Game of Chance Applications: Fraternal Order of Eagles

Motion by Councilor McCurry, seconded by Councilor Lamontagne to grant the application.

Vote: Unanimous

St. Andre’s Church

Motion by Councilor McCurry, seconded by Councilor Lamontagne to grant the application.

Vote: Unanimous

Mobile Home Park Permit: Biddeford Farms Realty, Inc.

Motion by Councilor Lamontagne, seconded by Councilor Ready to grant the permit.

Vote: 6/2 In favor: Councilors Emerson, McCurry, Grover, Laverriere, Ready, Lamontagne. Opposed: Councilors Hight and Deschambault. Motion carries.
Presentation: Biddeford/Saco Area Economic Development Corp. – Armitage

Mr. Armitage briefly gave an update.

Public Addressing the Council..(5 minute limit per speaker)

Mr. Gary Archibald read to the Council a letter addressing his concerns with the Assessor’s Office responses to his questions.

Mr. Roland Pelletier was concerned with the posting of political signs.
Mr. Rick Daigle was concerned about loosing hunting areas due to the development of an Industrial Park for potential future businesses.
Mr. Ronald Peaker suggested that an outside agency be hired to re-assess the entire City. He also suggested that the City goes on expenditure diet.
Motion by Councilor McCurry, seconded by Councilor Lamontagne to adjourn.

Vote: Unanimous. Time: 7:33 p.m.


OCTOBER 2, 2007
Council President, Kenneth Farley called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m.
Roll Call: James Emerson, John McCurry, Jr., Matthew Hight, Susan Deschambault, Albert Grover, Rick Laverriere, Michael Ready, Kenneth Farley George Lamontagne

{Mayor Nutting was excused}

Adjustments to the Agenda:

  • Executive Session: To discuss Real Estate Matters and Pending Legal Matters.

Consideration of the Minutes: September 18, 2007

Motion by Councilor McCurry, seconded by Councilor Lamontagne to accept the minutes as printed.

Vote: Unanimous.

Second Reading:

{For a copy of the order and first reading, see the Council Minutes of September 18, 2007}

2007.103) Amendment/LDR, Article V-Establishment of Zones/Sec 7- Transportation Facilities

Motion by Councilor McCurry, seconded by Councilor Lamontagne to grant the second reading of the order.

Vote: Unanimous.
Orders of the Day:


BE IT ORDERED, that the City Manager be authorized to sign a contract for facility improvement measures to be implemented in various City buildings (the “Equipment”) with Johnson Controls (the “Vendor”) in conjunction with a performance contract from the Vendor guaranteeing annual savings to the City of no less than $120,494 per year, and may pay the Vendor an amount not to exceed $1,234,434.00 for the Equipment as follows:  

  1. The City of Biddeford reasonably expects to incur debt to reimburse expenditures to pay the cost of the Equipment;

  1. The City of Biddeford reasonably expects that the maximum principal amount of the debt, including for reimbursement purposes, is $1,234,434.00;

  1. The City Manager, on behalf of the City of Biddeford, is authorized to enter into a lease purchase, loan or other financing agreement for the Equipment provided that (a) the principal amount of such agreement will not exceed $1,234,434.00, (b) the term of such agreement will not exceed fifteen (15) years, and (c) any financial obligation of the City of Biddeford to make lease or loan payments pursuant to such agreement is subject to annual appropriation by the City Council of the City of Biddeford;

  1. The City Manager is authorized to advance money from the General Fund of the City for payment of the costs of the Equipment; and

  1. The City Manager, on behalf of the City of Biddeford, is authorized to negotiate, enter into, execute, deliver and cause to be performed, and to approve, any and all agreements, instruments, certificates and other documents, and to grant security interests in the Equipment, upon such terms, conditions, limitations and undertakings, which the City Manager determines are necessary and proper for the acquisition and financing of the Equipment, provided that any lease purchase, loan or other financing agreement will be countersigned by both the Mayor and the Treasurer of the City of Biddeford. Without limiting the foregoing, the City Manager, on behalf of the City of Biddeford, in connection with the acquisition of the Equipment, is authorized to sell, transfer, trade in or otherwise dispose of any equipment, which the City Manager determines is no longer useful to the City of Biddeford.


NOTE: The Finance Committee recommended approval of this item on September 17, 2007.

Motion by Councilor Ready, seconded by Councilor Laverriere to grant the order.

Motion by Councilor Lamontagne, seconded by Councilor Laverriere to table the order to the Capital Projects/Operations Committee for review.

Vote: 7/1 Opposed: Councilor Ready. In Favor: Councilors: Emerson, McCurry, Hight, Deschambault, Grover , Laverriere and Lamontagne. (Councilor Farley was presiding the meeting in the absent of Mayor Nutting).


BE IT ORDERED, that the City Council of the City of Biddeford does hereby approve the adoption of the City of Biddeford – Organizational Chart.
NOTE: The Personnel Committee discussed this item at their meeting on September 24, 2007 and voted unanimously to recommend this order to the full Council.
Motion by Councilor Lamontagne, seconded by Councilor Ready to grant the order.
Motion by Councilor McCurry, seconded by Councilor Laverriere to table the order to the Policy Committee for review. Vote: 6/2; Councilors Ready and Lamontagne opposed. Councilors Emerson, McCurry, Hight, Deschambault, Grover, Laverriere in favor. Motion carries.


BE IT ORDERED, that the City Manager be authorized to receive and record an executed deed from Taylor Estates, LLC. to accept Autumn Lane & Jessie Lane as public ways in accordance with their February 4, 2004 Planning Board approval.


NOTE: The Capital Projects Committee discussed this item on December 7, 2006 and voted favorably to forward these streets to the City Council for approval, providing that they complete all outstanding items (See Memo from Jennie Franceschi dated September 25, 2007).

Motion by Councilor Laverriere, seconded by Councilor Grover to grant the order.

Vote: Unanimous.


BE IT ORDERED, that the City Council of the City of Biddeford does hereby approve a

“blanket letter of approval” for the renewals of Beano/Bingo applications and Game of Chance applications for all applicable local organizations, to cover the calendar year of 2008.

Motion by Councilor McCurry, seconded by Councilor Laverriere to grant the order.

Vote: Unanimous.

Executive Session:

  • Saco River Issue, 1 M.R.S.A. 405 (6) (C)

  • Real Estate Matters

  • Pending Legal Matters

Motion by Councilor McCurry, seconded by Councilor Lamontagne to move into Executive Session.

Vote: Unanimous. Time: 8:30 p.m.

Councilor President, Ken Farley, called the meeting back to order at 9:35 p.m.

Motion by Councilor McCurry, seconded by Councilor Lamontagne to adjourn.

Vote: Unanimous. Time: 9:36 p.m.

Attest by:__________________________________________________

Clairma Matherne, City Clerk

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