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Curriculum Vitae Christian Lattermann, MD /

Curriculum Vitae

Christian Lattermann, MD

Name: Christian Lattermann Email:

Citizenship: German (Perm. U.S. Resident)

Business Phone: 859 218 3065

Business Address: Kentucky Clinic K401; 740 South Limestone; Lexington, KY 40536

Education and Training


9/1986 – 6/1988 United World College International

of the Atlantic /Great Britain Baccalaureate (1988)


9/1988-5/1995 Hannover Medical School Medical Doctor

Hannover / Germany

3/1997 Hannover Medical School Dr. med

Doctoral Thesis Defense Summa Cum Laude

9/2012 - ongoing Graduate Student Univ. Kentucky

PhD Program for Clinical Translational

Science (Graduation anticipated 2015)


6/1995-4/1997 Resident Prof. Dr. Harald Tscherne

Dept. of Trauma Surgery Trauma Surgery

Hannover Medical School

Hannover / Germany

4/1997 - 6/1999 Clinical and Research Fellow Freddie H. Fu, MD, DSc.

University of Pittsburgh Dir. of Sports Medicine

Orthopaedic Department

6/1999 - 6/2004 Resident Freddie H. Fu, MD, DSc.

University of Pittsburgh Chairman

Orthopaedic Department

7/2004 – 7/2005 Visiting Clinical Instructor, “Superchief” Freddie H. Fu, MD, DSc.

8/2005 – 7/2006 Orthopaedic Sports Fellowship Bernard R. Bach, MD
Rush Presbyterian, Chicago IL Dir. of Sports Medicine
8/2006 – 5/2011 Assistant Professor Sports Medicine, Univ. of Kentucky

Director: Center for Cartilage Repair

and Restoration Chandler Medical Center

6/2011- ongoing Associate Professor Sports Medicine

Director: Center for Cartilage Repair

and Restoration

Co-Director: Runner’s Clinic Univ. Kentucky

8/2012 –ongoing Vice-Chair for Orthopaedic Research Univ. Kentucky

Medical or Other Professional Licensure:

Licensing Board / State Year

German Medical License 6/1995 - present

Medical Trainee License / Pennsylvania 6/1999 - 6/2004

Medical Doctors License / Pennsylvania 6/2004 - 6/2006

Medical Doctors License / Illinois 7/ 2005 - 7/2007

Medical Doctors License / Kentucky 8/ 2006 - present

Honors and Awards

  1. Invitation as “Ad hoc” member of Study Section Meeting NIH MRS Feb 2013

  2. AOSSM Career development supplement Award: July 2011 ($50,000.00)

  3. Invitation as “Ad hoc” member of Study Section Meeting NIH MRS June 2011

  4. Invitation to the 4th annual Segal North American Osteoarthritis Workshop (SNOW IV), Arthritis Foundation, Chicago Illinois, 3/2011

  5. Invited moderator AOSSM/NIH U-13 Post Joint Injury Osteoarthritis Conference II IN New Orleans on Dec 2-5 2010

  6. Invited to organize the AOSSM pre-meeting workshop on clinical outcomes research for Annual Meeting in July 2011, San Diego

  1. Invitation as “Ad hoc” member of Study Section Meeting NIH MRS June 2010

  2. Physician Scientist Clinical Research Scholars Program Award, University of Kentucky College of Medicine, 4/2010 . ($225,000 / 3 years)

  1. Kentucky Orthopaedic Association Meeting Louisville August 2009: Resident Research Presentations 1st Place: The Axolotl Salamander as a model for Cartilage Repair: Romine SR, Cosden R, Voss SR, MacLeod JN, Lattermann C.

  1. Invitation as “Ad hoc” member of the NIH MRS Study Section Meeting, Washington DC November 2009

  2. International Society for Arthroscopy, Knee and Orthopaedic Surgery (ISAKOS) Patello-femoral traveling fellowship ($ 5,000) (awarded 6/2009, travel 4/3-4/19 2010)

  3. Invitation as Member at large to AOSSM specialty conference on “ligament injuries” Keystone CO Annual AOSSM Conference 5/2009

  4. Invitation as Member at large to the AOSSM specialty conference on “Postinjury Osteoarthritis”, New Orleans Dec 10-14 2008

  5. Young Investigator Award AAOS / ORS Symposium on Advanced Imaging and Computer Assisted Surgery of the Knee and Hip 2008, May 15th – 17th Providence, RI

  6. Association for Orthopaedic Research (AFOR) Scientific Award, 2002
    V.Martinek, C. Lattermann, A.Usas, S.Abramovitch, F.H.Fu, S.L-Y. Woo, J.Huard
    Enhancement of the tendon bone integration of ACL tendon with BMP-2 gene transfer: A histological and biomechanical study. Euro 3000 (~ $3000)

  7. Arthroscopy Association of North America, Resident / Fellow Basic Science Essay Award; 4/1999
    C. Lattermann, J.Menetrey, M.Clatworthy, J.Huard, P.D.Robbins, C.Niyibizi, C.H. Evans, F.H. Fu
    A qualitative and quantitative analysis of gene transfer to the bone-tendon insertion site after ligament replacement in a rabbit. $1,000

  8. “Best Paper Award” in the 1998 Annual Meeting of the “International Society for Fracture Repair”; Strassbourg/France 9/1998
    C. Lattermann, A.W.A. Baltzer. J.D. Whalen, G.S. Gruen, F.H. Fu, C.H. Evans
    Establishment and Validation of an Atrophic Non-Union Model in a Rabbit for the Use in Gene Therapy. $1,000

  9. European Society for Sports Medicine Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA) “Best Scientific Paper”; 6/1998
    A.W.A. Baltzer; C. Lattermann; J.D. Whalen; P.D. Robbins; C.H. Evans;
    Gene Therapy Approach to accelerate bone healing in Athletes. $1,000

  10. "Award for the Best Scientific Presentation" in the 3rd meeting of the "Arbeitsgemeinschaft fuer Molekulare Diagnostik und Therapie"[Study group for molecular diagnostics and therapy] of the German Society of Surgery. Duesseldorf/Germany 10/1998
    Baltzer, A.W.A. , Lattermann, C., Whalen, J.D., Robbins, P.D., Evans, C.H.;
    Gentherapie fuer die Behandlung von Pseudarthrosen und verzoegerter Knochenbruchheilung.
    [Gene Therapy for the treatment of non-unions and delayed unions.] $ 1,000

  11. International GOTS – Beiersdorf-Award (highest award for sports medicine in German speaking countries) 5/1998
    R. Biedert, P. Lobenhoffer, C. Lattermann, T. Gerich, E. Stauffer
    Sensory motor function of the knee. Histological, anatomical and neurophysiological investigations. (DM 100,000 ~$ 50,000)

  12. Research Scholarship for Basic Science Research at the University of Pittsburgh awarded by the Arthroscopy Association of German speaking Countries (AGA);$ 32.000: 10/97-10/98

  13. Pittsburgh Clinical-Scholarship awarded by the Arthroscopy Association of German speaking Countries (AGA); 04/97-10/97
    $ 7.000:

  14. Doctoral Thesis” Biomechanik des Tractus Iliotibialis” (biomechanics of the Iliotibial band) Summa Cum Laude, Hannover Medical school Title: Dr. med 03/1997

  15. German Orthopaedic Trauma Society (GOTS) 9/1994
    Jaeger-Award : Lobenhoffer P, Gerich T, Lattermann C
    Die distale femorale Fixation des Tractus Iliotibialis. [Distal femoral fixation of the iliotibial tract].
    DM 5000(~$3000):

  16. 5-year full academic scholarship for Hannover Medical School and
    Appointment to the “Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes”; 2/1990

  17. 2-year full academic scholarship for the United World College
    of the Atlantic. Undergraduate Scholarship of the “Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes” ;8/1986


Patent No.: 09/561,524 ;PCT/EP98/06849:

CH Evans, PD Robbins, JG Glorioso, G Bandara, JD Whalen, AWA Baltzer, C Lattermann: "Use of Vectors such as Adenoviruses and/or Adeno Associated Viruses and/or Retroviruses and of Herpes Simplex Viruses and/or Liposomes and/or Plasmids as a Vehicle for Genetic Information Enabling Mammal Cells to Produce Agents for the Treatment of Bone Pathologies."


Extramural funding:

  1. Arthritis Foundation “Innovative Research Grant”
    “IL-1RA Treatment in Patients with Acute ACL Tear and Painful Effusions”
    $200,000.00 3/1/12-2/28/14
    PI: Christian Lattermann, Co-I: Kurt P. Spindler MD and Virginia B. Kraus, MD, PhD

    Clinical and biochemical predictors of outcome after knee injury in young patients.

$75,000.00/year (5 years)
PI: Christian Lattermann, Mentors: Kurt P. Spindler, Timothy E Hewett, Virginia B. Krauss, Leslie C Crofford, R. Kryscio

  1. Orthopaedic Section of American Physical Therapist Association research Grant:
    “Defining muscular weakness and gait alterations in chronic patellofemoral instability”
    PI: Brian K Noehren, Co-PI: Christian Lattermann

  2. American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Doctoral Student Research Grant
    PI: Joanna Hoch, Co-I: C. Lattermann
    Serum COMP: A Biomarker for Acute Articular Cartilage Damage
    $ 5,000.00 05/2011-05/2012

  3. NFL Charities Research Grant:
    PI: Dunn WR, Co-PI: Lattermann C

The significance of Bone Bruises alone or in combination with intra-articular pathology as an outcome predictor after ACL injury
Subcontract: $35,000.00 1/1/11-12/31/11

  1. Orthopaedic Trauma Association (OTA):
    PI: Zelle BH, Co-PI: Lattermann C
    Title: “LMP Gene Transfer for Improvement of Bone Formation and Regeneration in an Animal Model”.
    $18,893 01/2004-01/2005

  2. American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, Young Investigator Grant:
    PI: Lattermann C, Co-PI: Koch H,
    Title: “Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tissue Engineering”.

$39,000; 8/2002 – 8/2004

  1. Orthopaedic Trauma Association (OTA):
    PI: Lattermann C
    Co-PI: Evans CH
    Title: “Gene Therapy in Atrophic Non-Unions”
    $20,000: 01/00-01/01

Albert J. Ferguson Jr. Orthopaedic Research Awards (intramural funding):

  1. PI: Enhancement of bone healing using gene therapy in a non-union model: 1997-1998
    $ 10,000:

  2. Co-PI: Enhancement of tendon/bone tunnel healing in ACL replacement; 1998
    $ 5,000;

  3. Co-PI: The effect of adenoviral vectors carrying TGF-B and BMP-2 on primary cells harvested
    from rabbit and human intra-articular knee ligaments
    ; 1998
    $ 5,000,

  4. PI: Clinical and histological study of atrophic non-unions; 2000

  5. PI: Development of a novel vector for intervertebral disc gene delivery; 2001

  6. Co-PI: Tissue Engineering of an Anterior Cruciate Ligament; 2002

University of Kentucky Orthopaedic Department intramural funding:

Research Residents Projects:

1. PI / Supervisor: Development of an equine cartilage explant culture model,
Dr. Josh B. Owens 1/2007, $10,000

2. Pi / Supervisor: Osteochondral cartilage defect model in the Ambystoma Mexicanum

Dr. Spencer Romine 9/2007, $10,000

3.) PI/ Supervisor: Blastema independent tissue healing in the axolotl salamander

Dr. Melissa Bickett 7/2009, $10,000

4.) PI/ Supervisor: Serum Comp analysis in athletes and Bone bruise analysis in ACL patients Dr. Jay Shah 10/01/10, $8,500


1. Co-PI: Metamorphosis of the Salamander as a Model of Postnatal Maturation of Articular

Cartilage in Mammals;
Rebekah Cosden, MS; James N. MacLeod DVM, PhD,
Christian Lattermann, MD 4/2008;

2.) Co-PI: CTS University Internal award: Response shift in Cartilage patients,

J. Howard, C. G. Mattacola, C. Lattermann 11/2009; $5,000.00

3.) Co-PI: CTS University internal award: Analysis of OA biomarkers in an athletically active

population. J Hoch, C.G. Mattacola, C. Lattermann 2/2010; $5,000.00

4.) Co-PI: CTS University Internal award: Reliability of serum COMP in an athletically active

population J. Hoch, C.G. Mattacola, C. Lattermann 11/2010; $ 2500
Industry funded research:

  1. Biomet: Biomarker analysis in peripheral blood of patients with established OA: a Longitudinal clinical study. Status: completed

  2. Johnson &Johnson: Cartilage Autologous Implantation System (CAIS) site for a randomized phase 3 clinical trial: ongoing

Peer Reviewed Publications: 78


  1. Dunkin BS, Lattermann C; New and Emerging Techniques in Cartilage Repair: MACI
    Techniques in Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy, in print

  2. Howard JS, Mattacola CG, Lattermann C; Patient Oriented and Performance Based Outcomes following Knee Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation: a time line for the 1st year of recovery, Journal of Sports Rehabilitation , in press

  1. Howard JS, English, RA, Mulineaux D, Mattacola CG, Lattermann C; Influence of Response Shift on Patient Reported Outcomes Following Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation. Knee Surgery Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy, in print

  2. Mair Sd, Lattermann C, Malone TR. Glenohumeral Instability and Glenoid Bone loss in a throwing athlete. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy 2013: 8(2):205-211

  3. Howard JS, Lattermann C, Hoch JM, Mattacola CG, Medina McKeon JM. Comparing Responsiveness of Six Common Patient-Reported Outcomes to Changes Following Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Prospective Studies. Cartilage. 2013;4(2):97-110.


  1. Kanneganti P, Harris JD, Brophy RH, Carey JL, Lattermann C, Flanigan DC. The Effect of Smoking on Ligament and Cartilage Surgery in the Knee: A Systematic Review. Am J Sports Med. 2012 Sep 12. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 22972849.

  1. Hoch JM, Mattacola CG, Bush HM, Medina McKeon JM, Hewett TE, Lattermann C. Longitudinal Documentation of Serum Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein and Patient-Reported Outcomes in Collegiate Soccer Athletes Over the Course of an Athletic Season. Am J Sports Med. 2012 Sep 11. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 22967826.

  2. Farr J, Covell DJ, Lattermann C. Cartilage lesions in patellofemoral dislocations: incidents/locations/when to treat. Sports Med Arthrosc. 2012 Sep;20(3):181-6. PubMed PMID: 22878659.

  3. Duncan ST, Noehren BS, Lattermann C. The role of trochleoplasty in patellofemoral instability. Sports Med Arthrosc. 2012 Sep;20(3):171-80. PubMed PMID: 22878658.

  4. Shah JN, Howard JS, Flanigan DC, Brophy RH, Carey JL, Lattermann C. A Systematic Review of Complications and Failures Associated With Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction for Recurrent Patellar Dislocation. Am J Sports Med. 2012 Jun 7. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 22679297.

  5. Brophy RH, Smith MV, Latterman C(sic), Jones MH, Reinke EK, Flanigan DC, Wright RW, Wolf BR. Multi-investigator collaboration in orthopedic surgery research compared to other medical fields. J Orthop Res. 2012 Apr 16. doi: 10.1002/jor.22125. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 22508437.

  6. Noehren B, Pohl MB, Sanchez Z, Cunningham T, Lattermann C. Proximal and distal kinematics in female runners with patellofemoral pain. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2012 May;27(4):366-71. doi: 10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2011.10.005. Epub 2011 Nov 8. PubMed PMID: 22071426.

  7. Lattermann C, Brucker PU. Osteochondrale Allografttrans­plantation zur Behandlung von Knorpeldefekten am Kniegelenk, Arthroskopie 2012, DOI: 10.1007/s00142-011-0676-6 “online first” published prior to print.

  8. Noehren B, Duncan S, Lattermann C. Radiographic parameters associated with lateral patella degeneration in young patients. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2012 Jan 19. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 22258652.

  9. Bachoura A, Yoshida R, Lattermann C, Kamineni S. Late removal of Titanium Hardware from the Elbow is problematic. ISRN Orthopaedics 2012; Vol: 2012 Article ID 256239

  10. Deering SJ, Mair SD, Lattermann C. Treatment options for chronic retracted degenerative rotator cuff tears. Med Sport Sci. 2012;57:153-67. Epub 2011 Oct 4. PubMed PMID: 21986053.

  11. Snyder GM, Mair SD, Lattermann C. Tendinopathy of the long head of the biceps. Med Sport Sci. 2012 ;57:76-89. Epub 2011 Oct 4. PubMed PMID: 21986047.


  12. Lattermann C, Luckett MP. Staging and Comorbidities. Special Focus Edition Articular Cartilage. Journal of Knee Surgery, Dec;24(4):217-242012

  13. McKeon PO, Medina-McKeon JM, Mattacola CG, Lattermann, C. Finding Context: A New Model of Interpreting Clinical evidence.2011 IJATT 16(5): 10-13

  14. Noehren B, Pohl MB, Sanchez Z, Cunningham T, Lattermann C. Proximal and distal kinematics in female runners with patellofemoral pain. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2011 Nov 7. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 22071426.

  15. Hoch JM, Mattacola CG, Medina McKeon JM, Howard JS, Lattermann C. Serum cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (sCOMP) is elevated in patients with knee osteoarthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2011 Oct 5. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 22001901.

  16. Hoch JM; Mattacola CG, Medina-McKeon JM, Shah JN, Lattermann C; Determination of the Interday and Intraday Reliability of Serum Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein in a Physically Active Population, Cartilage October 2011 2: 394-398

  17. Dolak KL, Silkman C, Medina McKeon J, Hosey RG, Lattermann C, Uhl TL.;Hip Strengthening Prior to Functional Exercises Reduces Pain Sooner Than Quadriceps Strengthening in Females With Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome: A Randomized Clinical Trial. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2011 Jun 7. PMID: 21654093

  18. Howard JS, Mattacola CG, Howell DM, Lattermann C. Response Shift Theory:  An Application for Health Related Quality of Life in Rehabilitation Research and Practice. Journal of Allied Health. 2011;40(1):31-38

  19. Harris JD, Siston RA, Brophy RH, Lattermann C, Carey JL, Flanigan DC. Failures, re-operations, and complications after autologous chondrocyte implantation - a systematic review. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2011 Feb 17. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 21333744

  20. Cosden RS, Lattermann C., Romine SE, Gao J, Voss, SR, MacLeod, JN; Intrinsic Repair of full thickness articular cartilage defects in the axolotl salamander. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 2011 Feb;19(2):200-5. Epub 2010 Nov 27


  21. Howard JS, Mattacola CG, Lattermann C. Continuous Passive Motion, Early Weight Bearing, and Active Motion Following Knee Articular Cartilage Repair: Evidence for Clinical Practice, Cartilage 2010 Oct; 1(4): 276-286

  22. Lattermann C, Romeo AA, Anbari A, Meininger AK, McCarty LP, Cole BJ, Cohen MS. Arthroscopic debridement of the extensor carpi radialis brevis for recalcitrant lateral epicondylitis. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2010 Jul;19(5):651-6. PubMed PMID: 20541097.

  23. Dwyer MK, Boudreau SN, Mattacola CG, Uhl TL, Lattermann C. Comparison of lower extremity kinematics and hip muscle activation during rehabilitation tasks between sexes. J Athl Train. 2010 Mar-Apr;45(2):181-90. PubMed PMID: 20210622; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2838470.


  24. Lattermann C, Farr J
    Non-Arthroplasty options for the treatment of patellofemoral osteoarthritis
    Seminars in Arthroplasty Volume 20, Issue 3, Pages 136-141 (September 2009)

  25. Boudreau, S.N, Dwyer M.K., Mattacola C.G., Lattermann, C., Uhl T.L., Medina McKeon, J. Hip Musculature Activation during Functional Exercises:  the Lunge, Single-Leg Squat, and Step-Up and Over. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 18: 91-103, 2009.

  26. C Lattermann et al.
    JBJS Supplement Section III: Morphology, intraoperative imaging and and computer assisted surgery. JBJS Am 2009 Feb; 91 Suppl 1:29

  27. C Lattermann et al.
    JBJS Supplement Section II: Basic Science Issues in advanced musculoskeletal imaging and computer assisted surgery. JBJS Am 2009 Feb; 91 Suppl 1:22

  28. A Gupta, C Lattermann, M Busam, A Riff, BR Bach, VM Wang
    Biomechanical evaluation of bioabsorbable versus metallic screws for posterior cruciate ligament inlay graft fixation
    Am J Sports Med. 37(4):748-753, 2009

  29. S. Romine, C. Lattermann,
    Osteochondral allografts: State of The Art
    Clin. Sports Medicine, Clin Sports Med. 2009, 28(2); 285-301


  1. Christian Lattermann, Jordan L. Goldstein, Dane K. Wukich, Simon Lee, Bernard R. Bach Jr.
    Practical Management of Lisfranc Injuries
    Clin J Sport Med. 2007 Jul;17(4):311-315.

  2. Lattermann C, Bach BR Jr, Cole BJ, Bush-Joseph CA, Beck C, Beck R.
    Integration of arthroscopic and C-arm imaging into the arthroscopic image
    management system: technical note.
    J Knee Surg. 2007 Jan;20(1):39-40

  3. Lattermann C, Toth J. Bach BR Jr.
    The Role of Lateral Retinacular Release in the Treatment of Patellar Instability.
    Sports Med Arthrosc. 2007 Jun;15(2):57-60.

  4. Patrick C. McCulloch, Christian Lattermann, Art Boland, Bernard R. Bach Jr.
    Evolution of ACL reconstruction
    J Knee Surg. 2007 Apr;20(2):95-104.


  1. Lattermann C, Kang RW, Cole BJ.
    What's new in the treatment of focal chondral defects of the knee?
    Orthopedics. 2006 Oct;29(10):898-903.

  2. Lattermann C, Drake GN, Spellman J, Bach BR Jr.
    Lateral retinacular release for anterior knee pain: a systematic review of the literature.
    J Knee Surg. 2006 Oct;19(4):278-84.

  3. Kang RW, Lattermann C, Cole BJ.
    Allograft meniscus transplantation: background, indications, techniques, and outcomes.
    J Knee Surg. 2006 Jul;19(3):220-30.

  4. Alvin J. Detterline; Christian Lattermann; Bernard R. Bach Jr.
    Technical note: Creation of transosseous patellar tunnels during extensor mechanism repair
    Journal of Knee Surgery. 2006 Oct

  5. Wallach CJ, Kim JS, Sobajima S, Lattermann C, Oxner WM, McFadden K, Robbins PD, Gilbertson LG, Kang JD.
    Safety assessment of intradiscal gene transfer: a pilot study.
    Spine J. 2006 Mar-Apr;6(2):107-12.

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